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匿名用户不能发表回复!|An artificial neural network - back-propagation neural network &BP ANN&
Distant memory, hair up and share a nice ring, the format some chaos out. . .
A series of internal communication
An artificial neural network - back-propagation neural network (BP ANN)
A person's understanding will inevitably be biased, so the following remarks can not be all that you want to skeptical scrutiny. In the communication of ideas not scared of the purpose, the name may not be relevant to explain too much, are interested can check the information on in-depth look.
(Note: The artificial neural network is a big subject that branch of the following focused on BP ANN)
The computer player multiplayer, how to deal with and will make people feel like a real person in the Battle, and will not be too simple or too difficult to lose interest?
Write a state function to solve this problem:
Switch type of computer players
Case melee strength based
If (number of people friendly | | enemy attack power is weak | | full value of his life | | the enemy a short distance)
PK rushed to say
. . . . . .
Case type battle spell away
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Indeed the state machine is used to solve the problem, but it looks like in order to do well that there are too many cases waiting for us. Moreover, the AI is dead, its behavior is born doomed, and should try to make a living!
If you have already thought of a way, first do not rush to look down, take the time to try to achieve it, do not let your PC world is too lonely.
2, or primer
(1) assumes known definition of the circle, which is more like the following round?
(Oval, round, square, three graphics)
(2) Suppose the square of the known 1999 = 3,996,001 3999 = 15,992,001 square
Then the square of 2999 =? (If we known the square = 0, 2,999 square =?)
We compared the time which is more rounded, graphics, and their awareness will be round to compare the rule of thumb or intuition, estimated that each map and circle the error, the smallest error is selected.
Mishap: If you choose the first two, but someone told you the first three is that they provided a perfect circle, then let you choose the next time, maybe you would choose the first three, because someone taught you that.
Guess when the square of 2999, based on previous learning experience and try, with an estimated value of around in the (3,996,001 + 15,992,001) / 2 is about 3000 square after that, speculation would be more accurate, if we know the square root of 2998 and may even be directly to guess right.
Mishap: But if only to tell you the square of 00,
to guess the square, the error will obviously be large, the probability of a direct guess is minimal.
The process described above may be biased, but in general BP neural network is similar to that from the point of view, to imitate the human brain processes, the first study sample set (1999 to 3999 square feet = 3,996,001 square while at the same time 3000 = 15,992,001 square = ), and constantly adjusting their weights to fit the sample set of results, attention is fitting that this small neural network, do not know what is a square (like we were young), tell it to give input A the results of B, he continued internal restructuring, to achieve the A was B, then told it was up to the C D, it will strive to fit, this time to ask what it is derived from the A? Could answer was not just B, so, the training continued until the error is less than the threshold, or the death of the cycle continues, unfortunately the (usually caused by poor training samples do not converge)
3, the simple definition
Said a lot is to be pointed out that the neural network flawed, so we're new to these ideas as their own when the same mistake why the problems can be designed to deal with an ANN, neural network, in fact, in accordance with a training sample, through a large number repeated calculations, build the solution and sample data from issues related to a formula.
Neural network a wonderful formula ≈
Story made rules, artificial neural network, information science and interdisciplinary branches of biology, the main idea is to simulate from a physiological point of view the human brain (nervous system), used in more extensive field of pattern recognition, such as handwriting recognition, weather forecasting , Identification of water quality, environmental quality evaluation.
There are a variety of neural network and is still ongoing rapid evolution, so to understand its main idea is the most critical. Widely used is also easier to understand the back-propagation neural network (Backpropagation ANN, referred to as BP).
Add that the traditional artificial intelligence, most of the people from the psychological point of simulation, such as chess and other human-computer game, through the heuristic algorithm, choose from the current situation can be translated into the best situation (or the local best situation), depth first, breadth-first algorithm, or by branch, can find a solution.
If using a neural network to solve this problem, do not expect it to be very strong, unless there are appropriate samples and methods, continuous training it. This is just as small to large, number of teachers under the guidance of our own process of gradual accumulation from ignorance.
4, a very important concept - the activation function (activation function)
The following quote from &AI Game Development&:
About 1011 adult brain neurons, and each neuron via synapses, receiving about 104 other neurons of the input potential. If all the input potential of the combined effect is strong enough, neurons would be activated, its activation potential pass it to other neurons. For a single neuron, its activation function to the total input in a nonlinear manner corresponding to the corresponding output value.
5, the ideal AI opponents or companions
Much ado, the code seen what happens now.
Neural networks composed by neurons, BP is commonly used in three-network, input layer, hidden layer, output layer, each neuron is constituted by the &input layer - hidden layer& and &hidden layer - output layer &between the neurons connected to each other, each connection has different weight (the weight training process which will be continuously adjusted), see the figure below.
(1) General level ---- NeuralNetworkLayer
BP network design, each layer can be regarded as a basic unit, a layer of abstraction common classes, properties include the following:
private int numberOfN / / The number of nodes neurons
private int numberOfChildN / / the lower the number of neuron nodes
private int numberOfParentN / / number of nodes in the upper neuron
private double [] [] / / Connect the two nodes on the lower array of rights re-
private double [] [] weightC / / the right to redo the adjustment of the correction array (to achieve the momentum method)
private double [] neuronV / / The layer of neurons calculated value (activation value)
private double [] desiredV / / layer neurons of the desired value (target)
private double [] / / the layer related to the error of each neuron
private double [] biasW / / the layer and each neuron weight-related bias
private double [] biasV / / the layer and each neuron related to the deviation (usually 1 or -1)
private double learningR / / learning rate used to calculate the weight correction
private boolean linearO / / if the layer neurons use linear activation function (output layer use)
private boolean useM / / adjust the weights whether to use momentum
private double momentumF / / momentum coefficient
private NeuralNetworkLayer parentL / / upper entity
private NeuralNetworkLayer childL / / lower layer entity
Not many important ways:
/ / Randomly initialize the weights (with the initial value to begin training)
public void randomizeWeights () {. . . . . . }
/ / Use input values of neurons and activation function, to calculate the layer of the value of each neuron activation or implicit value
public void calculateNeuronValues () {. . . . . . }
/ / Calculate the error of each neuron
public void calculateErrors () {. . . . . . }
/ / Adjust weights
public void adjustWeights () {. . . . . . }
(2) the overall network ---- NeuralNetwork
Properties are naturally included in the network layer:
private NeuralNetworkLayer inputL
private NeuralNetworkLayer hiddenL
private NeuralNetworkLayer outputL
/ / Set the input values used in the training set of input data and the practical application of the network input values set when the
public void setInput (int i, double value) {
/ / According to a set of input values, specify the output value of nature is spent training
public void setDesiredOutput (int i, double value) {
/ / According to a set of input values to produce output values
public void feedForward () {
/ / Calculate the error of a set of output values
public double calculateError () {
/ / Use back-propagation techniques, adjusting the connection weights
public void backPropagate () {
outputLayer.calculateErrors ();
hiddenLayer.calculateErrors ();
hiddenLayer.adjustWeights ();
inputLayer.adjustWeights ();
(3) network of trainers ---- Trainer
First need to build a reasonable training samples, this is crucial for a network, for example:
private double [] [] trainingSet = {
/ / Allowed to be hit by friendly enemy is fighting the number of clusters from the chase dodge
{0, 1, 0, 0.2, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1},
{1, 1, 1, 0.2, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1},
{0, 1, 0, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1},
{0.1, 0.5, 0, 0.2, 0.9, 0.1, 0.1},
{0, 0.25, 1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1},
{0, 0.2, 1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9}
(Note that the value of each, were converted to [0,1] range, and very common practice)
With the training samples, the need to write a training method:
public void training () {
int c = 0;
double error = 1.0;
/ / Error is greater than the threshold or less than the threshold number of training and continue training
while ((error& 0.01) & & (c &50000)) {
error = 0;
for (i = 0; i &trainingSet. i + +) {
/ / Set the input
nn.setInput (0, trainingSet [i] [0]);
nn.setInput (1, trainingSet [i] [1]);
nn.setInput (2, trainingSet [i] [2]);
nn.setInput (3, trainingSet [i] [3]);
/ / Set the expected output
nn.setDesiredOutput (0, trainingSet [i] [4]);
nn.setDesiredOutput (1, trainingSet [i] [5]);
nn.setDesiredOutput (2, trainingSet [i] [6]);
/ / Generate output based on input
nn.feedForward ();
/ / Calculate the error of a set of output values, and add up
error + = nn.calculateError ();
/ / Use back-propagation techniques, adjusting the connection weights
nn.backPropagate ();
error = error / (float) / / error is the mean of the last to see
**** Training 14,784 times, the final error is 0.213308 ****
After training, you can save all the weight, so
also have training in it every time, because the weights are randomly initialized, specific training to find a weight, may be just a local optimum. Remember Mishap mentioned at the beginning ---- What tells you if only the square of 00,
to guess the square.
The method used, it is simple, set the input, calculate the output, get
public void using (float [] input) {
nn.setInput (0, input [0]);
nn.setInput (1, input [1]);
nn.setInput (2, input [2]);
nn.setInput (3, input [3]);
nn.feedForward ();
Trained relatively timid guy:
The number of enemy allies fighting the enemy from the value of life
Output layer, the final result, taking the maximum value for the final results:
Should be &enemy combatants,& the probability: = 0.345
Should be &closer to friendly forces,& the probability: = 0.3021347
Should be &quickly flash people,& the probability: = 0.67563
The number of enemy allies fighting the enemy from the value of life
Output layer, the final result, taking the maximum value for the final results:
Should be &enemy combatants,& the probability: = 0.98075
Should be &closer to friendly forces,& the probability: = 0.4573229
Should be &quickly flash people,& the probability: = 0.9983
The number of enemy allies fighting the enemy from the value of life
Output layer, the final result, taking the maximum value for the final results:
Should be &enemy combatants,& the probability: = 0.6574
Should be &closer to friendly forces,& the probability: = 0.503063
Should be &quickly flash people,& the probability: = 0.34931
The value of the number of lives fighting the enemy allies from the enemy
Output layer, the final result, taking the maximum value for the final results:
Should be &enemy combatants,& the probability: = 0.4205
Should be &closer to friendly forces,& the probability: = 0.60574
Should be &quickly flash people,& the probability: = 0.8959
These are a simple introductory example, the output reliability of the results may not be high, but I believe that when you successfully after it, there will be a joy, even shocking, in fact, many do still need to continue to learn to know also a lot.
Finally, do not mistakenly believe that neural network can only be a small toy, the network of neurons, the number of hidden layers can be more input values can be carbon dioxide content, particulate content, temperature and humidity, which tells us that air qua to the atmosphere various parameters, which tell us that it will rain tomorrow, the human brain is the highest agent, so the artificial intelligence and neural networks, worth the time to explore it a try.
6, Java class libraries:
Joone, has developed a long time, a graphical interface
7 Recommended Books
&Game Development Artificial Intelligence& &AI for Game Developers& (David M. Borug & Glenn Seemann)
&Game Programming in Artificial Intelligence Technology& &AI Techniques for Game Programming& (Mat Buckland)
8, the algorithm steps
1, with a small random value will be the right initialization
2, select an input mode, add the input layer
3, the signal is transmitted through the network before
4, the actual output and expected output compare
5, the direction of propagation through the error, the error before the calculation of a layer of
6, updating the weights of all connections
7, for another input, return to the second step and repeat the process
(That is updated using the previous weight, so after a preference for the input of the situation, grass is always greener)
9, advantages and disadvantages:
1, the advantages:
(1) a 3-layer BP network can be done to arbitrary n-dimensional mapping of m-dimensional
2, shortcomings
(1) nonlinear optimization, the situation encountered local minimum
(2) slow convergence, more than a thousand steps
(3) information forward and backward flow through the network, and use of derivatives, the biological point of view the lack of credibility
(4) the number of network hidden nodes selected by experience
(5) The grass is always greener, and the information contained in each sample must be the same number of
1, to prevent over-fitting
(1) minimize the number of neurons
(2) by adding swing (jitter)
(3) early termination
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