
  距本届世界杯开始目前还有25天,俗话说的好:“外行看热闹,内行看门道”,为了更好的观看本届世界杯,我们正好可以利用这段时间来了解一下本届世界杯的知识,比如说我们先来了解一下本届世界杯32强各队当家球星。    下面就让我们用8张图片来给大家盘点一下32强各队的当家球星,了解他们后,我们就可以在观看世界杯比赛的时候,对他们做重点关注。    第一张,A组:他们分别是俄罗斯的扎戈耶夫、沙特阿拉伯的穆瓦拉德、埃及的萨拉赫、乌拉圭的苏亚雷斯。    第二张,B组:他们分别是葡萄牙的C罗、西班牙的大卫·席尔瓦、摩洛哥的贝纳蒂亚、伊朗的阿兹蒙。    第三张,C组:他们分别是法国的格里兹曼、澳大利亚的耶迪纳克、秘鲁的法尔范、丹麦的埃里克森。    第四张,D组:他们分别是阿根廷的梅西、冰岛的西于尔兹松、克罗地亚的莫德里奇、尼日利亚的摩西。    第五张,E组:他们分别是巴西的内马尔、瑞士的扎卡、哥斯达黎加的纳瓦斯、塞尔维亚的马蒂奇。    第六张,F组:他们分别是德国的克罗斯、墨西哥的埃尔南德斯、瑞典的福斯贝里、韩国的孙兴慜。    第七张,G组:他们分别是比利时的阿扎尔、巴拿马的罗曼·托雷斯、突尼斯的哈兹里、英格兰的凯恩。    第八张,H组:他们分别是波兰的莱万多夫斯基、塞内加尔的马内、哥伦比亚的哈梅斯·罗德里格斯、日本的香川真司。  
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A Shining Path unit ready to go on patrol蓄势待发的“光辉道路”游击队
This August, newspapers in Peru splashed headlines across their front pages about the huge blow the government had dealt to what is left of the infamous Shining Path—a brutal Maoist guerrilla group that has spent the past 20 years hanging out in the jungle slaughtering peasants and smuggling coke. The headlines announced to the world that , the group’s military leader, had been killed.Alipio's death was as cartoonish as it was dramatic. A cocaine trafficker who had links to Shining Path, but who'd turned informant for the police, lured an armed column of rebels towards a hut that he owned. Most of the fighters stayed outside, guarding the building while Comrade Alipio and two other Shining Path bigwigs, Comrades Gabriel and Alfonso, went into what was meant to be a safe house, expecting to meet some ladies of the night, all organized by the drug trafficker.Crucially, what Alipio and company didn’t know was that the army had rigged the house with ANFO explosives. As soon as the three rebels had made themselves comfortable, the whole hut went up in one big blast. The charred bodies had to be identified through DNA tests.As soon as news of the killing came out, my phone wouldn’t stop ringing: I have the arguable privilege of being the only journalist to have met Comrade Alipio, and the local media were desperate for a soundbite.Back in September 2010, I received a call on behalf of the leadership of the Shining Path, who had agreed to meet me if I travelled, unaccompanied, to Peru's Valley of the Apurímac, Ene, and Mantaro rivers, known by the acronym VRAEM. It's a jungle region that routinely serves as the battleground between armed forces and drug lords. The Shining Path contacted me after I sent them a message while I was reporting in the area, tailing some anti-narcotics police patrols a few months prior.& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&***The offer was exciting, yet terrifying. In 1980, the Shining Path took up arms vowing not just to defend the peasantry, but to defeat the country's rulers and hand it over to a proletariat that for generations had struggled beneath the yoke of a tiny, European-descended elite. However, what characterized the Shining Path from the onset were their bloody tactics. Within a few years they had annihilated thousands of Peruvians—most of their victims being the same peasants they were supposed to be going to war for.The government’s response was no less brutal. After 20 years of conflict, the death toll neared 70,000. In 1992 the conflict was all but finished, after the police finally captured Abimael Guzman, the messiah-styled and deranged Shining Path leader. What was left of the movement retreated to the heart of the VRAEM, where they kept a low profile for a number of years.“”(The Shining Path)是一支来自秘鲁的游击队。据官方报道,在过去20年中,他们一直藏身在秘鲁森林中,屠杀农民并进行毒品运输工作。几周前,政府军击毙了他们的领袖 Alipio 同志,这一消息也迅速占据了秘鲁的各大报纸的头条。
Alipio 的死法特别悲壮:警方找来一个曾跟“光辉道路”有过交易的毒贩充当线人,把游击队员们引诱到他的一个小木屋里。当时,大部分队员都驻守在屋外,只有 Alipio、Gabriel 和 Alfonso 三位领袖进去了。他们本以为,那名毒贩为他们安排了几名小姐;但事实却是,政府军早就在木屋底埋下了炸药。政府军等到三人都坐得舒舒服服之后,就引爆了炸药。一瞬间,整个木屋被炸成一团火球。事后,他们通过 DNA 化验才确认了死者身份。
Alipio 的死讯一传出,我的电话就一直响个不停。作为唯一一个跟 Alipio 同志见过面的记者,全国媒体都特别着急想找我做采访。2010年9月的时候,我收到一通来自“光辉道路”领袖层的电话,说他们同意跟我见面,条件是我要独自前往他们的根据地——阿布雷马克和埃尼河谷(VRAE)。这片森林地区是军队与毒枭经常交火的地方,之前我曾跟警方的缉毒组在这个地区里做过采访,我也是在那次采访时联系了他们的。
而政府的对策也同样地暴力。历时20年的斗争共夺去了近七万人的性命。1992年,警方终于成功逮捕了“光辉道路”当时的首脑,他叫阿维马埃尔·古兹曼(Abimael Guzman),是个自视为救世主的变态军人。余下的党羽纷纷撤退,并躲藏在VRAE深处。斗争可以说是告一段落。
One of the helicopters taken down by the rejuvenated Shining Path in 2010重整后的“光辉道路”在2010年击落的其中一台直升机
But, since the mid-2000s, a reinvented version of the group has been stirring up trouble. By 2010, despite their small numbers (they are alleged to have around 300 members in total), they had managed to kill dozens of soldiers and policemen, and even downed three Air Force helicopters.The Peruvian government blamed its incompetence at fighting the rebels on the inhospitable terrain and, more often than not, on the group’s links with the cocaine drug lords, who are said to back the Shining Path financially. The government spoke of “narcoterrorism,” a phrase that was picked up by mainstream media. The government seemed keen to characterize the enemy they were struggling to defeat as a force big enough to deserve its own sinister metanarrative—that it was some despicable new fusion of commerce and ideology akin to Colombia's FARC—rather than just 300 peasants living in the countryside.This alleged involvement in the drug trade prompted the US to step into the conflict and in 2009 Shining Path leader, Comrade Jose (real name Victor Quispe Palomino), was added to the DEA's list of drug kingpins. The US State Department quickly followed suit and offered a $5 million for the Shining Path’s leader. Could Jose and his followers really be as rich as the drug kingpins from Mexico or Colombia? Could they really be as well-armed as the cocaine-funded Colombian guerrillas, FARC? Something didn’t add up. So I went to find out.但是在2000年代中期,“光辉道路”再一次出现在了头条新闻上。到了2010年,重整后的“光辉道路”(当时他们总共只有约300名成员)已杀害了十多名军人和警察,还成功击落了三台军方直升机。
秘鲁政府一直无法根除这个武装组织。他们的借口是,组织所在的 VRAE 地势艰险,而且由于“光辉道路”一直有毒贩的经济支持,导致问题难以解决。政府更因此造了一个叫“毒品恐怖主义”的新名词来形容他们。就这样,这300多个农民就一下子被塑造成了结合了商业犯罪和政治意识形态的邪恶组织。
由于他们被指涉及贩毒活动,所以也吸引了美国政府的介入。2009年,美国缉毒局也将他们当时的领袖 Jose 同志(真名:Victor Quispe Palomino)列为全球大毒枭之一。其后,美国国务院也迅速拨出五百万美元悬红这名武装领袖。可是,Jose 和他的手下真有可能像墨西哥或哥伦比亚的大毒枭一样那么有钱吗?在军力方面也真的能跟那些由毒品买卖支持的哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)相比吗?感觉事情真的没那么简单,所以我决定去调查一下。
Antinarcotics police on patrol in the VRAEM缉毒组在 VRAE 巡逻
After a few bumpy rides across the rugged tracks of the VRAEM, I reached a riverbed, where a boatman came to meet me and, without uttering a single word, sailed me down the river until we reached a tiny settlement. On arrival a wrinkly and chirpy coca farmer greeted me: “So you are the journalist? Come, follow me.”Four hours later we reached a hut where I was met by four guys armed with automatic rifles. They told me I was their guest and that I should address them as &compañeros& (comrades). I was to spend the night at the shelter, while they waited for further instructions in order to continue the march to meet the Shining Path leadership.我在 VRAE 崎岖的道路上折腾了好一会,才来到他们安排的在河岸边上的接应点。上了船之后,来接我的船夫一句话都没说。我们沿着河流一路来到一个小营地。上岸之后,一个满脸皱纹但感觉特别正能量的农民来迎接我,他说:“你就是那个记者啊?来,跟我来。”
走了四个小时之后,我们来到一间小木屋。木屋外面站着四个拿自动步枪的家伙,他们说我是他们的客人, 管叫他们“同志”就可以了。他们还吩咐我今晚就睡这儿,等明天领导给了指示再继续上路。
Fernando Lucena, Comrade Alfonso and the captured Galil rifle本文作者和手里拿着加利尔突击步枪的 Alfonso 同志
The next morning, as we waited for orders to come via walkie-talkie, I chatted with Comrade Alfonso, a rather small guy with a peaceful face, who didn't fit in with any preconceptions that I had about what a killer ought to look like. I asked Alfonso about his rifle, an Israeli Galil. He told me it had been captured from a soldier they killed at an ambush. Then he nonchalantly passed me the weapon, so that I could have a feel of it.After a couple more hours of walking, which included hiding in some foliage as an Air Force helicopter passed, we turned a bend and arrived at a clearing in the middle of the jungle, where a column of about 40 armed rebels were standing to greet me. After my initial shock I quickly scanned their faces, hoping to find that of Comrade Jose, the $5 million man. Jose wasn’t there but at the end of the line stood someone I did recognize from newspaper pictures: Comrade Raul, Jose’s brother. It was obvious that the man standing next to him was someone important too, but I couldn’t place him. 翌晨,在大家等着领导用对讲机发来指示的时候,我开始跟 Alfonso 同志聊了起来。Alfonso 的个子比较小,而且样子长得特别祥和,一点都不像大家想象中的杀手。我问起他手中那把以色列加利尔突击步枪的由来,他说是从一次埋伏中丧生的敌军手里抢来的。然后,他很若无其事的把枪递了给我,让我感觉一下。
之后,我们继续走了好几个小时的路。途中为了避开空军巡逻直升机的侦察,我们还在树丛里里躲了一会儿。拐了一个大弯之后,在这个密密麻麻的森林里突然出现了一大片空地。营地上站着大约40名武装分子,在迎接我的到来。淡定下来之后,我很快的瞄了一下每个人的脸,想看看能不能找到传说中的 Jose 同志。虽然我没找到 Jose,但在队伍中我认出了 Jose 的哥哥 Raul 同志。之前我在报章上见过他。他旁边还站着另一个人,直觉告诉我他也是个重要人物,但是我就是想不起他是谁了。
The Shining Path's armed column“光辉道路”武装纵队
I was offered some food. Raul and the other important-looking guy sat with me. It then became clear who this other guy actually was. It was Comrade Alipio, the military leader of the Shining Path, the man behind the most of the armed actions the group carried out in the decade before his death and, at the time, pretty much the most feared man in Peru. Besides a rather outdated picture of him that the newspapers still publish regularly, there were no other images of Alipio in circulation, so it was little wonder I wasn’t able to recognize him from the outset.Raul started by telling me that this meeting was for us to get to know each other, and that they would grant me the interview at a future opportunity. What followed was an exhausting debate about Marxism, Maoism, and several other isms. Raul displayed very rusty arguments, reminiscent of the Cold War. I guess it’s difficult to keep up to date with politics when you’re holed up in a remote jungle for 20 years.After we had chatted for a while, Raul told me to get some sleep, though a symphony of jungle noises and a slipped disc in my neck barely let me. The presence of a teenager with a MAG 7.62 heavy machine gun guarding my bedside didn’t help much either.他们给了我一些吃的东西。Raul 和一个看起来很有地位的人物坐到了我的身边。原来他就是“光辉道路”的领导人 Alipio 同志。在被击毙前,Alipio 是该组织近十年来绝大多数军事活动的总指挥。当时他算得上是秘鲁最令人闻风丧的人。报纸上登的是他的一张老照片,此外再没有 Alipio 的肖像了。难怪我没有一眼就认出他来。
Raul 告诉我,这次会面是让大家相互认识一下,以后有机会也可以进行采访。于是我们就聊了聊马克思主义、毛派思想等等主义,结果这次谈话变成了一场让人哭笑不得辩论。Raul 的观点和认识都十分过时,还停留在冷战时期。不过想想也是——要是一个人在丛林里躲了20年了,大概很难跟得上政治发展的步伐吧。
聊了一会儿后,Raul 安排我就寝。丛林里很嘈杂,我的脖子又疼得要命,根本没有睡意。更何况,我床边还有一位端着重机枪的少年“保镖”呢。
Comrades Raul and AlipioRaul 和 Alipio 同志
To my delight, the next morning Raul said we should get on with the interview proper. He told me they had close to no links with the drug lords but that, in the areas under their control, farmers were allowed to cultivate coca. Despite my skepticism, I thought there was some truth to what he said. After all, it was more than clear that they were not a wealthy bunch. I was allowed to look at every weapon they had—they were all labeled “Peruvian Army” or “Peruvian Police.” This ragtag army of men averaging 5'3'' in height had actually ambushed the army and police enough times to stock themselves with dozens of automatic rifles.Raul then went on to make an admission of guilt that the group had never before conceded: “We be we behaved like terrorists.” He blamed Abimael Guzman, the imprisoned Shining Path founder, for all the barbaric acts they had inflicted on civilians in the past: “We call for the execution of [Abimael Guzman], for the crimes he committed against humanity,” he said. But, despite his current loathing of the psychopathic Guzman and his heinous crimes, Raul and his older brother are known to have participated in several massacres of civilians. I asked him about an infamous one, which took place in the small Andean village of Lucanamarca in 1983. “I participated, and so did Comrade Jose… if we committed excesses in Lucanamarca, if we annihilated children and women, it was because those were the party’s orders.”Sixty-nine people, including 29 women and children, were slaughtered in , most of them with machetes, in order to save bullets. How could he justify a people’s movement that routinely killed soldiers, the vast majority of whom came from the impoverished classes?第二天早上,Raul 说可以接受我的正式采访。他说这个组织和毒枭几乎没有什么往来。不过在他们的地盘里,农民们可以种植古柯。虽然有所怀疑,但我觉得他说的话还是有几分真实——他们的生活挺拮据的。他还带我参观了他们的武器库存。武器上不是刻着“秘鲁军队”就是“秘鲁警察”的字样。这群平均身高一米七六的乌合之众竟从军队和警方那里劫来了如此多自动步枪。
接着,Raul 承认了组织犯下的罪行,这可是头一遭。
“我们的行为跟罪犯和恐怖分子无异,”他承认,并把组织过去对平民的种种野蛮行径归咎于监狱中的“光辉道路”创始人 Abimael Guzman。“我们要求将他就地正法,让他为那些反人类的罪行付出代价。”尽管 Raul 现在对 Guzman 及其犯下的罪行嗤之以鼻,他和哥哥当年却也参加过不少屠杀平民的事件。
当我问起其中最臭名昭著的1983年 Lucanamarca 大屠杀时,他说道:“我的确参与了,Jose同志也是……我们之所以会在 Lucanamarca 犯下暴行,之所以会杀害妇女和儿童,都是因为组织的命令。”
<font color="#人死于 Lucanamarca 大屠杀,其中包括29名妇女和儿童。绝大多数人是死于砍刀之下,为的是节省子弹。鉴于秘鲁军方的士兵大多都出自贫困阶级,我很好奇他会怎么给这个经常杀害士兵的“人民运动”开脱。
The children of the Shining Path“光辉道路”的童子军
“The soldiers are our class brothers, but it’s these enslaving laws that make these sons of the people fight for the State. Why aren’t the sons of the rich serving in the army?” It seemed that Raul had an answer for everything.Probably the most controversial of the many issues that surround the Shining Path is the presence of several dozen young children within their ranks. “Raul” had proudly given me a USB stick with footage of the Shining Path children shouting Marxist-Maoist slogans they clearly didn’t understand. I questioned him about the origin of these kids, as some reports state that they had been abducted.“No one will ever prove that we have kidnapped a single child. Our children are not involved in combat, they are the sons and daughters of our combatants and there isn’t a single one of them who cannot read and write.”Suddenly our interview was cut short by a rebel whispering something in Comrade Raul’s ear. Raul asked me to switch off the camera while whispers between him and Alipio went back and forth. I switched the camera off and then switched it on again. And that’s when the striking question from Raul came: “We’ve just received news that an 80-strong military detachment is heading in our direction, and you have to understand that we want to raise a concern from our part. We wanted to ask if this is because of a plot between you and the enemy?”Before I could answer, Raul and Alipio began to plan what actions to take. Armed columns of fighters were being sent in different directions. Raul looked as if he had suddenly lost all trust in me, so I tried to make some chitchat with Alipio.“So, Comrade Alipio, what’s happening?”“The enemy is on the move, but we’ve got a unit on standby to proceed with an ambush at any moment.”“没错,当兵的是我们的阶级兄弟,但奴役人的法律迫使他们给政府卖命。我怎么没见到有富人家的儿子当兵呢?” Raul总是有理。
围绕“光辉道路”的诸多议论中,最有争议的要数队伍中雇佣的十几个童子兵了。Raul 得意地递给了我一块U盘,里面有段童子军高喊马克思主义口号的视频。有报道说,这些儿童都是被拐来的,于是我向 Raul 求证。
突然间,我们的采访被一名战士打断了,他对 Raul 同志悄悄地说了些什么。接着 Raul 开始和 Alipio 低声交谈,并且要求我把摄像机关掉。等重新打开后,Raul 突兀地对我说:“我们刚收到消息,一组八十多人的军队正向我前进。你一定要理解我们的处境与担忧——你和敌军是不是串通好了?”
不等我开口回答,Raul 和 Alipio 已经开始商量该做何行动了,并往各个方向都派遣了武装小队。
我好像已经失去了 Raul 的信任,于是我试图和 Alipio 搭话。
“Alipio 同志,发生了什么?”
Shining Path members on patrol through the jungle“光辉道路”成员在丛林中巡逻
Due to what seemed to be an imminent confrontation, Alipio told me to spend a further night at their camp, for my own safety. Fortunately, the next day I learnt that the armed forces’ detachment had headed in a different direction and the Shining Path had called their ambush off.Just before I was to leave, a shy and inarticulate Comrade Alipio approached me. He coyly told me that he also wanted to say something to the camera. Immediately, I started recording. Unlike Raul, Alipio didn’t h his terms were quite simple, bordering on the infantile. He was only interested in talking about one thing. He and his troops had recently attacked an army base, as a result of which three soldiers were killed and a helicopter was downed. To the indignation of Alipio, he and his followers had not received the media exposure they expected after their feat, so he was after some publicity.After saying goodbye, I was escorted by four rebels on a long walk out of the emergency zone (one of them was actually carrying a loaded RPG launcher). I was then handed over to another coca farmer, with whom I walked through the night. Thirteen hours later, I had been bitten by more types of insects than I knew existed, had poison-ivy rashes all over my arms, two toes infected, and a slipped disk that was hurting like hell, but, finally, I was out of that jungle.That was back in late 2010. Hundreds of army operatives after that, the forces of law and order still couldn’t get hold of any Shining Path member until August 2013, when Alipio, Gabriel, and Alfonso (the one who lent me his rifle) were lured into a hut and blown to smithereens. That was the end of Alipio: a hardened warrior, murderer and intellectually deficient individual, whose operatives managed to take on the US-backed Peruvian Armed Forces for over a decade.看来两方的交锋随时可能发生,Alipio 劝告我为了安全起见再在营地待上一晚。第二天,我听说那组武装部队已经往其他方向去了,“光辉道路”也随即取消了埋伏。
就在我准备离开的时候,不善言辞的 Alipio 同志找上了我,并十分腼腆地表达了自己也想在镜头前说几句话的意愿。于是我开始给他录像。和 Raul 不同,Alipio 做不到出口成章,他所使用的词汇都很简单,就跟从小孩嘴里说出来的一样。他只关心一件事情:他和他的部队最近袭击了一个军事基地,总共击毙了三名士兵,打落了一架直升机;而让 Alipio 愤愤不平的是,没有媒体来报道他们的这次胜利。所以他急需一些曝光。
这还是2010年底发生的事。此后,政府又陆续派遣了几百名士兵,可还是一无所获。直到2013年8月,Alipio、Gabriel和 Alfonso(借给我步枪的那位)被诱骗到了一间小屋中,炸了个粉身碎骨。这就是 Alipio 的归宿。他是名冷酷的战士和杀人犯,同时在智力上又有所缺陷。就是在他的指挥下,“光辉道路”和美国援助的秘鲁武装部队较量了十余年之久。
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