
艺术修养,artistic cultivation,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&artistic cultivation
This article, in the perspective of the characteristics of drama performance and the fundamental demands for being a drama performer, makes a preliminary exploration on professional skill training of drama majors and the artistic cultivation content, and discusses the importance and necessity of such training and cultivation.
2)&&artistic culture
3)&&artistic accomplishment
In the present studies and future work, pen-drawing helps a lot to promote our techniques of expression, dealing of styles, originality and artistic accomplishment.
4)&&artistic accomplishments
The teaching of architectural render should be reformed under new situation The teaching should give the first place to pen render, sketch, and improve the artistic accomplishments of students The author raises relevant teaching metho
5)&&be artistically accomplished
6)&&literary art accomplishment
&&&&  从作品形象与自然对象的相似程度上去划分作品风格的概念。抽象艺术指艺术形象大幅度偏离或完全抛弃自然对象外观的艺术;具象艺术指艺术形象与自然对象基本相似或极为相似的艺术。抽象一词的本义是指人类对事物非本质因素的舍弃和对本质因素的抽取。应用在美术研究领域,抽象艺术和具象艺术构成一对相关的概念。    具象艺术作品中的艺术形象都具备可识别性。希腊的雕塑作品、近代的写实主义和现代的超级写实主义作品,因其形象与自然对象十分相似,被看作这类艺术的典型代表。具象艺术广泛地存在于人类美术活动中,从欧洲原始的岩洞壁画,到文艺复兴时代的宗教壁画;从印度的佛教艺术,到中国的画像砖石,都可以看到这类艺术作品,至今它仍是美术创作中重要的艺术风格。欧洲古代的模仿说,中国古代的应物象形说,L.达·芬奇等人的言论都是具象艺术有名的理论表述。    抽象艺术中的形象与自然对象较少或完全没有相近之处。一些美术样式,如书法、建筑等,其样式的特征决定了它们在整体上是抽象的。一部分原始艺术作品和绝大部分工艺美术作品也属于抽象艺术。作为一种自觉的艺术思潮,抽象艺术运动兴起于20世纪初的欧美。大部分现代主义美术流派都受到了这一运动的影响,如抽象表现主义、立体主义、塔希主义、行动绘画等。    现代抽象艺术大体可分为两大类:第一类对自然对象的外观加以减约、提炼或重新组合;第二类完全舍弃自然对象,创作纯粹的形式构成,并因此被称为纯抽象。第一类抽象艺术又包含了两种倾向:①如P.塞尚、P.克利等艺术家往往以自己对事物的概念为依据,在创作中削砍对象外观中被认为是次要与偶然的形式因素,使艺术形象得以显示被认为是本质的原型。②另一些艺术家,如C.毕沙罗往往以个别、特殊的自然对象为依据,从其自然外观中抽取艺术形象的模式。第二类抽象艺术同样包含两种倾向:①一些艺术家的作品具有明显直接的情感表现性质,因此被称为浪漫的、有机的或热的抽象艺术,W.康定斯基、J.米罗的许多作品是这种创作倾向的代表。②如K.C.马列维奇、P.蒙德里安等艺术家在作品中展现的是一些冷静、规则的几何构成,它们不包含直接的情感表现意味,因此被称为古典的、几何的和冷的抽象艺术。现代抽象艺术运动在整体上是对欧洲模拟自然的传统的反叛,它对现当代美术发展产生了广泛影响。    抽象艺术、具象艺术与艺术作品中的抽象因素、具象因素是两类不同的概念。后者建立在对形象、形象与自然对象之关系的细致解剖之上,任何酷似对象的形象也不可能不包含对对象一定程度上的偏离。因此,具象艺术之中也包含着或多或少的抽象因素;同样,许多抽象艺术作品中的形象,亦有与自然对象有着不同程度的联系,包含着具象因素,上述第一类现代抽象艺术便是例证。抽象艺术、具象艺术的概念是宏观的、直观的;抽象因素、具象因素的概念是微观的、分析的。对于这两类不同性质的概念的混淆,会导致抽象艺术、具象艺术概念的瓦解。    若将抽象艺术与具象艺术这一对概念放在丰富多采的人类美术现象中,则可以看到,它们像是磁棒的两极,许许多多艺术作品位于纯粹的抽象艺术与酷似自然物的具象艺术之间。例如中国新石器时代部分彩陶的纹饰、许多非洲部落的原始木雕与面具、欧洲中世纪的一些宗教绘画以及部分中国的文人写意画。这类艺术作品或对特定对象加以大胆变形和装饰化处理,或将不同对象的局部特征进行适度的组合,将对象纳入抽象化的程式中使之偏离原来的外观,艺术形象所包含的抽象因素与具象因素相对合谐状态,使之难以简单地用这一对概念加以划分。中国艺术家"外师造化,中得心源"和"妙在似与不似之间"的言论,从创作过程与形象特征两个水平上描述了传统中国艺术家在这一问题上的态度。    无论抽象艺术还是具象艺术,都是人类美术史上长久存在的艺术形式,是人类创造的精神财富。两类不同的艺术,能够表现人类不同的精神内容,创造出不同的形式感,给人以不同的审美享受。它们各自拥有不可替代的美学价值。  
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英文翻译artistic culture&&&&art&&&& ma ...&&&&be artistically accomplished&&&&art restoration&&&&1.(理论、知识、艺术等的一定水平) mastery
有文学修养 well cultured ...&&&&educated tastes in art&&&&culture&&&& self-cultivation&&&& surgical repair&&&&surgical revision&&&&1.(文艺) art
艺术至上主义 art for art' 以艺术为职业 follow art as a profession2 ...&&&&“self-cultivation” behind closed doors&&&& self-cultivation&&&&pulmonary-cultivating technique&&&&cultivation&&&&cultivating of teachers&&&&splenic cultivating exercise&&&&enhance their cultural and moral quality&&&&youthculture&&&&culture of mind and body&&&&he is quite cultivated&&&&maintenance and repair&&&&section forces&&&&culture&&&&undisciplined
例句与用法One 's appreciation of literature depends on one 's level of aesthetic knowledge .一个人对文学作品的欣赏能力,取决于他的艺术修养。Bernstein combined the idioms of ethnic folk music and jazz with the virtuosity of a symphonist .伯恩斯坦以交响作曲家的高度艺术修养,把少数民族的音乐和爵士乐的不同的音乐语汇交融在一起。I have an extensive martial arts background . .我武功高强有艺术修养。 。 。 I have an extensive martial arts background我武功高强有艺术修养。 。 。 She comes from a very artistic family她出身于很有艺术修养的家庭Research on college students ' art awareness浅论大学生的艺术修养I have the special field art accomplishment , solid pencil sketching and color background本人具有专业的艺术修养,扎实的素描和色彩功底。 All such elements reveal the painter ' s careful observation of life and his supreme painting skills充分表现了画家对社会生活的深刻洞察力和高度的艺术修养和表现能力。 The flower and bird painting is the comprehensive reflection of a painter ' s stature , art accomplishment , personality and moral character花鸟创作是画家思想境界、艺术修养、人格品德的综合反映。 Artistic accomplishment : through the training for bodily form , train the rhythmical image , music sense , experience the magical glamour of stage performance艺术修养:通过体形的训练,培养韵律感、音乐感,并体验舞台表演的神奇魅力。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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修养 基本解释修养[xiū yǎng ]词典:成就;完成;技能;履行。词典:文化;养殖;[生物学](微生物等的)培养;修养。词典:训练;培养;(枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准;整枝法。词典:精通,熟练;统治,控制;优势。词典:[医]修身。修养 汉英大词典修养[xiū yǎng](理论、知识、艺术等的一定水平) mastery:  例:有文学修养    well cu    有艺术修养    be artis    文化修养很高的人    a man of considerable culture修养 网络解释1. cultivation:提倡思维修、个人品质、心性修养(cultivation)、道德伦理观(ethical view)及其行为的完善化是开发人体潜能(potential)的最大要素,也是人与自然乃至宇宙永久的可持续性和谐发展的必由之路.2. discipline:,在几乎所有的创造性成果中我们都会看到一种精心选择,一种重点的强调,一种训练有素的修养(discipline),即创造者对于事物本质的追求. 艺术家会以简化的形式勾画出事物的外观或结构,而忽略其现实的细节. 科学家在阐述一种关系的基本原理时,3. relax:reject 剔除 | relax 修养 | release 释放4. cultivation n:cultivatev.耕种;种植;培养;陶冶;建立;教化 | cultivationn耕种;栽培;培养;修养.
| 1)ThefarmerwasbusycultivatingthelandwhenIfoundhim.(我找到那位农民时,他正忙着耕地. )修养 双语例句1. 本人简述:在思想品德上,我有良好的道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向,关注国家的时势要闻,积极向党组织靠拢,使我对我们党有更为深刻的认识。&&&&In the ideology and morality, I have a good moral self-cultivation, and there is firm political direction of the country concerned about the situation of news, a positive move closer to the organization so that our party and I have a more profound understanding.2. 思想上积极要求进步,努力向党组织靠拢,信念坚定,注重自身道德修养的培养与提高。&&&&Ideology demanded progress, and efforts to move closer to the party organizations, the firm conviction, pay attention to their own culture and moral cultivation of the increase.3. 3. 她沿用了自唐太宗以来的修养生息的政策,并且不论出身破格提拔人才,同时大量任用自己宗族的人员。&&&&She also promoted many talented people in defiance of protocol, especially members of her own clan.4. 从内五行德性品质的分类而言,阴五行是阳五行的天敌,是阳五行五德能量的天然破坏者和阻碍者,修养道德就是一个清除阴五行而扶生阳五行的过程,只有将阴五行的特性逐一地从我们的品格中清除,全面扶生阳五行这个五德的品格,整体提升内环境中五德的品格,才能确保五德能量的全面摄入而不被阻碍和虚耗损失。&&&&Only when we completely eliminate the five Yin elements from our moral character, support the virtues of the five Yang elements comprehensively, and enhance the characters of Five De in the internal environment totally can we ensure that the energy of Five De is fully absorbed into the body without barrier and waste.5. 一个人的精神修养,将因试炼而充实,而有显著的进步。但试炼时期是不平常的。在这个时期,地狱好像张开了口的门户,我们的灵魂如入网罗之中,神并且让我们落到魔鬼的手掌中去。&&&&The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul's spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil's hand.6. 一个人的精神修养,将因试炼而充实,而有显着的进步。但试炼时期是不平常的。在这个时期,地狱好象张开了口的门户,我们的灵魂如入罗网之中,神并且让我们落到魔鬼的手掌中去。&&&&The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul`s spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil`s hand.7. 与袁、赵二人相比,蒋士铨是一个非常传统的诗人,他严格遵循儒学思想,把高尚的人格修养作为优秀诗人的首要条件,体现在其诗学思想上就是对传统诗教的张扬和发展。&&&&In his opinion, his poetics was the embodiment and the development of the traditional poem. Chapter 3 to chapter 5, the three people's views of inditement, appreciation, aesthetics and the value of poems were discussed respectively.8. 8. 为此 ,必须提高网络主体自身的道德修养,制定与完善网络道德规范,以创造一个稳定、健康、有序的网络社会环境。&&&&Therefore, the self cultivation of the network subject must be improved, and the network moral codes and regulations must be worked out to create a stea...9. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD9. 第一章,主要考察跨语际背景下的方平的文学创作,揭示其在贯通中西的文学修养中表现出的诗人气质。&&&&This thesis makes use of the latest academic achievements and employs the theories and research methods of different disciplines such as Medio-Translatology of Comparative Literature, Communication Studies, Hermeneutics and contemporary translation studies to thoroughly examine the translingual practices of Ping Fang, including his achievements in literary writing, literary studies and literary translation, and explore the interactive relationships between the above-mentioned three and the influence of the translator's subjectivity on his translingual practices, aiming at uncovering the outstanding contributions and academic value of Ping Fang in the history of comparative literature in China.10. 10. 但可以知道由你那些语言构成的一个存在,这个存在是真实的,在你用文字将你的观点和思想表述给这个世界的时候,同时也将你的道德,才气,修养甚至整个人生曝露给了世人,除非你没有一个长期固定使用的ID。&&&&But can know a existence formed of those languages of yours, this existence is true, When you state your view and thought to this world with the characters, At the same time too at the moralses of you, talent have not as whole to expose to the open air to common people life training even, Unless you do not have one long-term regular ID that used.11. 他提出的不拘一格的作品风格论,重视诗人本身思想修养的创作主体论和辨味外之味的诗歌解读理论是其理论三大组成部分。&&&&&&He considered a poet should not be strictly restricted to the literature style, paying more attention to the culture of oneself and thinking much of the comprehension. These are the three main parts of Sikong Tu theory.12. 汉初的陆、贾儒学的思想理路是由荀学发展而来,但不同于陆贾之说,在贾谊思想里,作为当时上层社会走向贵族化这一时代特征的反映,贵族化思想成分开始被唤起;陆、贾之后的韩婴则倡导心性修养,重建性善论,他的学说是孔孟儒学贵族化历史乐章之回响,为汉初儒学的支流;景武之际,汉初上层社会已经完成了贵族化转变,为此,董仲舒保留了贾谊学说中的贵族化思想成分,然更为重要的是,面对一个经过平民化洗礼的社会,董仲舒吸纳平民思想意识以建构理论体系,将陆贾、贾谊承自荀子的工具性特征显著之儒学转变成具神学特征的儒学,使儒学获得一次理论上的大改铸,实现了儒学的历史转型。&&&&&&The theory of Confucianism founded by Lu Gu and Jia Yi was originated from the theory of Xun Zi, However, not the same as the thougt of Lu Gu, in the theory of Jia Yi, which reflected the aristocracy-oriented feature of the upper class, the ideology of aristocratism was aroused. Han Ying initiated the self-awakening man's original mind or nature and reestablished the theory of born good. His theory was regarded as an anabranch of Confucianism in the early stage of Han Dynasty, and a reecho of historical movement of the aristocratic theory of Confucianism advocated by Confucius and Mencius. During the periods of Emperor. Jing of Han and Emperor Wu of Han, an aristocratic upper class had come into being. Therefore, in the face of the society that experienced populace-oriented baptism, Dong Zhong-shu kept down the aristocratic components existed in Jia Yi's theory, absorbed populace-oriented consciousness, which formed the foundation for theoretical system, and transferred instrument-centered Confucianism to the one with sanctification. Thus, Confucianism acquired its theoretical remolding and historical transforming.13. 认为武术只是一种简单的身体运动,而忽略了其内在的修养。&&&&&&They took for WuShu is a simple sport, and that ingnore immanence culture of it. In succession, played attention to WuShu.14. 孟子的人性论及其修养方法,在今天仍然具有重要的现实意义。&&&&&&Mencius theory of human nature and his cultivation ways still have pract...15. 原译:在一个政治家们注重自我修养的国度,她甚至不领取全额工资。&&&&&&In a country where politicians are prone to self-enrichment, she does not even draw her full salary.16. 据了解,活动项目涉及体育、文艺、家电、影视、旅行、上网、助困、文明礼仪、科技等方面,其中廉江科技学校和廉江摄影学校,利用这一机会既培养了孩子的动手、动脑能力,也使他们在活动中形成不自私、助人为乐的品格,从体力、智力、品格、艺术修养等方面全方位地培养孩子。&&&&&&It is understood that activities involving sports, art, household appliances, television, travel, Internet, zhu kun, civilized manners, and science and technology, in Lianjiang lianjiang photographic science and technology schools and schools, to take this opportunity to both nurture the child's hands, brain capacity, but also so that they form a non-selfish activities, helping others on his character, from the physical, intellectual, character, artistic accomplishments and so on all-round way to cultivate children.17. 红颜易老,美人迟暮,女人的美貌是上帝赐予的花朵,要开在春风里,因而常叹花期苦短、岁月无情,无论怎样呵护,最终挡不住时光的风吹雨打,人老珠黄。而女人味既流淌着先辈的基因,更是后天的,是女人的修养,自己的造化,浑然而天成。&&&&&&Sirens vulnerable elderly, aged beauty, a woman's beauty is the flower of God, to open in the spring, often flowering period is short sigh, relentless years, no matter how we care, and ultimately can not stop the time exposed to the elements Both feminine and the ancestors of gene flow, it is the day after tomorrow is a woman's self-cultivation, their good fortune, while the natural look.18. 热爱学生,为人师表,不仅是一种职业道德,也是一种修养。&&&&&&Love of students, teachers, not only is a kind of professional ethics, is also a kind of self-cultivation.19. 道德修养能达到的最高价段,是认识到我们应该控制我们的思想。&&&&&&The highest stage that moral culture can reach is to get to know what we should control our mind.20. 道德修养能达到的最高阶段,是认识到我们应该控制我们的思想。&&&&&&The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.修养是什么意思,修养在线翻译,修养什么意思,修养的意思,修养的翻译,修养的解释,修养的发音,修养的同义词,修养的反义词,修养的例句,修养的相关词组,修养意思是什么,修养怎么翻译,单词修养是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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