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拼音lín fēng 注音ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄈㄥ引证解释迎风;当风。《楚辞·九歌·少司命》:“望美人兮未来,临风怳兮浩歌。” 南朝 宋 谢庄 《月赋》:“临风叹兮将焉歇,川路长兮不可越。” 唐 杜甫 《与严二郎奉礼别》诗:“出涕同斜日,临风看去尘。” 宋 范仲淹 《岳阳楼记》:“登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠辱皆忘,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣。”《水浒传》第三九回:“不觉酒涌上来,潸然泪下,临风触目,感恨伤怀。” 苏曼殊 《寄调筝人》诗:“偷尝仙女脣中露,几度临风拭泪痕。” 冰心 《寄小读者》五:“我想起我的母亲,不觉凭在甬道的窗边,临风偷洒了几点酸泪。”相关汉字、||
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音标:[ línfēng ]&&
英文翻译rinpu&&&&lwxx&&&&xiaoyue&&&&sob out one's sorrow to the wind&&&&be streaming in the wind&&&&unfurl&&&&The winds and the view seemed to press upon one's eyes and moved his heart to
...&&&&the winds and the view seemed to press upon one's eyes and moved his heart to
...&&&&linfen&&&&linfen brigade&&&&linfen&&&&distribut distribution of velocities of flow&&&&lingang&&&&facultative business
例句与用法Special silicon latex can stick to each hair to make the hair smooth and elegant特种有机硅乳液,能吸附在每根头发上,令头发丝质顺滑,临风飘逸。 Sitting in the teahouse , coffee bar , you can see trees in the wind , flourishing grass in the front yard , quiet lake surface outside window们强化人的生存空间,同时与自然共融。坐在茶社、咖啡馆里,你可以看到窗外的临风玉树, Their 50 m2 panoramic sea - view balconies have parasols , leisure chairs , and high - power telescopes allow guests to savor the beautiful seascape50平方米全海景观海露台,配备遮阳伞休闲椅和高倍望眼镜,凭海临风,金厦海域胜景一览无遗。 Tell your dry cleaner you want your dress shirts cleaned without starch and pressed by hand . it ' s pricier but worth it ? they ' ll look crisper and last longer告诉你的干洗师,你希望你的西装一尘不染,绝对不能沾上硬化粉,而且你要他用手来压平衣服。当然,这项服务价格不菲,但是能更长久地玉树临风,你花这钱? ?值! In this unequal world , someone has to defend the peace , and he is the zhadanchaoren jade tree , his most formidable skill was in flight dropped the bomb , of course , he can be thrown out of the bomb onto the enemys side , and they vanished在这个不平等的世界,必须有人来捍卫和平,他就是玉树临风的炸弹超人,他的最厉害的功夫就是在飞行中扔下炸弹,当然他也可以将扔出的炸弹推到敌人的身边,让他们灰飞烟灭。 Introduction : in this unequal world , someone has to defend the peace , and he is the zhadanchaoren jade tree , his most formidable skill was in flight dropped the bomb , of course , he can be thrown out of the bomb onto the enemys side , and they vanished在这个不平等的世界,必须有人来捍卫和平,他就是玉树临风的炸弹超人,他的最厉害的功夫就是在飞行中扔下炸弹,当然他也可以将扔出的炸弹推到敌人的身边,让他们灰飞烟灭。 Xuzhou quanxing electrical carbon co . ltd is located in peixian county , the birthplace of the ancient han culture with the scenic weishan lake lying on the east . the freeway between lanzhou and lianyungang and the one between beinjing and shanghai exploit the breadth of mind we face the world . the geographical advantage lays a successful road for walking up the future徐州全兴电碳制品有限公司座落于汉文化的发祥地,江苏省徐州市沛县境内,东临风景秀丽的微山湖,陇海和京沪铁路的便捷大道开拓了我们面向世界的心胸;得天独厚的地理优势为我们走向末来铺设了成功之路。 &&
汉语解释迎风;当风。 && ? 《楚辞?九歌?少司命》: “望美人兮未来, 临风恍兮浩歌。” && ? 南朝 宋 谢庄 《月赋》: “临风叹兮将焉歇, 川路长兮不可越。” && ? 唐 杜甫 《与严二郎奉礼别》诗: “出涕同斜日, 临风看去尘。” && ? 宋 范仲淹 《岳阳楼记》: “登斯楼也, 则有心旷神怡, 宠辱皆忘, 把酒临风, 其喜洋洋者矣。” && ? 《水浒传》第三九回: “不觉酒涌上来, 潸然泪下, 临风触目, 感恨伤怀。” && ? 苏曼殊 《寄调筝人》诗: “偷尝仙女唇中露, 几度临风拭泪痕。” && ? 冰心 《寄小读者》五: “我想起我的母亲, 不觉凭在甬道的窗边, 临风偷洒了几点酸泪。”
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