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Fear The Wolves手机版 v1.0
&&|&&520apk.com Copyright & 2012恐惧狼群吧-百度贴吧--本吧为恐惧狼群游戏吧--《恐惧狼群(Fear The Wolves)》,这是一款大逃杀游戏。游戏背景设定在切尔诺贝利废墟,在充满辐射的环境中,玩家们单人或者组队游戏进行百人规模的大
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为什么一直显示connection error 。哪位大神解答一下
这是steam7.18号的更新新闻。 原定于7月18日上映的《狼来了》(Fear The wolf)在《Steam》(Steam)上的预演现在被推
听说星期四 明天 不知道是不是真的 求大婶指点
经典射击游戏《潜行者》系列开发商GSC Game World在2011年解散之后,剩下的主要成员组成了新的工作室Vostok G
这次更新太失望了 流畅了 本来是一件很好的事情。 在设置里才看到 原来这B公司把分辨率强行限制了 难
有没有大佬知道什么时候上线啊 坐等
贼想玩但是弄不到激活码 7个邮箱全跪 不管是QQ邮箱还是网易还是tom
今晚9点开放服务器 3:00 PM CEST= 9:00 PM China 加群开黑:
一局,再见~还是卡 延迟超级高 跳伞依旧卡。 草地掉帧直接对半掉。
7月19日 害怕狼下一个Beta阶段 大家好! 我们想要感谢您参与了最近阶段的封闭测试,害怕狼!我们一直在阅
之前说19号测试的为啥又延后了 还要激活码,这点到是挺接地气的。。
多谢 五六个邮箱一个没中-。-
助攻总额: 43W
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Full Audio
Title: Fear The Wolves
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: Summer 2018
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We’ve been working on Fear the Wolves for a relatively long time now, it’s been shaping up great and our team is having a blast playing and testing the current builds of the game on a daily basis. However passionately we would be crafting a game for ourselves though, we’re ultimately building it for the players, so we want them to get involved as soon as it’s technically possible.
We believe it’s crucial, especially when it comes to competitive online games, for the community to have their say about the game, how well and balanced it feels and plays before it’s too late in the production cycle. The Early Access practice has proven to be an effective means for reaching that goal with many developers, so it was no brainer for us there. We want to ensure players have fun with Fear the Wolves and help us create a great and unique Battle Royale experience overall.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&Fear the Wolves will exit Early Access during 2019. Due to the nature of game development and our intention to integrate as much community feedback as possible, we don’t yet have an exact date to give you. Providing the best possible game is more important to us than locking in an exact schedule now.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&Of course, not every feature on our planned list has been integrated to-date, so you will see more cool and immersive things added in the coming months. For example, an expanded timescale for each match, advanced PVE elements, an innovative new game mode, and a bunch of other features, yet to be revealed. Naturally, we’ll ensure a technically smoother and better performing release version of the game. Last, but not least, throughout the Early Access the community feedback will help us achieve a better balanced and more fun-to-play game.
You can see our current plans for the next update below, as well as the exact state of the current build and what’s still to come before release.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&We are at the stage of the Beta version, i.e. the game is stable and polished enough, but some bugs are still in, as well as some features are still missing.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&Yes. The price of the game will increase as we add extra content and head towards release.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We are looking forward to hearing players’ feedback, primarily on the game’s performance, balancing, as well as the gameplay and unique features. There could be different levels of involvement here, starting from bug reporting to participation in polls, forum discussions and more. In return, we will be keeping the players informed on our progress with the game and plans for the coming updates.&
Available: Summer 2018
Recent updates
Hi everyone,This week's Closed Beta session is open!It will be closed next Monday morning, August 6th.Note that squad mode isn't available yet as we're running some last tests. It will be added in the Beta later today.If you haven't received a key, don't worry as we send more regularly. .What to expect from the Beta?We continue to improve the game based on your feedback from the previous Beta session and we're happy to let you play the latest version of the game in development. Our main priority is ironing out the server issues to ensure a smooth experience for all players.Please find below this week's changelog:Greatly reduced the freeze when jumping from the helicopter.**Fixed a bug where weapons were not being automatically equipped after attaching to the evacuation rope.Fixed a bug where a downed member of a squad would remain attached to the evacuation rope. Now the squad member will fall off the rope and take fall damage, further reducing the time their team mates have to revive them.Improved corpse rag doll animations.Improved the visualization of when a character is pushed by a vehicle.Fixed a bug where characters with broken legs were still able to sprint.Fixed a bug where taking damage wasn’t interrupting the health regeneration effects from consumables.Fixed a bug which allowed players to shoot without delay between bursts.Fixed a bug where players were able to reload while sprinting.Fixed a bug when you were able to change weapons without leaving ADS.Updated the window breaking mechanic. Now players can throw grenades through windows.Fixed a bug where sometimes doors would have different states between the client and server. This caused some players to be blocked by open doors and some to pass through closed doors.Improved rain effects increasing the intensity of the wet landscape.Fixed a bug that occasionally resulted in the cause of death not appearing on the death screen.Small fixes in the lobby's UI.Quick reminder that the this Beta isn't covered by a NDA, meaning you can share videos, images and info about the game this week. Keep in mind that it's a work-in-progress version of the game, and players may encounter bugs or crashes, that may lower the quality of the in-game experience. We’d love your help in identifying these bugs, so that we can make the Early Access release version of Fear The Wolves the best that it can be.Known IssuesHandbrake doesn't work for vehicles.Sound settings UI is there but not functionning yet.Please join the
to synchronize with the team and testers.Where can I share feedback?Please report technical issues and general feedback on the . Before submitting feedback on the forums please check if there is an existing thread about the topic, or if it is listed in .When providing feedback please try to be as informative as possible, providing information on where and when the issue occurred.We look forward to seeing you on the servers!Fear The Wolves Team
Hi everyone,This week's Closed Beta session will open Friday August 3rd, at 11AM CEST (10AM BST / 12PM MSK / 5AM EDT / 2AM PDT)Edit at 10:30AM: We're finalizing the version right now. We'll be slightly late but we're still aiming at this morning to start the Beta - sorry about that!It will be closed next Monday morning, August 6th.If you haven't received a key, don't worry as we send more regularly. .What to expect from the Beta?We continue to improve the game based on your feedback from the previous Beta session and we're happy to let you play the latest version of the game in development. Our main priority is ironing out the server issues to ensure a smooth experience for all players.Please find below this week's highlights from the changelog:Wolves now chasing nearest players in the area where they spawn.Advanced Graphics and Sound settings.Vehicles will now stop when you leave them. Other improvements like more correct visualization of colliding with players.Sound for attacks with a fists (and other sounds, for example sound for pick up items).Quick reminder that the this Beta isn't covered by a NDA, meaning you can share videos, images and info about the game this week. Keep in mind that it's a work-in-progress version of the game, and players may encounter bugs or crashes, that may lower the quality of the in-game experience. We’d love your help in identifying these bugs, so that we can make the Early Access release version of Fear The Wolves the best that it can be.Please join the
to synchronize with the team and testers.Where can I share feedback?Please report technical issues and general feedback on the . Before submitting feedback on the forums please check if there is an existing thread about the topic, or if it is listed in our known issues log.When providing feedback please try to be as informative as possible, providing information on where and when the issue occurred.We look forward to seeing you on the servers!Fear The Wolves Team
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
Early Access current content
The game: A 100 player battle royale experience that supports solo and squad modes.The basics: 20+ guns, 25+ attachments, 15+ armours, air drops, consumables, and much morePvE: Wolf packs stalk players and are a deadly threat, while anomalies from the disaster must also be avoided to survive.One Map: 25km2 map in the ruins surrounding Chernobyl, with rivers, forests, destroyed towns, hidden army camps, and much more.Dynamic, vote-based weather system: The weather of Chernobyl is constantly changing – you’ll face clear days, harsh winds, thunderous storms, and more, all voted for by the players spectating a match. Time passes: As a match continues, morning will turn to noon and finally dusk as you make your extraction. Vehicles: Dilapidated but functional jeeps dot the landscape of Fear the Wolves, a loud and obvious but speedy way to escape dangerous areas.Radiation: Radiation infects the battlefield at random, spreading unevenly, and offering different threats depending on intensity.The Extraction: Escape each map in a dramatic finale as you fight the other last players standing to extract via helicopterSpectator mode: Dead players can continue to spectate a match, and vote for weather.
Coming in the first Early Access update
Crawling and leaning: New movement options to give you more options in a fightCustomization: Make your character your own with dozens of cosmetic customization options across seven slots.Anomalous Storm: A new weather type that unleashes hell across the battlefield.Livestream integration: Weather voting will also be accessible to Twitch and Mixer viewersNew waiting room: Pre-match experience will be overhauled with a new settingIn-game voice chat: Talk to your squad and discuss tacticsA better Chernobyl: The map will be polished with additional tuning of problem areasMore languages: Localisation will be expanded as we head towards release. We are targeting 16 languages including French, German, Russian, and Chinese.
Future updates
New exclusive game mode: A brand new, innovative reimagining of the Battle Royale genre is in development.Improved spectator mode: Automated functions and refined UI.Match replays: Learn from your mistakes or relive your finest-ever extraction.Polished waiting room: New functionality for the pre-game experience.More customization items: Cosmetics will continue to be added, letting you create your perfect character, including a progression system with unlockable items.New functionality: Backstabbing with machetes, breaking down doors with axes – your weapon choice will have a real effect on the world.New vehicle: More ways to cross the map at speed are coming.Map polishing: As we receive feedback on the base map, we intend to improve the design, biome diversity, and indoor areas.New landmarks: We will also add new buildings, oddities, and other elements to the map.Player clans: Group up with friends in and out of matches.More weapons and items: New guns, melee weapons, and attachments.Night gameplay: Still in a prototype stage, we intend to bring the terror of night to Fear the WolvesMore mutants: The wolves are not the only creatures to be poisoned by Chernobyl’s radiation.A new way to play: New modes and maps are in development, including complete overhauls of the Battle Royale genre.
About This Game
Fear the Wolves is a competitive Battle Royale FPS by Vostok Games, bringing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. DNA to the brutal 100-player arena. The game drops players, in squads or as lone wolves, into the oppressive environments of a radiation-ravaged Chernobyl spread across a 25km2 map. The classic Battle Royale mode forces them to fight to be the last man standing out of 100 fighters. while another, to-be-unveiled mode brings an exciting twist to the genre.To secure the top spot, players will need to worry about more than just other survivors. Across the hostile wastes, everyone is threatened by deadly anomalies and the dynamically-changing weather – voted for by players and spectators, both in-game and on streaming platforms. As time wares on and day turns to dusk, survivors must stay on their toes and constantly adapting to new situations.Protective gear allows players to explore dangerous off-limit radioactive zones inaccessible to less-equipped opponents - but filled with powerful loot. All the while, the howls of mutated creatures echo through the wasteland. Wolves and much worse lay in wait for foolish players who don’t keep their wits about them.Further breaking the mold of the genre, every game is made truly unique by the irregular and unpredictable spread of deadly radiation, which organically closes in on players with different stages of toxicity, all of which can be battled and avoided in different ways. Safety is rarely certain, and adept players will need to read the environment to determine when it is no longer wise to remain in an area.Finally, every match ends with a dramatic race to the extraction helicopter, with only one of the handful of survivors able to make it. Will you pick off stragglers from a rooftop until you are the only one alive? Or would you rather make a mad dash for freedom, leaving your pursuers behind and escaping under the cover of night? Each extraction is unique, with the final area layout and your skills deciding the winner. Cosmetic customization options and a deep progression system reward you for your victories and close-calls.All this, rival players, tight shooting mechanics, and an arsenal of guns, attachments, armour, and melee weapons mean no two matches are the same:Brutal FPS battle royale in the irradiated remains of Chernobyl20+ weapons with dozens of attachments, across a wide variety of effective ranges and situations, including meleeRadiation spreads dynamically from area to area, and can be survived with the right gearPvE elements keep each match different, with wolves, mutants, and other hazards a constant danger Finish matches in style with the final battle around the extraction helicopterMore maps and modes to be revealed.
System Requirements
Minimum:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)Processor: Intel Core i3- GHz)/AMD FX- GHz)Memory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: 1 GB, GeForce GTX 650 Ti/Radeon R7 260Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 16 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: System requirements may change as a result of optimisation changes throughout Early Access.
Recommended:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)Processor: Intel Core i7-3930K (3.2 GHz)/AMD Ryzen 5
GHz)Memory: 16 GB RAMGraphics: 4 GB, GeForce GTX 970/Radeon R9 390Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 16 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: System requirements may change as a result of optimisation changes throughout Early Access.
(C) 2018 Vostok Games, Focus Home Interactive. Fear the Wolves is a game developed by Vostok Games, published by Focus Home Interactive. Fear the Wolves is a registered trademark of Focus Home Interactive. All rights reserved.
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