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God Eater 2: Rage Burst && |
God Eater 2: Rage Burst ▼
Bandai Namco Games
Compatible with PlayStation Vita (PS Vita) Works on all systems sold worldwide.1w&Usually ships within 1 week. US$59.99&or
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God Eater 2 being upgraded for the PS4 and PSV means technical improvements will be added to improve immersion like high definition visuals, 5.1 sorround sound, and support for the DualShock4 speakers. Of course it doesn't end there, as Bandai Namco have put out a press release detailing some of the finer changes to gameplay and story!The new story content in God Eater 2: Rage Burst takes place within the 'Spiral Tree' - host to a bunch of different area types. The members of 'Blood' are tasked with reclaiming these areas one by one as they make their way up to the top levels. The Outer Edges are bathed in soft sunlight, which contracts with the Bottom Level which seems to be almost diseased. As your climb higher the layers become less natural, with the Middle Layer being a place of desolation.Returning in Rage Burst are Survival Missions that players can partake in, particularly throughout the Spiral Tree. Survival Missions in Rage Burst have a stat called 'Endurance' that is applied to every member in your combat party. As far as stats go Endurance is pretty important because as characters are downed and have to be respawned, they’ll be taken out of battle completely if their Endurance drops too low. If you let the Endurance of the player-character drop too low then it is game over!Brand new for Rage Burst are 'Camping Scenes' that take place between fights where players can prepare for future battles, as well as catch glimpses of the cast doing various activities as they take a break. Despite the resting implications of the Camping Scenes players will not be able to replenish items.Along with new missions comes the Personal Abilities gameplay system, a new way for players to have more control over the NPC allies! Players can spend their Ability Points, earned on missions, on unlocking these new Personal Abilities which consist of new skills or buffs to existing attributes.
further info
Original Name&
ゴッドイーター 2 レイジバースト
Official Release Date&Feb 19, 2015
Genre&Action RPG
CERO C (15+)
Catalog No.&
Item Code&
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(5 out of 5)Total votes:24Please note that opinions expressed in any review are those of our customers and do not necessarily match those of the
team.wynne_chong91 (1) on 06, Oct.
(HKT)Excellent!!Nice game
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yiweijxl (1) on 30, Mar.
(HKT)Excellent!!this is the best game!!!
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hojcw (4) on 04, Mar.
(HKT)Very nice gameCombat system is awesome, especially the new "Rage Burst" system compared to GE2. The story line is also really impressive!
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Quentin D. Skylar (75) on 23, Feb.
(HKT)getreadyif you cant wait for ps vita, here's deal with psp
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albaymen1 (8) on 31, Jan.
(HKT)Excellent!!!! ?????Love this game, Have played all GE series so far, good character design.
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