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你可能喜欢Code a network packet sniffer in PHP
Example of a packet sniffer is Wireshark. Packet sniffers pick up the packets going in and out of a system and analyse them and present them to user for further analysis.
In this post we are going to code a simple packet sniffer in php. The basic theory this packet sniffer is that , raw packets can sniff without much effort if they are put into receiving mode. This will work only on a Linux system , since we cannot create raw sockets on windows.
So the steps are :
1. Create a raw socket
2. Receive on it.
3. See what you received.
Packet sniffer in PHP
Will run only on Linux
Needs root privileges , so use sudo !!
//Create a RAW socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , SOL_TCP);
echo &Starting sniffing...\n&;
//Start receiving on the raw socket
socket_recv ( $socket , &$buf , 65536 , 0 );
//Process the packet
//Some error - check that you used sudo !!
$error_code = socket_last_error();
$error_message = socket_strerror($error_code);
echo &Could not create socket : [$error_code] $error_message&;
Process the captured packet.
function process_packet($packet)
//IP Header
$ip_header_fmt = 'Cip_ver_len/'
//Unpack the IP header
$ip_header = unpack($ip_header_fmt , $packet);
if($ip_header['protocol'] == '6')
Process a TCP Packet :)
function print_tcp_packet($packet)
$ip_header_fmt = 'Cip_ver_len/'
$p = unpack($ip_header_fmt , $packet);
$ip_len = ($p['ip_ver_len'] & 0x0F);
if($ip_len == 5)
//IP Header format for unpack
$ip_header_fmt = 'Cip_ver_len/'
else if ($ip_len == 6)
//IP Header format for unpack
$ip_header_fmt = 'Cip_ver_len/'
$tcp_header_fmt = 'nsource_port/'
//total packet unpack format
$total_packet = $ip_header_fmt.$tcp_header_fmt.'H*data';
$p = unpack($total_packet , $packet);
$tcp_header_len = ($p['offset_reserved'] && 4);
if($tcp_header_len == 5)
//TCP Header Format for unpack
$tcp_header_fmt = 'nsource_port/'
else if($tcp_header_len == 6)
//TCP Header Format for unpack
$tcp_header_fmt = 'nsource_port/'
//total packet unpack format
$total_packet = $ip_header_fmt.$tcp_header_fmt.'H*data';
//unpack the packet finally
$packet = unpack($total_packet , $packet);
//prepare the unpacked data
$sniff = array(
'ip_header' =& array(
'ip_ver' =& ($packet['ip_ver_len'] && 4) ,
'ip_len' =& ($packet['ip_ver_len'] & 0x0F) ,
'tos' =& $packet['tos'] ,
'tot_len' =& $packet['tot_len'] ,
'identification' =& $packet['identification'] ,
'frag_off' =& $packet['frag_off'] ,
'ttl' =& $packet['ttl'] ,
'protocol' =& $packet['protocol'] ,
'checksum' =& $packet['ip_checksum'] ,
'source_add' =& long2ip($packet['source_add']) ,
'dest_add' =& long2ip($packet['dest_add']) ,
'tcp_header' =& array(
'source_port' =& $packet['source_port'] ,
'dest_port' =& $packet['dest_port'] ,
'sequence_number' =& $packet['sequence_number'] ,
'acknowledgement_number' =& $packet['acknowledgement_number'] ,
'tcp_header_length' =& ($packet['offset_reserved'] && 4) ,
'tcp_flags' =& array(
'cwr' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x80) && 7) ,
'ecn' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x40) && 6) ,
'urgent' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x20) && 5 ) ,
'ack' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x10) &&4) ,
'push' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x08)&&3) ,
'reset' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x04)&&2) ,
'syn' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x02)&&1) ,
'fin' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x01)) ,
'window_size' =& $packet['window_size'] ,
'checksum' =& $packet['checksum'] . ' [0x'.dechex($packet['checksum']).']',
'data' =& hex_to_str($packet['data'])
//print the unpacked data
idea taken from http://ditio.net//php-string-to-hex-and-hex-to-string-functions/
modified a bit to show non alphanumeric characters as dot.
function hex_to_str($hex)
for ($i=0; $i & strlen($hex)-1; $i+=2)
$d = hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1]);
//Show only if number of alphabet
if( ($d &= 48 and $d &= 57) or ($d &= 65 and $d &= 90) or ($d &= 97 and $d &= 122) )
$string .= chr(hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1]));
$string .= '.';
The script needs to run with root privileges. So on ubuntu you can run like this :
sudo php sniffer.php
This is what creates a raw socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , SOL_TCP);
SOCK_RAW means raw.
No start receiving on the raw socket.
//Start receiving on the raw socket
socket_recv ( $socket , &$buf , 65536 , 0 );
//Process the packet
The socket_recv receives some passing by packet in $buf. Then process_packet will analyse the packet which is in $buf.
The structure of a typical TCP packet is like this : IP Header + TCP Header + Data
So the packet needs to be broken down into the relevant parts.
According to RFC 791 the IP headers looks like this :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|Type of Service|
Total Length
Fragment Offset
Time to Live |
Header Checksum
Source Address
Destination Address
The IHL (IP Header Length) contains the length of the ip header / 4. So if its value is 5 then header length is 20 bytes. Generally header length is 5 and options and padding is not there. If options and padding is present then length would be 6. This has to be checked first before moving to the next part that is TCP header.
Since the $buf contains data in binary format , it needs to be unpacked using the unpack function of php. The unpack string should be:
//IP Header format for unpack
$ip_header_fmt = 'Cip_ver_len/'
For TCP packets the value of protocol is 6.
TCP headers look like this :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
Source Port
Destination Port
Sequence Number
Acknowledgment Number
| Offset| Reserved
Urgent Pointer
The TCP header also has an options and padding part. The TCP header length is present in the Data Offset part and needs to be multiplied by 4 to get the length in bytes.
They can be unpacked with this string :
//TCP Header Format for unpack
$tcp_header_fmt = 'nsource_port/'
The print_tcp_packet breaks down the tcp packet into its parts and saves them in a array with proper key names for analysis.
//total packet unpack format
$total_packet = $ip_header_fmt.$tcp_header_fmt.'H*data';
//unpack the packet finally
$packet = unpack($total_packet , $packet);
//prepare the unpacked data
$sniff = array(
'ip_header' =& array(
'ip_ver' =& ($packet['ip_ver_len'] && 4) ,
'ip_len' =& ($packet['ip_ver_len'] & 0x0F) ,
'tos' =& $packet['tos'] ,
'tot_len' =& $packet['tot_len'] ,
'identification' =& $packet['identification'] ,
'frag_off' =& $packet['frag_off'] ,
'ttl' =& $packet['ttl'] ,
'protocol' =& $packet['protocol'] ,
'checksum' =& $packet['ip_checksum'] ,
'source_add' =& long2ip($packet['source_add']) ,
'dest_add' =& long2ip($packet['dest_add']) ,
'tcp_header' =& array(
'source_port' =& $packet['source_port'] ,
'dest_port' =& $packet['dest_port'] ,
'sequence_number' =& $packet['sequence_number'] ,
'acknowledgement_number' =& $packet['acknowledgement_number'] ,
'tcp_header_length' =& ($packet['offset_reserved'] && 4) ,
'tcp_flags' =& array(
'cwr' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x80) && 7) ,
'ecn' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x40) && 6) ,
'urgent' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x20) && 5 ) ,
'ack' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x10) &&4) ,
'push' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x08)&&3) ,
'reset' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x04)&&2) ,
'syn' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x02)&&1) ,
'fin' =& (($packet['tcp_flags'] & 0x01)) ,
'window_size' =& $packet['window_size'] ,
'checksum' =& $packet['checksum'] . ' [0x'.dechex($packet['checksum']).']',
'data' =& hex_to_str($packet['data'])
Similar piece of code can be written for UDP packets , ICMP packets and so on.
The C version of the same code can be found here : .
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Hi Silver moon,
I tried your PHP sniffer for TCP connections and it works fine.
I would like to get a PHP sniffer to be able to get IGMP messages (not data) : like IGMP join, leave, issued on but other IGMP messages as well.
So I modified your code this way :
$prot = getprotobyname(‘igmp’);
echo “protocole : $protn”;
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , $prot);
$address = &#.0.22’;
$tab_mcast = array(“group” =& $address, “interface” =& 0);
socket_set_option($sock, getprotobyname(‘ip’), MCAST_JOIN_GROUP, $tab_mcast);
echo “Starting sniffing…n”;
//Start receiving on the raw socket
socket_recvfrom ( $socket , $buf , 65536 , 0 );
I receive some data but at this time I did not code IP/IGMP packet decoding (I lack information about its structure), and I only get some  when transcoding incoming buffer to hexadecimal.
Can you tell me if I am right with this code or would I have to change something ?
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Copyright & 2017 BinaryTidesReal-Time Facsimile Transmission Over a Packet Network
United States Patent Application
Various methods and systems are provided for real-time facsimile (fax) transmission over a packet network. In one embodiment, among others, a method includes monitoring fax communications across a pass-through connection and controlling transfer of the fax communications to a fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the monitored fax communications. In another embodiment, a method includes monitoring a state of a state machine communicating over a pass-through connection and, responsive to a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol, transferring from the pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the state of the state machine.
Coffee, Michael B. (Alpharetta, GA, US)
Schornak, Clifford J. (Marietta, GA, US)
Application Number:
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Related US Applications:
March, 2008Garg et al.June, 2006MatsudaMarch, 2007ChenOctober, 2009WalmsleyJanuary, 2008Markel et al.May, 2004AzamiJune, 2007Jindal et al.December, 2004Buck et al.March, 2006Watanabe et al.January, 2007LiaoDecember, 2006Matsushima et al.
Therefore, at least the following is claimed:
1. A gateway, comprising: a modem in communication with an e and a state observer configured to: monitor communications of the endpoint fax terminal across a pass-through connection, the monitored communications indicating a state of the e and control transfer of the endpoint fax terminal communications from the pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the monitored communications.
2. The gateway of claim 1, wherein the fax-relay protocol connection is a T.38 connection.
3. The gateway of claim 1, wherein the monitored communications include V.21 flags.
4. The gateway of claim 1, wherein the state observer includes a current observer state associated with the state of the endpoint fax terminal, the current observer state based at least in part upon the monitored communications.
5. The gateway of claim 4, wherein the state observer is configured to transition from the current observer state to a subsequent observer state based at least in part upon the monitored communications.
6. The gateway of claim 4, wherein the state observer is configured to allow acceptance of a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol by the gateway based upon the current observer state, acceptance of the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol initiating transfer of the endpoint fax terminal communications from the pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection.
7. The gateway of claim 6, wherein the gateway is configured to suppress a digital identification signal (DIS) if the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol has not been accepted.
8. The gateway of claim 6, wherein the gateway is configured to spoof a fax call menu (CM) if the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol has not been accepted.
9. The gateway of claim 4, wherein the state observer is configured to allow initiation of a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol by the gateway based upon the current observer state, the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer of the endpoint fax terminal communications from the pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection.
10. A fax server, comprising: a virtual endpoint fax terminal including a fax application and a T.30 and a state observer configured to: monitor a state of the virtual endpoint fax terminal based at least in part upon indications from the T.30 subsystem an and control transfer of communications of the virtual endpoint fax terminal from a pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the indications from the T.30 subsystem and the signaling entity.
11. The fax server of claim 10, wherein the fax-relay protocol connection is a T.38 connection.
12. The fax server of claim 10, wherein the state observer includes a current observer state associated with a state of the endpoint fax terminal, the current observer state based at least in part upon the indications from the T.30 subsystem and the signaling entity.
13. The fax server of claim 12, wherein the state observer is configured to transition from the current observer state to a subsequent observer state based at least in part upon the indications from the T.30 subsystem and the signaling entity.
14. The fax server of claim 12, wherein the state observer is configured to allow acceptance of a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol by the fax server based upon the current observer state, acceptance of the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol initiating transfer of the endpoint fax terminal communications from the pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection.
15. The fax server of claim 12, wherein the state observer is configured to allow initiation of a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol by the fax server based upon the current observer state, the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer of the endpoint fax terminal communications from the pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection.
16. The fax server of claim 15, wherein the fax server is configured to suppress a digital identification signal if the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol has not been accepted.
17. The fax server of claim 15, wherein the fax server is configured to spoof a fax call menu if the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol has not been accepted.
18. The fax server of claim 10, wherein the signaling entity is a SIP entity.
19. A method, comprising: monitoring fax communications across a G.711 pass- and controlling transfer of the fax communications from the G.711 pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the monitored fax communications.
20. The method of claim 19, further comprising determining a current state based at least in part upon the monitored fax communications.
21. The method of claim 20, wherein the current state is associated with a state of an endpoint fax terminal communicating across the G.711 pass-through connection.
22. The method of claim 20, wherein the current state is associated with a state of a fax application communicating across the G.711 pass-through connection.
23. The method of claim 20, wherein transfer of the fax communications is controlled based at least in part upon the current state.
24. The method of claim 20, further comprising: receiving a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer of the fax communications from the G.711 pass-through connection to the fax-relay and accepting the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol to initiate transfer from the G.711 pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the current state.
25. The method of claim 20, further comprising: receiving a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer of the fax communications from the G.711 pass-through connection to the fax-relay and not accepting the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol to prevent transfer from the G.711 pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the current state.
26. The method of claim 20, further comprising sending a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol based at least in part upon the current state, the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer of the fax communications from the G.711 pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection.
27. The fax server of claim 26, further comprising suppressing a digital identification signal (DIS) if the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol has not been accepted.
28. The fax server of claim 26, further comprising spoofing a fax call menu (CM) if the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol has not been accepted.
29. A method, comprising: monitoring a state of a state machine communicating over a pass- and transferring from the pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection based at least in part upon the state of the state machine.
30. The method of claim 29, wherein transferring from the pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection is in response to a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol.
31. The method of claim 29, wherein transferring from the pass-through connection to a fax-relay protocol connection is in response to an acceptance of a re-invite to the fax-relay protocol.
32. The method of claim 29, wherein monitoring the state of the state machine comprises: monitoring state machine communications across the pass- and determining a current state based at least in part upon the monitored state machine communications.
33. The method of claim 29, further comprising: receiving the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer from the pass-through connection to the fax-relay and accepting the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol to initiate transfer based at least in part upon the state of the state machine.
34. The method of claim 29, further comprising sending the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol based at least in part upon the state of the state machine, the re-invite to the fax-relay protocol requesting transfer from the pass-through connection to the fax-relay protocol connection.
35. A method, comprising: monitoring a fax session across a G.711 pass-through connection, the fax session including a plurality of packets communicated across the G.711 pass- determining if a communicated packet includes a V.21 frame that is not a digital command signal (DCS); and providing an indicator to reset a jitter buffer associated with the G.711 pass-through connection.
36. The method of claim 35, wherein the jitter buffer is in a gateway in communication with an endpoint fax terminal.
37. The method of claim 35, wherein the jitter buffer is in a fax server.
38. A method, comprising: monitoring a fax session across a G.711 pass-through connection using the V.34 modulation scheme, the fax session including a plurality of packets communicated across the G.711 pass- determining if a communicated packet includes a high-band QAM signal termination or a low-band QAM and providing an indicator to reset a jitter buffer associated with the G.711 pass-through connection.
39. The method of claim 38, further comprising clearing the indicator prior to the start of a subsequent signal.
40. The method of claim 38, wherein the jitter buffer is in a gateway in communication with an endpoint fax terminal.
41. The method of claim 38, wherein the jitter buffer is in a fax server.
42. A method, comprising: monitoring a fax session across a G.711 media stream, the fax session including a plurality of packets communicated across the G.711 determining that the fax session is using a V.8 specification to negot and corrupting the media stream to inhibit the V.8 negotiation for sufficient time to allow a call control entity to negotiate a transition to a fax-relay protocol.
43. The method of claim 42, wherein the method is independent of call control procedures implemented by an on-ramp gateway or an off-ramp gateway.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONSThis application claims priority to copending U.S. provisional application entitled “Interlocking T.38 Re-invite Acceptance in SIP to T.30 State” having Ser. No. 61/259,766, filed Nov. 10, 2009, the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference.BACKGROUNDEven with the advent of e-mail, facsimile (fax) remains an important and ubiquitous form of business communications. Virtually al with some, it is critical to the business's mission. Some large multi-location enterprises send thousands of faxes every day between offices, spending tens-of-thousands of dollars every year on telephone toll charges.The use of the Internet as an application platform for real-time media transport has disintermediated telecommunications. Users can transport voice calls across the Internet without the involvement of telephone companies. One of the earliest such services was that of Net2Phone(R), which offered PC-to-PC communications for a fee paid to the company, not unlike a telephone company, but much less expensive.Other services (e.g., Skype(TM)) offer peer-to-peer (P2P) communication service over the Internet at no fee. The Skype(TM) P2P technology is characterized by a method of traversing firewalls and handling Network Address Translation (NAT) to allow Internet packets to flow in real time between the two correspondent Skype(TM) clients. Although there are other P2P networks, such as Napster(TM), File-Sharing, Collaboration, Freenet, and Gnutella, these networks are based on open-source software and are intended for data-file exchange, not real-time media data transfer, such as that required for a voice or a fax call.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSMany aspects of the present disclosure can be better understood with reference to the following drawings. The components in the drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon clearly illustrating the principles of the present disclosure. Moreover, in the drawings, like reference numerals designate corresponding parts throughout the several views.FIG. 1 is a diagram of a network that allows an endpoint fax terminals to use ITU T.30 fax protocol for communications via a packet-based data network according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIG. 2 is a diagram of a PSTN-IP gateway used in fax protocol communications via the packet-based data network of FIG. 1 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIG. 3 is a diagram of an IP-based fax server used in fax protocol communications via the packet-based data network of FIG. 1 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIG. 4 is a message diagram, commonly called a ladder diagram, illustrating the establishment of fax communications between endpoint terminals over the packet-based data network of FIG. 1 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIGS. 5 and 6 are state diagrams illustrating examples of monitoring by a state observer on an on-ramp gateway of FIG. 4 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIGS. 7 and 8 are state diagrams illustrating examples of monitoring by a state observer on an off-ramp gateway of FIG. 4 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIG. 9 is a flowchart illustrating a method for transferring fax communications via the packet-based data network of FIG. 1 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.FIG. 10 is a schematic block diagram that provides an illustration of a PSTN-IP gateway of FIG. 2 and an IP-based fax server of FIG. 3 employed in the networked environment of FIG. 1 according to various embodiments of the present disclosure.DETAILED DESCRIPTIONDisclosed herein are various embodiments of methods related to facsimile (fax) communications over packet-based data networks. Reference will now be made in detail to the description of the embodiments as illustrated in the drawings, wherein like reference numbers indicate like parts throughout the several views.The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) T.30 standard was initially established for communications over the voice-based public switched telephone networks utilizing time-division multiplexed (TDM) systems. As the global telephony network transitions from TDM systems to Internet Protocol (IP) networks for the transport of voice calls, referred to as voice-over-IP (VoIP), the demand for the effective transport of real-time facsimile (fax) over IP networks (FoIP) is growing. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standard T.38 for FoIP, introduced in 1998, is now widely deployed within many business enterprise networks. But as businesses begin to expand the boundaries of their utilization of IP networks to include their service providers through direct IP peering connections, demand is increasing for effective IP-fax transport beyond the borders of the enterprise network to eliminate the need to maintain separate public switched telephone network (PSTN) lines for existing fax terminals and servers.Referring to FIG. 1, shown is a diagram of a network that allows an endpoint fax terminal 110 to use the ITU T.30 standard G3 fax protocol for communications over the voice-based PSTN 120 via a gateway 130 in combination with a packet-based data network 140, such as the Internet and/or an enterprise network, to another endpoint fax terminal 113 via gateway 133 and PSTN 123. The endpoint fax terminals 110 and 113 communicate using the T.30 protocol, which is typically implemented in the fax terminals as a “state machine.” The state machine transitions between states based upon detected events. For example, the state machine remains in an “idle” state prior to anything happening. The state machine anticipates any of several events, each of which will cause the state machine to perform one or more specific actions while transitioning to a new state. The action(s) and the new state depend upon the current state and the detected event. Ultimately, the state machine will transition back to the idle state, e.g., after a fax has been sent or received. Telephony engineers refer to this type of entity as being “stateful”.PSTN-IP gateways 130 and 133 support TDM voice and fax on the PSTN side and VoIP and FoIP on the packet-network side. A fax-relay subsystem allows endpoint fax terminals, fax equipment equipped with an analog telephone adapter (ATA), and/or fax servers to use the ITU T.30 standard G3 (or G4) fax protocol for communications over the packet network 140, even though the T.30 standard was only intended by its developers for use over a PSTN using time-division multiplexed (TDM) transport. The fax-relay subsystem serves to render the interposing packet network 140, as well as the fax-relay protocol utilized for packet transfer between gateways 130 and 133, transparent to the endpoint T.30 terminals 110 and 113. Examples of industry-standard fax-relay protocols that can be employed in connection with the fax-relay subsystem include, but are not limited to, the ITU T.38, the Frame Relay Forum FRF.11.1, and the ITU 1.366.2 for ATM networks. These and other industry-standard fax-relay protocols utilize full access to the network's transport mechanism to allow for transmission of a fax across a packet network in real time, just as the original G3 fax standards did for the traditional TDM PSTN. While a T.30 endpoint fax terminal is “stateful,” fax-relay subsystems are typically “stateless” as far as the overall transaction is concerned.Referring now to FIG. 2, a PSTN-IP gateway 230 includes two elements: one or more fax modems 250 and a fax-relay subsystem 260 (e.g., a T.38 subsystem). The fax modems 250 modulate and demodulate pulse-code modulation (PCM) samples of analog data received through PSTN 220, turning the sampled-data representation of the analog signal of the fax terminal 210 into its binary translation for transmission over the packet network 240, and vice versa. For example, a fax modem 250 samples the analog signal of a voice or modem signal 8,000 times per second (SPS) and encodes the samples as 8-bit data bytes, resulting in 64,000 bits per second (bps) of data to represent the fax (or voice) data in one direction. For both directions, the modem transaction consumes 128,000 bits pre second of network bandwidth. This mode of transmission is commonly called G.711 pass-through or simply G.711, which is another ITU standard. It should be noted that G.711 pass-through does not distinguish between a voice call and a fax call, except for matters relating to so-called jitter buffers and packet-loss concealment, essentially treating both as a VoIP call encoded as audio. While the human ear is able to compensate for missing or delayed packets, facsimile data is transmitted by modems 250 that are not as forgiving. For example, missing data packets can often cause a fax session to fail or create one or more image line errors.In addition, PCM clock synchronization problems can occur when a fax call is handled as if it were a voice call. A sample-rate clock in the fax modem 250 is used to trigger the sampling of the analog data received through PSTN 220 from the fax terminal 210 at 8,000 SPS. On the far side of the packet network 240, arriving packets are metered out by a PCM clock in a receiving PSTN-IP gateway. The PCM clocks are usually quite accurate, but in some terminal adapters (e.g., a one or two-line gateway) the PCM clock may be surprisingly inaccurate resulting in synchronization problems. For example, with reference to FIG. 1, if fax terminal 110 is sending data to gateway 130 and the gateway's clock is too slow, jitter buffers in the gateway 130 may overflow or the jitter buffer in gateway 133 on the opposite side of the packet network 140 may eventually underflow, both of which can cause lose of data and a potential session failure. Since the PCM clock difference is often quite small, this problem usually occurs during transmission of long, detailed fax images, which allow more time for the jitter buffers in the gateways 130 and 133 to either underflow or overflow, resulting in a failed session.Referring back to FIG. 2, fax-relay protocols (e.g., T.38) support the use of the T.30 protocol in both the transmitting and receiving endpoint terminals while transmitting a fax across a packet network in real time. In some embodiments, fax-relay protocols, which are implemented by the fax-relay subsystem 260, correct for network delays using spoofing techniques and adjust for missing or delayed packets with fax-aware buffer-management techniques. Spoofing modifies the protocol commands and responses on the PSTN 220 side of the gateway 230 to keep network delays on the packet network 240 side from causing the transaction to fail. This may be accomplished, for example, by padding image lines or deliberately causing a message to be re-transmitted to render network delays transparent to the sending/receiving fax terminals. The fax-relay protocol effectively removes the requirement that all the PCM clocks in the network be synchronized because the PCM data are demodulated by the transmitting (or on-ramp) gateway and remodulated by the receiving (or off-ramp) gateway. Spoofing techniques provide the needed “slip-joint” in the middle. Fax-relay protocols may also provide facilities to eliminate the effects of packet loss through data redundancy. When a data packet is sent, one or more of the previously sent packets may be repeated. The T.38 fax-relay protocol, for example, does not impose a limit on repeated packets. While this repetition increases the network bandwidth required, the bandwidth is still much less than when not using the T.38 protocol. The repetition allows the receiving (or off-ramp) gateway to reconstruct the complete packet sequence, even when a fairly high level of packet loss is present.However, without the spoofing techniques of the fax-relay protocol, other techniques are needed when in G.711 pass-through mode. The jitter buffers in the gateway 130 may overflow or the jitter buffer in gateway 133 on the opposite side of the packet network 140 may eventually underflow, both of which can cause lose of data and a potential session failure. The G.711 pass-through data streams include packet transmissions separated by silent periods on the pass-through connection. In some cases, the silence can last for more than a second. An indicator may be provided to reset the jitter buffers during silence that are sufficiently long to not interrupt the fax data transfer. For example, a modem (e.g., a V.21 modem) may be attached to the G.711 pass-through connection to monitor the data stream. Packets are examined to determine if they include a V.21 frame that is not a digital command signal (DCS). If a packet meets this condition, then the subsequent silence on the pass-through connection is sufficient to allow resetting of the jitter buffer. An indicator may be provided based upon the determination to reset the jitter buffer. Resetting of the jitter buffers reduces the likelihood of overflow or underflow of the buffers. The jitter buffer reset may be implemented on a PSTN-IP gateway 230 (FIG. 2) and/or an IP-based fax server 310 (FIG.3).IP telephony signaling standards such as, but not limited to, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or H.323 can be used to transition an IP-based fax session between gateways 130 and 133 (FIG. 1) from a G.711 pass-through fax protocol to a T.38 (or other) fax-relay protocol. This means that direct IP interconnection (or peering) between an enterprise, or any subscriber, and the IP-telephony service provider (ITSP) is governed by the SIP or H.323 signaling protocol. However, if the state of the T.30 protocol is not maintained in the endpoint terminals 110 and 113 throughout the transition, the transaction fails. This can result in completion rates of fax calls between fax terminals equipped with a T.38 adapter (analog telephone adapter or ATA) that are often 10 to 20 percent less than those made over the PSTN.By interlocking and synchronizing the termination of the initial G.711 pass-through phase of a fax session with the switchover to and initiation of the fax-relay protocol (e.g., T.38) phase of the session, the endpoint terminals are allowed to maintain and continue their on-going exchange of image data between the terminals and/or fax servers using the ITU T.30 protocol, thereby properly completing the exchange of the facsimile data and completion of the session. This interlocking and synchronization may be accomplished by monitoring the state of the endpoint terminal 210 based upon the G.711 fax messages and/or data being sent through the PSTN-IP gateway 230 and transitioning between phases based upon the monitored state. The fax state of the endpoint terminal 210 may be monitored by a state observer 280 within gateway 230, which monitors the communications of the endpoint terminal 210 and the communications of the endpoint terminal at the opposite end. The state observer 280 may then provide outputs for the gateway 230 to interpret and act upon.In some embodiments, an IP-based fax server 310 (FIG. 3) may replace the fax endpoint terminal 210 and PSTN-IP gateway 230 of FIG. 2. Referring to FIG. 3, the IP-based fax server 310 is connected directly to the packet network 240 and includes a fax application 320 to provide endpoint terminal/fax server functionality. As a physical endpoint fax terminal does not exist in the fax server 310, a virtual endpoint fax terminal provides a functional equivalent of the physical endpoint fax terminal. The virtual endpoint fax terminal includes the fax application 320 and a T.30 protocol subsystem 330. Since the endpoint T.30 protocol subsystem 330 and the fax-relay subsystem 340 are part of the same server 310, fax modems are not required for them to communicate. In some embodiments, one or more fax modems 350 may also be included within the fax server 310 to provide the functionality to terminate fax transactions that do not use a fax relay protocol, such as T.38. In addition, the virtual endpoint fax terminal may include other elements such as the call control entity 360. The fax server 310 also includes a signaling entity 370 (e.g., SIP or H.323).As illustrated in FIG. 3, an IP packet management subsystem provides an interface between the fax-relay subsystem 340 and/or fax modems 350 and the packet network 240. Interlocking and synchronization of the termination of the initial G.711 pass-through phase of a fax session with the switchover to and initiation of the fax-relay protocol phase of the session may be accomplished by a state observer 380 monitoring the state of the virtual endpoint fax terminal based at least in part upon indications of the state of the signaling entity 370 call set up in the fax server 310 and the state of the T.30 subsystem 330. The state observer 380 may then provide outputs for the signaling entity 370 to interpret and act upon.Referring next to FIG. 4, shown is a messaging diagram illustrating the establishment of fax communications between an initiating or calling endpoint terminal 410 and a receiving or called endpoint terminal 413 over a packet network (e.g., packet network 140 of FIG. 1). The gateway that is connected to the calling fax terminal 410 (e.g., endpoint fax terminal 110 of FIG. 1) is referred to as the sending or on-ramp gateway 430 (e.g., gateway 130 of FIG. 1). The gateway that is connected to the called fax terminal 413 (e.g., endpoint fax terminal 113 of FIG. 1) is referred to as the receiving or off-ramp gateway 433 (e.g., gateway 133 of FIG. 1). In this exemplary sequence, the endpoint terminals 410 and 413 communicate using the T.30 protocol. In SIP-based networks for non-V.34 operation, the off-ramp gateway 433 is responsible for determining that the called terminal 413 is a fax terminal, rather than voice or data-modem terminal, and initiating a SIP re-invite from a G.711 pass-through mode to a T.38 mode to the on-ramp gateway 430 based upon the determination. It is then the responsibility of the on-ramp gateway 430 to decide whether to accept the re-invite and transition to the T.38 mode or whether to continue in the G.711 pass-through mode.To begin, under the T.30 protocol the calling terminal 410 initiates the communication by placing a PSTN Call 453 to the on-ramp gateway 430. In response, the on-ramp gateway 430 sends a SIP Invite message 456 to establish G.711 pass-through between the on-ramp gateway 430 and the off-ramp gateway 433. A PSTN Call 459 is placed from the off-ramp gateway 433 to the called terminal 413 as a result of the SIP Invite message 456. The off-ramp gateway 433 also responds to the SIP Invite message 456 by sending a series of messages resulting in a G.711 pass-through 463 between the on-ramp and off-ramp gateways 430 and 433. The calling and called terminals also begin emitting the fax calling tone (CNG) 466 and fax answering tone (CED) 469, respectively. CNG 466 is a half-second on, 2100-Hz tone with a 3-second cycle, sent by the calling fax terminal 410 to inform the called terminal 413 that the calling terminal 410 is, indeed, a fax terminal. One of its highest-value uses of CNG is to inform unified-messaging (UM) systems, which also receive voice calls, that the inbound call is a fax call and the UM system must switch from voice to fax mode. However, once the called terminal 413 accepts the call and emits either CED 469 or V.21 flags 473, CNG 466 no longer has any value. Indeed, it can cause harm since it can interfere with the detection of V.21 flags 473 from the called terminal 413 by the off-ramp gateway 433. There is benefit, therefore, in the on-ramp gateway 430 not sending CNG 466, either as a G.711 media stream or as a T.38 message, once the called terminal 413 has emitted either CED 469 or V.21 flags 473, confirming that it is a fax terminal.Once the CNG 466 and CED 469 are recognized through the G.711 pass-through connection, the called terminal 413 begins a negotiation phase of the fax session by sending V.21 flags 473 and a digital identification signal (DIS) message 476 indicating the capabilities of the called terminal 413 to the calling terminal 410. The calling terminal 410 enters the negotiation phase by responding with V.21 flags 479 that are relayed to the called terminal 413, followed by a digital command signal (DCS) message 483 indicating the transmission mode that will be used by the calling terminal 410 and a training check sequence (TCF) 486. A confirmation-to-receive (CFR) message is then be sent indicating that the called terminal 413 is ready to receive the fax image and the calling terminal 410 begins transmitting the fax image data over the G.711 pass-through connection.Generally, the off-ramp gateway 433 sends a SIP T.38 re-invite message when the V.21 flags 473 are detected after the G.711 pass-through connection has been established. If the SIP T.38 re-invite message is sent and the on-ramp gateway 430 responds with a SIP T.38 ACK message before the DCS message 483 is sent by the calling terminal 410, a T.38 fax-relay protocol connection may be established through the packet network for transmission of the fax image data. However, the SIP T.38 re-invite message 489 may be delayed, as illustrated in FIG. 4, especially when multiple tandem IP networks are involved. Accordingly, the SIP T.38 ACK message 493 is sent after the DCS message 483 establishing the transmission mode of the calling terminal 410. Upon accepting a T.38 re-invite 489, most on-ramp gateways 430 will immediately disconnect the G.711 pass through media streams and connect the PSTN line to the modems in the gateway. These modems will require time to synchronize and begin decoding data and retransmitting it. As a result, the endpoint modems in the two terminals 410 and 413 will lose signal lock and the current message will be lost. It has been noted that if a SIP T.38 re-invite message 489 is not sent within six seconds of establishing the G.711 pass-through phase, it is highly likely that the fax transmission will fail.As currently practiced, a gateway 130 and/or 133 (FIG. 1) operating in G.711 pass-through does not monitor the messaging and/or fax data that are being sent through the G.711 pass-through connection and, therefore, does not know the current state of the attached endpoint fax terminals 110 and 113, respectively. This lack of endpoint terminal status prevents the gateway 130 from making an informed decision regarding whether it should accept a re-invite to T.38. Rather, as discussed previously, most gateways 130/133 simply accept the T.38 re-invite based on the assumption that the re-invite to T.38 will occur prior to both of the T.30 endpoint terminals entering the negotiation phase of the fax session. Transmission of the DCS message 483 begins establishment of the synchronization of the endpoint fax terminals 130 and 133. However, if one of the gateways 130/133 interrupts the synchronization of the endpoint fax terminals 130/133, e.g., by a subsequent acceptance of a SIP T.38 re-invite message as illustrated in FIG. 4, the endpoint fax terminals 130/133 can lose synchronization, which results in a failed session.As was pointed out before, failure of the fax session may be reduced or eliminated by interlocking and synchronizing the termination of the initial G.711 pass-through phase of a fax session with the switchover to and initiation of the fax-relay protocol phase of the session. Whether to accept or reject a T.38 re-invite may be based upon the state of the endpoint fax terminals and/or the fax servers. Monitoring the state of an endpoint fax terminal by a gateway or the state of a fax application by a fax server allows for such a transition determination without affecting the operation of the endpoint fax terminal or the fax application. The state monitoring may be implemented as a state observer 280/380 in the PSTN-IP gateway 230 (FIG. 2) or the fax media server 310 (FIG. 3). For example, if the responsibility for accepting or rejecting T.38 re-invites rests with the on-ramp gateway, the state observer 280 is implemented on the on-ramp gateway. In other embodiments, the state observer 280 may be implemented on the off-ramp gateway. In some embodiments, the state observer 380 may be implemented as part of the T.30 subsystem 330 of a fax server 310 or separately in the fax server 310.With respect to FIG. 4, after the calling endpoint terminal 410 initiates a call, the on-ramp gateway 430 and/or the off-ramp gateway 433 may attach a V.21 modem to both G.711 call streams passing through the on-ramp gateway 430 to and from the off-ramp gateway 433 and the called endpoint terminal 413. The on-ramp gateway 430 analyzes the decoded V.21 messages to track the state of the calling endpoint fax terminal 410 and/or the called endpoint fax terminal 413. The called terminal 413 will repeatedly send its digital identification signal (DIS) message 476 until the calling terminal 410 sends its response. Once the calling terminal 410 receives a complete DIS, the calling terminal 410 generally begins sending its V.21 response messages within 75 milliseconds. Therefore, once the digital command signal (DCS) message 483 is received by the called terminal 413, uninterruptable modem operations have begun, and the gateways 430/433 can no longer switch the session to T.38 without possible corruption of the modem signals and the T.30 states being maintained in the endpoint terminals 410/413. Once the on-ramp gateway 430 and/or the off-ramp gateway 433 detects the V.21 preamble 479 of the calling fax terminal's response, the on-ramp gateway 430 will no longer accept the T.38 re-invite or the off-ramp gateway 433 will no longer send the T.38 re-invite, continuing the fax session in G.711 pass-through and avoiding the session failures caused by a subsequent transition.In the case of an IP-based fax server 310 (FIG. 3), the state observer 380 need not utilize a modem to track the state of the T.30 session, rather, it can directly query the T.30 session to determine its state and decide whether to issue or accept a re-invite. Alternatively, the state observer 380 may be implemented separately from the T.30 subsystem 330 with modems or may be implemented as part of the T.30 subsystem. In some embodiments, the state observer 380 may use information from the T.30 state machine. For example, the fax server 310 may accept T.38 re-invites up to the point where the T.30 subsystem 330 has received the DIS 476 of the called terminal 413 and refuse all subsequent T.38 re-invites without causing the fax session to fail. In other embodiments, the state observer 380 monitors fax communications on the pass-through connection. For example, a V.21 modem may be used by the state observer 380 to monitor the fax communications through the fax server 310.Referring now to FIG. 5, shown is a state diagram 500 illustrating an example of monitoring by a state observer 280/380 on an on-ramp gateway when V.34 fax operation is not supported. The on-ramp gateway allows V.8 messaging to pass from the called terminal to the calling terminal, but if the calling terminal responds with a fax call menu (CM), then the call menu is adjusted to remove V.34 capability. While the embodiment of FIG. 5 is discussed in terms of the endpoint fax terminals and gateways of FIG. 4, the state monitoring is equally applicable to a state observer 380 on a server 310 (FIG. 3). Initially, the state observer 280/380 is in an idle state 503 corresponding to the calling terminal being idle. When a call is initiated by the calling terminal (e.g., by calling terminal 410 making a PSTN Call message 453 in FIG. 4), a start command 506 transitions the state observer 280/380 to a started state 509 corresponding to the calling terminal starting a calling session. In the started state 509, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session.In the started state 509, the state observer 280/380 monitors the PSTN-IP and IP-PSTN data streams through the gateway. The monitoring may be accomplished using V.8 calling and called modems along with various tone and voice detectors. In some embodiments, a V.21 modem is attached to monitor the signaling messages sent across the G.711 pass-through. If the state observer 280/380 detects a V.8bis signal indicating that the answering terminal is a data modem, the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass-through mode to support transparent modem operation. If the state observer 280/380 detects a fax answering tone (CED) 513 transmitted across the packet network, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to a state 516 where the CED is allowed to pass through unmodified. The pass CED state 516 corresponds to the calling terminal 410 having received the CED from the called terminal 413. When in this state 516, the on-ramp gateway 430 expects a T.38 re-invite to be sent by the off-ramp gateway 433. If a fax calling tone (CNG) 519a is detected in the pass CED state 516, it is allowed to pass through unmodified. In the pass CED state 516, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session.If the state observer 280/380 detects a PSTN CNG 519b (e.g., CNG 466 of FIG. 4) when in the started state 509, then a CED timer is initiated. In one embodiment, the CED timer is for three seconds. If a CED 513 is detected, than the CED timer is stopped and the state observer 280/380 transitions as described above. If a CED 513 is not detected and the CED timer times out 523, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to a G.711 pass through state 526 where full-duplex pass through is enabled. A CED timeout 523 indicates that the called device may not support fax sessions. Similarly, if a PSTN voice event 529 is detected, then the CED timer is stopped and the state observer 280/380 state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 526 where full-duplex pass through is enabled. In the G.711 pass through state 526, the on-ramp gateway 430 no longer accepts T.38 re-invites and may choose to begin normal voice procedures. If V8bis is detected on either the IP or the PSTN, the session may be determined to be a modem session and the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass-through state 526.If the state observer 280/380 detects an IP amplitude modulated answer tone (ANSam) 533 when in the started state 509, then the CED timer is cleared and the state observer 280/380 transitions to a state 536 where the ANSam is allowed to pass through. The pass ANSam state 536 corresponds to the calling terminal 410 having received the ANSam from the called terminal 413. In the pass ANSam state 536, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session. If the state observer 280/380 detects a fax call menu (CM) 539 when in the pass ANSam state 536, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to a send CM state 543 where the CM is modified to remove V.34 capabilities and the modified CM is sent to the called terminal 413. If a non-fax CM 546 is detected in the pass ANSam state 536, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 526 where full-duplex pass through is enabled and T.38 re-invites are no longer accepted.In some embodiments, when the end of the ANSam is detected in the pass ANSam state 536, an ANSam timer is started. For example, the ANSam timer may be a 500 millisecond timer. If the ANSam timer times out without detecting, e.g., a fax CM 539, non-fax CM 546, or V.21 flags 559c, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 526 where full-duplex pass through is enabled and T.38 re-invites are no longer initiated.When the state observer 280/380 detects the CM terminator (CJ) 549 in the send CM state 543, the CJ is passed through to the called terminal 413. When the CJ is completed 553, a flags timer is started. In one embodiment, the flags timer is set for 500 milliseconds. The send CM state 543 corresponds to the calling terminal 410 having sent the CM. In the send CM state 543, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session. If a CM limit 556 is reached when the flags timer times out without detection of V.21 flags 559d, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 526 where full-duplex pass through is enabled and T.38 re-invites are no longer accepted.Upon detection of V.21 flags 559a-559d such as those prior to the digital identification signal (DIS) transmitted across the packet network, the state observer 280/380 transitions from the started state 509, pass CED state 516, pass ANSam state 536, or the send CM state 543 to a suppress DIS state 563 where the preamble is allowed to pass, but the actual high-level data link control (HDLC) frames of the DIS are corrupted or garbled. In the case of a transition from a started state 509 to the suppress DIS state 563, detection of V.21 flags 559a stops the CED timer if running. If an ANSam timer was initiated in the pass ANSam state 536, detection of V.21 flags 559c stops the ANSam timer. Similarly, in the case of a transition from a send CM state 543 to the suppress DIS state 563, detection of V.21 flags 559d stops the flags timer if running.HDLC corruption can be performed in a number of ways such as, but not limited to, demodulation and re-modulation of the V.21 frames with invalid cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs), releasing buffer packets in reverse order after the preamble, discarding every other PCM buffer and repeating the previous buffer data and/or other appropriate garbling methods. Corruption of the DIS prevents the calling terminal 410 from proceeding in the negotiation phase of the fax session and allowing the on-ramp gateway 430 to accept a T.38 re-invite. When in this state 563, the on-ramp gateway 430 expects a T.38 re-invite to be sent by the off-ramp gateway 433. If a fax calling tone (CNG) 519c is detected in the suppress DIS state 563, it is allowed to pass through unmodified.Without a response from the calling terminal 410, the called terminal 413 resends the DIS 476 at regular or predefined intervals until the calling terminal 410 sends its response or a DIS timeout occurs. For example, the DIS 476 may be resent by the called terminal 413 every 3.5 seconds until the DIS timeout is reached (e.g., up to about 35 seconds) or a response (e.g., digital command signal (DCS) message 483) is sent by the calling terminal 410. If a T-38 re-invite has not been received by the on-ramp gateway 430, corruption of the DIS 476 continues until the end of the first DIS frame.A V.21 end condition 566 transitions the state observer 280/380 to a second DIS state 569 where the state observer 280/380 waits for the preamble of the second DIS. The wait DIS2 state 569 corresponds to the calling terminal 410 not having received the first DIS from the called terminal 413 because it was garbled and thus not able to response with a DCS to complete the fax negotiation. In the wait DIS2 state 569, the on-ramp gateway 430 may still accept a T.38 re-invite. However, upon detection of V.21 flags 559e, the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 526 where full-duplex pass through is enabled and the on-ramp gateway 430 no longer accepts T.38 re-invites. Some implementations may garble more than the first DIS, while others may not garble the DIS at all. Garbling of the DIS allows more time for the T.38 re-invite negotiations to be completed.When a call is over and the session has been completed in the G.711 pass through state 526, a stop command 573 transitions the state observer 280/380 back to the idle state 503. Stop commands 576a-576d transition the state observer 280/380 from the started state 509, the pass ANSam state 536, the send CM state 543, and the wait DIS2 state 569, respectively, to the idle state when the on-ramp gateway 430 is going to V.34 under T.38 or is performing G.711 pass-through unaided. Similarly, stop commands 579a and 579b transition the state observer 280/380 from the pass CED state 516 and the suppress DIS state 563, respectively, to the idle state when the on-ramp gateway 430 is going to T.38.Referring next to FIG. 6, shown is a state diagram 600 illustrating an example of monitoring by a state observer 280/380 on an on-ramp gateway when V.34 fax operation is supported. Under V.34 operation, the on-ramp gateway 430 initiates a T.38 re-invite, which is accepted by the off-ramp gateway. While the embodiment of FIG. 6 is discussed in terms of the endpoint fax terminals and gateways of FIG. 4, the state monitoring is equally applicable to a fax application 320 on a server 310 (FIG. 3). The state observer 280/380 begins in an idle state 603 corresponding to the calling terminal being idle. When a fax session is initiated by the calling terminal 410, a start command 606 transitions the state observer 280/380 to a started state 609 corresponding to the calling terminal starting a calling session. In the started state 609, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept and/or initiate a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session.In the started state 609, the state observer 280/380 monitors the PSTN-IP and IP-PSTN data streams through the gateway. The monitoring may be accomplished using V.8 calling and called modems along with various tone and voice detectors. In some embodiments, a V.21 modem is attached to monitor the signaling messages sent across the G.711 pass-through. If a CED 613 is detected by the state observer 280/380, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to a state 616 where the CED is allowed to pass through unmodified. The pass CED state 616 corresponds to the calling terminal 410 having received the CED from the called terminal 413. If a fax calling tone (CNG) 619a is detected from the PSTN in the pass CED state 616, it is allowed to pass through unmodified. In the pass CED state 616, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept and/or initiate a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session.If the state observer 280/380 detects a PSTN CNG 619b (e.g., CNG 466 of FIG. 4) when in the started state 609, then a CED timer is initiated. In one embodiment, the CED timer is for five seconds. If a CED 613 is detected, than the CED timer is stopped and the state observer 280/380 transitions as described above. If a CED 613 is not detected and the CED timer times out 623, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to a G.711 pass through state 626 where full-duplex pass through is enabled. A CED timeout 623 indicates that the called device may not support fax sessions. Similarly, if a PSTN voice event 629 is detected, then the CED timer is stopped and the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 626 where full-duplex pass through is enabled. If the state observer 280/380 detects V.8bis signal indicating the answering terminal is a data modem, the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass-through mode to support transparent modem operations. In the G.711 pass through state 626, the on-ramp gateway 430 no longer accepts and/or initiates T.38 re-invites and may choose to begin normal voice procedures.If the state observer 280/380 detects an ANSam 633 when in the started state 609, then the CED timer is stopped and the state observer 280/380 transitions to a state 636 where the ANSam is allowed to pass through. In state 636, the IP-PSTN stream is allowed to pass through unmodified and the PSTN-IP stream is silenced. The pass ANSam state 636 corresponds to the calling terminal 410 having received the ANSam from the called terminal 413 and is expecting a CM form the calling terminal 410 if it supports V.8. In the pass ANSam state 636, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept and/or initiate a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session. If a non-fax CM 646 is detected in the pass ANSam state 636, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 626 where full-duplex pass through is enabled and T.38 re-invites are no longer accepted and/or initiated. The on-ramp gateway 430 may remain in a real time transport (RTP) mode in the G.711 pass through state 626.If the state observer 280/380 detects a fax CM 639 when in the pass ANSam state 636, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to a spoof CM state 643 where an invalid CM is sent to the called terminal 413 and a CM counter for counting CM transmissions is started. The state observer 280/380 also provides an indicator, e.g., to the SIP entity 370 and/or the call control entity 360 (FIG. 3) that it should re-invite to T.38. In the spoof CM state 643, the on-ramp gateway 430 can accept and/or initiate a T.38 re-invite as the endpoint fax terminals 410/413 have not entered the negotiation phase of the fax session. In traditional non-V.34 operations, the off-ramp gateway 433 is responsible for issuing the T.38 re-invite as discussed above. However, under V.34 the on-ramp gateway 430 suppresses the CM and performs the T.38 re-invite. Thus, in the spoof CM state 643, the on-ramp gateway 430 may initiate one or more T.38 re-invites to the off-ramp gateway 433. The on-ramp gateway 430 will continue to spoof CMs until a T.38 re-invite is accepted or a CM limit 656 is reached. If the CM limit 656 is reached (e.g., when CM counter exceeds a predefined limit) without detection of V.21 flags 659d, then the state observer 280/380 transitions to the G.711 pass through state 626 where full-duplex pass through is enabled and T.38 re-invites are no longer accepted or initiated. The on-ramp gateway 430 may remain a RTP mode in the G.711 pass through state 626.Upon detection of V.21 flags 659a-659d on the IP to PSTN connection, it indicates that a preamble to the DIS is being sent across the packet network, the state observer 280/380 transitions from the started state 609, pass CED state 616, pass ANSam state 636, or the spoof CM state 643 to a suppress DIS state 663 where the preamble is allowed to pass, but the actual high-level data link control (HDLC) frames of the DIS have been corrupted or garbled. In the case of a transition from a started state 609 to the suppress DIS state 663, detection of V.21 flags 659a stops the CED timer if running. Similarly, in the case of a transition from a spoof CM state 643 to the suppress DIS state 663, detection of V.21 flags 659d stops the CM counter if running.HDLC corruption can be performed in a number of ways such as,


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