
3.35狂暴战 满破后,优先堆什么属性受益最大? 暴击和力量怎样平衡的堆?现在已经满破,暴击无BUFF47.55%_百度知道
3.35狂暴战 满破后,优先堆什么属性受益最大? 暴击和力量怎样平衡的堆?现在已经满破,暴击无BUFF47.55%
我现在4T10 都有,无buff 精准27实在减不下去了,命中206有点溢出,力量2083 攻强5450 破甲1406 暴击47.55%。你的解释是我现在堆力量比较合适对么?暴击无BUFF真的要堆到50%么?求解
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。3.35 惩戒骑士,手头上有3个饰品,瓶子 245裁决 圣战徽记,无BUFF AP5400 暴击41% 急速540 带哪两个好?_百度知道
3.35 惩戒骑士,手头上有3个饰品,瓶子 245裁决 圣战徽记,无BUFF AP5400 暴击41% 急速540 带哪两个好?
3.35 惩戒骑士,手头上有3个饰品,瓶子 245裁决 圣战徽记,无BUFF AP5400 暴击41% 急速540 带哪两个好?
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Updated: 02-01-18 02:31 AM
Compatibility:Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:02-01-18 02:31 AM
Categories:, , , ,
ElvUI Shadow & Light&
Version: v3.34by: ,
Shadow & Light is an external edit of ElvUI, which means it doesn't change ElvUI's files directly.
What does this mean to you?
It means that any time ElvUI gets updated, you will not have to worry about it overwriting our edited version of ElvUI. It also means if we push an update it will not mess with any ElvUI files. This addon can not be used without ElvUI installed and enabled.
Originally this project started as two personal edits of ElvUI by Darth Predator and I (Repooc). For technical support reasons and other reasons as well, we have moved to a combined effort on this external edit of the ElvUI. Shadow & Light does not disable or hinder the normal function of ElvUI but does add additional features that are not yet implemented or will not be added to ElvUI.
You'll find Shadow & Light options under it's own configuration category in ElvUI's config section by typing /ec
Download Locations:
Features:Armory Mode Style Character & Inspect frame
Go afk in style with our Afk feature
Customize various texts including, Zone, Chat editbox, Mailbox
Add Coordinates on the Minimap
Show full values for Exp/Rep Bars
Customizable background panels.
Additional datatext panels for those tha want to display more info
Option to have S&L Handle Chat Datatext Panels to be docked below the chat windows
Customizable size of chat history stored
Customize Combat Icon position on player unitframe.
Equipment Manager for ability to swap equipment sets based on zone/instance/spec, can even display equipment set name on items in your bags.
Farmer Module for easier farm management.
LFR progression in Time Datatext.
Loot Announcer module adds ability to announce loot to selected channel
Misc Custom UI Button (Quickly access ElvUI Config, ReloadUI, Toggle Move Anchors, Boss mod config/options (DBM, DXE, or Bigwigs), Addons Manager (stAddOnManager or ACP)
Modified Installation Process (Includes settings that each of the authors play with and now includes Affinitii's UI.)
Movable Pet Battle Actionbar
Movable Raid Utility menu.
PvP Auto Release
Skinned Minimap buttons
Skinned Raid Marker Bar
Skins:Additional features for ElvUI skins:
Pet Battles
Objective Tracker
Included Addons:UI buttons idea by
Did we forget anyone? O_o
Technical Support:
If you have any questions or concerns, we want to hear about it. You are welcome to post it via the .
Darth Predator and I will do our best to address everyone's concern. We typically need some information from you other than the problem you are having. Before posting, PLEASE, make sure you are running the latest version of Shadow & Light as well as ElvUI and that you &b&DISABLE ALL&/b& addons except for those two and try to reproduce the issue. It is important that you do that so we can narrow down what is causing the problem in the first place.
Information to provide when posting:
1.) Shadow & Light Version
2.) ElvUI Version
3.) Provide lua errors
4.) Provide a screenshot if possible
5.) Detailed description of the issue on when it happens, how it happens, whatever you did to reproduce it.
6.) Just to be clear, Disable ALL Addons except for ElvUI and Shadow & Light
With that said, happy gaming and enjoy the addon!
v3.34 02/01/2018
- Allied races' crests are now shown in afk screen. No more green squares of doom.
- Merchant skin augmentations now should account for latest API changes.
v3.33 01/31/2018
- Added an option to set a quest log state based on being in combat
- Added an option for dead indicator for party/raid/raid40 frames
- Enhanced shadows are now supporting minimap (with data panels if enabled) and chat panels
- Movable frames can now remember positions. Character based.
- Transparent bag slots now aknowlages reagent bank as a bag
- Fixed errors on removing gold data for character
- Fixed error in chat on sending a channel to new tab (it took too long, I know)
- Fix inspect error for new Races. Thx Benedice
- Illusions are back to armory inspect.
- Accounted for yet another realm id being changed
- Eqiup manager now understands no conditions sets. E.g. &[instance] Set1; Set2& will equip Set1 while in dungeon and Set2 in any other situation.
- Gem slots in character armory now showld be positioned under enchant text
v3.32 01/23/18
- Added overlay option for armory inspect
- Added raid markers mouseover option
- Added an option to color armory gradient textures to reflect item quality
- Added option to disable tooltips on raid marker bar
- Fixed dungeon difficulty flag acting weird
- Fixed artifact databar throwing errors on recieving a lot of AP
- Temporary disabled inspect armory illusion check until we find a reliable way to perform checks
v3.31 12/6/17
- LFR completion info in time datatext.
- Inspect aromory shows illusion now.
- Chat history now works again.
v3.30 12/1/17
- Fixed region check for chat history throwing unintended errors. Also made it more aware of non existant values. Blizzard changed relmIDs around again *sigh*
v3.29 12/1/17
- Take changes in oUF into consideration
- Account for changes in chat history
- Combat icon and rested icon options removed due to those being in core ElvUI now
- Option to hide annoying NPCs talking about stuff in the middle of your screen
- Option to color item levels as item rarity in armory
- Vehicle actionbar now supports Masque
- Raid progression for Antorus in tooltips
- Fixed talent equip tag working incorrectly
- Fixed a number of weird things in armory
- Fix numbers for weird resolutions
- Fix the script always expecting additional arguments for equip tags
- Chat tabs selected indicator not properly updating sometimes
- Fixed instance indicator showing flags when it shouldn't
- Fixed a number of weird errors everywhere
v3.28 10/1/17
- Added missed currencies to the datatext
- Added &Hide in class hall& for location bar
- Added options for threat and target count on nameplates
- Fixed bug in config for threat bar settings
- Fixed &damn elusive& bug with portrait overlay
- Compatibility fixes to work with ElvUI 10.64
v3.27 08/29/17
- Changed the way aura threshold works to avoid incompatibility with CustomTweaks
- Changed calls for playing sounds to account for patch 7.3
- Altered the way deconstruct checks are executed. Should be more consistent now
- Fixed backround positioning resetting
- Added an option to disable inspecting message in chat
v3.26 06/28/17
- Changed the way tomtom waypoints are ignored by minimap button skinning process
- 2 new currencies are back to the corresponding datatext, could swear I added those some time ago but who knows
- Corrected min ilvl required for Tomb of Sargeras LFR
v3.25 06/28/17
- Fixed another black box instead of icon on quest progression
- Fixed prestige icon pvp timer
- Fixed white borders in inspect armory when thin borders are disabled
- Fixed skinning for tomtom stuff
- Added [talent] tag for equip manager
- Added Tomb of Sargers to tooltip raid progression and LFR lockout in time DT
v3.24 06/17/17
- Fixed AP in bags showing 0 for non-AP items after ElvUI update
- Account for changes in ElvUI v10.55
v3.23 06/12/17
- Replaced equipment manager options with a new option. Now you can use tag system to make spec switching more flexible
- Added an option to set a threshold on unitframe auras for showing decimals
- Probably fixed a rare error in deconstruct mode when item info could not be adequately processed
- Should have fixed the camera issues with afk screen closing
- Fixed some errors in inspect
- Fixed relam names in guild datatext for realms consisting of 2 words
- Fixed decoonstruct mode not accounting for legion lockboxes
- Fixed giant black box for world quests progress bars in objective tracker
- Replaced deprecated functions
- Accounted for ElvUI's chat changes
- Preventing taints for tooltips in 7.2.5
- Using ElvUI's functions to calculate AP in bags
- Altered Darth's install profile. healer layout now looks caster-ish
v3.22 04/09/17
- Fixed error in enhanced shadows module caused by microbar being disabled
- Fixed icon borders being off
- Fixed AP calculation in Armory and bags
- Added an option to hide artifact monitor in armory. This is character based
- Added missing currencies in the datatext
- Settings for item level fonts in stats display of the armory being altered. All the changes for that options made previously will be reset.
v3.21 03/30/17
- Fixed first opening character armory error
- Added options for bar buttons in enhanced shadows
- Enhanced shadows for actionbars as a whole now applies to backdrop only and is hidden alongside it
v3.20 03/29/17
- Fixed afk screen related error on load
v3.19 03/28/17
Patch 7.2 compatible. Requires ElvUI 10.46 to run.
- Added an option for player frame to show pvp text on the prestige icon
- Added font options for banners' title text (e.g. world quest title)
- Added character specific option to alter offset of dropdown menu of specialization datatext
- Fied primary stat missing from the list on character screen
- Fixed altoholic button not moving to button bar
- Fixed artifact power throwing errors when a caged pet is present in bags
- Fixed role icons missing on BGs
- Fixed some localization being broken
- Fixed enabling cht datatext panels causing an error
Optional Files (0)
Archived Files (16)
01-31-18 10:57 AM
01-23-18 01:10 PM
12-06-17 02:57 AM
12-01-17 03:53 PM
12-01-17 04:04 AM
10-01-17 08:21 AM
08-29-17 03:35 AM
06-27-17 08:08 PM
06-16-17 05:16 PM
06-12-17 10:30 AM
04-09-17 11:33 AM
03-30-17 03:51 AM
03-28-17 10:53 PM
03-28-17 08:03 AM
01-11-17 12:34 AM
12-05-16 03:11 PM
A Kobold Labourer
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File comments: 17
Uploads: 0
Any way to disable raid markers frame ?
A Kobold Labourer
Forum posts: 0
File comments: 1
Uploads: 0
Use raid frames and location from one profile and everything else from another?
I am using Afinitii's profile but much prefer the location and look of the raid frame in Darth's. Is there a quick way to swap just that aspect?
A Frostmaul Preserver
Forum posts: 266
File comments: 198
Uploads: 0
that would be so cool if the character frame was made to be a seperate standalone addon. it's really the only thing i miss.
Last edited by khurzog : 10-04-17 at .
A Kobold Labourer
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File comments: 8
Uploads: 0
Originally Posted by Zoig111
How do I get rid of what I have edged red?
if you haven't figured this out yet, that looks like either bigwigs or dbm, counting down to your record kill time for that boss. check the settings for whichever one you have installed for how to deactivate it or move it.
A Kobold Labourer
Forum posts: 0
File comments: 8
Uploads: 0
so where is s&l's homepage?
i ask because 3.26 is up on curse, while both tukui and wowint are on 3.25. so should i be getting s&l from curse to be sure that i always get the latest build?
A Murloc Raider
Forum posts: 5
File comments: 30
Uploads: 2
Originally Posted by Siven
Anyway to get the ilvl showing on the items in the character frame without using the armory mode (dont like the look)?
Elvui enhanced (legion) has the option, but cant use that with shadow and light.
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Forum posts: 11
File comments: 34
Uploads: 0
Anyway to get the ilvl showing on the items in the character frame without using the armory mode (dont like the look)?
Elvui enhanced (legion) has the option, but cant use that with shadow and light.
A Kobold Labourer
Forum posts: 0
File comments: 1
Uploads: 0
How do I get rid of what I have edged red?
Last edited by Zoig111 : 04-14-17 at .
A Kobold Labourer
Forum posts: 0
File comments: 8
Uploads: 5
Re: Re: hiho
Originally Posted by repooc
Originally Posted by Jeanice
Wanted to ask times, if I umbastle your UI, then I need an authorization to publish it?
You need authorization to publish our addon and at this time I can't think of anyone we have given permission to include our addon as a compiled download and ask to be linked to , , or the
sites for downloads of Shadow & Light.
And from whom do I get this authorization?
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Forum posts: 10
File comments: 53
Uploads: 0
Re: Re: Re: Option Greyed out
No problem just easier to help in a ticket system environment instead of bouncing around and seeing if people comment and such as comment sections can get cluttered real fast.
A Kobold Labourer
Forum posts: 0
File comments: 7
Uploads: 0
Re: Re: Option Greyed out
You are absolutely right, that is my mistake. After double checking and disabling customtweaks, I was able to change the option. Please chalk this up to user error, and sorry about the bother!
Originally Posted by repooc
Hey Pastafarian,
A couple things to point out to make things easier for Darth and I.
Tech Support Info - Located at the bottom of the main page on there that links to the ticket system we use ()
We have required information needed for troubleshooting also listed at the bottom of the page
To answer the question why the option was grayed out... Because you have ElvUI CustomTweaks enabled, so when you said you just had ElvUI and S&L must have not been the case as you had other stuff enabled (Anything with ElvUI in the name still needs to be disabled except ElvUI and ElvUI Config to help isolate the issues)
As for the error you received, that looks to have come from ElvUI Custom Tweaks addon so you might want to contact Blaze on that
Originally Posted by pastafarian
Hey Darth Predator, I'm hoping you can help me out. There is one option in Shadow and Light that has been greyed out to me since I've installed it several months back. Chat Max Messages
I can't seem to find the reason why. I've reinstalled just Elvui and Shadow and Light and had nothing else enabled besides buggrabber and bugsack, and I don't see any errors.
I don't see any option in base ElvUI to enable this as well.
And when I force change Chat Max Messages with ElvUI_CustomTweaks (with just that, ElvUI, and Shadow and Light) enabled I get the following LUA error (which seems to be a error with customtweaks, but I guess no one else really seems to have an issue with the option)
22x ...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:48: attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)
...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:48: in function &...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:40&
ElvUI\core\core.lua:1202: in function `InitializeModules'
ElvUI\core\core.lua:1343: in function `Initialize'
ElvUI\init.lua:138: in function &ElvUI\init.lua:137&
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = &table& {
1 = &ChatFrame1&
2 = &ChatFrame2&
3 = &ChatFrame3&
4 = &ChatFrame4&
5 = &ChatFrame5&
6 = &ChatFrame6&
7 = &ChatFrame7&
8 = &ChatFrame8&
9 = &ChatFrame9&
10 = &ChatFrame10&
(*temporary) = 10
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = &function& defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = &function& defined @SharedXML\ScrollingMessageFrame.lua:124
(*temporary) = ChatFrame10 {
0 = &userdata&
RefreshIfNecessary = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPostShow = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OldAddMessage = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isInitialized = 1
GetNumVisibleLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollUp = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetTimeVisible = &function& defined =[C]:-1
hasOwnFontObject = true
OnFontObjectUpdated = &function& defined =[C]:-1
button = CopyChatButton10 {
resizeButton = ChatFrame10ResizeButton {
GetFading = &function& defined =[C]:-1
Clear = &function& defined =[C]:-1
shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
SetIndentedWordWrap = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetTimeVisible = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetJustifyV = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFont = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
Show = &function& defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:128
BackFillMessage = &function& defined =[C]:-1
UnpackageEntry = &function& defined =[C]:-1
FontStringContainer = &unnamed& {
SetShadowOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
messageTypeList = &table& {
GetFont = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetMaxLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
timeVisibleSecs = 100
PageUp = &function& defined =[C]:-1
RefreshDisplay = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFontObject = &function& defined =[C]:-1
MakeFontObjectCustom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
CalculateNumVisibleLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
fontObject = table: E17EF7E0 {
overrideFadeTimestamp = 0
SetInsertMode = &function& defined =[C]:-1
MarkDisplayDirty = &function& defined =[C]:-1
scriptsSet = true
SetScript = &function& defined =[C]:-1
styled = true
GetMessageInfo = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollDown = &function& defined =[C]:-1
AtTop = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetFontObject = &function& defined =[C]:-1
zoneChannelList = &table& {
SetScrollOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollToBottom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetInsertMode = &function& defined =[C]:-1
oldAlpha = 0.45
channelList = &table& {
CanEffectivelyFade = &function& defined =[C]:-1
originalHide = &function& defined =[C]:-1
originalShow = &function& defined =[C]:-1
insertMode = 2
buttonSide = &left&
OnPreSizeChanged = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetScrollOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
PackageEntry = &function& defined =[C]:-1
alternativeDefaultLanguage = &Common&
defaultLanguage = &Common&
Hide = &function& defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:124
GetTextColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
tellTimer =
ResetAllFadeTimes = &function& defined =[C]:-1
flashTimer = 0
isLayoutDirty = true
GetSpacing = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPreLoad = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isDisplayDirty = true
visibleLines = &table& {
SetSpacing = &function& defined =[C]:-1
name = &Chat 10&
ScrollToTop = &function& defined =[C]:-1
fadeDurationSecs = 3
historyBuffer = &table& {
AdjustMessageColors = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetNumMessages = &function& defined =[C]:-1
RefreshLayout = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isUninteractable = false
AddMessage = &function& defined @ElvUI\Modules\chat\chat.lua:528
GetJustifyH = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPostUpdate = &function& defined =[C]:-1
PageDown = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxScrollRange = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetJustifyH = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFadeDuration = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetPagingScrollAmount = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetTextColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
AtBottom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
I don't know if there is a simple option I'm missing or I'm just doing something wrong, but any help would be appreciated.
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Forum posts: 10
File comments: 53
Uploads: 0
Originally Posted by Jeanice
Wanted to ask times, if I umbastle your UI, then I need an authorization to publish it?
You need authorization to publish our addon and at this time I can't think of anyone we have given permission to include our addon as a compiled download and ask to be linked to , , or the
sites for downloads of Shadow & Light.
Last edited by repooc : 12-26-16 at .
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Forum posts: 10
File comments: 53
Uploads: 0
Re: Option Greyed out
Hey Pastafarian,
A couple things to point out to make things easier for Darth and I.
Tech Support Info - Located at the bottom of the main page on there that links to the ticket system we use ()
We have required information needed for troubleshooting also listed at the bottom of the page
To answer the question why the option was grayed out... Because you have ElvUI CustomTweaks enabled, so when you said you just had ElvUI and S&L must have not been the case as you had other stuff enabled (Anything with ElvUI in the name still needs to be disabled except ElvUI and ElvUI Config to help isolate the issues)
As for the error you received, that looks to have come from ElvUI Custom Tweaks addon so you might want to contact Blaze on that
Originally Posted by pastafarian
Hey Darth Predator, I'm hoping you can help me out. There is one option in Shadow and Light that has been greyed out to me since I've installed it several months back. Chat Max Messages
I can't seem to find the reason why. I've reinstalled just Elvui and Shadow and Light and had nothing else enabled besides buggrabber and bugsack, and I don't see any errors.
I don't see any option in base ElvUI to enable this as well.
And when I force change Chat Max Messages with ElvUI_CustomTweaks (with just that, ElvUI, and Shadow and Light) enabled I get the following LUA error (which seems to be a error with customtweaks, but I guess no one else really seems to have an issue with the option)
22x ...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:48: attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)
...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:48: in function &...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:40&
ElvUI\core\core.lua:1202: in function `InitializeModules'
ElvUI\core\core.lua:1343: in function `Initialize'
ElvUI\init.lua:138: in function &ElvUI\init.lua:137&
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = &table& {
1 = &ChatFrame1&
2 = &ChatFrame2&
3 = &ChatFrame3&
4 = &ChatFrame4&
5 = &ChatFrame5&
6 = &ChatFrame6&
7 = &ChatFrame7&
8 = &ChatFrame8&
9 = &ChatFrame9&
10 = &ChatFrame10&
(*temporary) = 10
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = &function& defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = &function& defined @SharedXML\ScrollingMessageFrame.lua:124
(*temporary) = ChatFrame10 {
0 = &userdata&
RefreshIfNecessary = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPostShow = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OldAddMessage = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isInitialized = 1
GetNumVisibleLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollUp = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetTimeVisible = &function& defined =[C]:-1
hasOwnFontObject = true
OnFontObjectUpdated = &function& defined =[C]:-1
button = CopyChatButton10 {
resizeButton = ChatFrame10ResizeButton {
GetFading = &function& defined =[C]:-1
Clear = &function& defined =[C]:-1
shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
SetIndentedWordWrap = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetTimeVisible = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetJustifyV = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFont = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
Show = &function& defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:128
BackFillMessage = &function& defined =[C]:-1
UnpackageEntry = &function& defined =[C]:-1
FontStringContainer = &unnamed& {
SetShadowOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
messageTypeList = &table& {
GetFont = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetMaxLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
timeVisibleSecs = 100
PageUp = &function& defined =[C]:-1
RefreshDisplay = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFontObject = &function& defined =[C]:-1
MakeFontObjectCustom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
CalculateNumVisibleLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
fontObject = table: E17EF7E0 {
overrideFadeTimestamp = 0
SetInsertMode = &function& defined =[C]:-1
MarkDisplayDirty = &function& defined =[C]:-1
scriptsSet = true
SetScript = &function& defined =[C]:-1
styled = true
GetMessageInfo = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollDown = &function& defined =[C]:-1
AtTop = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetFontObject = &function& defined =[C]:-1
zoneChannelList = &table& {
SetScrollOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollToBottom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetInsertMode = &function& defined =[C]:-1
oldAlpha = 0.45
channelList = &table& {
CanEffectivelyFade = &function& defined =[C]:-1
originalHide = &function& defined =[C]:-1
originalShow = &function& defined =[C]:-1
insertMode = 2
buttonSide = &left&
OnPreSizeChanged = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetScrollOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
PackageEntry = &function& defined =[C]:-1
alternativeDefaultLanguage = &Common&
defaultLanguage = &Common&
Hide = &function& defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:124
GetTextColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
tellTimer =
ResetAllFadeTimes = &function& defined =[C]:-1
flashTimer = 0
isLayoutDirty = true
GetSpacing = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPreLoad = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isDisplayDirty = true
visibleLines = &table& {
SetSpacing = &function& defined =[C]:-1
name = &Chat 10&
ScrollToTop = &function& defined =[C]:-1
fadeDurationSecs = 3
historyBuffer = &table& {
AdjustMessageColors = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetNumMessages = &function& defined =[C]:-1
RefreshLayout = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isUninteractable = false
AddMessage = &function& defined @ElvUI\Modules\chat\chat.lua:528
GetJustifyH = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPostUpdate = &function& defined =[C]:-1
PageDown = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxScrollRange = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetJustifyH = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFadeDuration = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetPagingScrollAmount = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetTextColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
AtBottom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
I don't know if there is a simple option I'm missing or I'm just doing something wrong, but any help would be appreciated.
A Kobold Labourer
Forum posts: 0
File comments: 7
Uploads: 0
Option Greyed out
Hey Darth Predator, I'm hoping you can help me out. There is one option in Shadow and Light that has been greyed out to me since I've installed it several months back. Chat Max Messages
I can't seem to find the reason why. I've reinstalled just Elvui and Shadow and Light and had nothing else enabled besides buggrabber and bugsack, and I don't see any errors.
I don't see any option in base ElvUI to enable this as well.
And when I force change Chat Max Messages with ElvUI_CustomTweaks (with just that, ElvUI, and Shadow and Light) enabled I get the following LUA error (which seems to be a error with customtweaks, but I guess no one else really seems to have an issue with the option)
22x ...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:48: attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)
...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:48: in function &...dOns\ElvUI_CustomTweaks\categories\chat\MaxLines.lua:40&
ElvUI\core\core.lua:1202: in function `InitializeModules'
ElvUI\core\core.lua:1343: in function `Initialize'
ElvUI\init.lua:138: in function &ElvUI\init.lua:137&
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = &table& {
1 = &ChatFrame1&
2 = &ChatFrame2&
3 = &ChatFrame3&
4 = &ChatFrame4&
5 = &ChatFrame5&
6 = &ChatFrame6&
7 = &ChatFrame7&
8 = &ChatFrame8&
9 = &ChatFrame9&
10 = &ChatFrame10&
(*temporary) = 10
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = &function& defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = &function& defined @SharedXML\ScrollingMessageFrame.lua:124
(*temporary) = ChatFrame10 {
0 = &userdata&
RefreshIfNecessary = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPostShow = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OldAddMessage = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isInitialized = 1
GetNumVisibleLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollUp = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetTimeVisible = &function& defined =[C]:-1
hasOwnFontObject = true
OnFontObjectUpdated = &function& defined =[C]:-1
button = CopyChatButton10 {
resizeButton = ChatFrame10ResizeButton {
GetFading = &function& defined =[C]:-1
Clear = &function& defined =[C]:-1
shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
SetIndentedWordWrap = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetTimeVisible = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetJustifyV = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFont = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
Show = &function& defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:128
BackFillMessage = &function& defined =[C]:-1
UnpackageEntry = &function& defined =[C]:-1
FontStringContainer = &unnamed& {
SetShadowOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
messageTypeList = &table& {
GetFont = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetMaxLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
timeVisibleSecs = 100
PageUp = &function& defined =[C]:-1
RefreshDisplay = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFontObject = &function& defined =[C]:-1
MakeFontObjectCustom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
CalculateNumVisibleLines = &function& defined =[C]:-1
fontObject = table: E17EF7E0 {
overrideFadeTimestamp = 0
SetInsertMode = &function& defined =[C]:-1
MarkDisplayDirty = &function& defined =[C]:-1
scriptsSet = true
SetScript = &function& defined =[C]:-1
styled = true
GetMessageInfo = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollDown = &function& defined =[C]:-1
AtTop = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetFontObject = &function& defined =[C]:-1
zoneChannelList = &table& {
SetScrollOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
ScrollToBottom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetInsertMode = &function& defined =[C]:-1
oldAlpha = 0.45
channelList = &table& {
CanEffectivelyFade = &function& defined =[C]:-1
originalHide = &function& defined =[C]:-1
originalShow = &function& defined =[C]:-1
insertMode = 2
buttonSide = &left&
OnPreSizeChanged = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetScrollOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
PackageEntry = &function& defined =[C]:-1
alternativeDefaultLanguage = &Common&
defaultLanguage = &Common&
Hide = &function& defined @FrameXML\FrameLocks.lua:124
GetTextColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
tellTimer =
ResetAllFadeTimes = &function& defined =[C]:-1
flashTimer = 0
isLayoutDirty = true
GetSpacing = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPreLoad = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isDisplayDirty = true
visibleLines = &table& {
SetSpacing = &function& defined =[C]:-1
name = &Chat 10&
ScrollToTop = &function& defined =[C]:-1
fadeDurationSecs = 3
historyBuffer = &table& {
AdjustMessageColors = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetNumMessages = &function& defined =[C]:-1
RefreshLayout = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
isUninteractable = false
AddMessage = &function& defined @ElvUI\Modules\chat\chat.lua:528
GetJustifyH = &function& defined =[C]:-1
OnPostUpdate = &function& defined =[C]:-1
PageDown = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxScrollRange = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetJustifyH = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetFadeDuration = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowOffset = &function& defined =[C]:-1
GetPagingScrollAmount = &function& defined =[C]:-1
SetTextColor = &function& defined =[C]:-1
AtBottom = &function& defined =[C]:-1
I don't know if there is a simple option I'm missing or I'm just doing something wrong, but any help would be appreciated.
A Murloc Raider
Forum posts: 5
File comments: 30
Uploads: 2
Originally Posted by Jeanice
Wanted to ask times, if I umbastle your UI, then I need an authorization to publish it?
Have no idea what you are talking about
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