
Goffs 暴蛮氏族Biggest an' ugliest Orkses, loadsa Stormboyz an' Nobz. Dey fights 'and-to-'and. None of dis sissy-stuff, 'anging back an' sneakin' like grotty Gretchin an' snivlin' Snotlin's. No uvver clan is as 'ard as da Goffs.'壮就壮到极,丑又丑到飚,暴风小弟跟头头那是一片四片底多!没得哪个去学那屁精,退个卵后,潜个毛行啊?你妈妈哪个族都木得暴蛮底调子高!The Goffs are identified by their predominantly black gear and the clan totem, which is a black bull's head. This clan has the reputation of having the biggest, ugliest, meanest, and most ferocious Orks.暴蛮氏族的标志是它们漆成黑色的装备和黑色牛头的氏族图腾。该氏族向来以最大、最丑、最卑鄙、最凶残的兽人扎堆而著称。[英语里没有Goff这个词,花了半天研读兽人语终于发现这其实是Goth的兽人语念法!自然不能译哥特,就取了野蛮这个意思。]Of all the Ork warrior clanz, Goffs are the most inspired by the thrill and thunder of battle, and are specialists in hand-to-hand combat. They consider themselves superior to the cowardly Orks from other clanz, who hang back to shoot when they could get into the thick of battle. They are particularly fond of the stick grenades, because they're hurled by hand and are good for close combat in trenches, ruins, bunkers and ratholes. Goffs usually carry a brace of hefty stick grenades (known as stikkbombz) stuffed down their black boots.在所有的绿皮氏族当中,暴蛮们顶顶热爱战争的喧嚣与轰鸣,而在所有战争的喧嚣与轰鸣当中,暴蛮们顶顶热爱贴身肉搏。它们认为,其他氏族那帮放着大好砍杀机会不顾,只敢缩在后面乱放枪的懦弱废柴绝不配与暴蛮比肩。暴蛮的战士特别偏爱长柄手榴弹,这种投掷武器在战壕、废墟、碉堡和散兵坑之间的近距混战中十分有效。在他们的靴子筒里总塞着一捆硕大的长柄手榴弹(兽人称之为棒弹)。Black is the preferred colour of the Goffs. Other clanz that wear bright colours and patterns are simply mocked as not proper Orks, or as just plain weedy. The most common decoration is a checker pattern of black and white or a contrasting border. Excessive deviation from the way of the clan is met with derision, and the miscreant will certainly get clobbered by any Boss Ork who comes his way. War paint and tattoos are also considered taboo by the Goffs, but skull earrings, death's head pendants, metal studs piercing the flesh, and large nose-rings are favoured. To the Goffs, these are the outward signs of the tough character of the inner Ork.黑色是暴蛮最偏好的颜色,那些服饰鲜亮的氏族都被他们视作废柴和杂鱼。黑白两色的棋盘格式样图案是暴蛮氏族最常见的装饰,在各种装备上都能看到。而任何胆敢别出心裁的家伙铁定会发现自己面临着同伴的耻笑和老大的痛打。在身上涂战漆和纹身在暴蛮也是禁忌,不过颅骨制的耳环和挂饰,金属饰钉和鼻环倒颇受欢迎。在暴蛮,这些东西被视为拥有真格的凶悍兽人脾性的标志。Headdress is usually a horned helmet, or a coal scuttle-style helmet, either of which offers plenty of protection to the neck. Members of the clan wear a backplate which bears the Orkish rune of their household which is enamelled in colour on a black ground.氏族战士们通常戴着有角或铁桶型的头盔以给颈部提供足够保护,每名氏族成员都佩有一块嵌着兽人神符的背甲,上面有着各自部族的标志。[就是在游戏里Ork们背后那块圆铁板,household这个词在这里很奇怪,不知道是不是部族的意思]The Goffs can boast the greatest numbers of Nobz and Stormboyz. This is because the Goffs are the most militaristic of all the Orks. All Orks love to wage war, and often wage war to live, but of the Goffs it can truly be said that they live only for war.暴蛮很自傲于拥有所有兽人氏族中最大票的头头和暴风小子部队,因为他们是所有兽人中最军事化的一支。凡是兽人都热爱战争且常常以战自养,但只有暴蛮才当真称得上是生而为战,别无他求。Goff yoofs indulge in dangerous trials of strength among themselves. For these contests, they don ritual bulls-head helmets with great bull's horns attached to them. They then charge each other in the manner of raging bulls, colliding with a loud crack as the horned headgear makes contact. The yoofs continue to headbutt each other until one has had enough, or until they've headbutted each other to death.暴蛮氏族的新兵们[从兽人语法来看yoof应该是youth之讹,兽人一长出来就成人了,所以youth不会是青年,大概指的是刚长出来还没上过战场的幼齿]大多沉湎于危险的角力仪式,在这种竞技中他们会戴上有着硕大牛角的仪式用头盔,然后像疯牛那样两相对冲,在巨角碰撞的大响中撞作一团。这种角力只有到了一方受不了认输或者双方一起脑壳开花时才算到头。The slave herds of Runts and Gretchin (Snotz and Grotz) are not permitted to wear black - this privilege is reserved for Goffs alone. However, the Snotz and Grotz are allowed to paint their faces with black paint. The slaves must be content with drab, neutral colours. Any attempt to wear bright colours is met with extreme chastisement at the hands of a disapproving Goff.矬精和屁精(小菜头和小鬼)构成的奴隶阶层是不被允许穿黑色的——这是只有氏族成员才能享受的特权。不过小菜头和小鬼们被允许把自己的脸涂成黑色。奴隶们只能穿颜色单调灰暗的服装,要是哪只屁精准备冒天下之大不韪,就得做好被某位不爽的氏族成员一把捏死的觉悟。Bad Moons 恶月氏族Da richboyz. Dey grow teef a lot faster den wot kan da uvver clanz, so dey iz richer den wot da uvver clanz iz, see? Loadsa teef-snatchin Gretchin 'angin around 'em all da time. Loadsa slaves an' all. Dey 'ave to spend it all on gear to fight off da ovver clanz wot wants to redisturbute der welf a bit.'有米咧!该些鬼,牙齿出得那是溜溜底快,别底族那硬是毛得比勒!所以他们来米硬是比别个快勒,晓得不?么捡牙齿底屁精啊奴隶,一溜溜的围哒转!那牙齿拿哒来,火火底买枪买炮,就是米多了撒,硬是逗起别个打劫勒!The symbol of the Bad Moon Clan is a grimacing, yellow moon-face wrapped in a halo of black flames. The Bad Moon Clan are what passes for a merchant class in Ork society, continuously buying, selling, swapping, and conning to get teeth. Bad Moons are found in almost every Ork tribe. They grow teeth faster than other Orks, which has made them the richest clan.恶月氏族的标志是一个被黑色火焰环绕,做着奇怪鬼脸的黄色月亮。这个在绿皮社会中被视为商人阶层的氏族总在买进、卖出、斤斤计较的搜刮着每一颗牙齿,每个兽人部族里都多少有那么几个来自恶月的商贩。恶月们的牙齿比其他的绿皮长得都快,这使得它们成了最富的氏族。[说实话,我很怀疑所谓恶月的牙长得快的说法,倒更像是其它没那个经济脑子的氏族对恶月开展贸易活动产生的财富积累的胡乱猜测,想当年马可&波罗见到元朝皇帝发行的纸钞也惊喜地称之为“大汗的点金术”……]Bad Moon warriors wear strikingly patterned clothing and shocking war paint designed to terrify the enemy. The high rankers among them wear garishly decorated back banners and the richest openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of teeth. This clan possesses great numbers of slaves, who are used in manufacturing war gear that is traded with other clans to bring in more wealth.恶月的战士们喜欢用夸张的装束和吓人的战漆来恐吓敌人。其中地位高的会在背上背一面装饰繁复的战旗,而最富有的家伙则戴着牙齿穿成的项链公开炫耀。他们拥有大批的奴隶,以生产用来和其他氏族交换财富的战争装备。Bad Moons often engage in highly secret deals with alien races to gain access to technology and wargear unavailable to other Orks. They also love to spend their teeth on food, which means many Bad Moons are a bit stout around the belt. Wargear that would be rarely seen in an Ork army belonging to another clan, such as suits of mega armour or kustom mega blastas, are seen far more regularly in a Bad Moon force.恶月氏族经常与其他异族进行十分机密的贸易,以搞到些别的绿皮们只能干瞪眼的技术和装备。它们也很乐于把囤积的牙齿花在追求美食上,把自己喂得膘肥体大。超级盔甲和超热爆枪在其他氏族的部队里属于罕见罕闻的高档货色,在恶月这边却往往可见。The Evil Suns 邪日氏族Da meanest an' koolest Orkses, dese 'as loadsa Mekboyz an' jalopies.'屌得卵样底,还有蛮机灵,好多技工啊&啪啪摩托&啊,别个都比不起!The totem of this clan is a blood-red face grinning out of a sunburst. Members of this clan wear at least one item of red clothing which makes their appearance quite distinctive. Red is a hard colour for Orks to come by as few of their regular enemies have red uniforms to loot and rip up, and most red dye is used for red paint. Consequently, many of the warriors have only one odd fragment of red clothing, perhaps as little as one sleeve or just a cap. Others make do with blood-drenched cloth, and are not put out at all when this soon turns brown and rancid. Red face paint is another expression of this clan's obsession with the colour red. Once again, they resort to blood when the red paint runs out.邪日氏族的图腾是一张坏笑着向四周迸射日炎的血红色圆脸。邪日氏族成员都会尽力用红色装饰自己,这使得他们十分显眼。对兽人而言红色并不容易搞到,因为它们敌手中穿可供搜掠的红色制服的寥寥无几,而大部分的红色染料都得用来给车辆上红漆。到头来很多战士只能分到那么一小块红布,比如一条红袖管或一个红帽子。另一些绿皮干脆把衣服浸上血凑合一下,虽然鲜血干了后很快会变成棕色臭气扑鼻,它们倒也不太在乎。The Evil Sunz clan has many Mekboyz, which means the clan has a lot of vehicles on hand (since Mekboyz are indispensable when it comes to keeping vehicles in running order). The Evil Sunz are noted for their Bikeboyz. These Ork terror-bikers dress in leathers, wear the Evil Sunz insignia, are bedecked with chains and bike harnesses, and wear steel-toed, multi-buckled, black bike boots. Their foreheads are often decorated with metal studs screwed directly into their thick skulls. Evil Sunz Orks carry the Ork obsession with the colour red to the decoration of their numerous vehicles. Like all Orks, they believe red vehicles go faster than vehicles of any other colour. Thus, all an Ork has to do to enhance the speed and performance of his bike or buggy is paint it bright red. &Den no one's gonna catch up wiv' ya.&邪日氏族有大量的技术小子,这意味着它们能随时张罗起大量战斗车辆(想把车辆维持在可用状态技术小子是必不可少的)。而最给氏族长脸的是摩托小子,这些兽人骑手裹着皮甲、别着邪日徽记,浑身装饰着铁链和皮带,还穿着黑色、多扣、钢头的大摩托靴。它们喜欢在脑门上打钉饰,这些大钉子通常直接敲在它们坚硬的头盖骨上。看看邪日的绿皮们如何装饰它们那一大堆战车,就不难明白它们对红色有多迷信。像所有兽人一样,邪日也坚信涂成红色的车比其它颜色的飚得更快。因此,一个绿皮如果想自己的摩托或越野车跑得更快更溜,最好的办法就是把它漆得又红又亮。用兽人自己的话来说,“这便没人能把我超亚~~~”。Orks use a wide variety of vehicles - some designed and manufactured by the Meks themselves, and some manufactured by alien races as tribute. After the Orks have 'mended' alien-built vehicles a few times, they develop a highly distinctive and individualistic Orky character. If a particular vehicle achieves renown on the battlefield, Warlords are so impressed that they often have copies made of it for themselves, or to hand out as rewards to deserving underlings. This deliberate replication is about the only instance of Orkish &mass production&.兽人们的车辆来源庞杂——部分是技术小子们自行研发制造的,另一些则是异族缴来的供奉[似乎黑暗灵族和混沌陆战队都会“善意的”向绿皮扩散一些装备技术]。兽人们鼓捣了几次这些异族车辆后发展出了一套特立独行的“绿皮装备体系” [结合上下文意译的]。如果哪种车辆在战场上捞着了好名声,深感兴趣的战争巨头们往往会命令依样仿造,用来当自己的坐骑或是给善战手下的赏赐。这些复制品算得上是绿皮式“规模生产”的仅有实例了。The Death Skulls 死头氏族Da best looters in da 'oonivers, dese is thievin' blighters wiv loadsa runts and grots runnin' about nikkin' stuff.'天底下硬木得比他们狠点点子底破烂王哒,直看得一股股底屁精菜头围得那死人子猛扒!The Death Skulls warriors are renowned as plunderers of the battlefield. After any slaughter or skirmish, they can be seen gleefully stripping the bodies of the slain and hacking off desirable items of armour and clothing. These oddments are used to augment the Death Skulls warriors' already-bizarre battle gear. This often leads to multi-coloured clothing, since fragments of various uniforms end up sewn together. One warband, which was involved in the raiding and plundering of an Imperial penal colony, made off with looted clothing. Now they are seen wearing odd trouser legs or sleeves imprinted with the black upturned arrows of convicts. Perhaps it was the arrow symbol, mistakenly credited with magical powers, which attracted their attention.死头氏族的兵士们有战地掳掠者的名头。在每一场冲突和屠杀之后,都能看到他们美滋滋翻捡着罹难者的尸体,将中意的盔甲衣物扒个干净,[扒裤衩帮……]用来充实死头那本就大杂烩的武器库。这帮绿皮的服装总是五颜六色,因为那是各种制服碎片拾掇在一起的产物。一个死头战帮有次劫掠了某个帝国刑事流放地,卷走了大量被服,再看到它们时个个都套着烙上帝国戴罪黑箭章的袖管和裤腿,大概这帮家伙错以为那些箭章上有魔法。[戴罪箭似乎是人类帝国犯罪者的标志,似乎LastChancer都要带]This clan is named after their horned-skull totem. Skulls and bones feature prominently among their personal adornments. For instance, helmets are often cast or fashioned in the form of a grinning skull. Death Skulls Orks are commonly seen festooned with bone amulets of every kind: pendants, talismans, and cherished bits of long-dead enemies. Such things hold power for the Death Skulls clan. Some Death Skulls warriors wear dozens of enemy ribs laced together to form a kind of breastplate.死头氏族的名字来自它们长角头骨样的图腾。头颅和骨块自然是氏族成员最喜欢的饰品风格,例如兵士的头盔,就常被打造成咧嘴骷髅的形象。它们身上也佩戴着各种形制的骨头护符:骨头坠饰、骨头灵符乃至防腐处理过的敌人尸块,这种东西被认为可以护住氏族的力量。有些死头的兵士还穿着用成打的敌人肋骨拼成的护胸甲。It is common for Death Skulls Orks to paint parts of their bodies deep blue. The Orks of one warband, suffering from poor returns from their plundering efforts, have gone to the extreme of painting their entire torsos and arms. They believe this habit earns them the attention and favour of the Ork war gods, and thus brings them better fortune on the fields of plunder. The clan warriors wear back-plates decorated with an enamelled skull symbol, mounted on a coloured ground. The colour of this ground varies from one warband to another.死头的兽人经常在自己身上一些部位涂上深蓝色,某些发不上死人财的死头战帮甚至把自己的整个上身和胳膊全染上蓝色,指望靠这一手引来绿皮战神[搞哥还是毛哥?]的垂青,使得下次掳掠时手气好一点。氏族的兵士们背甲上都装饰着一个衬着底色的抛光骷髅,通过底色的不同可以区分氏族里的各个战帮。This clan has a lot of clever and enterprising Gretchin. The Death Skulls also attracts a number of followers because of their reputation as a bunch of looters, spivs, and wide-boys. As battlefield plunderers and petty camp pilferers, they often get themselves a bad name among the other clans for selling dodgy gear that isn't good enough for the Death Skulls Orks to keep for themselves.死头有着大群聪明勤快的屁精,此外它们善于掳掠,兜售黑货和来者不拒的名声也引来了不少追随者。[spiv,黑市交易者,赞美家天下兄的大能,连这么冷僻的方言词都找出来了……所谓追随者可能是指野绿皮(Feral Orks)]这帮明抢暗偷的家伙在绿皮氏族里名声很糟,因为死头经常向其它氏族兜售些靠不住的臭货。The Snakebites 蛇咬氏族First they lets da snake bite 'em, den dey bites
say it makes an Ork of ya. Dey is always lookin' fer sumfink. Dese are da Boyz who likes to hop on space hulks and go places and die inna warp.'一上手是给蛇搞一口,一转眼就把蛇头一口呷哒,他们硬讲该才是真绿皮。该些鬼撒,一天到晚不晓得寻起么家伙,就喜欢开哒飞船四路子转,那瓦普里面硬不晓得撞死几百(音伯)只哒!The Snakebites rarely settle in one place for long. To the other Orks, the Snakebites always seem to be 'lookin' fer somefink' and 'wanderin' orf'. They only stay on a planet long enough to get into a fight and then they're off again.蛇咬氏族从不在一个地方长时间停留,在其它绿皮眼里,蛇咬们总在“探东西”和“乱转悠”,它们只有有仗可打时才会在某个星球逗留,一旦打完,它们又会开路。The clan practices initiation rites which involve being bitten by poisonous snakes and sucking out the venom straight away (hence their name). Few Orks succumb to the poison - most just get tougher the more they are bitten. Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive. They continue to toughen themselves in this way throughout their lives. The sign of this clan is the serpent. The Snakebite Orks are a savage and feral clan who prefer to live in wild and desolate places, and they cultivate Hairy Squigs so they can decorate themselves with extravagant crests and topknots. Their bodies are covered all over in swirling red tattoos, like coiled snakes, while other common features are wolf skin headgear and wolf pelts, which add to their wild and primitive appearance. Clothing can incorporate all kinds of pelts and bits of animal (including dead rats suspended by their tails). Headgear is likely to be adorned with grotesque horns. One of their most distinctive elements of dress is their snake belts, which are fastened with metal buckles in the form of a snake.在这个氏族的入伙仪式[应该是针对新长出来的兽人的]中,受式的绿皮要先让毒蛇咬噬自己(如氏族名字所表明的),然后直接把毒液吮出来吐掉。极少有绿皮因此毙命,大多数随着被咬的次数增多反而会变得愈发强悍。蛇咬们总会在向新行星迁移时带上一些精选的毒蛇,以备移居地土生的蛇种太过温和无用时仪式之需。终其一生,这帮家伙都会用这种方式自我强化。从它们的巨蛇图腾不难理解,蛇咬氏族的兽人是一群喜欢以蛮荒之地为居所的险恶生番。它们种植多毛种的跳跳来提供装饰自己所用的大量毛饰和冠羽,它们的体表则纹满了盘旋缠绕如卷蛇一般的红色纹身,此外狼皮饰物和狼首头盔也很受青睐,更强化蛇咬们原始野蛮的形象。服饰是各种皮毛和动物部件的大杂烩(包括拴住尾巴吊在绿皮身上的死老鼠)。头盔上则往往装饰着风格奇异的角。最具蛇咬风格的东西是它们的蛇形腰带,那是把金属搭扣拧成蛇形而成的。Snakebite WarbossPendants and jewellery are made of stone or ceramic beads, feathers, shells or animal claws. These are hung all over the body, which is pierced specially for this purpose. Painboyz are particularly fond of this task, and take great pains to locate the most painful spots to pierce.蛇咬老大的各种挂饰由石块、瓷片、羽毛、贝壳和动物指爪串成,为了把这堆东西挂上,老大还得在周身打上不少饰孔。剧痛小子们最乐于从事这项工作,为找到了最痛的部位下针而欢天喜地。 Heavy neck rings and spiky collars are favoured by some Snakebites, who claim this to be a precaution against being throttled by personal enemies who might creep up behind them in the night. This clan is also noted for its grotesque lip-plugs, strange icons, and its highly individualistic back-plates and back banners.一些蛇咬的兽人偏爱沉重的大颈环和带刺项圈,它们声称这可以防止自己在睡觉的时候被私敌拧断脖子。此外,这个氏族奇特的唇钉,古怪的标示以及极为独特的背甲和战旗也十分出名。The Snakebite Orks like to maintain Boarboyz. This may hark back to Orkish warfare of a former age, which is now revitalized by the advent of Cyboars. These bionically enhanced and extremely savage creatures are an awesome testament to the combined talents of the Meks and Painboyz who engineered them.蛇咬氏族一直保留着野猪小子部队,这种可以追述到古老时代的兽人战术如今因为凭着改造体野猪咸鱼翻身,这些经过生化技术强化的野性恶畜,是技术小子和剧痛小子们共同智慧的可怖成果。The Blood Axes 血斧氏族Da stinkin' 'ooman lackeys. Sum Orkses will do anyfink fer teef. Nufink wrong wiv dat, but hob-nobbin ' wiv 'oomans, dat' s difrunt.'学么不好学猴子!有些绿皮是为哒米么也搞,那没得么,但是你屋里底拍猴子屁股啊?那就不蛮好啦!The Blood Axes were the first clan to encounter the armies of the Imperium, and it is they who have had most contact with the Imperial culture. This has led to the Blood Axes picking up a number of Imperial battle practices which are not used by other clanz, most notably the wearing of camouflaged wargear and the use of captured or traded Imperial vehicles. The Blood Axes’ Warlords tend to have a better understanding of grand strategy, and will even retreat if they are losing rather than fighting to the bitter end like the other clanz, normally coming back later reinforced with more Boyz and better prepared than they were before!血斧是兽人各氏族里最早遭遇人类帝国军事力量的,受其文明影响也最多。因而它们吸纳了很多不见于其它氏族的帝国军事惯例,最为显见的是兵士的迷彩战斗服和俘获或走私来的帝国车辆。血斧的战争巨头们颇谙战略,甚至懂得在局面不利时避免像其它氏族那样卯到精光,而是选择战术撤退,在召集了更大票的小子,作了更充分的准备后卷土重来!The Blood Axe clan is known by the sign of the blood-drenched axe. They are always at odds with every other clan, over and above the inevitable animosity and constant feuding of the Ork race.血斧氏族之名出自它们的染血大斧图腾形象。它们和其它氏族龌龊之多,即使在绿皮这个世仇内讧无止无休的种族之中,也得算是首屈一指。This clan was once very powerful, and easily dominated Ork society for a long time. When they began having too many friendly dealings with aliens (especially Humans), it was too much for the other clans to bear. A lot of the Blood Axe Boyz were wiped out in a nasty inter-Ork war known as Da Big Party. As a result the clan were overthrown and the surviving Blood Axes fled into hiding for many years.血斧氏族曾经极为强大,在绿皮的社会体系中长期居于支配地位。但这帮家伙和异族(特别是人类)搞了太多的礼尚往来,终于到了其它氏族忍无可忍的地步。其结果是引爆了被绿皮们称为“大混操”的血腥兽人内战,送掉了无数血斧小子的性命,旧有的支配体系倒塌了,剩下那些溜得快的血斧们在其后很多年里都只能躲躲藏藏。[旧秩序与绿皮大革命?]There are a few utterly corrupt and devious rogue traders and pirates who trade weapons with the Orks. Although the Imperium does not supply the Blood Axe Orks with weapons, the influence of Imperial military style is there for all to see. There is, however, a preponderance of Meks and heavy weapons in the Blood Axe clan. Warriors wear helmets, combat fatigues, and forage caps. These accoutrements are drab in colour and are usually patterned in camouflage. High-rankers in this clan love to don military trappings, such as medals, eagle-wing or axe cap-badges, binoculars, monocles, and bandoliers festooned with grenades.一方面无耻妄为的黑市商人和海盗们始终在向血斧输送武器,另一边虽然帝国从未允许过资敌行径,血斧受到的帝国军事风格影响却有目共睹。[如果我理解得不错的话,不但帝国的子民们不象有些观点认为的那样紧密团结在以帝皇为核心的帝国权力机构周围,这里甚至还暗示帝国高层也像里根时代的美国政府一样热衷“玩火”,向公开的敌人搞私底下的军事技术扩散……]无论出于什么原因,这个氏族的确拥有大量的技术小子和重型装备。氏族兵士们配备的头盔,战斗装具和军帽都采用了低视度色,很多还有迷彩。高阶血斧们则热爱各种军用配件:勋章、展翅鹰或斧型的帽徽、望远镜、单目镜以及插满手榴弹的的携弹带。Worn along with these trappings are Orkish adornments, such as back-plates bearing the clan symbol, axe-shaped earrings, and black or blue facial war paint - the designs which identify individual warbands. The favourite hand-to-hand weapon of the Blood Axes is naturally an axe. This weapon is usually stuffed down a long, lace-up combat boot. True to the tradition of the clan, the Blood Axe Orks do not wipe the blood off the blade after a battle.血斧会把兽人风格的饰品突出出来,避免混入那些军用配件中:氏族标志的背甲、斧头形状的耳饰和蓝色或黑色的战漆——每个的战帮各有式样。血斧的小子们最偏爱的肉搏武器自然是大斧,通常插在它们高腰系带战斗靴的靴管中,名符其实,它们的确有在战斗后不擦拭斧刃上血迹的传统。By means of a few working spacecraft crewed by slaves, and by infesting suitable space hulks, the Blood Axes are able to launch sporadic raids on other Ork clanz. They do this
to capture loot, slaves and Gretchin.利用奴隶们操纵的宇宙飞船和大量堪用的太空漂块,血斧有能力发动针对其它绿皮氏族的小规模袭扰,以掠夺财富、奴隶和屁精,顺便也算一算陈年的旧账。Speed Freeks 绿皮暴走团While many Ork warbands make use of a plethora of gun-festooned, fume-belching vehicles to ride screaming into battle on, some Orks take this love of vehicular slaughter one stage further and form so-called &Kults of Speed&. The Speed Freeks devote themselves to their war machines: each mob competing to have the largest, loudest trukk or the fastest, shootiest bike.很多绿皮战帮都喜欢开着它们喷烟放炮的大战车直杀垓心,但它们之上还有一帮真正沉迷于这种带车轮的绞肉机器无法自拔的家伙,这帮家伙就是所谓的“拉风神教”。这些暴走狂对它们的机车已经热爱到了兽车合一的地步,它们全部的追求不是一部最大最闹的卡车,就是一辆最速最爆的摩托。They are often equipped with the most insane and diabolically dangerous gadgets their mekboys' febrile minds can come up with, from Battlewagons shielded by crackling force field generators to wings of Deth-Koptas, flying to battle on screeching rotor blades. Many Speed Freek warbands herald from the Evil Sunz clan with its famous chant of &red wunz go faster!& but almost any clan from the wreckage-scavenging Death Skulls to the wealthy Bad Moons can turn their forces into a tide of mechanised locusts that ravage whole worlds, leaving nothing but blood and ruination in their dirt stained tracks.从装备吱吱作响的防护力场的战斗大车,到有着呼呼飞转的剃刀旋翼的玩命直升机,暴走团的坐骑总是装备着它们的技术小子狂热的脑壳所变出来的最最疯癫险恶的配件。许多暴走战帮出于邪日氏族麾下,不论它们杀到哪里都吼叫着那首“愈红愈快”的著名战歌。但要记住,每个氏族,从拾荒捡剩的死头到财大气粗的恶月,都能把它们的部队变成一股席卷整个世界的机械狂涛,扫过之处只留下鲜血和废墟。taboo by the Goffs, but skull earrings, death's head pendants, metal studs piercing the flesh, and large nose-rings are favoured. To the Goffs, these are the outward signs of the tough character of the inner Ork.黑色是暴蛮最偏好的颜色,那些服饰鲜亮的氏族都被他们视作废柴和杂鱼。黑白两色的棋盘格式样图案是暴蛮氏族最常见的装饰,在各种装备上都能看到。而任何胆敢别出心裁的家伙铁定会发现自己面临着同伴的耻笑和老大的痛打。在身上涂战漆和纹身在暴蛮也是禁忌,不过颅骨制的耳环和挂饰,金属饰钉和鼻环倒颇受欢迎。在暴蛮,这些东西被视为拥有真格的凶悍兽人脾性的标志。Headdress is usually a horned helmet, or a coal scuttle-style helmet, either of which offers plenty of protection to the neck. Members of the clan wear a backplate which bears the Orkish rune of their household which is enamelled in colour on a black ground.氏族战士们通常戴着有角或铁桶型的头盔以给颈部提供足够保护,每名氏族成员都佩有一块嵌着兽人神符的背甲,上面有着各自部族的标志。[就是在游戏里Ork们背后那块圆铁板,household这个词在这里很奇怪,不知道是不是部族的意思]The Goffs can boast the greatest numbers of Nobz and Stormboyz. This is because the Goffs are the most militaristic of all the Orks. All Orks love to wage war, and often wage war to live, but of the Goffs it can truly be said that they live only for war.暴蛮很自傲于拥有所有兽人氏族中最大票的头头和暴风小子部队,因为他们是所有兽人中最军事化的一支。凡是兽人都热爱战争且常常以战自养,但只有暴蛮才当真称得上是生而为战,别无他求。Goff yoofs indulge in dangerous trials of strength among themselves. For these contests, they don ritual bulls-head helmets with great bull's horns attached to them. They then charge each other in the manner of raging bulls, colliding with a loud crack as the horned headgear makes contact. The yoofs continue to headbutt each other until one has had enough, or until they've headbutted each other to death.暴蛮氏族的新兵们[从兽人语法来看yoof应该是youth之讹,兽人一长出来就成人了,所以youth不会是青年,大概指的是刚长出来还没上过战场的幼齿]大多沉湎于危险的角力仪式,在这种竞技中他们会戴上有着硕大牛角的仪式用头盔,然后像疯牛那样两相对冲,在巨角碰撞的大响中撞作一团。这种角力只有到了一方受不了认输或者双方一起脑壳开花时才算到头。The slave herds of Runts and Gretchin (Snotz and Grotz) are not permitted to wear black - this privilege is reserved for Goffs alone. However, the Snotz and Grotz are allowed to paint their faces with black paint. The slaves must be content with drab, neutral colours. Any attempt to wear bright colours is met with extreme chastisement at the hands of a disapproving Goff.矬精和屁精(小菜头和小鬼)构成的奴隶阶层是不被允许穿黑色的——这是只有氏族成员才能享受的特权。不过小菜头和小鬼们被允许把自己的脸涂成黑色。奴隶们只能穿颜色单调灰暗的服装,要是哪只屁精准备冒天下之大不韪,就得做好被某位不爽的氏族成员一把捏死的觉悟。Bad Moons 恶月氏族Da richboyz. Dey grow teef a lot faster den wot kan da uvver clanz, so dey iz richer den wot da uvver clanz iz, see? Loadsa teef-snatchin Gretchin 'angin around 'em all da time. Loadsa slaves an' all. Dey 'ave to spend it all on gear to fight off da ovver clanz wot wants to redisturbute der welf a bit.'它们富家伙,它们牙长快,别氏族比不上,它们就比别氏族富,明白?捡牙屁精好多,奴隶好多,绕它们打转。它们牙都拿来买枪,打别氏族,来抢牙的。The symbol of the Bad Moon Clan is a grimacing, yellow moon-face wrapped in a halo of black flames. The Bad Moon Clan are what passes for a merchant class in Ork society, continuously buying, selling, swapping, and conning to get teeth. Bad Moons are found in almost every Ork tribe. They grow teeth faster than other Orks, which has made them the richest clan.恶月氏族的标志是一个被黑色火焰环绕,做着奇怪鬼脸的黄色月亮。这个在绿皮社会中被视为商人阶层的氏族总在买进、卖出、斤斤计较的搜刮着每一颗牙齿,每个兽人部族里都多少有那么几个来自恶月的商贩。恶月们的牙齿比其他的绿皮长得都快,这使得它们成了最富的氏族。[说实话,我很怀疑所谓恶月的牙长得快的说法,倒更像是其它没那个经济脑子的氏族对恶月开展贸易活动产生的财富积累的胡乱猜测,想当年马可&波罗见到元朝皇帝发行的纸钞也惊喜地称之为“大汗的点金术”……]Bad Moon warriors wear strikingly patterned clothing and shocking war paint designed to terrify the enemy. The high rankers among them wear garishly decorated back banners and the richest openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of teeth. This clan possesses great numbers of slaves, who are used in manufacturing war gear that is traded with other clans to bring in more wealth.恶月的战士们喜欢用夸张的装束和吓人的战漆来恐吓敌人。其中地位高的会在背上背一面装饰繁复的战旗,而最富有的家伙则戴着牙齿穿成的项链公开炫耀。他们拥有大批的奴隶,以生产用来和其他氏族交换财富的战争装备。Bad Moons often engage in highly secret deals with alien races to gain access to technology and wargear unavailable to other Orks. They also love to spend their teeth on food, which means many Bad Moons are a bit stout around the belt. Wargear that would be rarely seen in an Ork army belonging to another clan, such as suits of mega armour or kustom mega blastas, are seen far more regularly in a Bad Moon force.恶月氏族经常与其他异族进行十分机密的贸易,以搞到些别的绿皮们只能干瞪眼的技术和装备。它们也很乐于把囤积的牙齿花在追求美食上,把自己喂得膘肥体大。超级盔甲和超热爆枪在其他氏族的部队里属于罕见罕闻的高档货色,在恶月这边却往往可见。The Evil Suns 邪日氏族Da meanest an' koolest Orkses, dese 'as loadsa Mekboyz an' jalopies.'[再翻译这种话就会疯掉了,我现在已经想吃生肉了……]The totem of this clan is a blood-red face grinning out of a sunburst. Members of this clan wear at least one item of red clothing which makes their appearance quite distinctive. Red is a hard colour for Orks to come by as few of their regular enemies have red uniforms to loot and rip up, and most red dye is used for red paint. Consequently, many of the warriors have only one odd fragment of red clothing, perhaps as little as one sleeve or just a cap. Others make do with blood-drenched cloth, and are not put out at all when this soon turns brown and rancid. Red face paint is another expression of this clan's obsession with the colour red. Once again, they resort to blood when the red paint runs out.邪日氏族的图腾是一张坏笑着向四周迸射日炎的血红色圆脸。邪日氏族成员都会尽力用红色装饰自己,这使得他们十分显眼。对兽人而言红色并不容易搞到,因为它们敌手中穿可供搜掠的红色制服的寥寥无几,而大部分的红色染料都得用来给车辆上红漆。到头来很多战士只能分到那么一小块红布,比如一条红袖管或一个红帽子。另一些绿皮干脆把衣服浸上血凑合一下,虽然鲜血干了后很快会变成棕色臭气扑鼻,它们倒也不太在乎。The Evil Sunz clan has many Mekboyz, which means the clan has a lot of vehicles on hand (since Mekboyz are indispensable when it comes to keeping vehicles in running order). The Evil Sunz are noted for their Bikeboyz. These Ork terror-bikers dress in leathers, wear the Evil Sunz insignia, are bedecked with chains and bike harnesses, and wear steel-toed, multi-buckled, black bike boots. Their foreheads are often decorated with metal studs screwed directly into their thick skulls. Evil Sunz Orks carry the Ork obsession with the colour red to the decoration of their numerous vehicles. Like all Orks, they believe red vehicles go faster than vehicles of any other colour. Thus, all an Ork has to do to enhance the speed and performance of his bike or buggy is paint it bright red. &Den no one's gonna catch up wiv' ya.&邪日氏族有大量的技术小子,这意味着它们能随时张罗起大量战斗车辆(想把车辆维持在可用状态技术小子是必不可少的)。而最给氏族长脸的是摩托小子,这些兽人骑手裹着皮甲、别着邪日徽记,浑身装饰着铁链和皮带,还穿着黑色、多扣、钢头的大摩托靴。它们喜欢在脑门上打钉饰,这些大钉子通常直接敲在它们坚硬的头盖骨上。看看邪日的绿皮们如何装饰它们那一大堆战车,就不难明白它们对红色有多迷信。像所有兽人一样,邪日也坚信涂成红色的车比其它颜色的飚得更快。因此,一个绿皮如果想自己的摩托或越野车跑得更快更溜,最好的办法就是把它漆得又红又亮。用兽人自己的话来说,“这便没人能把我超亚~~~”。Orks use a wide variety of vehicles - some designed and manufactured by the Meks themselves, and some manufactured by alien races as tribute. After the Orks have 'mended' alien-built vehicles a few times, they develop a highly distinctive and individualistic Orky character. If a particular vehicle achieves renown on the battlefield, Warlords are so impressed that they often have copies made of it for themselves, or to hand out as rewards to deserving underlings. This deliberate replication is about the only instance of Orkish &mass production&.兽人们的车辆来源庞杂——部分是技术小子们自行研发制造的,另一些则是异族缴来的供奉[似乎黑暗灵族和混沌陆战队都会“善意的”向绿皮扩散一些装备技术]。兽人们鼓捣了几次这些异族车辆后发展出了一套特立独行的“绿皮装备体系” [结合上下文意译的]。如果哪种车辆在战场上捞着了好名声,深感兴趣的战争巨头们往往会命令依样仿造,用来当自己的坐骑或是给善战手下的赏赐。这些复制品算得上是绿皮式“规模生产”的仅有实例了。The Death Skulls 死头氏族Da best looters in da 'oonivers, dese is thievin' blighters wiv loadsa runts and grots runnin' about nikkin' stuff.'天底下硬木得比他们狠点点子底破烂王哒,直看得一股股底屁精菜头围得那死人子猛扒!The Death Skulls warriors are renowned as plunderers of the battlefield. After any slaughter or skirmish, they can be seen gleefully stripping the bodies of the slain and hacking off desirable items of armour and clothing. These oddments are used to augment the Death Skulls warriors' already-bizarre battle gear. This often leads to multi-coloured clothing, since fragments of various uniforms end up sewn together. One warband, which was involved in the raiding and plundering of an Imperial penal colony, made off with looted clothing. Now they are seen wearing odd trouser legs or sleeves imprinted with the black upturned arrows of convicts. Perhaps it was the arrow symbol, mistakenly credited with magical powers, which attracted their attention.死头氏族的兵士们有战地掳掠者的名头。在每一场冲突和屠杀之后,都能看到他们美滋滋翻捡着罹难者的尸体,将中意的盔甲衣物扒个干净,[扒裤衩帮……]用来充实死头那本就大杂烩的武器库。这帮绿皮的服装总是五颜六色,因为那是各种制服碎片拾掇在一起的产物。一个死头战帮有次劫掠了某个帝国刑事流放地,卷走了大量被服,再看到它们时个个都套着烙上帝国戴罪黑箭章的袖管和裤腿,大概这帮家伙错以为那些箭章上有魔法。[戴罪箭似乎是人类帝国犯罪者的标志,似乎LastChancer都要带]This clan is named after their horned-skull totem. Skulls and bones feature prominently among their personal adornments. For instance, helmets are often cast or fashioned in the form of a grinning skull. Death Skulls Orks are commonly seen festooned with bone amulets of every kind: pendants, talismans, and cherished bits of long-dead enemies. Such things hold power for the Death Skulls clan. Some Death Skulls warriors wear dozens of enemy ribs laced together to form a kind of breastplate.死头氏族的名字来自它们长角头骨样的图腾。头颅和骨块自然是氏族成员最喜欢的饰品风格,例如兵士的头盔,就常被打造成咧嘴骷髅的形象。它们身上也佩戴着各种形制的骨头护符:骨头坠饰、骨头灵符乃至防腐处理过的敌人尸块,这种东西被认为可以护住氏族的力量。有些死头的兵士还穿着用成打的敌人肋骨拼成的护胸甲。It is common for Death Skulls Orks to paint parts of their bodies deep blue. The Orks of one warband, suffering from poor returns from their plundering efforts, have gone to the extreme of painting their entire torsos and arms. They believe this habit earns them the attention and favour of the Ork war gods, and thus brings them better fortune on the fields of plunder. The clan warriors wear back-plates decorated with an enamelled skull symbol, mounted on a coloured ground. The colour of this ground varies from one warband to another.死头的兽人经常在自己身上一些部位涂上深蓝色,某些发不上死人财的死头战帮甚至把自己的整个上身和胳膊全染上蓝色,指望靠这一手引来绿皮战神[搞哥还是毛哥?]的垂青,使得下次掳掠时手气好一点。氏族的兵士们背甲上都装饰着一个衬着底色的抛光骷髅,通过底色的不同可以区分氏族里的各个战帮。This clan has a lot of clever and enterprising Gretchin. The Death Skulls also attracts a number of followers because of their reputation as a bunch of looters, spivs, and wide-boys. As battlefield plunderers and petty camp pilferers, they often get themselves a bad name among the other clans for selling dodgy gear that isn't good enough for the Death Skulls Orks to keep for themselves.死头有着大群聪明勤快的屁精,此外它们善于掳掠,兜售黑货和来者不拒的名声也引来了不少追随者。[spiv,黑市交易者,赞美家天下兄的大能,连这么冷僻的方言词都找出来了……所谓追随者可能是指野绿皮(Feral Orks)]这帮明抢暗偷的家伙在绿皮氏族里名声很糟,因为死头经常向其它氏族兜售些靠不住的臭货。The Snakebites 蛇咬氏族First they lets da snake bite 'em, den dey bites
say it makes an Ork of ya. Dey is always lookin' fer sumfink. Dese are da Boyz who likes to hop on space hulks and go places and die inna warp.'一上手是给蛇搞一口,一转眼就把蛇头一口呷哒,他们硬讲该才是真绿皮。该些鬼撒,一天到晚不晓得寻起么家伙,就喜欢开哒飞船四路子转,那瓦普里面硬不晓得撞死几百(音伯)只哒!The Snakebites rarely settle in one place for long. To the other Orks, the Snakebites always seem to be 'lookin' fer somefink' and 'wanderin' orf'. They only stay on a planet long enough to get into a fight and then they're off again.蛇咬氏族从不在一个地方长时间停留,在其它绿皮眼里,蛇咬们总在“探东西”和“乱转悠”,它们只有有仗可打时才会在某个星球逗留,一旦打完,它们又会开路。The clan practices initiation rites which involve being bitten by poisonous snakes and sucking out the venom straight away (hence their name). Few Orks succumb to the poison - most just get tougher the more they are bitten. Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive. They continue to toughen themselves in this way throughout their lives. The sign of this clan is the serpent. The Snakebite Orks are a savage and feral clan who prefer to live in wild and desolate places, and they cultivate Hairy Squigs so they can decorate themselves with extravagant crests and topknots. Their bodies are covered all over in swirling red tattoos, like coiled snakes, while other common features are wolf skin headgear and wolf pelts, which add to their wild and primitive appearance. Clothing can incorporate all kinds of pelts and bits of animal (including dead rats suspended by their tails). Headgear is likely to be adorned with grotesque horns. One of their most distinctive elements of dress is their snake belts, which are fastened with metal buckles in the form of a snake.在这个氏族的入伙仪式[应该是针对新长出来的兽人的]中,受式的绿皮要先让毒蛇咬噬自己(如氏族名字所表明的),然后直接把毒液吮出来吐掉。极少有绿皮因此毙命,大多数随着被咬的次数增多反而会变得愈发强悍。蛇咬们总会在向新行星迁移时带上一些精选的毒蛇,以备移居地土生的蛇种太过温和无用时仪式之需。终其一生,这帮家伙都会用这种方式自我强化。从它们的巨蛇图腾不难理解,蛇咬氏族的兽人是一群喜欢以蛮荒之地为居所的险恶生番。它们种植多毛种的跳跳来提供装饰自己所用的大量毛饰和冠羽,它们的体表则纹满了盘旋缠绕如卷蛇一般的红色纹身,此外狼皮饰物和狼首头盔也很受青睐,更强化蛇咬们原始野蛮的形象。服饰是各种皮毛和动物部件的大杂烩(包括拴住尾巴吊在绿皮身上的死老鼠)。头盔上则往往装饰着风格奇异的角。最具蛇咬风格的东西是它们的蛇形腰带,那是把金属搭扣拧成蛇形而成的。Snakebite WarbossPendants and jewellery are made of stone or ceramic beads, feathers, shells or animal claws. These are hung all over the body, which is pierced specially for this purpose. Painboyz are particularly fond of this task, and take great pains to locate the most painful spots to pierce.蛇咬老大的各种挂饰由石块、瓷片、羽毛、贝壳和动物指爪串成,为了把这堆东西挂上,老大还得在周身打上不少饰孔。剧痛小子们最乐于从事这项工作,为找到了最痛的部位下针而欢天喜地。 Heavy neck rings and spiky collars are favoured by some Snakebites, who claim this to be a precaution against being throttled by personal enemies who might creep up behind them in the night. This clan is also noted for its grotesque lip-plugs, strange icons, and its highly individualistic back-plates and back banners.一些蛇咬的兽人偏爱沉重的大颈环和带刺项圈,它们声称这可以防止自己在睡觉的时候被私敌拧断脖子。此外,这个氏族奇特的唇钉,古怪的标示以及极为独特的背甲和战旗也十分出名。The Snakebite Orks like to maintain Boarboyz. This may hark back to Orkish warfare of a former age, which is now revitalized by the advent of Cyboars. These bionically enhanced and extremely savage creatures are an awesome testament to the combined talents of the Meks and Painboyz who engineered them.蛇咬氏族一直保留着野猪小子部队,这种可以追述到古老时代的兽人战术如今因为凭着改造体野猪咸鱼翻身,这些经过生化技术强化的野性恶畜,是技术小子和剧痛小子们共同智慧的可怖成果。The Blood Axes 血斧氏族Da stinkin' 'ooman lackeys. Sum Orkses will do anyfink fer teef. Nufink wrong wiv dat, but hob-nobbin ' wiv 'oomans, dat' s difrunt.'学么不好学猴子!有些绿皮是为哒米么也搞,那没得么,但是你屋里底拍猴子屁股啊?那就不蛮好啦!The Blood Axes were the first clan to encounter the armies of the Imperium, and it is they who have had most contact with the Imperial culture. This has led to the Blood Axes picking up a number of Imperial battle practices which are not used by other clanz, most notably the wearing of camouflaged wargear and the use of captured or traded Imperial vehicles. The Blood Axes’ Warlords tend to have a better understanding of grand strategy, and will even retreat if they are losing rather than fighting to the bitter end like the other clanz, normally coming back later reinforced with more Boyz and better prepared than they were before!血斧是兽人各氏族里最早遭遇人类帝国军事力量的,受其文明影响也最多。因而它们吸纳了很多不见于其它氏族的帝国军事惯例,最为显见的是兵士的迷彩战斗服和俘获或走私来的帝国车辆。血斧的战争巨头们颇谙战略,甚至懂得在局面不利时避免像其它氏族那样卯到精光,而是选择战术撤退,在召集了更大票的小子,作了更充分的准备后卷土重来!The Blood Axe clan is known by the sign of the blood-drenched axe. They are always at odds with every other clan, over and above the inevitable animosity and constant feuding of the Ork race.血斧氏族之名出自它们的染血大斧图腾形象。它们和其它氏族龌龊之多,即使在绿皮这个世仇内讧无止无休的种族之中,也得算是首屈一指。This clan was once very powerful, and easily dominated Ork society for a long time. When they began having too many friendly dealings with aliens (especially Humans), it was too much for the other clans to bear. A lot of the Blood Axe Boyz were wiped out in a nasty inter-Ork war known as Da Big Party. As a result the clan were overthrown and the surviving Blood Axes fled into hiding for many years.血斧氏族曾经极为强大,在绿皮的社会体系中长期居于支配地位。但这帮家伙和异族(特别是人类)搞了太多的礼尚往来,终于到了其它氏族忍无可忍的地步。其结果是引爆了被绿皮们称为“大混操”的血腥兽人内战,送掉了无数血斧小子的性命,旧有的支配体系倒塌了,剩下那些溜得快的血斧们在其后很多年里都只能躲躲藏藏。[旧秩序与绿皮大革命?]There are a few utterly corrupt and devious rogue traders and pirates who trade weapons with the Orks. Although the Imperium does not supply the Blood Axe Orks with weapons, the influence of Imperial military style is there for all to see. There is, however, a preponderance of Meks and heavy weapons in the Blood Axe clan. Warriors wear helmets, combat fatigues, and forage caps. These accoutrements are drab in colour and are usually patterned in camouflage. High-rankers in this clan love to don military trappings, such as medals, eagle-wing or axe cap-badges, binoculars, monocles, and bandoliers festooned with grenades.一方面无耻妄为的黑市商人和海盗们始终在向血斧输送武器,另一边虽然帝国从未允许过资敌行径,血斧受到的帝国军事风格影响却有目共睹。[如果我理解得不错的话,不但帝国的子民们不象有些观点认为的那样紧密团结在以帝皇为核心的帝国权力机构周围,这里甚至还暗示帝国高层也像里根时代的美国政府一样热衷“玩火”,向公开的敌人搞私底下的军事技术扩散……]无论出于什么原因,这个氏族的确拥有大量的技术小子和重型装备。氏族兵士们配备的头盔,战斗装具和军帽都采用了低视度色,很多还有迷彩。高阶血斧们则热爱各种军用配件:勋章、展翅鹰或斧型的帽徽、望远镜、单目镜以及插满手榴弹的的携弹带。Worn along with these trappings are Orkish adornments, such as back-plates bearing the clan symbol, axe-shaped earrings, and black or blue facial war paint - the designs which identify individual warbands. The favourite hand-to-hand weapon of the Blood Axes is naturally an axe. This weapon is usually stuffed down a long, lace-up combat boot. True to the tradition of the clan, the Blood Axe Orks do not wipe the blood off the blade after a battle.血斧会把兽人风格的饰品突出出来,避免混入那些军用配件中:氏族标志的背甲、斧头形状的耳饰和蓝色或黑色的战漆——每个的战帮各有式样。血斧的小子们最偏爱的肉搏武器自然是大斧,通常插在它们高腰系带战斗靴的靴管中,名符其实,它们的确有在战斗后不擦拭斧刃上血迹的传统。By means of a few working spacecraft crewed by slaves, and by infesting suitable space hulks, the Blood Axes are able to launch sporadic raids on other Ork clanz. They do this
to capture loot, slaves and Gretchin.利用奴隶们操纵的宇宙飞船和大量堪用的太空漂块,血斧有能力发动针对其它绿皮氏族的小规模袭扰,以掠夺财富、奴隶和屁精,顺便也算一算陈年的旧账。Speed Freeks 绿皮暴走团While many Ork warbands make use of a plethora of gun-festooned, fume-belching vehicles to ride screaming into battle on, some Orks take this love of vehicular slaughter one stage further and form so-called &Kults of Speed&. The Speed Freeks devote themselves to their war machines: each mob competing to have the largest, loudest trukk or the fastest, shootiest bike.很多绿皮战帮都喜欢开着它们喷烟放炮的大战车直杀垓心,但它们之上还有一帮真正沉迷于这种带车轮的绞肉机器无法自拔的家伙,这帮家伙就是所谓的“拉风神教”。这些暴走狂对它们的机车已经热爱到了兽车合一的地步,它们全部的追求不是一部最大最闹的卡车,就是一辆最速最爆的摩托。They are often equipped with the most insane and diabolically dangerous gadgets their mekboys' febrile minds can come up with, from Battlewagons shielded by crackling force field generators to wings of Deth-Koptas, flying to battle on screeching rotor blades. Many Speed Freek warbands herald from the Evil Sunz clan with its famous chant of &red wunz go faster!& but almost any clan from the wreckage-scavenging Death Skulls to the wealthy Bad Moons can turn their forces into a tide of mechanised locusts that ravage whole worlds, leaving nothing but blood and ruination in their dirt stained tracks.从装备吱吱作响的防护力场的战斗大车,到有着呼呼飞转的剃刀旋翼的玩命直升机,暴走团的坐骑总是装备着它们的技术小子狂热的脑壳所变出来的最最疯癫险恶的配件。许多暴走战帮出于邪日氏族麾下,不论它们杀到哪里都吼叫着那首“愈红愈快”的著名战歌。但要记住,每个氏族,从拾荒捡剩的死头到财大气粗的恶月,都能把它们的部队变成一股席卷整个世界的机械狂涛,扫过之处只留下鲜血和废墟。
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