
  关于时间你了解多少?许多关于时间的俚语,可不是在讨论时间哦~还有你想不到的意思!  今天,小编整理了100个关于时间的英语俚语,还包括例句解释。学会这些相信你的英语水平会提高的!    1. around the clock  日夜不断的  24小时不停歇。  例:The hotel’s service is great, there is always someone available to help you around the clock.  这家旅馆的服务很好,有人可以随时帮助你。  2. behind the times  落伍  描述某人赶不上时代,某种观点已过时。  例:It’s a shame his parents don’t understand it from his point of view, they’re really behind the times.  父母不能理解他的观点,他们确实有些落伍了,真遗憾。  3. ahead of time  提前  就是说某事提前发生,在原定时间以前发生或完成。  例:If you make the cakes ahead of time, then you’ll be able to focus on the decorations more.  如果你提前把蛋糕做好,就能多花些时间装饰了。  4. call it a day / night  到此为止  暂停某事,通常至少到第二天。也可以用作俚语表示某事已经完全结束。  例:Right guys, you’ve worked really hard. I think it’s time to call it a night, I’ll see you all again tomorrow.  伙计们,大家辛苦了。今天的工作到此为止,明天见。  Neither of us was happy in the relationship, so we decided to call it a day.  我们俩在这段关系中都不快乐,所以决定分开。    5. a month of Sundays  很久  很长时间  例:It’s been a month of Sundays since I last. went to the theatre!  我已经太久没看过电影了!  6. dwell on the past  沉溺往事  一直沉湎于过去的回忆。  例:I wish you’d stop dwelling on the past, she’s never going to come back. You need to move on with your life!  希望你不要再纠结过去,她再不会回来了。但你还得继续生活!  7. against the clock  分秒必争  用来描述匆忙做某事。  例:I worked day and night against the clock to get this done on time, and you’re being so ungrateful!  为了按时完成这项任务,我夜以继日地工作,你真是太忘恩负义了!  8. call time  到此结束  用来描述决定终止某事。  例:I think we should call time on this project. It is draining our resources, exhausting our manpower, and isn’t making any progress.  我认为是时候结束这个项目了。它耗尽了我们的资源和人力,却没有取得任何进展。  9. after the watershed  少儿不宜时段  在一些国家,该习语表示时间限制,在这之后,许多电视节目可以播放成人幽默,不良言语,或是争议性话题。  例:Why are the children still up watching TV? They should be in bed now, it’s after the watershed!  为什么孩子们还在看电视?这会儿他们应该睡觉了,毕竟现在这个时段少儿不宜!  10. better late than never  亡羊补牢  晚点做要比不做好。  例:I’ve finally managed to build my dream house. I know I’m nearly at retirement age, but it’s better late than never!  我终于建成了梦想中的家。尽管我已经到了差不多退休的年纪,但是晚点实现总比实现不了强!    11. days are numbered  去日不多  形容人,表示去日无多。  例:The doctors say his days are numbered. They don’t have much hope of him surviving this illness.  大夫们认为他气数已尽,对他不抱什么希望了。  12. do time / serve time  服刑  用于描述某人的刑期。  例:He is doing time for a crime he did not commit!  他没有犯罪,却在服刑!  13. don’t know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon  不知如何是好  描述某人不知如何是好  例:He has asked me to marry him and is still waiting for an answer, but I don’t know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon!  他向我求婚,等着我回复,可我却不知道要如何回应!  14. eleventh hour  最后一刻  危急之时。  例:Everyone thought he was going to lose when he had to stop to get a tyre changed, but at the eleventh hour, he came first and won the race!  他停下来换轮胎时,大家都认为他必输无疑。但是,最后一刻,他赶上来赢得了比赛!  15. crunch time  关键时刻  某人不得不做出重要决定的时刻。这一决定不仅会影响他们的未来,也会影响周围其他人。  例:As the Executive Director stepped out onto the podium, his clothes felt damp, and sweat beads were forming on his forehead. He knew it was crunch time.  执行董事长走上讲台,衣服微湿,头上略有汗珠。他知道这是关键时刻。    16. carry the day  获胜  形容赢得一场旷日持久的胜利。  例:The Liverpool Football Club had carried the day well, they rejoiced as they held their prize, the League Cup, up high for all to see.  利物浦足球俱乐部大获全胜,他们拿着联赛杯的奖杯,欢呼雀跃,所有人都能看到他们高高举起的奖杯。  17. time flies  光阴似箭  时光飞逝  例:I can’t believe it’s almost time to go home. It’s funny how time flies when you’re having fun!  不敢相信这么快就要回家了。快乐时光总是如此短暂!  18. just in time / in the nick of time  及时、恰好  到达某地或做某事的时间正好。在来不及前完成。  例:She thought her husband was going to miss the birth of their first baby, but he arrived just in the nick of time.  她原以为丈夫会错过见证老大出生的时刻,但他来的刚刚好。  19. on time  准时  在约定的时间到达,没有迟到。  例:The trains here are never on time, it’s so annoying!  火车从没正点到过,真烦人!  20. save time  省时  为腾出时间,快速完成某事。  例:If we drive there instead of taking the bus, we’ll save time.  如果我们开车去不坐公交,就能挤出时间。    21. out of time  用尽时间  没时间做某事。时间有限或已到截至期限。  例:You’re out of time now. If you haven’t answered all the questions in the test, then that is your own problem.  时间到。要是你没做完试卷,那是你自己的问题。  22. as time goes by  时光流逝  时光飞逝。随着时间流逝或推移。  例:As time has gone by, I have become less interested in clubbing and partying.  随着时间流逝,我对夜总会和俱乐部的兴趣越来越少。  23. time is money  一寸光阴一寸金  时间宝贵,应充分利用,不然会失去更多。  例:It’s not worth waiting to hear back from that company. Time is money, you should just start contacting other employees instead.  你不必等那家公司回信,根本不值得。时间就是金钱,你应该开始联系其他员工。  24. make time  腾出时间  腾出时间先做重要的事。  例:You should make more time for your children. They’re growing up so fast, and you’re missing all of it.  你得给孩子多留点时间。孩子们长得很快,你正在错过他们的成长。  25. time for a change  是时间开始改变  改变目前状态换种不一样的体验。  例:After working in the same company for 15 years, I feel like it’s time for a change.  在这家公司做了15年,是时候做出新选择了。  26. come of age  到达法定年龄、成年  某事发展完善或成熟。也可用于描述某人成人或发挥出潜力。  例:He has come of age now, and is wise enough to take the throne and become king.  他已长大成人,机智聪慧,是时候继承王位,成为国王了。    27. crack of dawn  破晓  黎明,日出时刻。  例:I wake up at the crack of dawn and go for a run every day.  我每天在黎明时分醒来跑步。  28. hit the big time  大获成功  即将取得成功。  例:After John hit the big time, he became very rich and forgot about all his old friends.  约翰取得成功以后,赚了很多钱,把老朋友们都忘了。  29. big time  大大地  类似于非常多或很多。  例:You owe me big time because I helped you with your school project.  你欠我很多,在学校项目上我可帮你不少。  30. day in the sun  得到关注  意味着得到了想要的关注或赏识。  例:It felt like a day in the sun today. My manager actually noticed me and praised my work. I was even able to put my feet up and have dinner cooked for me when I got home!  今天好像一直走在阳光下。经理注意到了我还表扬了我的工作!  31. even a broken/stopped clock is right twice a day  即便表停了,一天也能对上两次  描述某人幸运得到不配拥有的东西或不当成功。  例:He definitely didn’t deserve to win the lottery, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.  他绝对不该赢得彩票,可即使一只坏表一天也能对上两次。  32. feast today, famine tomorrow  今日盛宴,明日饥荒  如果沉溺于今天所拥有的一切,而不为以后艰难的日子打算,那么你将失去明天。  例:He’s just bought himself a new Lambourghini, and wears new suits every day. He doesn’t understand that it’ll be feast today, famine tomorrow if he continues like this!  他刚买了辆新的兰博基尼,每天都穿新套装。他不明白今天盛宴明日饥荒的道理,如果他继续这样下去,明天就会有饥荒。    33. five o’clock shadow  (早上刮过后当天又长出的)短胡子茬儿  用来描述男人如果不刮胡子一两天就长出的短胡茬儿。  例:You can’t go for your interview with a five o’clock shadow! Go and have a shave!  你不能带着胡茬儿去面试!赶紧刮胡子去!  34. for the time being  眼下  某项动作或状态得以延续,但是是暂时的。  例:You can stay in my house for the time being, but you need to save up some money and get your own flat.  眼下你可以住在我家,但是你得存钱买房子。  35. full of the joys of spring  充满喜悦  描述某人十分开心充满能量。  例:I wonder why she is so full of the joys of spring, Darren must’ve proposed to her!  我真好奇今天她怎么这么开心,一定是达伦向她求婚了!  36. given the day that’s in it  考虑到这天的情况  爱尔兰习语,某事显然怎样,与发生那天有关。  例:Well, there are hardly any taxi drivers around, given the day that’s in it is Christmas.  好吧,附近很难打到车,毕竟今天圣诞节。  37. good time  提前到达  比预设速度更快,提前到达目的地。  例:I got to the office in good time, but got lost inside the building trying to find my interview room, and ended up being late anyway!  我提前到了,却在大楼里迷了路。我努力找面试点,还是迟到了!  38. have one’s moments  得意  突然积极。  例:He seemed in ever such a good mood earlier today, and offered to cook dinner! I guess he does have his moments!  今天早些时候,他看起来心情很不错,竟然提出主动准备晚餐!我看他一定有了什么得意的事。    39. here today, gone tomorrow  今日来,明日去  描述诸如金钱、快乐等人们追求的事物不会一直延续。  例:Don’t stress about money so much all the time. It’ll be here today and gone tomorrow anyway!  别总是太看重钱。这种东西留不住的。  40. wasting time / a waste of time  拖延时间  未能充分利用时间,做事无目标或意义。  例:Studying that engineering course was a waste of time. I didn’t learn anything new!  上这门工程课简直是浪费时间。我压根没学到什么新内容!  41. honest as the day is long  值得信赖  形容某人非常可靠,值得信赖。  例:I can’t believe he has been accused of stealing their money. I’ve known him for many years, and he is as honest as the day is long!  我真不敢相信他被指控偷了他们的钱。我们认识很多年了,他向来可靠。  42. hour of need  在需要帮助的时光  某人需要帮助的时光,几乎是最后机会。  例:I was there for him in his hour of need, but he hasn’t shown any sign of offering to help me now that I need his support!  他需要帮助的时候,我挺身而出。现在我需要帮助了,他却视而不见!  43. in an instant / in the blink of an eye  眨眼之间  某事发生很快  例:If he apologised and admitted his mistakes, I would take him back in an instant!  如果他承认错误,向我道歉,我就立马把他带回来!  All you have to do is put the porridge in the microwave and it cooks in the blink of an eye!  你要做的就是把粥放进微波率然后立马烹饪。    44. a laugh a minute  非常滑稽  描述某人十分有趣  例:I love hanging out with Jenny, she’s a laugh a minute! You never get bored of her company.  我喜欢和詹妮一起玩,她超级搞笑!跟她在一起,你永远不会感到无聊。  45. like clockwork  有规律的  描述定期发生的动作或事件,分秒不差。  例:My cat used to wake me up every morning like clockwork, but nowadays she seems too old to care.  以前,猫咪每天早上都会把我叫醒,但是,她现在老了,好像什么都不关心。  46. like there’s no tomorrow  就像没有明天  快速或精神饱满地去做某事,就好像是最后一次机会。  例:You have to win this race Barry, when it’s time to go – just run like there’s no tomorrow!  巴里,你必须赢得这场比赛!是时候了——奔跑吧,就像没有明天一样!  47. long time no see  好久不见  描述好久不见面。  例:Hello Sarah! Long time no see! How have you been?  你好萨拉!好久没见,最近怎么样?  48. make my day  令我开心  令某人感到快乐或满足。  例:I just heard my favourite song on the radio and it made my day!  之声播放的歌曲正是我喜欢的,我好开心!  I hope I win the lottery tonight. It really would make my day!  我希望今晚我能赢彩票,这样我就真的很开心了。  49. a mile a minute  速度很快  形容动作很快。  例:I couldn’t keep track of everything he was saying. He talks at a mile a minute!  我根本不知道他在讲什么。他语速太快了!  50. no time like the present  机不可失  正是做某事的好时机,机不可失。  例:You should go travelling now, don’t leave it for next year. There’s no time like the present!  你现在就应该出去游玩,别拖到明年。没有比现在更好的时机了!    51. no time to lose  刻不容缓  必须立即着手做某事,否则将无法按时完成。  例:We have to prepare the surprise before Jack gets home. Quickly, we’ve got no time to lose!  我们得在杰克回家前为他准备好惊喜。来吧,我们没时间能浪费了!  52. beat the clock  提前完成任务  提前完成某事。  例:I managed to beat the clock and complete my exam just in time!  我设法赶时间按时完成了考试!  53. a question/matter of time  静待时机  这是在未来会发生的事,你在说出来前自己想的。  例:It’s only a matter of time before they shut the business down.  只是时间问题,迟早的事。  He is so ignorant, it’s only a question of time before she gives up and leaves him!  他太无理了,她迟早会心灰意冷离开他!  54. a whale of a time  玩得愉快  享受一段愉快的时光。  例:The theme park was so much fun. I had a whale of a time!  主题公园真有趣。我玩的很开心!  55. day to day  日复一日  一天又一天,不断重复。  例:The day to day running of this office needs to be more efficient, nothing seems to get done on time!  这间办公室的职员需要提升工作效率,他们似乎无法按时完成每项任务!  56. from now on  从现在起  从现在开始做某事,直到将来。  例:From now on, you need to promise that you’ll behave yourself and help out around the house!  从现在开始,我一定会更加谨慎地将信任交于他人。  57. from time to time  时不时地  偶尔做某事。  例:I do think about joining a gym, or going for a run from time to time, but I’m always too busy.  我确实想过去健身房,或者偶尔跑跑步,但我总是很忙。    58. in the long run  从长期来看  从长远来看。  例:I know it seems like buying a house now is a bad idea, but it’ll be worth it in the long run. It’s a good investment.  我知道,现在买房听上去是个坏主意,但从长远来看还是值得的。这是一种很好的投资方式。  59. now and then / now and again  时而  时不时做某事。  例:I like going out for a meal every now and then, it makes a nice change from having to cook.  我喜欢时不时地出去吃一顿饭,这对我来说是个不错的改变。  60. kill time  打发时间  等待时做些事情自娱自乐。  例:Sarah’s not going to be here for another 20 minutes. Shall we walk to the park to kill time?  再过二十分钟,莎拉也到不了。我们先去公园消磨一会时间好吗?  61. high time  正是时候  当你认为某事已结束或完成时,可以使用此句。  例:It’s high time you asked your boss for a promotion, you work so hard and deserve to be paid more!  你勤勉工作,应该得到更多,是时候向老板提提晋升的事了!  62. now or never  勿失良机  某事现在不做,永远都不可能做了。  例:Ask her now before she leaves for her two-week trip. It’s now or never, you won’t be able to do this when she returns!  在她开始两周旅行之前问她。把握现在!  63. the moment of truth  关键时刻  做出重大决定或真相大白的时刻。  例:Right everyone, here’s the moment of truth. John press the big red button and activate the system please.  此时,对每个人来说都是极为重要的时刻。约翰按下红色按钮,激活系统。  64. time after time / time and time again  一次次  不断做某事。  例:Time after time he makes the same mistakes and expects me to forgive him!  他一次又一次犯同样的错误,希望我原谅他!  I have told him time and time again, but he just doesn’t listen!  我说过很多次了,可他就是不听!    65. year in, year out  年复一年  某事连年发生。  例:Our family holidays are so boring now. Year in, year out we go to the same holiday resort ad stay in the same old hotel!  家庭度假实在是太无聊了。每年都去同一个地方待在同一家旅馆!  66. only time will tell  时间会证明一切  你无法知晓真相、答案或结果。只有拭目以待。  例:Only time will tell whether their marriage will survive this or not.  只有时间才能证明他们的婚姻能否维系下去。  67. time heals all wounds / time is a great healer  时间是最好的医生  这意味着伤痛会随着时间流逝而减轻。通常指情感方面的伤害,而不是身体伤害。  例:I was angry with him for a long time, but time heals all wounds. I am completely indifferent now.  长期以来,我一直生他的气,但是,时间是最好的医生,现在我一点也不在意了。  68. time off  休假  休假或暂停工作休息。  例:I would like to book some time off for next week please. I really need a holiday!  下周我打算申请休息。我真的需要休假!  69. a hard time  艰难时期  度过一段艰难的时期。  例:I had a hard time trying to find this place. Your directions were terrible!  我好不容易才找到这个地方。你的方向感实在是太差了!  70. too much (free) time on one’s hands  太多闲暇时间  形容一个人空间时间太多,没有足够的事情可做。  例:I have a lot of free time on my hands at the moment. Can I help you with anything around the house?  我现在有很多空闲时间。我能帮你做些什么吗?  He watches a lot of TV because he has too much time on his hands. I keep urging him to get a job, but he’s too lazy!  他太闲了,整天看电视。我一直催他找份工作,可他太懒了!  71. by degrees  逐步  随着时间推移,某事逐步发展或流逝。  例:By degrees their business relationship grew into friendship.  渐渐地,他们由商业关系发展为友谊。  72. clock in / clock out  打卡下班  记录上班时间和下班时间,显示工作时长。  例:I clocked in a little late today, I hope I don’t get into trouble for it!  我今天迟到了,希望不会有什么麻烦!  73. turn back the hands of time  时光倒流  让时光倒流,尤其是令人难忘的回忆或遗憾。  例:If I could turn back the hands of time, I would promise to be a better person and treat you right.  如果时光倒流,我一定做个更好的人,好好珍惜你。    74. a day late and a dollar short  既耗时又费力  某事发生略迟,无法令人满意、接受。  例:They offered me a contract after I’d already accepted another job offer – a day late and a dollar short!  我接受了其他公司的工作,这家公司才聘用我——真是既耗时又费力!  75. donkey’s years  猴年马月  描述某件事发生了很长时间。  例:I haven’t seen you for donkey’s years! Where have you been living all this time?  真是太久没见了!这些年你一直住在哪儿?  He has been working there for donkey’s years and knows all the trade secrets!  他在那里工作多年,知道所有的商业秘密!  76. in one’s own time  在方便的时候  方便的时候做某事,想做多久就做多久。  例:Fine, I will help you. But I’ll do it in my own time, don’t rush me!  好吧,我会帮忙的。但是得等我有空了再做,别催我!  That’s something you can do in your own time, not during office hours. Bring it back to the office when it is finished.  这是你可以在自己的时间做的事情,而不是在办公时间。完成后把它带回办公室。  77. in the right place at the right time  幸运的,碰巧了。  好事降临或某人意外得到好机会。  例:I can’t believe he gave this major contract to me. I must’ve just been in the right place at the right time!  万万没想到,他竟然给我一份这么大的合同。我可真幸运!  78. in the wrong place at the wrong time  极为不幸  通常不会发生的不幸。  例:He killed an innocent man who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  他在错误的时间错误的地点杀害了一个无辜的人。  79. in due course  及时地  一切都将在适当的时候发生。  例:We will find out the results of your test in due course, you’ll just have to be patient.  我们会及时通知你检测结果,请耐心等待。  80. in the interim  在此期间  在两个事件之间发生的事情。  例:I won’t be able to move into my new apartment until next month, so could I stay at your house in the interim please?  我下个月才能搬进新公寓,在这之前我能暂时住你那里吗?  81. once in a blue moon  极为罕见  某事极为罕见。  例:My grandparents live in Canada. I only get to see them once in a blue moon, because it’s very expensive to fly there.  祖父母在加拿大居住。但我不能常常探望他们,因为机票实在太贵啦。  82. around the corner  即将来临  某事即将发生。  例:Christmas is just around the corner and I haven’t even bought any gifts for my family yet!  马上就到圣诞节了,我还没给家人准备礼物!    83. not/never in a million years  一百万年以后  某事绝不会发生。  例:I am not moving 100 miles away from my family. Not in a million years!  我不会离开我的家人100英里。一百万年后不会!  Never in a million years will I understand why she decided to marry him.  我永远也不会明白她为什么决定要嫁给他。  84. the time of one’s life  幸福的经历  特别高兴的时刻。  例:The kids had the time of their lives at Disneyland!  孩子们在迪斯尼乐园玩得很开心!  85. once upon a time  从前  用来描述过去的事情。而且希望现在仍旧发生。也用于儿童读物开篇。  例:I used to look like a model once upon a time.  从前,有个叫辛德瑞拉的女孩住在这里。  Once upon a time, there lived a young girl called Cinderella.  从前,有一个叫灰姑娘的小女孩。  86. stand the test of time  经受时间的考验  描述某物经久耐用。长期以来极受欢迎。  例:This old piano has really stood the test of time, it’s been in our family for generations!  这架钢琴历史悠久,经受了时间的考验,在家族中世代相传!  Darren and Sue celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Their marriage had stood the test of time.  达伦和苏庆祝了他们结婚五十周年。他们的婚姻经受住了时间的考验。  87. pressed for time  时间不足  某人无暇做某事,必须加快速度。  例:I would love to stay and talk for a bit longer, but I’m really pressed for time!  我想多呆一会儿,多聊一会儿,但我真的很忙!  88. shelf life  保质期  在某一特定日期之前使用或出售某种东西。主要用于食品、饮料或药品。  例:Tinned food generally has quite a long shelf life.  一般来说,罐头食品保质期很长。  89. have time on one’s side  有时间做某事  还有时间实现未竟目标。  例:He failed this time, but he’s still young enough to try again. He has got time on his side.  虽然他失败了,但他还年轻,可以再试一次。毕竟他还有很多时间。  90. the ship has sailed  时机已过  机会已失,为时已晚。  例:He waited too long to apply for that job, and now the ship has sailed.  他为那份工作耽误了不少时间,现在时机早就过了。    91. until hell freezes over  永远  可以随心所欲地做任何事,但永远不会得到想要的东西。  例:You can keep asking me until hell freezes over, but I will not allow you to visit that boy!  你可以一直求我,但我不会让你去找他的!  92. catch someone at a bad time  不便时受打扰  在不方便的时候受到打扰。  例:I’m sorry Jeff, have I caught you at a bad time? I wanted to talk about tomorrow’s meeting.  杰夫,不好意思,我打扰到你了吗?我想跟你谈谈明天开会的事。  93. the time is ripe  时机成熟  做某事的时机来了。  例:We managed to sell our house when the time was ripe, and made a great profit!  待时机成熟,我们就把房子卖了,狠狠赚一笔!  94. in this day and age  在当今时代  定义时代的一种表达方式。  例:She was appalled to see that so much injustice could exist in this day and age.  当今时代竟有如此多的不公正现象,这让她倍感震惊。  95. stuck in a time warp  卡在时间轴上  尽管周遭早已发生改变,但某物仍然不变。  例:This town seems to be stuck in a time warp. It looks exactly like it used to back in the 1960s!  小镇似乎卡在时间轴上,停滞不前。看起来和上世纪60年代完全一样!  96. time is of the essence  时间宝贵  用于描述时间安排及满足任何期限的必要情况。  例:We must get to work right away, time is of the essence.  我们必须马上开始工作,时间第一。  97. take each day as it comes / take one day at a time  慢慢来  顺其自然,活在当下,不为明天而担忧。  例:I’ve been through a lot of changes in my life recently, and have learnt to take each day as it comes.  最近,我经历了很多变故,懂得日子要一天一天过。  98. sooner or later  迟早  描述某事必然发生,但无法确定发生的具体时间。  例:She will have to speak to me sooner or later. She can’t ignore me forever!  她迟早会告诉我的。不可能永远不理我!  99. bide (one’s) time  等待时机  等待时机取得进一步发展。  例:I will bide my time here and wait for him.  我要等待时机在这等他。    100. two-time  背叛  背叛伴侣或爱人,脚踏两只船。  例:When she found out that he had been two-timing her, she left him instantly.  一发现他脚踩两只船,她便立刻离开了他。  今天的内容比较多,可以收藏起来学习!  喜欢请多多关注学府翻译哦~特别声明:以上文章内容仅代表作者本人观点,不代表新浪网观点或立场。如有关于作品内容、版权或其它问题请于作品发表后的30日内与新浪网联系。


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