
枫叶是什么意思 枫叶在线翻译 枫叶什么意思 枫叶的意思 枫叶的翻译 枫叶的解释 枫叶的发音 枫叶的同义词 枫叶的反义词 枫叶的例句
枫叶 基本解释枫叶词典:枫叶;槭叶。枫叶 网络解释1. 1. Maple Leaf:过量的紫外线照射还会诱发人体皮肤癌变,枫叶(Maple Leaf)汽车膜能够阻隔99%以上的紫外线. 强烈的紫外线照射,造成物品的褪色、塑料橡胶件的老化.
1、枫叶汽车膜能够形成一道无形的屏障以减少太阳热量及 ...过量的紫外线照射还会诱发人体皮肤癌变,2. maple leaves:many 许多人(或物) 许多的 | maple leaves 枫叶 | marathon 马拉松枫叶 双语例句1. 1. 在B.C。省教育部7门主要会考科目中,枫叶学生的其中5门成绩超过了省平均分。&&&&DMLIS students now score above the provincial average in five of seven core curriculum subjects examined by the BC Ministry of Education.2. <p class="p1娇阳抛下无数柔媚的眼神摇荡运动员的心旌心湖荡漾着一波波酷似霜风染过的枫叶火红的血焰猛烈升腾谁在台上雄声铿锵谁在台下心内呯呯攒动的每颗激动的人头牵动着兴奋的心兴奋里漫长等待等待台上动听的一语运动会开始进行!&&&&Jiao Yang into the eyes of countless star athletes sometimes sway hearts Lake Bobble Shuangfeng resembles a wave of the Maple Leaf with a fiery red blood fierce flame lifted who sonorous sound-stage in the audience who slammed heart of the fantastic save each with the emotional affect the poll excited excitement in the heart long wait for a table sounding phrase Games begin!3. 3. 娇阳抛下无数柔媚的眼神摇荡运动员的心旌心湖荡漾着一波波酷似霜风染过的枫叶火红的血焰猛烈升腾谁在台上雄声铿锵谁在台下心内呯呯攒动的每颗激动的人头牵动着兴奋的心兴奋里漫长等待等待台上动听的一语运动会开始进行!&&&&Spring really strong spring with the summer dog day of autumn drilling more strong impulse displayed its heroic posture of the fruits of victory in the breeze, decked out with heavy hearts taste of things in landfill stabilization of the athletes were sent to the lips smiling Smith picked confident athletes such as acute arrow Qiangnu moment out process Wong smoke of gunfire not casual athletes have reached the end of Oh, the master sprinter Liu Xiang presence at the scene but ran faster than the arrow is faster than the arrow...4. 我一直都知道它是我的梦想,漂浮的白云赐它以纯洁;火红的枫叶染它以激情;轻柔的晨雾饰它以神秘的面纱;闪烁的繁星缀它以浪漫的环佩。&&&&I know it has been my dream, the white clouds float to grant its purity. Maple with its red-hot passion. Soft shine and decorated it wi Twinkling stars made it a romantic Jade pendant.5. 我很高兴来到了美丽的枫叶之国。&&&&It is a great pleasure for me to come to this picturesque land of maples.6. 摄政真皮装饰的座椅是浅灰色,羊皮或黑色皮革与木材装饰相匹配的深灰色鸟瞰枫叶,金鸟瞰枫叶或红胡桃,分别提供。&&&&Regency leather-trimmed seats are available in Light Gray, Parchment or Black leather matched with wood trim in Dark Gray Bird's-eye Maple, Golden Bird's-eye Maple or Red Walnut, respectively.7. 在我的爱情道路上到处都是壹堆堆无人认领的枫叶!&&&&At love me on the road everywhere piles of unclaimed Maple Leaf!8. 8. 在此我谨代表全体新生道一声感谢,我们会珍惜学习机会,争做一名优秀的枫叶学子。&&&&We will work hard to become a good Maple Leaf student.9. 枫叶的反义词9. 事实上,我更常在春天赏枫,因为我喜爱新生的枫叶,在头两个月多变的叶片大小和色彩。&&&&Actually, I 赏枫 more in the spring because of the ever changing leave size and color in the first two months of the new growth.10. 10. 公司创立于2003年,由原先生产铝枫叶类小型汽车配件工厂,发展到现在拥有员工近600名,月生产能力达到6万只铝合金轮毂,年销售额3亿多的中型轮毂企业。&&&&Founded in 2003, production of aluminum from the original Maple Leaf category of small auto parts factories, have now developed to nearly 600 employees, from production capacity will reach 60, 000 aluminum alloy wheels with annual sales of more than 300 million of medium-sized enterprises wheel.11. 但是在我来到枫叶学校之后,我的生活就完全改变了。&&&&&&But when I came to maple leaf school, my life has changed.12. 就这样,我喜欢上了枫叶。&&&&&&In this way, I love the Maple Leaf.13. 我觉得还是大枫叶做的比较好!&&&&&&Keep track of sth =pay attention of sth.14. 14. 我的思念是秋日漫山的枫叶,热烈如酒,燃烧似火。&&&&&&I miss autumn Manshan Maple Leaf is a warm, such as alcohol, burning Sihuo.15. 当深秋来临的时候,枫叶慢慢的变红并脱落。&&&&&&When deep autumn when coming, maple part of a historical period is slow slow erubescent fall off.16. 第一眼看到你时,我想起了'一重山,两重山,山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹,鞠花开,鞠花残,塞雁高飞人未还,一帘风月闲',不知你勾起过多少游人的相思。&&&&&&When you first glimpse, reminds me of the'work, work, two days of high mountains far YanShui cold, acacia blossom, maple, Dan JuHua bowed, SaiYan goofy man yet, a shade romantic idle, you how many visitors recalled the lovesickness.17. 又是这个夏季,没有了枫叶没有了风筝,没有了银妆,它只留下了&&&&&&Summer, again, no maple leaves, no kite, no silver decoration, leaving a dull hot season.18. 枫叶的翻译18. 漫天火红枫叶,古老的水车、翠绿的杨柳、娇艳的凤仙花和飘零的落叶……点点滴滴无不透着浓浓的中国民族风格。&&&&&&All over the sky is fiery maple leaf, the fallen leaves of old water wagon, emerald green willow, delicate and charming balsamine and adrift... all without exception of dribs and drabs is appearing great Chinese nation style.19. 如果可能我会变做一片枫叶,随着秋风如梨花带雨般泻下,与泥土默默相守。&&&&&&If possible I will do a Maple Leaf, with the autumn rain, such as pear-like diarrhea with soil quietly.20. 20. 春天野芳竞发,争艳斗奇;夏日绿树荫翳,了无暑意;秋来枫叶红遍,层林尽染;冬至白雪覆地,琼花玉树,冰柱、冰挂、冰瀑晶莹玲珑,构成一幅幅精美艺术品。&&&&&&Jing Fang spring wild hair, Zheng-Yan Dou Qi; summer the green shade of a tree screen, popular in autumn to leaves, to
winter snow cover, the Qionghua Yushu, an icicle, ice linked to Jingyingbing pu Linglong, fine art paintings.枫叶是什么意思,枫叶在线翻译,枫叶什么意思,枫叶的意思,枫叶的翻译,枫叶的解释,枫叶的发音,枫叶的同义词,枫叶的反义词,枫叶的例句,枫叶的相关词组,枫叶意思是什么,枫叶怎么翻译,单词枫叶是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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