
“美轮美奂”语出《礼记·檀弓下》:“晋献文子成室,晋大夫发焉。张老曰:‘美哉轮焉!美哉奂焉!”’东汉经学家郑玄注解:“轮,轮囷,言高大,奂,言众多 。”轮,轮囷...
答: 我觉得还是大众文化容易理解,有些有太深和太复杂的内容的就需要更艰苦的传播了。所以现在还是要找容易理解的。
答: 我觉得还是大众文化容易理解,有些有太深和太复杂的内容的就需要更艰苦的传播了。所以现在还是要找容易理解的。
答: 我觉得还是大众文化容易理解,有些有太深和太复杂的内容的就需要更艰苦的传播了。所以现在还是要找容易理解的。
美轮美奂是什么意思 美轮美奂在线翻译 美轮美奂什么意思 美轮美奂的意思 美轮美奂的翻译 美轮美奂的解释 美轮美奂的发音
美轮美奂 基本解释美轮美奂词典见“美奂美轮”美轮美奂 汉英大词典美轮美奂[měi lún měi huàn]见“美奂美轮”美轮美奂 网络解释1. splendid and magnificant:没精打彩dispirited. | 美轮美奂 splendid and magnificant. | 蒙在鼓里 to be kept completely in the dark.2. 2. Glam:Christina Aguilera新专辑BIONIC的部分曲目: | Glam美轮美奂 | Bionic神通广大美轮美奂 双语例句1. 尤其到了秋天,大自然更是美轮美奂,目不暇接。&&&&Especially in autumn, nature more beautiful ornate, too.2. 该酒店坐落在一个美轮美奂的公园中,由几部分组成,一个具有四间客房的主体建筑,一间小型套间,和10间传统的木屋。&&&&The Hotel L'espoir is situated in a popular tourist area, under the imposing Monte Rosa, and enjoys a privileged position only 200 metres from the ski slopes.3. 中国再一次拿出了两座美轮美奂的建筑,一座是供表演用的飞碟状文化中心,一座是中国国家馆,它由水平和垂直的红色横梁搭建起来,建筑越往上越宽。&&&&China has again produced two beautiful buildings, a flying-saucer-shaped cultural center for performances and a China pavilion of horizontal and vertical red beams, with the dimensions of the building widening the higher up it goes.4. 美轮美奂的仿人机器人和珍贵精美的音乐手表,传达着启蒙时期的价值理念,这种高雅而广为流传的哲学理念至今仍然是组成了我们核心识别的重要部分。&&&&Expressing the values of the Age of Enlightenment, this elegant and well-travelled philosophy still forms the core of our identity.5. 然而这种大众心理也没有阻挡住,李玉刚在歌唱,舞蹈时所表现出的美轮美奂给电视观众带来的震撼。&&&&But that did not stop television audiences from marvelling at Li's beauty and grace as he sang and danced.6. 只是一些钢琴,大提琴,偶尔的手鼓,还有那最美轮美奂的,天使般的歌声。&&&&Just some pianos, cellos, occasionally some darobokka s and the most beautiful voice that only an angel can sound.7. 三国。龙凤呈祥》不仅在台词和剧本上面下功夫,演员服装、舞台设计等等也都美轮美奂、匠心独具,在舞台上再现了坐落在长江入海口的城市镇江的美丽景致,令人心驰神往。&&&&The three ChengXiang dragon, not only in the lines above and the script, costumes, stage design etc are beautiful ornate, craftsmanship, represent the on the stage of the Yangtze river estuary is located in the beautiful scenery of zhenjiang city, extase.8. danci.911cha.com8. 为美疯狂,这是怎样的人间仙境,这是怎样的美轮美奂,这又是这又是怎样的倾国倾城,竟以至于让人疯狂的地步。&&&&Crazy for the United States, which is what fairyland, which is how beautiful, which in turn is that this is what Empress Dowager, so people went so far as the point of madness.9. 不停地唱挽歌,仿古的船底,吸收了我看美轮美奂的画面的乐趣并让我陷入昏昏欲睡的状态。&&&&An endless dirge of saccharin, pseudo-classic bilge, it sucked the joy out of the incredible visuals and drove me towards a narcoleptic episode.10. 美轮美奂的解释10. 大都会可能是最能把博物馆当产业来经营的博物馆了,那些与展览同步经营的艺术品和工艺品都做得美轮美奂,式样繁多令人眼花缭乱,明信片、贺卡、海报招贴画、记事本、台历、挂历、杯子、杯垫、壁挂、钥匙圈,应有尽有,仅是与最新的展览相关主题的印有蒙古文化艺术和达芬奇绘画的丝贴就有各种各样的图案和形状,极其精美华贵。&&&&Mostly will may be the museum that can be the industry to the museum most to conduct, those art objects and handicraft products which synchronously conduct with exhibition all make out magnificent, the style is numerous confusing confused, the postcard, greeting card, poster recruits to stick a painting, date book, pedestal Li, hang Li, cup, cup mat, wall to hang, key ring, complete with everything, only is with lately exhibit print of related topic to have Mongolia a cultural art and reach the aroma strange painting of the silks stick and then have patterns and shape of various each kind, very and elegant and stylish.11. 位于南部海岸的港口城市马塔勒正在建造一座国际机场,这将会大大方便游客前往海滨城市加勒欣赏那里美轮美奂的海滩。2004年,一场海啸摧毁了这座城市,如今那里的海岸遍布很多装修豪华的酒店和各式小型旅馆。&&&&&&An international airport in Matara, on the island`s southern shore, is under construction, which will make the gorgeous beaches near the seaside village of Galle easier to get to. Decimated by the tsunami in 2004, the surrounding coastline is now teeming with stylish guesthouses and boutique hotels.12. 12. 但是这些珍果美点都比不上那个高达5英尺的4层结婚大蛋糕,蛋糕表面用丁香色的糖霜装饰,真是美轮美奂。&&&&&&Not to be outdone by any of the table delights however was the wedding cake, which stood a good five feet tall and a good four tiers high, covered with lilac icing, it was a wondrous sight.13. 911查询·英语单词大全13. 美轮美奂的内饰材料的试验开始的控制台盖子和LED照明的手套箱按钮,并有助于建立一个强有力的质量的感觉。&&&&&&Stunning interior materials start with the heft of the console lid and the LED lighting on the glovebox button and contribute to a strong quality feel.14. 14. 大英雄骑着纯白的独角兽,带着公主逃离恶龙的威胁,然后在美轮美奂的密林深处野合。&&&&&&The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from thedragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.15. 围绕施特劳斯王朝的传统,新年音乐会融合了多种元素,观众可以从欢快的圆舞曲中感受新年的喜庆,从取材新颖的歌剧中体会音乐的内涵,从美轮美奂的芭蕾中领略经典的奥地利风情。&&&&&&You may enjoy jubilation of the New Year from the cheerful walts, connotation of the music from fascinating opera songs and classic Austrian customs from splendid ballet pieces.16. 16. 这些作品不仅美轮美奂,且都具有极佳的实用性和艺术装饰效果,是您丰富生活和馈赠亲友的佳品。&&&&&&They are all magnificent gifts for relatives and friends also wonderful decorations to enrich your lift due to high practicability and resplendently ornamental purpose.17. 那是一种摆脱地心引力、极尽妍姿、美轮美奂、婉柔飘逸的境界。&&&&&&That is one kind gets rid of the earth's attraction, to the utmost the beautiful posture, tall and pleasing to the eye, the graceful supple elegant boundary.18. 美轮美奂的装饰屏风,把So SPA与Tea Bar及零售店铺分割开来,并设有个人美甲站及两台专为足甲服务而设的特制足部水疗功能椅子。&&&&&&Separated from the Tea Bar and retail boutique by decorative screens, So SPA features three individual manicure stations and two custom designed chairs with integral foot spas for pedicure treatments.19. 19. 有美轮美奂的社区规划,都欢迎给家庭和离退休人员。&&&&&&There are beautifully planned communities that are welcoming to families and retirees.20. 这里所展示的中国红瓷,经过素烧,釉烧,红烧,金烧等多道复杂加工工艺,结合醴陵毛瓷、釉下五彩,粉彩,浮雕、镶金,描金工艺,经1400℃左右高温烧成,釉色鲜红、淳厚饱满、艳而不媚、典雅大气、雍容华贵,是艺术欣赏、美轮美奂的旷世之作、绝美佳品,堪称红瓷极品,国宝级艺术品。&&&&&&Shown here in china red porcelain, after su-burning, burning glaze, braised, burning, such as payment processing complex multi-channel, combined with gross liling porcelain, underglazed colorful, pastels, embossed, gold, outline in gold process, by about 1400 ℃ high-temperature firing, red glaze, chun-hou fuller without yan-mei, elegant atmosphere, is art appreciation, knew of as magnificent, beautiful jiapin, can be the best red porcelain, works of art treasures.美轮美奂是什么意思,美轮美奂在线翻译,美轮美奂什么意思,美轮美奂的意思,美轮美奂的翻译,美轮美奂的解释,美轮美奂的发音,美轮美奂的同义词,美轮美奂的反义词,美轮美奂的例句,美轮美奂的相关词组,美轮美奂意思是什么,美轮美奂怎么翻译,单词美轮美奂是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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【词语】: 美轮美奂
【解释】: 轮:高大;奂:众多。形容房屋高大华丽。也形容装饰、布置等美好漂亮。
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