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擅长: 产科,如:母乳喂养,流产,早产,产后出血,产褥感染
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Mount Everest Brawl Pits Climbers vs. SherpasOfficials in Nepal investigate reports of fighting between foreign climbers and their guides.Climbing Mount Everest is challenging enough, battling elements, battling terrains, but what about when the conflict turned from men versus nature to men versus men. Well, that’s apparently exactly what happened yesterday on the world’s highest mountain, more than 24,000 feet up, a fight broke out between a group of famous climbers and sherpas while approaching a base camp. Simone Moro of Italy, Ueli Steck of Switzerland and Jonathan Griffith of Britain angered the sherpas by ignoring their orders not to touch ropes they were securing. The Trio continued to climb, then some ice fell, hitting the sherpas, prompting them to storm the climbers heads, punching and kicking them. Both sides accused the other of starting the fight, but have since apparently apologized to each other. /091
Do you work too much? Have you lost touch with your family? VideoJug gives you a little life lesson in balance.你的工作是不是很繁忙?你是否和家人失去联系?VideoJug帮助你怎样获得平衡。Step 1: Divide And Conquer1.公私分明,尽量克Divide work and personal life. Put personal problems out of your mind. Focus. Youll be more productive and itll be easier to leave on time.将工作和个人生活分开。工作的时候把个人问题抛到脑后,集中精力工作,这样工作效率会更高,更容易准时完成工作回家。Step 2: Love Your Lunch2.共享午餐Learn to love lunch! You can keep relationships alive by scheduling them into your day. Make lunch with friends and family priority appointments on your calendar. Youll come back refreshed and renewed.学会共享午餐!通过把午餐安排到日常生活中你可以维系与亲人的关系。提前预约和亲人朋友公斤午餐。回到工作环境时你会精神百倍。Step 3: Get Out On Time3.及时下班Everybody has to work late. But not every night. Make a commitment to leave on time at least three nights a week. And when you leave… work behind. Dont let your blackberry or cell phone interfere with personal time.每个人有时候都需要加班,但并不是每晚都加班。承诺每周至少三个晚上按时下班。当你离开的时候,把工作暂时抛开吧。不要让你的手机影响私人时间。Thanks for watching
How To Balance Work And Relationships.感谢收看“怎样平衡工作和亲情”视频节目。803
Today in History: Monday, November 05, 2012历史上的今天:日,星期一On Nov. 5, 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term in office, beating Republican challenger Wendell L. Willkie.日,美国总统富兰克林D?罗斯福击败共和党的挑战者Wendell L. Willkie赢得了空前的第三个任期。1605 The Gunpowder Plot failed when Guy Fawkes was seized before he could blow up the English Parliament.1605年,在盖伊?福克斯炸毁英国国会前被抓,火药阴谋失败。1872 Suffragist Susan B. Anthony was fined 0 for attempting to vote in a presidential election.1872年,妇女参政者苏珊B.安东尼试图在总统选举中投票被罚款100美元。1912 Woodrow Wilson was elected president, defeating incumbent William Howard Taft and former President Theodore Roosevelt.1912年,伍德罗`威尔逊击败现任威廉霍华德塔夫和美国前总统西奥多?罗斯福当选总统。1935 Parker Brothers began markeMonopoly.;1935年,帕克兄弟开始出售棋盘游戏“垄断”。1956 Britain and France landed troops in Egypt during fighting between Egyptian and Israeli forces around the Suez Canal.1956年,在苏伊士运河埃及和以色列军队战斗期间,英法军队登陆埃及。1968 Republican Richard M. Nixon won the presidency, defeating Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and third-party candidate George C. Wallace.1968年,共和党人理查德?尼克松击败副总裁休伯特H.汉弗莱和第三方候选人乔治C.华莱士赢得总统大选。1974 Ella Grasso of Connecticut became the first woman elected governor in the ed States without succeeding her husband.1974年,康涅狄格州艾拉?格拉索成为第一位没有继承她丈夫的美国州长。1994 Former President Ronald Reagan disclosed he had Alzheimers disease.1994年,美国前总统罗纳德?里根透露他患有老年痴呆症。1994 George Foreman became boxings oldest heavyweight champion at age 45 by knocking out Michael Moorer in the 10th round of their WBA fight in Las Vegas.1994年,45岁的乔治?福尔曼在WBA对抗赛第十轮击败Michael Moorer,成为拳击史上年龄最大的重量级冠军。1996 President Bill Clinton won a second term over former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole.1996年,克林顿总统击败前参议院多数党领袖鲍勃?多尔赢得第二个任期。1999 A federal judge declared Microsoft Corp. a monopoly.1999年,一名联邦法官宣布微软垄断性质。2006 Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced by the Iraqi High Tribunal to hang for crimes against humanity.2006年,萨达姆?侯赛被判有罪并由伊拉克高等法庭因其反人罪处以吊死。 A shooting rampage at the Fort Hood Army post in Texas left 13 Maj. Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, was charged in the worst mass killing on a U.S. military base.年,德克萨斯州胡德堡军事基地发生袭击事件,造成13人死亡。Maj. Nidal Hasan在这场发生在美军基地最严重大规模杀戮中被指控。 /626
  伦敦高端洋娃娃设计师以这种方式向好莱坞最著名的女明星之一的阿比#8226;兰恩致敬的。High-end London doll designers are paying homage to one of Hollywoods most famous starlets with a miniature Abbe Lane. Superdoll Collectables is holding an exhibition of the screen legend in her resin replica in Milan.With her red hair, stylish clothes and chihuahua under her arm - this is no ordinary doll. Based on Hollywood singer and actress Abbe Lane, this is the latest doll from Superdoll Collectables. And the star herself is here in Milan for the launch of her doll. In the 1950s her flaming hair, hips and glamour clothing set pulses racing.Abbe Lane, H actress, said, ;They could have chosen many other actresses but the fact that they chose me is unbelievable. And so when I open the first box, you know the glass tonight with the doll, I am sure I am going to be, as we say, blown away,;From sequined mermaid gowns to black lace and leopard-print dresses, the London designers researched, cut and sewed each outfit by hand.Charles Fegen, Designer of Superdoll Collectables, said, ;Our dolls dont complain, our dolls dont put on weight, so its a lot easier to make clothes for them and to dress them. ;Desmond Lingard, Designer of Superdoll Collectables, said, ;It’s easier in that sense, in design sense, but its actually more difficult than making human clothes because you are working on such a minute scale.;The dolls have no official prices, the close-knit community of doll collectors deal directly with their designers. The Superdolls travel the world, exhibiting and selling in places like Moscow, New York and Japan. Now its time for Fegen to dress the dolls y for another busy day of fashion shoots and being admired - just like a real life supermodel.018
  I probably think I look older than看到这些照片前I thought I looked before I looked at these pictures!我可能认为我比想象中的老There are some people for对于有一些人 whom age looms very large in understanding年龄让他们很担心where they are in life, where theyve been and so on.自己在生活中的位置 以前的位置等等I dont find it relevant to my life at all.我认为这和我的生活毫不相关Ellens counter-clockwise艾伦的时光倒流实验成为experiment was the impetus for a whole range所有认为思想可以影响身体的of psychological studies exploring the influence of mind over body.心理研究的动力The results all suggest that our实验结果表明thoughts have a powerful influence over our health.我们的思想对身体健康有着巨大的影响Your views of your own ageing你认为的自身年龄are going to largely determine how you age.很大程度的决定了你真实的年龄If you view yourself as somebody如果你把自己看做垂危的人whos going to fall apart, you will fall apart.你很快就将倒下You will probably live just as我们可能可以long as you think that youre supposed to live,想活多久就活多久that again we have enormous control over our health and wellbeing我们对健康有着巨大的控制力 that were only beginning to become aware of.这点我们才刚开始意识到500。
  Step 1 Notice vomiting1.呕吐迹象Take note if the victim is vomiting. Although it could be an upset stomach, it could also indicate a more serious problem.如果病人出现呕吐就要注意了。尽管可能仅仅是肚子痛,但是也有可能是更严重的问题的征兆。Step 2 Wake the victim2.唤醒病人Attempt to wake the victim if they pass out. If they cannot be roused, immediately seek help.如果病人失去知觉,试着唤醒他们。如果不能被唤醒,立即寻求帮助。Watch an unconscious victim to make sure they dont choke on their vomit.一定要密切关注失去意识的病人,确保他们在呕吐期间不会窒息。Step 3 Listen to breathing3.倾听呼吸Listen for slow or irregular breathing. Eight breaths per minute or less is considered slow.听一下病人的呼吸是否变慢或不规律。如果每分钟的呼吸次数少于八次,就是呼吸过慢。Step 4 Check for hypothermia4.检查低温Check to see if the victim has blue or pale skin or low body temperature, as these can be signs of hypothermia.检查一下病人是否出现皮肤发蓝或苍白,或者体温过低,因为这些都是低温的症状。Step 5 Watch for seizures5.注意抽搐迹象Watch for seizures, which are caused by either dehydration or hyperglycemia.观察一下病人有没有出现抽搐,这可能是由于脱水或低温造成的。Step 6 Call for help6.寻求帮助Call the hospital or poison control if you suspect the victim has alcohol poisoning. Dont wait for all the symptoms to appear before calling for help.如果你怀疑病人出现酒精中毒,立即致电医院或中毒控制中心。不要等到所有症状都出现才寻求帮助。Each year an estimated 1,700 college students ages die from alcohol-related injuries.每年大约有1,700名大学生年龄的年轻人死于与酒精相关的伤害。 /800UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Todays shoutout goes out to Mrs. McKays and Mrs. Millers language arts classes at Glenview Middle School in East Moline, Illinois.今天的“大声喊出来”来到了McKay和米勒女士的语言艺术课堂。In a blank, voters decide on a proposed government law or policy.在空白中,投票者决定政府法律或政策的提案。Is it a rebuttal, a filibuster, referendum, or oligarchy? You got 3 seconds, go.这是一个反驳,会议妨碍行为,公民投票权还是寡头政体?你有三秒钟的时间,开始!A referendum is a vote on a proposed law or policy. Thats your answer and that is your shoutout.全民公投是在提议的法律或政策上投票。那就是你的,那就是你的“大喊”。AZUZ: There is at least one referendum on the ballot in 38 states today.今天在美国的38个州至少有1个公投。All in all, voters will decide on almost 180 proposed laws or policies, and that includes some pretty controversial issues.总的来说,投票者会决定将近180个提议的法律和政策,那包含了一些很有争议的问题。For example, President Obamas health care reform law.举个例子,奥巴马总统的医疗保险改革法规。Four states are voting on whether people and businesses can avoid the part of the law that requires that they purchase health care for themselves or their employees.4个州投票看人们和商业能否避免法律的一部分,要求他们为自己或雇员购买医疗保险。Voters in other states will be looking at proposals that involve same-sex marriage, abortion, the death penalty and legalizing medical marijuana.其他州的选民会面对有关同性婚姻,流产,死刑和大麻合法化的提议。And two states, Washington and Georgia, have referendums on creation of charter schools.还有两个州,华盛顿州和乔治亚州有关于创办特许学校的公投。
  Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for dry skin, which occurs when your skin feels taught and has closed, tight pores.美容治疗师Sarah Chapman向VideoJug用户展示怎样护理干性皮肤。当你的皮肤感到紧绷,毛孔紧缩的时候,说明你的皮肤干燥。Step 1: The signs of dry skin1.干性皮肤的征兆Your skin is dry if your skin feels tight after washing, or you have tight, closed pores with no blackheads. Dry skin lacks oil whereas dehydrated skin lacks moisture and looks crepey.如果洗脸后感到紧绷,或者毛孔紧缩,没有黑头,说明你的皮肤是干性的。干性皮肤无油,然而,脱水皮肤缺少水分,看上去干巴巴的。Step 2: Cleansing2.清洁Use a cream or milk cleanser and avoid face washes which can be drying for your skin. Massage into the skin and remove with damp cotton wool or wash off with water. Toner is not essential as it can be drying, but if you do use it, use a gentle toner such as rose water and avoid alcohol-based toners.使用洁面乳,避免会导致皮肤更加干燥的洁面产品。轻轻地皮肤,然后用湿毛巾擦掉,或用水清洗。不必使用紧肤水,因为紧肤水会逐渐干燥。但是如果一定要用的话,使用比较柔和的柔肤水,例如玫瑰水,避免使用含有酒精的产品。Step 3: Morning moisturising3.早上保湿Use a rich moisturiser with rich oil such as borage oil. Use a moisturiser for dry skin and minimum SPF 15. Use after cleansing, and apply a second layer after 5 minutes if it still feels tight.使用油性含量比较高的保湿产品,例如紫草油。使用专门适用干性皮肤,SPF 15以上的保湿产品。洁面后使用。如果仍然感到很紧绷的话,5分钟后再涂一层。Step 4: Evening moisturising4.晚上保湿After cleansing, use a rich moisturising night cream or oil such as sandalwood or lavender. Sp over the face and around the eyes.洁面后,使用营养丰富的晚霜,例如檀香木或薰衣草。在面部和眼睛周围均与涂抹。Step 5: Exfoliating5.去角质Dry skin has a build up of dead skin so it may be rough to the touch. Exfoliate twice a week to remove these dead cells. Use a gentle exfoliator such as a french peel.干性皮肤积累了许多死皮,所以摸上去比较坚硬。每周两次去角质,清除这些死皮。使用比较温和的去角质产品。Step 6: Diet and Lifestyle6.饮食和生活方式Dry skin needs to be given more oil, so include it in your diet by eating oily fish or taking omega supplements. Try and drink 2 litres of water a day.干性皮肤需要补充更多油,所以每天的饮食中应该多摄入一点油,可以食用含油比较丰富的鱼或用一些补充剂。试着每天饮用2升水。Thanks for watching
How To Care For Dry Skin感谢收看“干性皮肤怎样护理”视频节目。482Guessingwho will run the final stretch with the Olympic torch and lights the cauldron is always one of the highlights of the Games opening extravaganza. With the London Olympics fast approaching, Britons are happily combining two of their favorite pastimes: sports and betting.高举奥运火炬跑完最后一程并点燃开幕式圣火的人总是奥运开幕式的一大亮点。随着伦敦奥运很快临近,英国人正沉浸在他们最爱的消遣活动中:体育和打赌。Withjust over a week to go, bookmakers are closing their books on the most popular bet so far: Who will light the flame at the opening ceremony on July 27.距离开幕式还有一个星期,著作家们都想为这个最受欢迎的赌注画上句号:谁会点燃7.27日奥运开幕式圣火。Thebookmakers agree the clear favorite, with odds of 1/3, is Britains most successful Olympian Steve Redgrave. The 50-year-old rower won gold medals at five consecutive Olympics from 1984 to 2000.著作家们都看好史蒂夫?雷德格雷夫,认为他有1/3的几率,史蒂夫?雷德格雷夫是英国最成功的运动员。这位50岁的浆手在1984年至2000年奥运期间连续5年获得金牌。Redgraves main rivals appear to be Daley Thompson and Roger Bannister. Britains best all-round athlete, Thompson won the Olympic decathlon title in Moscow in 1980 and Los Angeles in 1984.雷德格雷夫的最大竞争对手是戴利?汤普森和罗杰?班尼斯特。汤普森是英国最著名的全能运动员,他曾在1980年和1984年分别获得莫斯科奥运十项全能冠军和洛杉矶奥运十项全能冠军。Bannistermade history in 1954 as the first man to run the four-minute mile, a barrier many had thought physically impossible.1954年,班尼斯特作为4分钟跑完一英里第一人创造了世界纪录,而当时这一纪录被认为是身体无法逾越的障碍。MultiOlympic gold medalists Kelly Holmes, Ben Ainslie, and Chris Hoy are also in the picture.多位奥运金牌获得者凯莉?霍尔姆斯,本 安斯利以及克里斯霍伊都是这场游戏的有力竞争者。947
  Even the best manicure wears out eventually, and removing polish is simple enough. Just remember: a little precautionary ventilation can save you from a big headache.即使最好的美甲作品最终也会磨损,而清洗指甲油是非常简单的。只要记住一点:提前通风会让你避免很多不适。You Will Need你需要A window or fan窗户或风扇Paper towels纸巾Nail polish remover卸甲油A sink or basin水槽或水盆Soap肥皂A towel毛巾Hand moisturizer护手霜Cotton balls棉球Cotton swabs棉签Steps步骤Step 1 Ventilate area1.通风的地方Make sure the area where youre working is properly ventilated―open a window or turn on a fan. Beauty always comes at a cost, but breathing in fumes is too high a price.确保作业区域通风情况良好――打开一扇窗户或电风扇。美丽通常是要付出代价的,但是吸入烟雾的代价也太大了。Step 2 Protect surface2.保护作业表面Protect the surface on which youre going to work with a few paper towels.使用一些纸巾保护要使用的桌子表面。Step 3 Soak up remover3.浸泡卸甲油Soak a cotton ball or a paper towel folded into a small square with the remover.用卸甲油浸泡棉球或纸巾折叠成的小方块。Cotton balls can leave behind little fibers and paper towels can shred―experiment to find what works best for you.棉球会留下细小的纤维,而纸巾会破碎――试验一下哪一种对你最合适。Step 4 Apply remover4.涂抹卸甲油Place the remover-soaked ball or square on your nail, and press firmly for several seconds. Once the remover has soaked in, slide the ball or square down your nail to easily sweep the polish off without scrubbing.把卸甲油浸泡过的棉球或纸巾放在指甲上,用力按压几秒钟。一旦卸甲油开始渗入,将棉球或纸巾沿着指甲向下滑落,不需揉搓就可以将指甲油擦掉。Acetone remover will remove polish faster, but many people prefer non-acetone remover because its fumes are less toxic, and its less drying to your nails and cuticles.丙酮卸甲油能够更快地清除指甲油,但是许多人更喜欢非丙酮的卸甲油,因为其烟雾毒性没有那么强,而且也不容易造成指甲和表皮干燥。Step 5 Apply to cuticles5.涂抹表皮If you have stubborn polish on or around your cuticles, use a cotton swab soaked in remover to gently work the polish off.如果手指表皮或周围沾上了顽固的指甲油,使用棉签浸泡卸甲油,然后轻轻地把指甲油擦掉。Step 6 Wash hands6.洗手Once your nails are polish-free, use soap and water to wash the chemicals from your hands.一旦指甲油全部擦掉,使用肥皂和水把双手上的化学物质洗掉。Step 7 Moisturize hands7.保湿双手Smooth on a hand cream to moisturize your hands, and wave hello to your au natural nails.为双手涂抹护手霜,享受全天然的指甲。Although ancient Egyptians and Chinese painted their nails, modern nail polish wasnt invented until the 1920s.尽管古代埃及人和中国人在指甲上进行绘,然而现代的指甲油直到上世纪20年代才发明。视频听力栏目译文属。321
  How to Get a Guy's Attention on HowcastIf you’re struggling to get noticed by Mr. Right, this guide will turn on a flashing arrow over your head so you can meet the man of your dreams.如果你正试图让“梦中情人”注意到你,下面的指导会助你一臂之力,让你遇到如意郎君。Step 1: Research himDo a little research ― talk to his friends to find about what he’s like and what he likes to do.研究他要研究他――和他的朋友谈谈,发现他喜欢的事物和喜欢做的事。Step 2: Get closerGet closer by joining his gym or volunteering or participating in causes he believes in, such as a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, political rally, or church program. Choose only the activities that you’re actually interested in, too, so that you’re spending time around him without being creepy.要进一步接近要进一步接近他:比如和他一起去健身或是一起去做他信仰的事,比如搭建为无家人准备的帐篷,为救济贫民设立施舍处, 进行政治集会或者做些教堂组织的活动。要选择那些你也很感兴趣的活动,以便你不必感到拘束,顺气而然地和他在一起。Tip:Wear his favorite sports team’s jersey or colors to school, a party, or whenever you’re around him.小贴士:上学时或去参加聚会时,或是只要他在你身边时,你要穿上他最喜欢的球队的运动衫。Step 3: Pay him a complimentPay him a compliment via text message, e-mail or online through a social network.第三步:问候他通过短信,电子邮件或社交网络的在线务来问候他。Step 4: Whip out the electronic deviceWhip out the latest electronic device to show that you are tech savvy. This is a great way to catch his eye without being too obvious.第四步:马上拿出电子设备马上拿出电子设备来表明你懂得科技。这是种不太明显但是能吸引他眼球的好办法Step 5: Play to his baser instinctsFlirt with him and then be coy or play hard to get. Most guys enjoy a good chase.第五步:要挑起他追你的欲望和他调情,然后要变得害羞或让他很难追到,大多数男人都喜欢追想尽办法去追女孩。Step 6: Be confidentBe confident in yourself above all else. Trying to be someone you’re not will only attract the wrong kind of man for you.第六步:要自信最重要的是要自信。试图做你不想当的那种人只会吸引不合适的男人。464。
  Hold out your hands in front of you and hold a cigarette in your right hand. Count to three, raising the hand holding the cigarette on each count. On the count of three, the cigarette will have disappeared! Show the audience your empty hands and watch them marvel at your magnificence. 右手拿着一根香烟。数到三,每次数数的时候右手随喊出的数字摆动。在数到三的时候,香烟将会消失!呈现在观众面前的是空空如也的手,而你看的则是观众惊诧的眼神。 Sitting side on to your audience, raise the cigarette in your right hand but keep your left hand out to focus your spectators attention on that area. Raise the cigarette to head height each time you count. Just before you count three, slip the cigarette behind your ear. When you bring your hand back down on the count of three, the cigarette will have vanished and no one will know where its gone! Once you have mastered the trick, amaze your friends with your newfound magical powers. It might even work on the ladies. 用一边面向你的听众,右手在摆动,但要让左手去吸引你的观众的注意力,每一次数数的时候都让香烟到达自己头部的高度。数到三的时候,把香烟藏在耳朵后面。当香烟将从右手消失时,没有人会知道它去哪里了! 一旦你掌握了窍门,将它展示给家人和朋友吧。这个小魔术尤其对女士有奇效。137
  How To Beat Your Addiction For Good on HowcastYou keep saying you want to be rid of it, but nothing works. You need to want it badly enough.You Will NeedFellows in recovery Rest Physical activity Self-examination Toughness Interests Gratitude Replacement activity Step 1: Bond in recovery(找一个志同道合的知己,一起克食物的诱惑)Bond and interact with others in recovery. Join a peer support group or find friends who are doing something about their addictions so that you don’t feel alone.Step 2: Remove yourself(尽量避开诱惑)Avoid places where you are likely to come across your vice. Stay away from people and places where you will be reminded of it.Step 3: Get rest(休息好)Give yourself rest, relaxation, respect, and stability in every aspect of your life. For self-esteem, start by eating well, exercising, and pacing yourself.Step 4: Conquer inaction(战胜不活跃的自己)Push yourself to conquer distraction, laziness, and inaction. Attend talks,
books for inspiration, and stay physically active to get reconnected with the world.You don’t have to hit bottom to begin recovering.Step 5: Examine your thought patterns(找到自己喜欢美食的原因)Examine the thought patterns that lead to your addiction, and the denials you attempt. Identify your triggers and eliminate them.Step 6: Treat this like any sickness(把自己对美食的喜欢当成一种不正常的心理)Treat withdrawal as you would any sickness and stick it out. You are getting your health and life back and you need to toughen up.If you think you’re having detox symptoms, seek medical help right away.Step 7: Replace the addiction(发展新的兴趣爱好来替代)Find something that gives you more pleasure than the addiction. Build a discipline and gratitude around that activity.Data from 2002 to 2007 show that 11.9 percent of U.S. children lived with a parent who abused alcohol or drugs.447


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