为什么庄海燕 禁赛参加的三速这么多DNF

= =瓦塔西诺莫诺伊
变形金刚OL 6月23日不限号狂欢
大神 你的签名档。。。
张砷镓才是大神 你说的那个不认识。
不太了解     快跑快跑,我来追你啦!         
我也想知道   --没事不发帖,发帖是非多
变形金刚OL 6月23日不限号狂欢
曾经老张以平均10几秒的成绩 稳坐中国第一 无人撼动
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Powered by【图片】【经典资料故事】历年魔方比赛违规作弊事件WCA的处罚判决_魔方吧_百度贴吧
说到作弊事件,最为人熟知的,也是最有名的事件莫过于匈牙利的天才少年Mátyás Kuti 。说到Mátyás Kuti 有些新魔友可能对他不甚了解,但是稍有年纪和阅历的魔友想必都不会对他陌生。他是既魔方进入竞速时代第一位天才少年牧角章太郎以后,又一位将魔方竞速水平提升到新高度的天才选手,下面是他的WCA页面17次打破 7个不同项目的世界纪录。在那个时候,他是打破不同项目种类世界纪录数目最多的选手,直到整整6年后,这个记录才被历史上最伟大的魔方选手Feliks打破,7个不同种类被刷新为8个(2——7阶、单手、四阶盲拧)
WCA board has come to the conclusion that there is proof beyond any doubt that the 2007 world record holder for blindfolded solving has cheated in the blindfolded events of several WCA competitions. The conclusion of WCA board has come after extensive investigations and a number of conversations with the competitor. The competitor has not confessed.WCA有明确且不容怀疑的证据证明2007年世界纪录保持者在盲拧项目上存在作弊行为,得出的结论是通过收集大量证据并与诸多参赛选手交流。作弊者本人没有承认。ProofProof shows that the competitor cheated by peeking underneath the blindfold.The proof consists of the analysis of videos of several blindfolded solves in WCA competitions. Many videos gave a strong indication of cheating, because of the applied complex method combined with a flawless accuracy (77 correct solves out of 77 solves). The method had the effect that many edge and corner pieces changed positions and/or orientation while solving the corners of the cube.证据证明:他是“透过眼罩偷看下面的魔方”来作弊的。(解释一下,早期的盲拧比赛还没有纸张作为遮挡物,而他的鼻梁很高,可以通过鼻梁和眼罩之间的缝隙看到魔方)在通过查看大量比赛视频,发现他至今为止完美的77/77的成功率,在盲拧过程中使用了一种复杂的复原方法,这种方法大量地改变棱块和角块,并且频繁改变魔方朝向。(熟悉盲拧的人都知道这种方法显然不可能是盲拧复原方法,只能用于速拧)One video of the multiple blindfolded event in World Championship 2007 brought proof beyond any doubt. The video shows that the competitor made an error (incorrect undo of set-up moves) during the execution of a step, and that instead of correcting the error, the competitor started solving the cube again. This is only possible if the competitor would have seen that he had made a mistake. Otherwise he would either have undone his incorrect moves, or he would not have been able to solve the cube anymore.还有一个有力证据证明:2007年世锦赛上,该选手复原过程中出现了一个setup的错误,结果该选手并没有纠正这个错误,反而是重新开始复原整个魔方(类似速拧方法来还原盲拧复原后只有少量错误的魔方)。这只可能出现在选手能看见自己复原出错的情况。视频来自:
WCA has come to the following verdict.- WCA has banned the competitor for three years for all WCA competitions, starting today. The competitor may appeal for reinstatement after two years, if he fully cooperates with WCA.- WCA has changed all blindfolded solves of the competitor to the result DNF (did not finish).- WCA has requested the competitor to return his prize money in blindfolded events to the competition organisers. The organisers can then redistribute the prize money.处罚:1、WCA决定对该选手禁赛三年,从今天开始(发布日期:。当然,该选手本人在2011年后也没有再度参赛了……)2、该选手所有盲拧成绩全部记为DNF。3、归还参加过的盲拧项目所获得的奖金,组织者可以重新处理分配奖金(07年时候有很多比赛以现金作为比赛奖励,包括RUBIK赞助的世锦赛,三阶速拧冠军是5000欧元)Other measurementsWCA has come to the following measurement to prevent future cheating in the blindfolded event:A temporary regulation must be applied for all competitions under WCA Regulations 2007. For WCA Regulations 2008 (expected March 2008) the additional regulation will be fully integrated, including some other preventive measurements.The regulation consists of placing a sheet of paper (or a similar object) between the face of a competitor and the cube during the solving phase. WCA is looking for a widely available multi-purpose (solving while sitting and while standing) device that would not require the judge to constantly hold the paper.另外,WCA还在2008年修改了盲拧比赛的规定,以纸张作为选手眼罩和魔方之间的遮挡物,被列为新的条例。这也是第一次为了一名选手的所作所为而修改WCA规定WCA wants to honour:- the new world record holders: Danyang Chen, Chris Hardwick (twice) and Dennis Strehlau.- the new world champions of World Championship 2007: Rafal Guzewicz (twice) and Chris Hardwick.- the new silver medal winners of World Championship 2007: Shotaro Makisumi, Dror Vomberg, Bernett Orlando- the new bronze medal winners of World Championship 2007: Tyson Mao, Yumu Tabuchi, Sinpei Araki- all others who were damaged by the cheating of the competitor.
但另一方面,除了盲拧项目,他的其他项目均是自己的真实实力发挥,速拧方面的领先毋庸置疑。所以,请客观看待他这个人。尤其是他的魔表平均WR 8.60秒,保持了三年才被打破,是前WCA保持时间最长的WR,另一个十二片魔板的1.72单次WR,也是过了两年多才被我国选手王宇轩打破。他的十二片魔板的能力绝对是领先时代一大截的水准。
There was a limit to the total number of competitors for events. Benjie Lee (Ben Kit Lee, 2009LEEB01) had wanted to participate in 5x5, but didn't register early enough and spaces in the event were filled. Another competitor, Daniel Ma (2008MADA02) had registered for 5x5, and offered to trade his spot with Benjie. Kim denied the request. In order for Benjie to participate in 5x5, the two then switched their competitor numbers. (Competitors are called by number rather than name, as Chinese names don't carry the same meaning when transliterated into a Latin alphabet. This was a problem I ran into in China.) So, for this entire competition, all results given to Benjie Lee are actually those of Daniel Ma, and vice versa.2009年香港公开赛上,李本杰选手希望参加5阶项目比赛,但之前没有及时报上名,而另一位选手马欣华拥有5阶的名额,打算把这个名额卖给前者(?),而代表拒绝了这个行为。于是,这两位选手就私下交换了他们的比赛(参赛证)号码,到比赛按号叫人的时候,前者就代后者上场比赛。当时的代表就是香港代表Kim 陈德泉WCA做出的决定是:1、取消这两位选手在该场比赛的5阶成绩2、对两位选手的行为作出官方的警告。后来,官方警告(officially warning)成为常见的针对轻微违规事件的统一处理结果。PS.科普,李本杰也是中国一位很有实力的魔方选手,是前5、6、7阶的NR保持者。PSS.结尾的一句话是The WCA appreciates the cooperation from Mr. Lee and Mr. Ma and in light of this, no further action will be taken.
变形金刚OL 6月23日不限号狂欢
下面这个案例也是个很轻微的事件,轻微到微不足道,但这是这个种类的先例,在这个事件发生的若干年后,另外一个与之性质一样的事件,造成的影响却大得多。Francisco Javier Lemes Sáez 2009SAEZ01 was found to have violated Rule A6e on the third solve during the blindfold competition of the Santiago Winter Open 2009. As a result, his time of 3:39.56 will be adjusted to a DNF.
2009年圣地亚哥(美国!圣地亚哥!阿妹你看!……)冬季公开赛上,智利选手Francisco Javier Lemes Sáez 在三盲项目的第三把复原成功,成绩为3:39.56。因为他在复原后,还未经裁判检查魔方状态就触碰了魔方,违反了规则,该成绩修改为DNF。这也是各位魔友在参加比赛时一定一定一定要注意的问题。值得一提的是,这位选手在该场比赛的多盲项目上创造了2/2 16:02的南美记录、、、、大洲记录哦
下面这个涉及到一个重量级选手,,恩,,相当有重量。。2011年美国公开赛上,美国选手Dan Cohen 利用了比赛报名注册软件的漏洞,擅自修改了自己的报名费用,使之降低到一个很少的数目。后来,比赛组织者和Dan就原事件进行了协议,但是由于某些误解,Dan推迟了他最终的和解,这个问题最终上升到WCA董事会。WCA最终的决定是:WCA董事会正式予以Dan Cohen以谴责,并要求其重新登记报名费,这样的行为不符合WCA精神:people from all over the world have fun together in a friendly atmosphere, help each other and behave sportsmanlike. 来自全世界的人们在有好的环境下一起玩的开心,互相帮助,表现出体育精神。如果Dan 在2011年7月至2013年6月底再有类似违背WCA精神的事件发生,那么这两次事件将一起重新考虑(一起算总账Dan是美国曾经最具实力的魔方选手,在5个项目上16次打破世界纪录,超过50次北美记录曾经的Dan神也有黑历史( ⊙o⊙ )哇
下面这个事件体现出了诚实和竞技精神,尽管它最终的结果仍然是很严厉的惩罚……There was an incident of cheating during the Beijing Summer 2009 Open. A competitor was found to be turning a Pyraminx during the inspection phase. The competitor has admitted that this incident has occurred, and has written an apology. The following apology is translated by WCA Delegate Christopher Krueger.Respected WCA,I was a competitor in the August 16, 2009 Beijing Summer competition. During the competition, because of a mistaken thought, during the 2x2x2 and pyraminx events while the judge was looking at the stopwatch, I took advantage of the inspection time to turn the cube in order to improve my results. I now very much regret this cheating, I know doing this is wrong, so after the competition I have seriously questioned my behavior. Competitions must be fair, but my mistaken actions countered this basic principle of competition. My actions weren't fair to the other competitors, and also took away the benefits from other competitors. I didn't respect the principle that competitions must be honest, and I greatly regret it. The competition organizers and judges worked very hard, but I didn't value the hard work of others. Therefore, I write this apology to the WCA, I hope the WCA can forgive my mistake. I also want to say to the WCA, the competition organizers, and the judges, &I'm sorry, I made a mistake, please forgive my mistake. I promise from here forward I will respect the rules.&The WCA appreciates the competitor's prompt action and acceptance of responsibility. In light of his cooperation, the following actions will be taken:-The competitor will not be allowed to compete in any WCA events for the remainder of the 2009 year.-Results by the competitor in all events with inspection will be deleted.The WCA Board greatly appreciates the competitor's cooperation, and we are confident he will return from his suspension to compete again with honor and integrity.Respectfully,Tyson Mao2009年北京夏季魔方公开赛上,一位选手承认了自己的作弊行为(当时未被发现),并写成一封道歉信的形式,由WCA代表Chris翻译成英文,并提交至WCA大意是:我在比二阶和金子塔的时候,在观察阶段,趁着裁判看表时候,偷转了魔方来提高成绩。事后,我对此非常后悔,我的行为违背了基本的准则,比赛主办方、组织者工作都很辛苦,然为我的行为却配不上他们的付出,我想向WCA道歉,希望WCA能够谅解我的过错,同时也向比赛组织者、裁判,说声我很抱歉,我犯了错误,我将保证以后一定严格遵循比赛规则。WCA非常欣赏这位选手及时的行动和对自己责任的承担,考虑到他的配合,我们给出以下决断:1、该选手禁止参加WCA比赛,至2009年年底(禁赛期约3个月)2、该选手参加过的所有有观察的项目的成绩全部取消(前二阶NR(?)等等都没了。。)WCA非常感谢该选手的配合,我们很相信他会带着公平竞争和很好的信誉重返赛场。这就是传说中的十动然禁么 咳咳,正经点,规则就是要去遵循的,该处罚还是要处罚,这个不能逃。最后,文中所提到的该选手,就是中国板神LR 王宇轩,他在日后重返赛场后,当然地刷新了自己此前的所有成绩,并且成为历史上最伟大,成绩最好的魔板选手
以下这个事件在当时引起过不小的轰动,一些老前辈主张严格处理,因为这事关中国魔方界的信誉,也因为这个事件涉及到最少步世界纪录的问题。A competitor was found cheating in the fewest moves event at the recent competition in Nanjing, China on December 6, 2009. After the event ended and before submissions were graded, the competitor returned and altered their solution three times, finally ending with a world record-breaking solution. When the competitor was questioned, the competitor denied altering the submission. When asked about the solution itself, the competitor insisted the competitor had found the solution, but was completely unable to explain the solution or even remember what steps were taken.
2009年12月的南京公开赛,一位选手被发现在最少步项目有作弊行为。该选手在该轮比赛结束后,拿回了自己已经提交过的解法,并且修改了三次(规则不允许),最终给出了一个打破世界纪录的解法(当时世界纪录为22步,他给出了21步,当这个消息最先传到MF8的时候,所有人都很兴奋,因为这个世界纪录被认为是最难打破的世界纪录之一)。当该选手被询问的时候,他拒绝承认有过修改。当被问及他的解法的思路的时候,他坚决声称是自己得出的解法,但无法解释思路甚至无法回忆用了哪些方法。此外,通过Cube Explorer 的计算发现,他的解法涉嫌通过计算机得出,这违反了两项WCA规定。最终,WCA决定对其给出:禁赛一年的处罚,禁赛日期截止日。根据当时MF8的记录,大致还原如下:比最少步的时候,那个小孩子(上初中)一开始磨磨蹭蹭呆坐在那里,占星(陈丹阳,比赛代表)多次催促他赶快算,它才快速写了一个40步的解法,然后把这个答案放在负责Q群直播的妹子电脑旁边代为保管。他就钻这个空子说又想到一个更好的答案又写了一个21步的交上去,然后有人(不是代表)再核对的时候,发现最后一个u'写成了u,觉得很可惜,然后他就说他忘写了要改掉。然后老张(张砷镓)知道后觉得很好奇就过来试他的解法,然后坐到”F z&,那个孩子再次说我写错了,那个不是Z是2(赛后大家觉得怎么都是Z),然后按照他的说法总算把魔方还原了(至此要求修改三次),后来老瓦(庄海燕)告诉占星擅自修改这件事,占星当时表态成绩应该判为DNF。后来,老张他们讨论发现,他的解法就是在打乱公式前面加上三步,然后用CE算出一个18步的解法,然后再末尾加上那三步,就是21步的公式了。这个选手之前具有不错的最少步还原实力,名叫袁博融。(),可以注意到他在后来的人生轨迹也表现出他具有很强的科研思维能力,但是在这场比赛采用如此的作弊手段,实在为之感到不值。
2010年美国巴尔地摩春季公开赛,最少步项目上, 美国选手Shane Rowland 和Christopher Phillips两人 涉嫌违规,成绩改为DNFShane Rowland的魔方打乱,有明确证据证明没有按照WCA规则正确地打乱(可能是打乱生成项目出错?)Christopher Phillips 则是涉及到,在比最少步项目时,有参赛选手之间存在交流讨论的情况,而这种情况损害了其他参赛选手的利益。故作出如上判罚。比赛组织方一定一定要注意尽可能避免参赛选手之间关于打乱的交流这种问题。
下面这个事件也是取消了世界纪录的成绩,但并非作弊引起,同时也是当事人主动联系,最终得以妥善解决。After investigations WCA Board decided not to acknowledge the world record Square-1 that was achieved during Polish Open 2008.Grzegorz Prusak, who already owns the world record for Square-1, was given an incorrect and very easy scrambled position in his third attempt of the event.Immediately after his solve he informed the WCA delegate about the irregularity. The scrambled position was checked with the scramble sheet.Both delegate and competitor confirmed that the scrambled position was incorrect and very easy to solve.We thank Grzegorz for his honesty and sportsmanship.WCA decided the following for the results of Polish Open 2008:1) the third attempt of Grzegorz will be changed to DNF2) the average of Grzegorz will be changed to DNF3) Grzegorz will stay the winner of the event, in 1st position2008年波兰公开赛上,波兰选手Grzegorz Prusak 在SQ1项目上获得的单次7.58秒成绩创造了当时的单次WR。他在复原的时候得到一个极为简单的打乱,在他复原后,他立即告知了WCA代表这件不寻常的事。经过检查发现,是打乱员打乱出了错误。最终,经过确认,我们感谢Grzegorz 的诚实和体育精神,作出如下决定:1、该WR成绩改为DNF2、该轮平均成绩改为DNF(当时只有三把还原)3、Grzegorz 仍为该轮第一名。Grzegorz 是当时的SQ1 WR保持者,成绩是13.55秒,如果这个意外导致的WR被认可的话,那么这个记录将会保持上5年,才被日后的人打破。。。。
After examining evidence presented by various WCA competitiors, and examining evidence independently gathered by the IAC, we have determined that Sebastián Pino Castillo manipulated WCA scrambles and gained an unfair advantage in WCA competition. The WCA will take the following actions:1. All results for events that utilize WCA scrambling for 2009CAST02 for events where 2009CAST02 was acting WCA delegate will be removed.2. 2009CAST02 will be ineligible to participate in WCA events for two years, and will be eligible to participate again on June 1, 2013.3. 2009CAST02 WCA delegate status will be revoked.
智利选手 ,同时也是WCA代表Sebastián Pino Castillo, 在参加2011年SSCC 公开赛时,经过诸多WCA选手证据证明、以及IAC独立调查发现,我们确信他存在自己操控打乱,为自己骗取一个不公平的简单打乱的情况,为此我们作出以下决定:1、该选手所参加过的所有比赛成绩一律取消2、该选手被WCA禁赛两年,禁赛日期截止日。3、该选手的WCA代表职位被剥夺。
以下要讲的也是中国赛场上发生的事件。An incident occurred at the Hangzhou Open competition on August 20th and 21st in Hangzhou, China, involving a competitor suspected of cheating in the blindfolded solving event. As they are under-age, we will not be identifying the competitor in question.Participating in the blindfolded solving event, the competitor was suspected of intending to cheat by looking underneath the blindfold and solving the cube visually. In the first two solves of the event, the competitor was unable to solve the cube when their line of sight was blocked by a card held by the judge. During the final solve, at the suggestion of a competition organizer, the judge removed the card blocking line of sight, and the competitor proceeded to begin solving the cube using a typical sighted solving method. The judge then again blocked the cube, and the competitor stopped solving. The judge proceeded to block and unblock the cube, with the competitor starting and stopping solving.We find the actions of the judge, and thus the organizer, inconsistent with the WCA regulations. The duty of a judge during a competition is to ensure a fair environment for all competitors, both those at the competition and those at WCA competitions worldwide. Judges are not tasked with testing the ability of competitors, and questions of potential cheating should be taken to the WCA delegate.As for the competitor in question, given their age we suppose that the cheating was not an individual act, but rather was directed by their parent. We do not intend to punish a child for the actions of their parent, and so the solves in questions will be recorded as incomplete (DNF), and no other action will be taken. We hope the parent will understand the implications of their action, and if the competitor wishes to continue cubing in the future, we hope they will be allowed to participate under fair and fun conditions, per the WCA motto.
接下来要讲的这个事件,是中国魔方界2010年最大的一件事,同时也是中国魔方发展历程中最痛心的一件事。这件事至今依然存在极大地争议和疑点,矛盾冲突的双方各执一词,各有双方的支持者搜集对对方不利的证据相互争吵。我只把事情的WCA官方说法和最终的处罚列在下面,因为很多东西个别人并不赞同,我就不做详细说明了。中国比赛中违反体育道德的行为独立咨询委员会(IAC)关于据称庄海燕违反体育道德行为的公开报告庄海燕 WCA成绩页面: 公开报告是由多位目击证人的报告汇总而成。自从2009年,在中国的多次比赛之中出现了如下情况:庄海燕反复在比赛之前致电比赛组织者要求将三阶盲拧比赛设置为两轮。但是组织者并不希望比两轮。某些比赛,组织者设置两轮是由于来自庄海燕的压力,或是畏惧于没有第二轮的话,他可能在比赛中出现的所作所为。另外有些比赛,比赛的组织者们说如果时间足够就比第二轮。然而,庄海燕一直将此理解为第二轮本来就是计划好的。当被告知没有第二轮时,他会变得暴躁并扰乱比赛。他声称第二轮原来是安排好的并质疑为什么将其取消。他继续要求加赛第二轮。在那些他行为出格的比赛中,他以武力威胁他人数次,并口头辱骂其他比赛者与WCA代表。他努力与组织者搞好关系试图制造组织者与WCA代表之间的矛盾,尽管他们之间并没有什么矛盾。鉴于当时的情况,组织者与WCA代表在比赛中的行为是合理的。由IAC所作的调查同时发现,庄海燕向他人施加压力为其做伪证,以作出对他有利的供词。另外需要补充的一点是,所有对于三阶盲拧比赛比第二轮的要求都是不合理的。许多其他项目比三阶盲拧有更多的参赛者。因此,如果要加第二轮的话,这些参赛人数更多的项目应该优先被考虑。从IAC的开始调查时刻起,庄海燕被WCA临时禁赛一个月。在2010年8月内,庄海燕不被允许参加一切WCA认证的比赛。同时WCA委员会建议在禁赛期不要以观众身份出席WCA认证的比赛。尽管如此,庄海燕仍然出席了8月1日举办的2010年长春公开赛,并坚持参赛。庄海燕的行为表现了对WCA的不尊重以及蔑视。根据WCA规则,有5款条例可使得WCA禁赛一名选手。经过IAC调查,庄海燕违反了其中3条:2k2)参赛者被怀疑在比赛中作弊或者欺骗比赛官员;2k3)参赛者做出非法、暴力、下流的举动,或故意损害赛场设施、他人的个人财产; 2k4)参赛者干涉其他选手的比赛,或在赛场喧闹使得其他选手分心;IAC发现,庄海燕的举止有悖于WCA的精神,即“全世界的人们在一个友善的气氛中互帮互助,发扬体育道德”。庄海燕的行为,使得广大的中国魔方爱好者团体蒙羞。IAC建议WCA委员会对庄海燕进行惩罚。谨代表IACAnders Larsson独立调查委员会被问到庄海燕通过何种方式违反了WCA规则中的2k2)、2k3)和2k4)条,因此作出阐述如下:2k2)庄海燕对于比赛的赛程给出了不真实的陈述,这种行为归列为对官员的欺骗。2k3)庄海燕威胁着在身体上伤害某人,并言语上辱骂其他选手和WCA代表,这样的举止归列为不道德的行为。2k4) 庄海燕通过这样的行为在比赛中造成的干扰对其他选手和官员造成了困扰。庄海燕并没有被怀疑有作弊或者篡改成绩的行为,此外,IAC并没有收到身体暴力的行为的汇报。谨此代表独立调查委员会Anders Larsson 以上为暂时的处理结果,最终的结果是,庄海燕被禁赛三年。中国乃至世界当时最伟大的盲拧选手至此逐渐淡出人们的视线。
接下来讲的这个同样彰显了诚实的个性,虽然这个诚实迟到了四年。This message is to serve notice of the disqualification of the 3x3x3 BLD world record set on November 22, 2008 at the Westchester Fall 2008 competition. The solve, at the time recorded at 52.27 seconds by Rowe Hessler (2007HESS01) was reported to have been a duplicate scramble. After a DNF solve on the first attempt, the judge failed to record the DNF attempt on the score card, and thus the cube was scrambled for a second time with the first scramble in the series. The competitor had an unfair advantage of solving the same cube after having previously memorized it, which invalidates the world record.The WCA board appreciates Mr. Hessler for stepping forward and notifying the board of this error. Despite the time that has passed, the WCA takes pride in the integrity of its records. The WCA reprimands Mr. Hessler for taking advantage of a judge's mistake, which the WCA considers as unsportsmanlike conduct. However, the WCA recognizes that no premeditated acts of malicious nature were performed, and the lapse in judgement occurred after the incident.The BLD solve will be disqualified, and no additional attempt will be issued. This concludes the action of the WCA.2012年11月,WCA收到了一封来自美国选手Rowe Hesseler的来信,信中,他承认在他参加的2008年美国秋季赛的时候,盲拧比赛中,他在一次DNF后,由于裁判忘记记录DNF,所以他的下一把,获得了和之前那一把一摸一样的打乱,他没有指出这一打乱错误,而是占用了这个不公平的优势并且最终获得了当时盲拧单次52.27的世界纪录。WCA十分欣赏他在多年之后提醒了WCA自己的错误,尽管已经过了这么久,WCA仍然为其的诚信感到骄傲,WCA警醒Hesseler的行为占用了裁判犯错的优势,这是违反体育道德的行为,但是,WCA判断这是没有任何预谋的非恶意行为,并且也是在裁判自己发生疏忽后的事件。做出的判决是:该单次WR被判为DNF,不再做出其他处罚。美国三阶、二阶、单手曾经实力最强的Rowe也有这样一段4年不为人知的黑历史呢~~不过4年过去了,承认了,也就变为一段佳话~
接下来这个故事,也是曾经在贴吧里被反复正义讨论,火极一时的话题,最终,这个看上去无论如何也不能被承认的作弊,被正义地否决。Dear WCA Community,This notice is in regards to the Perry Open 2013 competition held in Distrito Federal in Mexico on May 25, 2013 with Uriel Gayosso Ruiz acting as WCA delegate. During the first round of the 3x3x3 speed solve competition, competitor Julio Martín Gómez Telésforo (2011TELA01) recorded the following average of five solves: (4.41), (18.90), 14.71, 18.68, 16.53.日,在墨西哥举办的2013年佩里公开赛上,一位墨西哥选手ulio Martín Gómez Telésforo在三阶项目上获得4.41的单次成绩。(当时的世界纪录是Mats的5.55)The IAC completed its own independent investigation of this incident and the competitor (2011TELA01) confirmed to the IAC that his solution for the 4.41 second solve was:x2 U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B' + J-permutationwhere a J-permutation is a case that can be solved with R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R' U' L.As reported to the WCA by the IAC on May 31, 2013, the competitor insisted that he solved the cube in this manner. The scramble of the solve in question as reported by the WCA delegate is:F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L' D2 B U B2 R' F2 U' F' D' L D2The competitor reports his solution to the above scramble to be:x2 + [moves improvised by competitor] + J-permutationIAC介入调查以后,该选手声称他的复原方法是:x2 U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B' + J-permutation 其中J-perm是一个PLL,可以用R U2 R' U' R U2 L' U R' U' L作出该选手坚持他就是用这样的方法复原,而这一把的打乱是F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L' D2 B U B2 R' F2 U' F' D' L D2按照该选手的说法,他的复原步骤是x2+[某些自己的做法]+J-perm
The optimal solution found by Cube Explorer for this sequence is:U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B2 (17f*)and the improvised moves reported by the competitor are:U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B'which is identical to the optimal solution found with some minor adjustments made at the end.通过计算机CE计算得出,这个某些做法可以作成:U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B2 而该选手给出的自己的解法是U' R D F2 R L B' D2 L U' B2 U F' L' U2 D' B' U' U B'可以很明显看出这个解法是对计算机最终解法的结尾稍作改动得出的。The solution presented here is suspicious in several regards. First, the solve does not match previous descriptions of the solution made by the competitor after the competition. Second, the solve matches output from an optimal solving software, does not resemble any known solving method, and does not have any logical flow. Finally, the solve proposed does not seem amenable to executing in under 4.41 seconds, as claimed by the competitor, due to multiple turns on each face of the cube. Given this information, we find that the competitor did not solve the WCA generated scramble for the round in question in 4.41 seconds by either the solution presented here or by any other solution.该选手给出的复原方法有以下几个疑点:1、该解法并不符合该选手在比赛一结束后所做的一些描述。2、该解法非常吻合计算软件的解法,却不类似任何已知的复原方法,本身没有任何逻辑。3、这个解法似乎并不适合在4.41秒内完成。由以上信息我们认为该选手的复原并非来自WCA正确生成的打乱,并且也没有正确解释他的4,41的解法。The WCA finds that competitor Julio Martín Gómez Telésforo (2011TELA01) has maliciously exploited the WCA and the organizers of Perry Open 2013 and declares that the 3x3x3 speed solve in 4.41 seconds is invalid and will be recorded as a DNF. Due to the dishonesty of the competitor, and the attempted exploitation of Perry Open 2013 and the WCA by the competitor, the WCA prohibits the competitor Julio Martín Gómez Telésforo (2011TELA01) from participating in any WCA events through December 31, 2015我们宣布该选手所创造的单次4.41秒为无效的,记为DNF,并且对该选手禁赛,截止日期为日.(禁赛时间两年半)事实告诉我们,如果你没有三速SUB9的能力,最好不要轻易去打作弊单次WR的主意
下面这个有点绕,贴个英文原文,和我自己的大致翻译,希望看懂的人作补充和纠正Dear Community,Roman Ostapenko, WCA delegate from Ukraine, informed the WCA about an irregularity concerning the Ukranian Pyraminx Single NR of 2.28 seconds, set by Ihor Bilchenko (2011BILC01) at Kharkiv Winter 2012 on December 8th in Kharkiv, Ukraine. According to Roman's investigations the following happened: The judge of the solve, [competitor, under 18 years of age], applied turns to the puzzle after taking it from the scrambling table, leaving it in a very easy position. [competitor] revealed this to Ihor shortly after the attempt. Ihor approached Roman Ostapenko with this knowledge a few weeks ago. [competitor] has admitted his action towards Roman and towards the WCA Board and recognizes his fault.乌克兰的WCA代表Roman Ostapenko告知了这件事:乌克兰选手Ihor Bilchenko 在2011年冬季赛上创造的二阶单次2.28秒的乌克兰NR存在问题。当时的裁判,同时也是一位不满18岁的参赛者,在从打乱席拿到打乱的魔方后,将其转动了几下使之变成更容易复原的状态。在Ihor 复原了这一把不久之后,这位裁判告诉了他自己的这个行为。几周后,Ihor 把这件事告知了代表Roman(卖队友?其实不是,,)。最终那位裁判向代表和WCA承认了自己的错误。The WCA finds that [competitor] grossly violated the competition procedures and undermined the integrity of the WCA results with his action. Taking into account [competitor's] confession, the following action will be taken:- the result from the 4th solve by Ihor Bilchenko (2011BILC01) in the first round of Pyraminx at Kharkiv Winter 2012 will be changed from 2.28 to &DNF&, no additional attempt will be issued.- [competitor] will not be allowed to compete in any WCA events within the second half of 2013.WCA发现这位选手严重违反了比赛秩序和竞争的公平,破坏了WCA结果的完整性。考虑到他的行为,作出以下判罚:1、原NR成绩判为DNF,复原的选手不再有别的处罚。2、裁判禁赛至2013年年底。After conducting additional investigations, the WCA has no reason to believe, that Ihor knew about [competitor's] action before starting his solve. However, it was revealed, that Ihor lied about the incident during former investigations led by Roman and Anton Rostovikov, WCA delegate from Russia, in January of this year. While the WCA finds that Ihor's dishonesty in former investigations and the concealment of the truth about this incident for half a year are not in compliance with the spirit of WCA, the WCA still appreciates Ihor's final revelation of the truth and considers a harsh punishment for Ihor as a wrong signal towards other competitors. Thus the WCA Board has decided to leave it at a formal reprimand to Ihor Bilchenko for his dishonesty during former investigation about this incident.The WCA wants to use the opportunity to remind all WCA members to respect the competition procedures and urges everyone to reveal knowledge about violations of these procedures to the competition's WCA delegate, in order to ensure the integrity of the WCA results.WCA认为,选手Ihor在这件事里并不知情,在复原之前并不知道那位裁判的所作所为。但是,这也表明了Ihor Bilchenko隐瞒了事件。他在WCA代表开始调查这件事的时候表现出不诚实和隐瞒真相长达半年之久,与WCA精神不相符。但WCA仍然欣赏他最终告知了事情真相的行为,并且认为如果就此严惩他的话是对别的选手不好的信号。因此,WCA决定给予Ihor Bilchenko在调查开始之前不诚实的表现以正式的谴责。WCA想借此提醒所有WCA成员尊重比赛的程序,要求每个人都要勇于揭发违反规定的人,这也是为了保证WCA最终结果的公正公平。这个故事告诉了我们,告诉了我们做人不仅要诚实,也要有勇于指出别人错误的勇气
During Brain Studio Cube Open 2015 two competitors (under 18 years old) fabricated their results in the Pyraminx event. With the support of the WCA Board the following action has been taken- Both competitors banned from all WCA competitions until the end of 2016.- The results from the round were removed at the time by the delegate and will remain as such.Although relatively young and inexperienced, this cannot be seen as an excuse for such a clearly serious offence. We hope that all competitors including themselves can learn from this and make the WCA a fairer community for the future.2015年Brain Studio Cube 公开赛上,两位(未成年)选手伪造了他们的金字塔比赛成绩。WCA作出以下判罚:1、两位选手禁赛至2016年年底(禁赛期1年2个月)2、该轮比赛成绩取消,其余成绩认可。虽然他们尚显年轻且经验不足,但这并不能成为如此严重错误的借口。我们希望所有参赛选手包括他们能够够取教训,共创公平环境。
Dear Community,At Eat Sleep Cube Repeat 2014, a competitor (under 18 years) was found to have cheated during the blindfolded event by peeking under the blindfold when the judge did not place the card properly between the blindfold and the cube.With the support of the Board, the WDC has decided that the competitor will be banned from all blindfolded events for 6 months, up to the end of May 2015.The competitor confessed to the incident after the competition.2014年吃、睡、玩魔方 比赛(这啥破比赛名)上,一名(未成年)选手被发现在盲拧项目上作弊。当裁判没有注意用纸片遮挡的时候,他透过眼罩下方偷看魔方。该选手在赛后供认了自己的行为。WCA决定:对该选手禁赛6个月。(越来越严厉了…………)
Dear Community,At Michigan Mystery 2014, a competitor (under 18 years) was found to have cheated during the blindfolded event by peeking under the blindfold and avoiding the stationary object also intended to restrict the competitor's view.With the support of the Board, the WDC has decided that the competitor will be banned from all blindfolded events for 6 months, up to the end of May 2015.The competitor confessed to the incident at the competition, and the cooperation and remorse shown during the investigation (with the support of a parent) was taken into account.Thank you to all who helped this investigation, notably the competition delegate Kit Clement.性质、内容、处罚同上
以下这个案例值得贴吧里吧友注意~Dear Community,Following an investigation by the WDC, Carlos Miguel Pérez (2012PERE04) is found to have financially defrauded multiple members of the Colombian cubing community.Although not covered directly by any WCA regulation, this is a potentially criminal matter and is in gross conflict with the WCA's intentions and spirit.Carlos is hereby banned indefinitely from competing in all WCA competitions.Organisers and delegates also have the right to refuse him entry to any competition venue.This ban will only be reconsidered upon an apology to all involved and a full reimbursement to those affected.The Colombian community has obviously been deeply affected by this, and we hope that they can continue to recover from it.通过WDC的调查,魔方选手Carlos Miguel Pérez 在哥伦比亚魔方圈子里,长期对其他魔友经济诈骗。(怎么骗得自行脑补,大概也能想象得到)尽管这并没有哪条WCA规定有说明,但这仍然是潜在的犯罪因素并且将会对WCA精神的建立产生矛盾。Carlos从现在开始被禁止参加任何WCA比赛。任何比赛组织方和代表有权拒绝他参加比赛。这项禁令只在他向全部受害者道歉并且全部赔偿之后才会考虑取消。哥伦比亚魔方圈子毫无疑问深受其影响,我们希望它能尽早从中恢复。有诸多诈骗前科的人,在WCA调查后,有权拒绝其参赛
Dear Community,An incident occurred at Back to Piedemonte 2014, in which a competitor failed to start the timer, and then started it after applying some moves to the puzzle. The competitor (under 18 years) admits that it happened and there is video evidence to support this too. He/she did not report the incident, and is therefore guilty of deliberately not following the regulations.The WDC has investigated this by talking to all parties involved - the competitor, the delegate and the judge. With the support of the WCA Board, the following action is being taken:- The solve will be changed to a DNF- The competitor is banned from WCA competitions until the end of 2014.Although inexperienced, the judge (under 18 years) was guilty of not paying enough attention and should have reported such a suspicious event. We do not see a need for further action here and he/she is aware of his/her mistake.在2014年Piedemonte比赛上,一位(未成年)选手,在一次复原中,没有成功启动计时器,之后又在转动了几下魔方后启动了。该选手最终承认了事实,但并没有将这一事件告知给别人,因此应当对其违规行为负责。WCA作出以下判决:1、该复原成绩记为DNF2、该选手禁赛至2014年年底。尽管是一名经验不丰富的尚且年轻选手,但仍然对自己犯得错误没有足够的重视。好狠。。。自己犯错违反规定一定要及时承认,,不然被揪到的话,,,禁赛等着你
Dear community,An investigation has been conducted into an incident during the Multiple Blindfolded event at Stockholm Open 2014, in which a competitor (under 18 years of age) was receiving information verbally from his judge (under 18 years of age), and the judge was intentionally not holding the card in a position such that the competitors view of the cube was blocked, allowing the competitor to peek under his blindfold.Gunnar Krig, the delegate at this competition, noticed the incident, made some initial enquiries, and eventually received a confession of guilt from the competitor.The WDC investigation involved the delegate, the competitor and the judge, and found both the competitor and the judge guilty of intentional cheating.The following action will be taken:- The Competitor will not be allowed to compete in any WCA events until the end of 2014- The Judge will not be allowed to compete in any WCA events until the end of 20142014年斯德哥尔摩公开赛上,一位(未成年)选手从另一位(未成年)裁判那里得知,他在裁多盲的时候将不会用纸遮挡你,允许其进行偷看。最终裁决:选手、裁判两人均禁赛至2014年年底(半年)。。。
看了诸多反面事例,来个正面例子倡导高尚精神An incident occurred at Torneo Cali 2014 on February 22, involving a repeated scramble giving a competitor advantage.After the competition was finished and the results had been uploaded, [underage competitor] contacted Wilson Duarte, acting WCA delegate for this competition, and informed him that after viewing videos of his 2x2x2 solves of the final round, he had confirmed his suspicion that he had received one particular scramble twice in the same round (first and fifth attempts). This was an especially easy scramble and had favourably impacted on his average.Upon analysing the videos, we agree that this was indeed the case, and have proceeded to disqualify the fifth solve. This has meant that [competitor] has lost his claim to both the single and average National Records, and has placed second in the event at this competition.We commend [competitor] for this act of good sportsmanship.一名(未成年)选手在赛后告知了WCA代表,通过回看视频他发现他的二阶比赛中,在第一把和第五把获得了同样的打乱,这是一个简单的公式,有利于他的平均成绩。经过分析,我们确认了事实。并且取消了他的第五次成绩。这意味着他将失去单次和平均两项全国纪录,并且在这场比赛最终排名 第二。我们高度赞扬他身上表现出的优良竞技体育精神。舍弃了两个NR也要追求正义的人。。。


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