
话说我以前(差不多三年前)有个号,很久没用了,然后就说该用户不存在,于是我以为冻结了,才注册了现在这个新的......话说我原来那个号是annie_littlestar...(现在感觉这名好搓= =b)本来以为我自己记错了,后来在吧里找往日发言才发觉我原来没记错= =是不是被冻结就没办法在用户查找里看到了?可是我都忘了我是用哪个邮箱注册的了要怎么找回来呀T T是当时有段时间连不上尼奥,我才不再上了,后来想上也上不了那个号了...有只宝宝舒特还在那个号里呢T T(现在也查找不到了...不会是真的帐号被删了吧......)以上可能有点语无伦次...
TNT...删帐号就删帐号嘛,不用把宠物也删了吧,可以放孤儿院啊T T
2年不上删除帐号?好悲剧T T
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Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway
The Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway is back, and once more we will be granting Neopians the Neopet of their dreams! All you have to do to enter is select one of your Neopets and your dream species/colour combination. If you're one of the winners, that Neopet will be magically transformed into your dream combination. (Through the power of holiday magic, we hear!)
Important information:
You must enter by 11:59 AM NST on Friday, December 22nd.
(This page will disappear after that!)
You can only enter on ONE account.
It doesn't have to be your main, but you can't enter on more than one account or you will be disqualified!
If you win, any customisation items your Neopet is wearing will be placed into the closet automatically after the transformation.
If you select an unconverted Neopet to enter, the Neopet will NOT stay that way should you win the giveaway.
All winners/transformations will be converted.
Forty winners in total will be randomly selected and will wake up to their dream Neopet on Day of Giving morning (December 25th). We'll be sure to announce the winners in .
Are you sure...
You are about to submit
for the giveaway?
Once submitted, your entry can't be changed. And, should you win, the transformation cannot be reversed. Choose wisely!
It seems you haven't selected either your Neopet that will change or what you want your Neopet to change into.
Welcome to the Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway!
Make a wish for the Neopet of your dreams!
Forty lucky winners will wake up to their dream Neopet on Day of Giving morning (December 25th).
In order to participate, you will need to be logged in.
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It is a journeyI must face...alone.*dramatic music*
I want to stay on Neopets,where the dangers ofMeepit invasion are taken seriously.
You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website, so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defense systems will be different! Are you sure you'd like to continue?
It is a journeyI must face...alone.*dramatic music*
I want to stay on Neopets,where the dangers ofMeepit invasion are taken seriously.
You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website, so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defense systems will be different! Are you sure you'd like to continue?
It is a journeyI must face...alone.*dramatic music*
I want to stay on Neopets,where the dangers ofMeepit invasion are taken seriously.
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谁能帮我注册一个尼奥账号哈 我注册不上了


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