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Scientific, Medical and General Proofreading and Editing 3 Pine Ridge Way ? Mill Valley, California 94941 ? Tel:
383-5203 ? Fax:
? www.sfedit.net Focusing on your Central Message San Francisco Edit www.sfedit.net
This is one of the most important parts of writing your paper, and one that is often
overlooked. Think carefully about what it is that you want your readers to understand
about your work.
Remember, we are all busy and we need to absorb your message
quickly and clearly. Try these exercises:
1. Write down the three central points of your paper.
2. Summarize your paper in one sentence.
3. Describe your work to a colleague in one minute.
These might sound easy, but try them and you'll find out they aren't!
Don't rush this part of your planning.
It is worth spending time getting it right. Once you
have mastered these exercises you will feel more confident about the whole writing
process that follows.
A common problem with summarizing your work is that there are usually several major
This exercise is meant to focus your thinking on the central issues.
going to form the published abstract.
So, if you really can't squeeze your key message
into one sentence don't worry. Try to do it in two.
If you can't do that then you need to
take a careful look at the reasons. Remember, this is a very important part of the
process for writing papers so work at it.
Talk to your colleagues and see if between you
it is possible to highlight the central message of your work.
A number of studies have indicated that a badly written manuscript with poor use of
English, even with good science, has less chance of being accepted and published. Scientific, Medical and General Proofreading and Editing 3 Pine Ridge Way ? Mill Valley, California 94941 ? Tel:
383-5203 ? Fax:
? www.sfedit.net Developing an Effective Title Sa


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