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电影英语 钢铁侠3
A famous man once said We create our own demons Who said that What does that even mean doesn,t matter I said it cause he said it So now he was famous and that,s basically get said by well know guys Let,s track this from the beginning Till the ball drops How was it Edifying unintelligible a winning comboThat,s my favorite kind Where are we going to town on each otherProbably back at your house I want to see your research You can see my research But that,s i,m not going to show you my townI finally met a man called ho I,d like to introduce you to our guest You,re a heart doctor She,s going to need a cardiologist Perhaps another time? It started in bern 1999 I never thought they,d come back to bite me I,m big of your work Who is he He means me My organization has been tracking your research since year two of m He made it What floor he made the cut you going toThat is an appropriate question The ground floor Actually i,ve a proposalI,m putting together myself It,s privately-funded think tank Called “advanced mechanics” She,ll take both One to throw away and one to not call Advanced idea mechanics or aim for short you get it I see that cause it,s on your t-shirt Ladies follow the mullet I,ll call you I am titillated by the nothing of working with you I,m going to ditch these clowns I,ll see you up on the roof in five minutes I,m just going to try to get my beef wet real quick If you know what i,m talking about I,ll see you up there I thought that was just a theory If i,m right We can access the area of the brain that governs repair And chemically recode it That,s incredible Essentially you,re hacking into the genetic operation system of a living organism Can you not touch my plant It,s not she doesn,t like it she perfersShe,s not like the others Come on let,s go to the bedroomLeave her ficus alone Seriously don,t And you,re starting with plants for now I,m calling it extremis Human application exactly It,s dentra-degree vitalization Disease prevention Even limb regrowth You,re the most gifted woman I,ve ever met You almost bought it didn,t you This is what I,m talking about the glitch Have you checked the telomerase algorithm You,re right on me What the hell was that It,s a glitch in my work She was just talking about it glitch happen I,ll see you in the morning I,ll be right outside So why am i telling you thisBecause i had just created demons And i didn,t even know it Those were good times Then i moved on After a brief soiree in an afghan cave I said “goodbye” to the party scene I forget that night in s These days i,m changed man I,m different now You know who i am I request just a few hours to calibrate Micro-repeater implanting sequence complete As you wish I,ve also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore Witch i will Howdid you get that cap on your head you earned it What are you doing out of the corner You know that you did I remind you that you,ve been awake for nearly 72 And welcome to the birthing suite I am pleased to announce The imminent arrival of your bouncing badass baby brother Start titan and go white Stamp date and time Mark 42 autonomous prehensile propulsion suit test I think we got this Send them all Probably just little fast I ain,t scared of you As always sir A great pleasure watching you work I guess 72 hours is a long time between siestas Didn,t think it could get any worse Then i had to go and turn on the tv Some people call me a terrorist I consider myself a teacher Ready for another lesson The u,s military waited until the friendly braves had all gone hunting Waited to attack and slaughter the families left behind And claim their land A quaint military church filled with wives and children of course The soliders were out on manuvers President you continue to resist my attempts to educate you And now you,ve missed me again slow it downYou know who i am You don,t know where i am And you,ll never see me coming And now that we seem to be back Let, s recap some of the frightening developments in this story American airways were hijacked The nation remains on high alert All attempts to find the m have so far proved unsuccessful Central to my administration,s response to this terrorist event is a newly-minted resource How is president e responding By taking the guy they call“war machine” and giving him a paint jobThe same suit but painted red white and blue Look at that And they,ve also renamed him l You know Just in case paint was too subtle It tested well with focus groups alright? War machine was a little too aggressive This sends a better message So what,s really going on Can we talk about this guy It,s classified information There,ve been nine bombings The public only knows about three But here,s the thing nobody can id a deviceThere,s no bomb casings I got a ton of new tech I got a prehensile suit I got bomb disposal Catches explosions mid-air When,s the last time you got a good night,s sleep People are concerned about you I,m concerned about you You gonna come at me like that Would you mind signing my drawing If r doesn,t mind Fine with me After what happened in new york Aliens They need to look strong Stopping the m is a priority Quite frankly I broken the crayon How did you get out of the wormhole Have to check on the suit Check the heart No sign of cardiac anomalies or unusual brain activity So i was poisoned My diagnosis is that you,ve experience a severe anxiety attack This isn,t good look I gotta split I put a memo in the toilet Tony has got them in his basement They,re wearing party hats This is an asset we can put yo use So you,re suggesting that i replace the entire janitorial staff with robots What i,m saying is that the human element of human Resources is our biggest point of vulnerability We should start phasing it out immediately I,m thrilled that you,re now the head of security It is the perfect position for you However i do appreciate itSince you,ve taken the post You don,t have to thank me We,ve had a rise in staff complaints of 300 percent That,s not a compliment Clearly somebody is trying to hide something Miss your four clock is here Did you clear this four o clock with me We,ll talk about this later But right now i have to deal with this very annoying thing I used to work with him And he used to ask me out all the time So it,s a little awkward I don,t like the sound of that What on earth have you been doing Nothing fancy Just five years in the hands of physical therapist You were supposed to be issued a security badge I,m going to linger right hereAfter years dodging the president,s ban on “immoral biotech research” My think tank now has a little something in the pipeline It,s a idea we like to call “extremis” I,m gonna turn your lights down Regard the human brain It,s a live feed I can take it i,ll prove it to youpinch meIs what i wanted to show you Now “extremis”harnesses our bioelectrical potential This is essentially an empty slot And what this tells us is that our mind Our entire DNA in fact is destined to be upgradedIs this forehead of security? I got a real job What do you want i,m working I got something going on here Let me tell you something You know what happened When i told people I was iron man,s bodyguard They would laugh in my face I had to leave while i still had a shred of dignity I got a real job I,m watching p What,s going on fill me inSo she,s meeting up with this scientist rich guy handsomeI couldn,t make his face at first I,m good with faces So i run credentials i make him a We actually met the guy Where were we in 1999 The science conference I don,t remember that guy Of course you don,t remember At first it was fine they were talking businessIt,s like getting weird he,s showing her his big brain Let me show you You watching them Flip the screen and then we can get started I,m not a tech genius like you Just trust me Flip the screen get down here then i can see what they,re doingI don,t know how to flip the screen Don,t talk to me like that anymore You,re not my boss And i don,t trust guy He,s got another guy with him He,s shifty i,m just asking you to secure the perimeter Tell him to go out for drink or something You should take more of an interest in what,s going on here This woman is the best thing ever happened to you And you,re just ignoring her A giant brain There,s a shifty character I,m going to follow this guy I,m going to run his plates and if it gets rough So be it But the way it used to be Now you,re off with the,superfriends I don,t know what,s going on with you anymore I hate to cut you off You have your taser on you I think there,s a gal in hr who is trying to steal some printer ink You should probably go over there and zap her Imagine if you could hack into the hard drive of any living organism and recode its dna It would be incredible Unfortunately to my ears it also sounds highly weaponizable As in enhanced soliders Priavte armies I invited tony to join aim 13 years ago He turned me down But something tells now there is a new genius on the throne Who doesn,t have to answer to tony anymore And who has slightly less of an ego It,s going to be “no”as much as i,d like to help you I can,t say that i,m not disappointed As my father used to say Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph It is very deep And i have no idea what it mean He was kind of an idiot my old man You,re wearing this in the house now? You know everybody needs a hobby Just breaking it in T,s always a little pinchy in the gooey bag at first Did you see your christmas presentI don,t know how i could have missed that christmas present Is it gonna fit through the door I got a team of guys coming tomorrow They,re gonna blow out that wall Shoulders a little naughty I don,t want to harp on this But did you like the custom rabbit I appreciate the thought very much So way don,t you lift up that facemask and give me a kiss You want to just kiss it on the Why don,t i run down to the garage and see if i can find a crowbar to jimmy that thing open Except there,s been a radiation leak I,ll take my chances That,s risky At least let me get you like a hazmat suit Or a geiger counter or something like that This is a new level of lame You ate without me already on date nightI just mean we were just hosting you while i finished up little work I had a quick bite I didn,t know if you were coming home or you were having drinks with a What are you checking up on me Happy was concerned You,re spying on me I admit it my fault I,m a piping hot mess It,s been going on for a while I haven,t said anything Nothing,s been the same since n I didn,t notice that at allYou experience things and then they,re over and you still can,t explain them I,m just a man in a can The only reason i haven , t cracked up is probably because you,ve moved in Which is great The threat is imminent And i have to protect the one thing that i can,t live without that ,s you They,re part of me A distraction I,m gonna take a shower I must have called it in my sleep That,s not supposed to happen I,ll recalibrate the sensors I,m going to sleep downstairs tinker with that Can you regulate It,s decent batch Don,t say i never did nothing for you I mean for understanding Watching your favorite chick flick maybe Starring you and your junkie girlfriend and here,s the ticket No kidding that doesn,t belong to you A true story about fortune cookies They look chinese they sound chineseBut they,re actually an american invention Which is why they,re hollow And leave a bad taste in the mouth My disciples just destroy another cheap a knock-off I know this must be getting frustration But this season of terror is drawing to a close And don,t worry The big one is coming Mind leaving that one That,s the show One more thing badge eh thinks it,s elegant make sure everyone wears their you graduationHe,s a stickler for that sort of thing Plus my guys won,t let anyone in without them We,re awaiting the arrival of tony We,re hoping he,ll give us the reaction His reaction to the latest attack Our sources are telling us that is another m attack Anything else you can tell us When is somebody going to kill this guy Is that what you want Here,s a little holiday greeting I,ve been wanting to send to the m I just didn,t know how to phrase it until now I,m not afraid of you You,re a coward That you just died There,s no politics here It,s just good old-fashioned revenge And on the off-chance you,re man Here,s my home address I,ll leave the door unlocked That,s what you wanted I,ve compiled a m database for you Drawn from a intercepts Initiating virtual crime scene reconstruction What do we got here His name is an ancient chinese war mantle meaning South american insurgency tactics i,ve decided There,s lots of pageantry going on herelots of theaterThe heat from the blast was in excess of 300 degrees Any subjects within 12.5 yards were vaporized instantly No bomb pars found in a 3-mile radius of the theater What is a bomb not a bomb Any military victims Not according to public records Bring up the thermogenic signatures again factor in 3000 degrees The oracle cloud has completed analysis Accessing satellites and plotting the last 12 months of thermogenic occurances now Take away everywhere that,s been a ma attack You sure that,s not one of his It predates any known m attack The incident was the use of a bomb to assist a suicide The heat signature is remarkably similar 3000 degree Ever been to t Creating a flight plan for t Are we still at “ding-dong” We,re supposed to be on total security lockdown I threatened a terrorist who is thatThere,s only so much i can do When you give the world,s press your home address Right there,s fine You,re not m are you You don,t remember Don,t take it personally I don,t remember what i had for breakfast I need t be alone with you Someplace not here Normally I,d go for that sort of thing But now i,m in a committed relationship Old botanist pal that i used to know barely Please don,t tell me that There is a 12-year-old kid waiting in the car that i,ve never met Because i read the papers and frankly it,s urgentI don,t think you,ll last the week With happy in the hospital I didn,t know we were expecting guest That,s how you did it isn,t isYou saved yourselft a world of pain We,re going out of town We,ve been through this Immediately and indefinitely That,s a terrible idea Don,t touch her bags This is how normal people behave I cen,t protect you out there Calm down I,m aware f that You still haven,t even told me that you liked it That,s not even up for discussion Do we need to worry about that I,m going to find way around M is clear of the structure Where,s my flight power Working on it This is a prototype The suit is not combat-ready Flight power restored Kill the alarm That,s the emergency alert triggered by the power dropping below 5% Snow where are we upstate I may be malfunctioning That,s brisk Maybe i,ll just cozy back up for a bit I actually think i need to sleep now Stark secure server receivers now transferring to all knownI,ve got lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time So first off I,m so sorry i put you in harm,s way That was selfish The rabbit,s too big I,m sorry in advance because i can,t come home yet You gotta stay safe That,s all i know I just stole a poncho from a wooden indian Let,s get you comfy Freeze Barrel,s a little long Between that and the wide gauge It,s going to diminish your fps And now you,re out of ammo What,s that thing on your chest It,s electromagnet You should know You,ve got a box of then right here Is that iron man Technically I built him i take care of himLike a mechanic If i was building iron man and war machine It,s iron patriot now That,s way cooler Anyway i would have added the retror flective panels To make him stealth mode That,s actually a good idea maybe i,ll build one You,re going to break his finger He,s in pain he,s been injured Don,t worry about it I,ll fix it who,s home Which happens dads leaveNo need to be a pussy about it Here,s what i need A laptopa digital watch a cell phoneThe pneumatic actuator from your bazooka over there A map of town a big spring and a tunafish sandwich What,s in it for me Salvation The kid that bullies you at school How,d you know that I got just the thing Point it away from your face Press the button on top It discourages bullying What keeps going through my head Where is my sandwich Stark secure server retinal scan verified What was do important that you had to speak to tony I think that my boss is working for the m So if you still want to talk about it I suggest we get ourselves someplace safe That figures what i actually am is biological dna coder Running a team of 40 out of a privately-funded think tank But sure you call me a botanist This boss of yours does he have a name Well we tool the house down But there,s no sign of a body The master is about to record and he,s little Keep your appointment tonight And call me when it,s done No talking and no eye contact Unless you wanna get shot in the face The master is travelling Well then what are we waiting for The sandwich was fair the spring was a little rusty The rest of the materials By the way When you said your sister had a watch I was kinds hoping for something a little more adult than that Anyway it,s limited edition What about the avengers Give me more space What,s the official story here I guess this guy used to live roundabout Won a bunch of medals in the army Folks said he went crazy and made bomb can you talk about them i,ll make doThen he blew himself up right here Doesn,t make sense But people said these shadow are the mark of souls gone heaven Except the bomb guy He went to hell on account of he didn,t get a shadow That,s why there,s only five Do you buy that That,s what everyone says You know what this crater reminds me of That giant wormhole Does it remind you That,s manipulative I don,t want to talk about it Re they coming back the aliensRemember when i told you that i have an anxiety issue Does this subject make you edgy Can i just catch my breath for a second Do you need a plastic bag to breath into Do you have medication Are you going completely mental I swear to god you,re going to freak me outWhat the hell was that The guy who died relativesYou,re being helpful Nice haircut suits you I don,t doubt it Mind if i join you free countryWhere,d you like to start I just want to say i,m very sorry about your loss What you think happened I brought your damn file You take is and go Whatever was in here Clearly he wanted no part of ityou were waiting for someone elseSupposed to meet someone here Your son didn,t kill himself I guarantee you he didn,t kill anyone Someone used him You,re not the person who called me after all are you The hell,s going one here It,s called arrest I need little more information than that I think it,s a little above your pay grade Why don,t get on the horn to nashville and upgrade me I was hoping to do this the smart way The fun was,s always good Deputy get this womanHot wings you wanna party You walked right into this one then you i,ve dated hotter chicksCheap trick and a cheesy one-liner Sweetheart that could be the name of my autobiography What would you like for christmas I think he was trying to say i want to my goddamn file That,s the thing about Just play it cool otherwise you cone off grandiose Admit it you need me Keep your trap shut guard the suit And stay connected to the telephone because if i call you better pick up Move out of the way or i,m going to run you over You,re just going to leave you here You,re guilt-tripping me aren,t you It was worth a shot The entire east coast the satellites are downWe have an unauthorized broadcast Only two lessons remain I intend to finish this before morning The number for this telephone is in your cell phone Exciting isn,t it Imagining how it got there If your president calls me in next half-minute How did he hack my phone We can,t allow terrorists to dictate I,d strongly advise against that There,s just one lesson left President so run away Hide kiss your children Not your red white and blue attack dog can save youWe tracked the broadcast signal We have a possible point of origin in p The patriot is ready to strike Hang on a second She,s glowing from the inside out Kind of a bright orange A little knock and talk making friendsI,m gonna find heavy-duty comsat I need your login Same as it,s always been And password please I gotta change it every time you hack in With an x all caps That is so much better than iron patriot That ain,t gonna cut it I need to call you back Something magical is happening I am your biggest fan Is anyone else gonna come in Patterned my whole look after you I don,t want to make things awkward for you I had them do it off a doll that i made I don,t want to clip your wings We,re both a little over-excited I got an issue i,m chasing bad guys Trying to grapple with something from some hard-crypt data files I don,t have enough juice I need yo to jump on the roof Pump it up by about 40% Be quiet about it What would you regard as the defining moment of your life I think that would be the day I decided not let my injury beat me Can you please state your name for the camera So the injections are administration periodically Addiction will not be tolerated and those who cannot regulate will be cut from the program Once misfit cripple You are the next iteration of human evolution Before we start i promise youLooking back at your life there will be nothing As bitter as the memory of that glorious risk that you prudently elected to forget Today is your glory We gotta get out of here This stuff doesn,t always work It,s fault but you fund a buyerSold it to the m Before he built rockets for the nazis The idealistic one dreamed of space travel
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