
残旧是什么意思 残旧在线翻译 残旧什么意思 残旧的意思 残旧的翻译 残旧的解释 残旧的发音 残旧的同义词 残旧的反义词 残旧的例句
残旧 双语例句1. 1. 不知道为什么,总觉得有种残旧的美&&&&I don't know why I feel there is a classic beauty on it2. 2. 奥迪则表示,它正在德国缩减与租车公司的业务,并削减员工用车业务,希望以此减少残旧车市场上使用年头相对较短的二手车数量,以稳定车价。&&&&Audi says that in Germany it is scaling down business with car-rental companies and cutting employee vehicles in a bid to reduce the number of relatively young used cars in the residual market to stabilize values.3. 3. 与传统热固性橡胶的加工相比,热塑性弹性体不需要橡胶那样复杂的配方,不需要硫化工序,可直接利用传统的塑料加工方法进行加工,并且边角余料及残旧制品还可回收重复利用。&&&&It possesses the characters of both plastics and rubber, which means that in normal temperatures it demonstrates elasticity of rubber while in high temperatures it demonstrates plasticity. Compared with conventional thermoset rubber, TPE is easier to be handled with and requires no vulcanization.4. 4. 公司的新型不锈钢球罐产品自2000年问世以来,引起了社会各界的重视,深受广大用户的一致好评。号在广州市政府领导,市政园林局直接指挥的广州市芳村区鹤建里21个无整修意义的残旧破损水池更换为不修钢池体的试点工程项目交由我司实施。&&&&In June, 200312 led in Guangzhou Municipal government, in the municipal administration landscape bureau direct command's Guangzhou Fangcunqu crane constructed 21 non-renovation significance dilapidated breakage basin replacement for not to repair the steel cell body the pilot project to hand over by me takes charge of implements.5. 5. 很明显这是把残旧的带着装饰图案的汽车,堆成圆锥形的花山,层层叠叠的草皮,废弃的家具,或是沙砾肖像化了,他们创造于车库内,起居室里,公路上,后院的花园中——就像神秘的缺乏目的的举动。&&&&The iconography of such activities is clearest in the motif of the heaps or cone-shaped mounds of flowers, layers of lawn, discarded furniture, or soil, which are created in garages and living rooms, on roads, in back yards and gardens-enigmatic structures devoid of purpose.6. 海阳染整机是染整科技的最新成果,采用中国传统的木工工艺和现代染整科技相结合,利用木质的刚柔性和特殊的磨擦设计,使染料在滚珠的滚动下有机地整染在衣物上,整染后的产品色彩特别自然,机洗,手洗永不退色,适用于各类品质棉布、毛布、薄布的酸洗,酸洗后具有自然的残旧感等优点。&&&&Haiyang-dyeing dyeing technology is the latest achievement by China's traditional dyeing and finishing carpentry techniques and modern technology integration, the use of wood and special Goju friction design, so that the dye in the ball rolling and finishing under the Organic In clothing, after finishing the special natural color products, washing machines, hand wash will never fade, apply to all types of quality cotton cloth, Maobu, the thin cloth of pickling, pickling after a natural sense of the old advantages.7. 圣诞节后的第二天,我穿起残旧的胶手套&&&&The second day after Christmas, I pulled on the old rubber gloves8. 你认为学校厕所内的设备是否残旧?&&&&Do you think the sanitations are growing old?9. 9. 尽管城堡有些地方残旧破碎,但他仍是德国最好的城堡之一。&&&&While the castle mostly stands in ruins, it`s still one of the nicest castles in Germany.10. 又在残旧的站台上走开了。&&&&Some people do crosswords and others read books11. 我们下班后,就来到这间录音室,这里的仪器很残旧,估计起码10年多没有人用过了。&&&&&&After work, we came to the studio, instruments here are true, estimates that at least 10 years nobody.12. 12. 在1324临死的这一年,他被神父规劝撤回一些谎言好准备得到罪衍的赦免;但是只要他残旧的身躯还有一口气在,他都持续地低语著:「我连我看到的一半都还没说完呢。&&&&&&On his death-bed in 1324 he was exhorted to prepare himself for absolution of his sins by retract but as long as there was any breath in his old body he continued to whisper.13. 在我的印象中,一个镇不应是稀稀落落的有些好但却有些很残旧的房子,路上行人稀少,冷冷清清,没有闹市,没有繁华。&&&&&&So poor, in my impressions, a town should not be sparse, in this town, some houses are good, some are very klunky, so less people on the road, it was cold and cheerless, no busy streets, not noisy.14. A、涂漆前应彻底清除被涂表面上的残旧漆膜、铁锈、油污、氧化皮等。&&&&&&Cleaning up the old film, rust, oil stain, oxide skin prior to painting.15. 谁会对一辆残旧的老爷车行注目礼呢?&&&&&&Who would turn their heads if you were driving a dull or cheap bomb around town?16. 老屋子里的这把太师椅已经残旧不堪。&&&&&&This armchair in the old house is old and broken.17. 红墙绿瓦的宫殿和残旧巍峨的长城又如此展开!&&&&&&Red green tiles and the palaces of the Great Wall and towering old so spread out!18. 一八○八年,拿破仑军队席卷西班牙大小城市,最后来到萨拉戈萨。这个城市只有一些残旧大炮应战,守军也远比法军少。&&&&&&In1808, the armies of Napoleon marched through Spanish city after Spanish city until they reached Saragossa, a city defended by some old cannons and a heavily outnumbered force.19. 即使我几乎没有憧憬过会有舒舒服服的奢华,但残旧破烂的墙画和沾满灰尘的窗子让我感到深深的失望。&&&&&&Though I had hardly expected the velvet luxury of bygone days, the stained, dull brown wallpaper and filthy windows oppressed my spirit.20. 却是野火烧不尽,春风吹又生,并且没有过去残旧的痕迹,年年如新,尽情葱郁。&&&&&&Is not wild fire, wind and the spring of Health, and no traces of the past dilapidated, such as the new year, enjoy lush.残旧是什么意思,残旧在线翻译,残旧什么意思,残旧的意思,残旧的翻译,残旧的解释,残旧的发音,残旧的同义词,残旧的反义词,残旧的例句,残旧的相关词组,残旧意思是什么,残旧怎么翻译,单词残旧是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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