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Photoshop巧用3D LUT调色法调出电影的通透效果教程
互联网 & 发布时间: 13:09:49 & 作者:简风格 &
本教程脚本之家的ps调色教程学习者使用Photoshop巧用3D LUT调色法调出电影的通透效果的方法,主要让照片看起来像电影的感觉,更加通透,教程感兴趣的朋友欢迎前来学习
教程结束,以上就是Photoshop巧用3D LUT调色法调出电影的通透效果教程的全部内容,希望大家喜欢!
&#9661;首先在达芬奇中找到这四个LUT。<img src="http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http://s14.sinaimg.cn/mw690/001LLhYAzy7fYwVQODPdd&690" STYLE="font-family:" MICROSOFT="" FONT-SIZE:="" NAME="image_operate_51016"
TITLE="【春星开讲&|达芬奇调色培训班】达芬奇自带的四个Sony&LUT究竟怎么用?!" />
&#9661;找一段Slog3的素材看看,其原始状态是低反差低饱和的。<img src="http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http://s6.sinaimg.cn/mw690/001LLhYAzy7fYwWEecR35&690" STYLE="font-family:" MICROSOFT="" FONT-SIZE:="" NAME="image_operate_67288"
TITLE="【春星开讲&|达芬奇调色培训班】达芬奇自带的四个Sony&LUT究竟怎么用?!" />
&#9661;为其施加709的LUT。<img src="http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http://s16.sinaimg.cn/mw690/001LLhYAzy7fYwXDHBRcf&690" STYLE="font-family:" MICROSOFT="" FONT-SIZE:="" NAME="image_operate_56818"
TITLE="【春星开讲&|达芬奇调色培训班】达芬奇自带的四个Sony&LUT究竟怎么用?!" />
&#9702; 输出的是低反差的视频影调。
&#9702; 高光区被轻微压缩以便于后期调色的扩展。
&#9702; 阴影区细节也被轻微压缩了。
&#9702; 色彩复原产生了更好的肤色调子。
&#9702; 整体色彩是低饱和度的709色域以为后期调色提供更多空间。
&<img src="http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http://s3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/001LLhYAzy7fYwYEWXM62&690" STYLE="font-family:" MICROSOFT="" FONT-SIZE:="" NAME="image_operate_66421"
TITLE="【春星开讲&|达芬奇调色培训班】达芬奇自带的四个Sony&LUT究竟怎么用?!" />
&#9702; 这个Look描述文件有别于LC-709。
&#9702; 这个描述文件是用来模拟数字摄影机Sony
&#9702; 它所生成的肤色和LC-709有轻微不同。
&#9702; 中间调对比度和LC-709是相同的。
&#9702; 画面黑点进行了一定程度的偏移以适配常规的摄影机(Sony
&#9702; 整体色彩是低饱和度的709色域以为后期调色提供更多空间。
&#9702; 整体色彩是低饱和度的709色域以为后期调色提供更多空间。
&#9702; 影调曲线保持为S-Log2。
&#9702; 这个Look描述文件适合于那些对直接处理S-Log2文件有经验的调色师们。
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。FCPX插件-专业颜色分级调色插件Color Finale V1.5.3+使用教程,支持lut预设
Color Finale插件介绍:
FCPX插件-专业颜色分级调色插件Color Finale V1.5.3+使用教程,支持lut预设
插件介绍:Color Finale是一款FCPX调色插件,主要包含4个功能:RGB曲线,色轮,色相饱和度,LUT调色预设调用等
官网最新1.5.3版本,支持Mac最新系统10.11.6,最新版本FCPX 10.2.3
Layer Based Grading(基本图层分级)
Telecine Tools(电视电影RGB曲线调色工具)
工业标准的3色颜色轮(三路颜色校正) 和RGB曲线. 我们结合了电视电影提供最好的的套件.
LUT Utility(LUT预设工具)
应用行业标准的Look Up Tables(Lut)查询,如 OSIRIS 和 ImpulZ,精确模拟35mm胶片效果.
Vector Grading(矢量颜色分级)
o 2Strip.cube
o 3Strip.cube
o Alexa LogC to Rec709.cube
o Blackmagic Film to Rec709.cube
o Canon CLog to Rec709.cube
o CineStyle S Curve.cube
o Fuji3513 – LOG.cube
o Fuji3513 – Rec709.cube
o Kodak2393 – LOG.cube
o Kodak2393 – Rec709.cube
o Sony SLog2 to Rec709.cube
Mac FCPX插件,Win用户请勿拍
FCPX 10.2或者更高版本
下载地址 ():
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[星空测试]a7rII S35 4K SLOG2 ISO800 FCPX LUT
[星空测试]a7rII S35 4K SLOG2 ISO800 FCPX LUT—在线播放—《[星空测试]a7rII S35 4K SLOG2 ISO800 FCPX LUT》—创意视频—优酷网,视频高清在线观看
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[星空测试]a7rII S35 4K SLOG2 ISO800 FCPX LUT
[星空测试]a7rII S35 4K SLOG2 ISO800 FCPX LUT
使用FLASH播放器Software for professional color correction
3D LUT Creator Sale
in celebration of
FREE 3DLUT mobile app is released!
LUT Cloud launch!
First mobile app with LUT cloud!
3D LUT Creator&is the latest program with unique tools&for professional color grading of digital images and video. 3D LUT Creator makes 3DLUTs that can be imported into many programs such as Adobe Photoshop, DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro, FinalCut Pro, Adobe After Effects.
Color correction in 3D LUT Creator is made by bending&the grid&tied to the color plane containing saturation and hue. The use of this interface allows user in few clicks completely change the color scheme of the image or work with the desired color ranges separately.
Unique tools&of 3D LUT Creator won't be found in any other photo or video editor.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The speed and ease of use has been appreciated
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& by more than 5,000 users of this program.
Integration with Adobe Photoshop&in a single click allows you to download LUT into Adobe Photoshop.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ability to create LUTs was&appreciated by
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& videographers and colorists from around the world.
Constant updating of program's functions&won't leave& anyone indifferent.
By downloading you are agreeing to the .
In the Demo version you can not save images and LUTs. Also,& sending LUTs to Photoshop is disabled. Otherwise, the Demo is a fully functional program (including PRO tools). In addition to this, the Demo has a library of free LUTs and program presets. If you need to see how it would work with your video, you can save a preset with your program settings (menu File&Save preset…) and send it to us at support@3dlutcreator.ru. We will then forward your LUT in .CUBE format.
A/B grid&allows the user to change the color of an objec by dragging the desired color on the grid to the desired hue and saturation without affecting other colors. In this case color gradients remain smooth because A/B grid does not work on a mask and acts like smooth curves in Photoshop. Hue and saturation of color change regardless of brightness.
C/L grids&allow to control contrast within specific color.& C/L grids enable to set the specific colors shade within one color depending on its brightness.& Also this tool is very useful for making teal&orange grading.
VOLUME allows you to add accents of brightness to subjects in the image depending on their color.& It also highlights the main subject in only one click.
2D&#45;Curves are side projections of RGB cube that represents 3DLUT.& 2D&#45;Curves give you great opportunities for making different color tonings for your images and videos.
Oleg Sharonov
<p id="uD LUT Creator developer, photographer
I shoot and edit my own photos. Quite often in my workflow I want to use a certain color in the photo, but the Lightroom and Photoshop tools do not allow me to do that. I have designed a new way to work with colors. I imagined how I can change color by curving color space, but there were no tools that would allow me to do that.
Then I decided to create a program that would allow me to operate with color just as I imagined it. That is how I came up with a new grid, based on the LAB color model. Later, I realized that the LAB color model is not the best option for working with photos, and I came up with my own color models. I also added in a lot of other tools, which did not exist before and they are all unique.
Benjamin Patafoin
3D LUT Creator is a must have for all photo and video editors, filmmakers and colorists, for amateurs or professionals. It deserves to be much better known. Once the software is well in your hands, you will discover how easily you can adjust more than just colors. After a few hours of training your coloring skills will be at a higher level.
The accuracy is so excellent and the possibilities are almost unlimited, thanks to all the powerful functions available.& As the 3D LUT Creator exports LUTs, the workflow with Premiere Pro, Photoshop, DaVinci Resolve or even FCPX is extremely easy and fast. Definitely one of the most useful softwares I've bought so far.
Zoran Radonjic
professional photographer
I'm a professional photographer who is shooting fashion models, interiors, portraits and so on. From the beginning I knew how I wanted my photos to look, but it was very hard to do. It took forever to color grade a single photo using masks, converting it to LAB, going back to RGB... I often wanted more precision, but in the end I had to be satisfied with plain editing as I had to deliver photos quickly.
Then I started looking at color grading in movies, and creating 3DLUTs when I discovered a beta version of 3D LUT Creator. I bought it immediately and started to play with it. I was thrilled by how well it worked and by the fact that I was able to edit a picture in a minute, much faster than it takes in other programs. It was so intuitive to work with, that you just know what to do immediately.
Now I'm get I'm shooting music videos, promotion videos etc. It works the same as for pictures, I don't have to learn anything new. I just make the grade in 3D LUT Creator and apply it to a video or a photo, and it still has the style I want.
Now I can't imagine working without it, and I'm so grateful for having it. 3D LUT Creator enables me to have the final image that I'm proud of and repeat the process every day.
Russia Today
Russian international television network
The program helps out in situations with low&#45;quality lighting, with which another software can't cope.
Pratik Naik
Owner of the Solstice retouching agency
3D LUT Creator is a very powerful program that allows for complete control of colors that would be very hard to do with Photoshop's tools alone. For fashion and beauty retouching, this has been really helpful. The ability to select specific colors and modify their luminosity and hue values really make it simple to get the exact colors you want.
The best part is the amount you can actually pull colors without seeing banding or posterization. Color shifts retain the fidelity of edges between two areas without seeing any artifacts. This versatility can be used to change color and luminosity of clothes, environments, skin tones, and so much more! 3D LUT Creator has come in handy when I really needed something more powerful than Photoshop's tool set.
Dmitry Scheglov
Director, cameraman, founder of GOLDFINCHWORKS
Our company produces commercials, industrial videos, music videos and VR videos. When 3D LUT Creator just appeared, we did not quite understand the field of its application. The LUT was used as a tool for creating common color accent or for technical purposes. But after we saw 3D LUT Creator at work — everything fell into place.
The main advantage of 3D LUT Creator for us is the capacity to work with complex materials: high noise level,& numerous cameras, and features of material conversion. While the mask for various parameters in other programs, such as DaVinci Resolve, can't accurately select a part of the image and thus creates artifacts, 3D LUT Creator can create masks with smooth edges to perform such operations.& Also, it becomes possible to manage colors in any ways, which allows to expand the arsenal of creative solutions.
We optimized our processes so that 3D LUT Creator became one of our main tools. We use 3D LUT Creator in the preparation for color correction, clarification of color accents, final color correction and inside VFX pipelines. Its role is not only in artistic application, but also in the technical optimization of images without artifacts at different stages of production.
The program is suitable for standard color correction and for creating artistic effects.
Videographers and Colorists
The program lets you save color settings in files with extension .3dl, .cube, .csv which are cross&#45;platform formats, so you can open them in a video editor, such as Adobe After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro, FinalCut Pro. You just need to take one frame of the video, process it in the program, save the settings and apply a color profile for the entire video!
Designers and Creative People
The simplicity and clarity with which 3D LUT Creator works, will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, files with the extension .3dl can be imported into Adobe Photoshop, so you can apply these settings as adjustment layers, applying them not only to bitmap images, but also to vector graphics.
Program versions and prices with discount!
A/B color grid
Curves (including special curves)
Curves import
Auto match colors to reference
Look manager
Saving program presets
Image saving
Integration with other programs
Max 3DLUT size
C/L color grid
<span id="uD&#45;curves
<p id="uDLUT import and editing
<p id="uDLUT making out of Hald files
Log and RAW Support
Matching by color targets
Waveform/Parade analyzer
Batch processing
Updates are free up to version 1.xx. Paid upgrades are 2.0, 3.0, etc.
The cost of the update is 50% of the current version cost at the time of the update.
The Channels tool works like a channel mixer in Photoshop but it has much more convenient interface. The Channels tool takes RGB channels of the image and mixes them in different proportions. It also allows you to load and make color calibration matrices.
These image analyzers came from the world of video editing.
The Waveform analyzer shows the distribution of red, green and blue channel values relative to the horizontal scanning of the frame. If you load a linear gray gradient (from black to white, from left to right) into 3D LUT Creator the Waveform will extract the shape of the curve that corresponds to your color correction.
The Parade analyzer shows per&#45;channel distribution of& red, green and blue channels relative to horizontal scanning of the frame. It is convenient for setting the white balance manually.
The Volume tool blends the brightness of individual RGB channels with the brightness of the image. It allows you to control the brightness of individual colors.
The A/B color grid allows you to work with colors in Lab color space or any other color space that you select from the Model drop&#45;down list. You can change the hue and saturation of the color by moving the grid points, as well as changing the lightness of the individual colors.
C/L color grids provide precise lightness control within certain hue and saturation. The neutral axis passes through the middle of both grids from top to bottom. The lightness changes vertically on the grids, the saturation changes horizontally away from the neutral axis.
In addition to the standard set of RGB&#45;curves the program also has special curves.
The Luminance curve adjusts the lightness component of the chosen color model.
The Saturation/Luminance curve (or Sat/Lum curve) allows you to control the saturation based on lightness of the image.
The Saturation/Saturation&curve (or Sat/Sat curve) allows you to control the saturation of the image colors based on their original saturation.
The Luminance/Saturation curve (or Lum/Sat curve) allows you to control lightness of the image based on its saturation.
2D&#45;curves are side projections of the RGB&#45;cube which is rotated so that the neutral axis passes vertically upwards. On each 2D&#45;curve one of the RGB&#45;axes lies horizontally and is directed away from us. 2D&#45;curves allow you to directly influence the 3D structure of the LUT and create numerous color effects.
<p class="dark-background-style" id="uD LUT Creator uses the LibRaw library to load and develop RAW images.
The program also supports the following Log and RAW video formats:
o BMD Film
o BMD Film 4K
o BMD Film 4.6K
o VisionLOG
o Cinestyle
o RedLogFilm
o Rad LOG3G10
o DJI Inspire Log
o DJI D&#45;Log
o V&#45;Log
o Canon Log
Using this function you can create LUTs based on the color correction in other programs. For example, you can load a Hald file into Lightroom and apply a preset to it. Then you can load the modified Hald file into 3D LUT Creator, create a LUT and apply it to your video in the video editor.
Masks in 3D LUT Creator are based on different color characteristics, such as RGB & CMYK color channels, Hue, Saturation, Luminance and others. Masks allow you to protect particular image colors from changes.
3D LUT Creator allows you to load third party LUTs, apply them together with the program tools and even edit them!& LUTs can be decomposed into three parts: the Contrast curve, RGB curves (split toning) and HSL&#45;component. Each element can be edited separately!
Also, if your LUT is created in 3D LUT Creator you can load it into the program as a preset of program settings.
The larger the LUT size the higher the quality of color transition. The quality will become especially noticeable when you work with Log or RAW images or use color masks.
You can save the settings of program tools (color grids, curves, sliders, etc.) into a separate file for later use.
The Look manager creates thumbnails gallery of your images based on your LUT libraries. It greatly simplifies the selection of the LUT that better suits your image. The Look manager comes with the library of ready&#45;to&#45;use LUTs that can be loaded into the 3D LUT Creator as presets for future editing.
3D LUT Creator saves images in the following formats:
* .jpg &#45; the compression ratio can be selected in the program settings (default quality is 100%);
* .tiff &#45; always stored in RGB 16 bit.
One click image or movie frame import from Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect and MLVProducer.
One click LUT export to Adobe Photoshop and MLVProducer.
This function allows you to copy the toning from the image taken as an example (reference). Main colors for different brightnesses of the image (split toning) will be copied using RGB&#45;curves.
This function allows you to transfer the toning and color schemes from other images (including frames from the movies) to your images. Also you can write your color correction to the LUT file and then apply it to your video in the video editor.
Batch processing allows you to automatically process a group of photos with a LUT.
Color Matching based on Color Target allows you to automatically build calibrated color profiles. The program supports the following color targets:
X&#45;Rite ColorChecker Classic
X&#45;Rite ColorChecker Passport Photo
X&#45;Rite ColorChecker Digital SG
X&#45;Rite ColorChecker Video
X&#45;Rite ColorChecker Passport Video
DSC Labs OneShot
DSC Labs ChromaDuMonde
DataColor SpyderCheckr 24
DataColor SpyderCheckr
IT8.7 with Checkerboard
By downloading you are agreeing to the .
In the Demo version you can not save images and LUTs. Also, the sending LUTs to Photoshop is disabled. Otherwise the Demo is fully functional program (including PRO tools). In addition to this, the Demo has a library of free LUTs and program presets. If you need to see how it works with your video, you can save a preset with your program settings (menu File&Save preset…) and send it to us at support@3dlutcreator.ru, and we will send you a LUT in .CUBE format.
2013-—2018 (C) 3D LUT Creator, All rights reserved


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