衣服上印1984什么意思着philosophy est5.1984是什么意思

衣服上印着philosophy est5.1984是什么意思 _ 连云港汽车网
衣服上印着philosophy est5.1984是什么意思
是用厘米做单位的。 前面数字是代表下胸围 下胸围大只能说明女士的背比较宽厚 后面字母代表罩杯 罩杯是普通意义中的大
32 34 36 38。。。是相同的 32 34 36 是用英寸做单位的 75 80。这个只能表示下胸围的数值 32A==75A 34B==75B 36C==80C 38B==85B 不是说你真的恐怖的意思 是说你的身材好 胸部比较丰满 一般来说 你应该穿 32D 或者 70D
一般文胸是这样标 36A 38B 34C 32B。。。。。。
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不是说你真的恐怖的意思 是说你的身材好 胸部比较丰满 一般来说 你应该穿 32D 或者 70D 一般文胸是这样标 36A 38B 34C 32B。。。。 前面数字是代表下胸围 下胸围大只能说明女士的背比较宽厚 后面字母代表罩杯 罩杯是普通意义中的大 32 34 36 38...
S码(100-160/80A)胸围81-85CM 44—48 kg适合 M码(105-165/84A) 胸围 86-90CM 50—54 kg适合 L码(110-170/84A) 胸围 91-95CM 57—60 kg适合 XL码(115-175/88A) 胸围96-100CM 62—65 kg适合 XXL码(120-180/) 胸围101—105cm 68—72 kg适合 XXXL码(...
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音标:[ fi'lɔsəfi ]&&发音:&&名词复数: philosophies&&&
中文翻译n.1.哲学;哲理,哲学体系。2.世界观,人生观;宗旨。3.(某一门学科的)基本原理。4.哲学家的态度,达观,泰然自若;悟道,大悟。5.(除医学、法律、神学外的)所有学科;〔古语〕中世纪大学的高等学术。短语和例子Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism 马克思主义的唯物辩证论哲学。 critical philosophy 批判哲学。 positive philosophy 实证哲学。 first philosophy (亚里士多德的)第一哲学,本体论,实体论。 mental philosophy 心理学〔现在用 psychology〕。 metaphysical philosophy 形而上学。 moral philosophy 伦理学〔现在用ethics〕。 natural philosophy 〔古语〕自然科学〔现在用 science〕,物理学〔现在用 physics〕。 the three philosophies 物理学,伦理学,哲学。 the philosophy of grammar 语法原理。 use philosophy 彻悟,看破;采取哲人的态度〔指临危不惧,达观等〕。&&&&仿佛哲学&&&&豁达&&&&一堂哲学课&&&&注重实效的哲学&&&&哲学&&&&哲学学士&&&&深邃的哲理&&&&纯理论哲学&&&&会计思想&&&&现实哲学&&&&解析哲学; 英美分析哲学; 哲学分析&&&&分析哲学; 语言分析学派&&&&古代哲学&&&&情感与个人哲学,189&&&&阿拉伯哲学&&&&建筑哲理&&&&原子论哲学&&&&哲学学士&&&&哲学士; 哲学学士&&&&行为与哲学&&&&佛教哲学&&&&经营理念; 经营哲学&&&&现代西方哲学; 中国哲学史; 中国哲学总论&&&&基督教哲学&&&&哲理;人生观&&&&哲学思维
例句与用法This philosophy has been proved incorrect .这种观点被证明是错误的。Our philosophies are a long distance apart .我们的哲学观点相去悬殊。What an appalling philosophy that sounds !这看法听上去多么骇人啊!He regarded it as profound philosophy .他认为这里面有深奥的哲理。Mao was an ardent student of philosophy .毛泽东是个认真研究哲学的人。However, there are opposing philosophies .然而,也有相反的论据。Philosophy became divorced from religion .哲学从宗教中分离出来。All these questions relate to philosophy .这些问题都跟哲学有关。His philosophy was honest and simple .他的哲学是诚实和直率。His religious philosophy tends towards pantheism .他的宗教思想倾向于泛神论。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school同义词:, , , , any personal belief about how to live or how to d "self-indulgence was his only philosophy"; "my father''s philosophy of child-rearing was to let mother do it"the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics
百科解释Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument.详细百科解释
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December 5, 2015
1. Date of Birth
July 4, 1937
2. Education
Cornell University 19548 B.A. 1958
Corpus Christi College, Oxford 195860 B.Phil.?1960
Harvard University 19603 Ph.D.?1963
3. Appointments
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley 19636
Assistant Professor, Princeton University 19669
Associate Professor
Professor " 197280
Professor of Philosophy, New York University 1980
Chairman 19816
Professor of Philosophy and Law
Fiorello LaGuardia Professor of Law
University Professor
University Professor Emeritus
4. Visiting Appointments
Rockefeller University 19734
University of Pittsburgh 1976
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 1977
University of the Witwatersrand 1982
U.C.L.A. 19867
All Souls College, Oxford 1990
U. C. Berkeley 2004
5. Lectureships
Tanner Lecturer, Stanford University 1977
Tanner Lecturer, Oxford University 1979
Howison Lecturer, U.C.?Berkeley 1987
Thalheimer Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University 1989
John Locke Lecturer, Oxford University 1990
Hempel Lecturer, Princeton University 1995
Whitehead Lecturer, Harvard University 1995
Immanuel Kant Lecturer, Stanford University 1995
Townsend Lecturer, U.C. Berkeley 1999
Storrs Lecturer, Yale University 2004
6. Fellowships and Awards
Guggenheim Fellowship 19667
NSF Fellowship 196870
NEH Fellowship 19789
NEH Fellowship 19845
Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award 2006-9
Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy 2008
Balzan Prize in Moral Philosophy 2008
Associate Editor, Philosophy & Public Affairs 197082
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1980-
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy 1988-
Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford 1992-
Member of the American Philosophical Society 2006-
hon. , Oxford 2008
Doctor of Laws
hon. , Harvard 2010
Doctor Honoris Causa, Uni


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