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Bridezilla 难缠新娘
The script of this programme 本节目台词收听与下载Jean: Hello everybody and welcome to another Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English with me Jean.Diarmuid: And me Diarmuid.Jean: So, what are we going to talk about today Diarmuid?Diarmuid: I want to talk about my sister's wedding.Jean: Ah, how nice! 穆达的姐姐要结婚了。 That will be a wonderful day. I'm sure you're looking forward to it.Diarmuid: Yes, I am looking forward to it… being over.Jean: Oh, you don't sound very happy about it.Diarmuid: Between you and me Jean, since she started planning this wedding, my sister has become very, how can I put it? Demanding.Jean: Demanding 有很多要求的。She's become a bridezilla!Diarmuid: Bossy.Jean: Bossy 爱发号施令的。Diarmuid: Even a bit hysterical.Jean: Hysterical 情绪异常激动地。 结婚不是喜气洋洋的事儿吗?怎么会成了爱发号施令,要求繁琐的情况了呢? Bossy, demanding - but why? A wedding day should be a happy occasion.Diarmuid: Basically, she's out of control. She's become a bridezilla!Jean: Bridezilla? 听起来又像是一个穆达特别喜欢用的混合词。 Is that a word made by putting two other words together?Diarmuid: Yes, and it's today's word. Bridezilla. B.R.I.D.E.Z.I.L.L.A. Bridezilla. It's a combination of the words bride…Jean: 新娘。Diarmuid: And Godzilla.Jean: Godzilla 哥斯拉。 这是个在日本和美国动画片和电影中出现过的怪兽。 Bridezilla 就是把这两个字合起来,形容那些行为变得非常难以令人接受的准新娘们,简直就是新娘怪物了。Diarmuid: She's telling everyone what to do. She's demanding that everything is perfect for her big day. And if she doesn't get what she wants, she gets really upset.Jean: What a nightmare!ExampleA: It's my wedding and it has to be perfect! It has to be a like a fairytale wedding and if it isn't perfect then I'll never forgive you. It's my special day and everything has to be the way I want it!B: Alright, alright, no need to be a bridezilla.Jean: I'm sure your sister isn't as bad as the bride in the example there.Diarmuid: Maybe not, but she certainly knows how to let everyone know when she's not happy.Jean: All women know how to do that Diarmuid.Diarmuid: And quite a few men too.Jean: Well, that's all for today now. Now when is the wedding?Diarmuid: It's at the weekend so wish us all luck.Jean: I'm sure she won't become a monster.Diarmuid: I hope so. Please join us again soon for more Authentic Real English on our website.Jean: 我们的网址是
每天都有新节目供大家下载。 Bye.Diarmuid: Bye.
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Bridezilla 手链
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