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索尼PSV系统更新 破解版用户升级需谨慎
21:11:47 来源:游民星空[编译] 作者:明镜Mirror 编辑:明镜Mirror 浏览:loading
  自从2011年发布以来,PSV一直都保持着处子之身,在很长的一段时间内斗没有被破解。虽然在一年前曾经有人做出了破解,但那时必须要将PSV连接到电脑上,前段时间Team Molecule宣布他们,这一破解基于3.60固件,玩家甚至还可以通过相应的APP来实现超频。
  近日(8月6日)索尼发布了一个PSV 3.60系统的升级补丁,索尼方面表示本次系统更新注重提升系统性能,不过此前通过漏洞破解PSV的开发者Yifan Lu在reddit论坛上发布了一个帖子,他警告进行过破解的PSV用户:不要升级,否则你就将无法通过浏览器漏洞。虽然目前无法证实这一点,不过看来,可能索尼已经在新的补丁中封堵了之前用来破解PSV的漏洞。
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斗玩网()转载:PSV现在已经可以把电脑游戏串流过来了,也就是说PSV可以间接玩电脑游戏了。大家先可以歪歪一下,以后躺在床上玩电脑游戏是一件多么舒服的事情啊。& & 外国放了一个在psv上玩PS2游戏的视频,和玩另一个游戏的图片。下面已经有朋友试验成功了。&&外国的教程,有空我再做翻译。大致条件是:A PC running Steam and games on it (durr.);&&==》有steam平台的游戏A nVidia GPU and the latest&GeForce Experience&(sorry AMD users);&&===》 有一个nvidia的显卡和最新的显卡驱动,并且这个显卡要支持串流功能(AMD的显卡不可用)Henkaku and an FTP====》要有henkaku破解的psv和ftp软件A decent router and home network connection (possibly an amazing 3G if you plan to play outside of your house);&&===》有一个路由器Vita M===》有一个moonlight软件(psv上运行的)5 minutes (stretch it to 30 if you run into any problems);&&==》需要五分钟时间(如果中途有突发情况可能需要30分钟)简单翻译的教程:1.首先激活steam平台的串流功能。2.把Moonlight.vpk安装到psv上。3.用记事本创建server.txt文件, 在里面输入本电脑的ip地址并保存,然后在psv上ux0:/data/的目录下建一个moonlight的目录,建完的路径应该是ux0:/data/moonlight/,然后用ftp把server.txt放到moonlight目录下。4.配对设备。在psv上打开moonlight的气泡,然后psv会扫描电脑的ip,接着电脑上会提示要输入配对码,你把psv上的配对码输入电脑就可以了。配对成功后只需要摁下psv是的O键即可,steam会变全屏。如果不成功的话就可以重启电脑或者禁用防火墙。5.一切就绪,少年,开撸吧!!!!!!!!注:可以设置串流的分辨率,只需要建一个配置文件在ux0:data/moonlight/settings.txt,在settings.txt文件里输入分辨率参数:960 544 60 4000&&。960x544是分辨率, 60是帧速,&4000是传输速度。你也可以通过更改NVIDIA控制面板的设置,来改变分辨率和帧速。感谢41楼的&&@士官长本人&&,他贴出了通过steam玩破解游戏的方法:“可以用,其实就是把nvdia shiled的pc游戏串流技术拿来用了一下(还要用到nvdia的pc端软件),只要有个steam账号(不管有没有买什么游戏)就能用。在steam登录(也可以在登录一次后选择离线)后的主界面左下角有个“添加游戏”按钮,里面有个“添加非steam游戏”,这个可以把破解的游戏强行添加进来。然后就能在串流中看到并玩到了。要注意的是,添加的游戏也有一定的限制,好像必须得是nvdia能识别的游戏(表现是双显卡电脑nvdia会自动给这个游戏设定nvdia GPU),是可以串流给shiled的游戏才行。另外,目前在下用的是从外网下到的vitamoonlight5000,这个串流目前的效果还算不错,psv上的操作转眼就能传达至电脑,但是电脑把画面传回psv有很明显的延迟,还有个问题,就是这个串流是针对shiled机型的,这类机型有L2和R2键,而psv默认配置中并没有这两个按键,所以导致很多操作并没有对应的按键……嗯,这个串流软件的制作者应该也意识到这些问题了,祝他/她早日攻克,感谢制作人。“Guide: How to Get Moonlight working on your Vitaby&Typhoon_Neon&· August 17, 2016At this point, I think it is safe to say that&Henkaku&has completely blown&Rejuvenate&out of the water. I had high hopes when Rejuvenate initially came out, but those hopes quickly died with the minuscule install base that the hack got and the low to minimal development that it brought on, even if without Rejuvenate we would have never got Henkaku in this first place. That, however, is a story for a different post that I’d love to write some other time. This one is dedicated to something I got a few request on (like… maybe 1… 2?) which is: How the heck to you get Moonlight to work in the first place? I’m not one to disappoint so here it is (and with a few pictures in more confusing parts)!Requirements:A PC running Steam and games on it (durr.);A nVidia GPU and the latest&GeForce Experience&(sorry AMD users);Henkaku and an FTPA decent router and home network connection (possibly an amazing 3G if you plan to play outside of your house);Vita M5 minutes (stretch it to 30 if you run into any problems);Ok, you got all of that? Great! Let’s move in to this tutorial so you can stream the Witcher 3 all-maxed out on your Titan X to your Vita.Step 1: Activate GameStreamThis may seem silly but there is one requirement to be able to use nVidia GameStream: a nVidia account. Without that there’s no way to activate GameStream,&so what are you waiting for? I’ll wait. Done? Great! Now open up GeForce Experience and login using your credentials and if all goes well and your GPU is supported you should be greeted with this:That was easy, wasn’t it? Ok now let’s move on to the next step.Step 2: Install Vita Moonlight on your consoleThis is more than self-explanatory, but there is something you should know beforehand: there are two versions of Vita Moonlight as it stands right now, one is Moonlight-5000 and Moonlight-2000? What is the difference? Well, one streams at 5000kbps and the other at 2000kbps. The first one will net you a crisper, less pixely output but right now, you will be doing so at the expense of streaming delay, mostly because the WiFi Chipset of the Vita really isn’t stellar, from what I’ve seen it’s probably on par with that of the Nexus 7 (2013 version) but nowhere close to the quality I can get on my Nexus 5 (I can stream at 1080p60fps with quite literally no lag whatsoever).My advice would be: try the 5000 version first, if you’re not happy with the results, go for the 2000 version. That’s the one I’m using and while it isn’t perfect it is already pretty good (remember, this is a pre-alpha). Keep in mind also that you can only have one version of Moonlight installed simultaneously, since they both install to the same folder inside your Vita, they can’t coexist.Step 3: Creating and setting up “server.txt”&This seems to be the step most people seem to have a problem with, but it is really not that hard. First off create a new text document on your desktop and name it server. You done? Fantastic! Now press WinKey+R and write cmd on it (or open up a terminal if you’re running Linux) now inside that window type “ipconfig” you will get this result:I’ve deleted most of the useless information. What we want is the only information I left, the IPv4 address of your computer. Type this information into your server.txt file. Next we gotta send this file to right place. Open up your favorite FTP client on your PC and VitaShell/MolecularShell on your console, set up the FTP connection and navigate to&ux0:/data/&and create a folder named “moonlight”.If you do not have the&ux0:/data&folder (no idea if that’s even possible) create it as well. It was already there for me when I first needed it. Now navigate inside the&moonlight&folder and that’s where you need to upload the&server.txt&file you created earlier.Step 4: Pairing the devicesNow this part can be a little tricky, but if you set up everything correctly this should pose no issue. When you first open up Moonlight on your Vita, it will scan for your PC using the IP you provided for it earlier, if all goes well it should tell you to insert a code on your computer, and a small prompt will pop-up on your computer asking for said code.If this doesn’t happen and you get the “null” error, I only have two advices for you:Restart your computer: this fixed the issue for me, when I was having it. I believe this is because the PC was coming from the hibernation state and this may have sc*** with the nVidia System Service.Disable any custom firewall you may be using: Especially on Windows 10, custom firewalls can make the system go haywire. Disable it temporarily and see if that works.After the pairing is done, just press O to boot up GameStream+Steam in Big Picture ModeStep 5: Enjoy!If you did all of this as I just told you, you should already be using Moonlight and enjoying PC games on your Vita! What a time to live in!
PS4 PSV下载游戏卡住了怎么办?PS4 PSV下载游戏时候很有可能会卡住,那怎么才能解决卡住的问题呢?下面为大家带来了PS4 PSV卡顿问题解决方法的介绍,来看看具体的解决方法吧! 9:37:28估计很多的网友都会抱怨PS4/PSV上面的中文版游戏实在是太少了,而且很多的游戏甚至都只有繁体中文而没有简体中文吧!其实游戏要汉化走的流程是相当长的,而且相当的繁琐啊! 10:16:30psv破解u盘怎么传游戏?psv破解已经有好一段时间了,但是很多玩家抱怨现在PSV依旧没法使用U盘直传游戏,下面就为大家带来了psv U盘直传游戏教程的分享! 17:31:51psv补丁无法更新怎么办?最近很多的网友表示psv补丁无法更新,而且还会出现发生错误C0143514的报错,那这个问题该如何才能解决呢?下面为大家带来了psv发生错误C0143514问题解决方法介绍! 10:39:35psv游戏无法更新怎么办?这是最近很多玩家都遭遇到的问题,那这个问题玩家该如何才能解决呢?下面为大家带来了psv游戏无法更新问题解决方法的介绍,希望大家喜欢! 17:04:40PSV模拟器改键的方法是很多网友都在问的,因为现在用手机和电脑玩PSV模拟器不改键有些游戏完全跑不动,下面为大家带来了PSV模拟器改键教程图文详解,大家一起来看看吧! 9:50:33psv破解psp模式3.60教程,psv破解psp模式3.60已经能完美实现了,不过估计很多的网友都不清楚破解的方法吧!下面为大家带来了psv破解psp模式3.60教程图文详解,希望大家喜欢! 11:55:11PSV破解的消息一直是很多玩家关注的话题,最新的消息表示PSV将被完美破解,未来可支持普通SD卡,也就是说玩家玩家再也不用购买PSV专属的SD卡就可以玩到更多的游戏了! 17:44:10PSV3.63固件更新了哪些内容?最近PSV3.63固件升级了,很多的玩家都在问官方具体更新了哪些内容呢?下面为大家带来了PSV3.63固件升级更新内容一览,大家一起来看看吧! 13:59:49PSV破解版DLC怎么安装?大家应该都知道PSV已经破解了,但是PSV很多游戏是有DLC的,那破解后的PSV怎么才能安装DLC呢?下面为大家带来了MaiDump安装DLC补丁教程的分享! 16:15:36更新错误c0143514怎么办?不少玩家表示最近PSV更新之后会出现更新错误c0143514的问题,那这个问题怎么才能解决呢?下面为大家带来了PSV更新错误c0143514问题解决方法的介绍! 15:31:53psv中病毒了怎么办?最近网传破解版的PSV会中病毒,而且中了病毒之后的PSV直接变成砖头,那PSV怎么杀毒呢?下面为大家带来了psv杀毒教程的分享,大家一起来看看吧! 15:08:17索尼PSV前不久遭到完美破解的消息已经在网上传的是沸沸扬扬了吧!不过索尼的PSV破解也只是软破解,硬破解仍然需要玩家的等待,但是这个破解的消息已经是在网上炸了锅,这也导致索尼PSV的销量暴增! 17:25:35psv c2-2004-6报错怎么办?不少玩家表示自己的PSV会莫名其妙的出现c2-2004-6报错的相关问题,那这个问题怎么解决呢?下面为大家带来了PSV c2-2004-6报错解决方法的介绍! 10:42:55最近有网友表示国行PS4/PSV已经在京东与天猫旗舰店下架,甚至有网友担心是不是PS4/PSV又被给禁了,其实索尼是要在中国推出全新的PS4和PSV游戏主机,一起来看看吧! 15:28:07PSV要实现破解,就需要网友把PSV降级到3.60系统,那具体怎么操作的呢?下面497电玩小编就为大家带来了PSV降级3.60教程(附降级工具),来看看具体的操作方法吧! 16:41:29PSV破解后能登陆PSN吗?PSV现在终于破解了,不过很多网友都在问PSV破解版的一些问题,尤其是破解版能否登陆PSN,下面为大家带来了PSV破解版常见问题一览! 16:25:04PSV游戏机终于可以破解了,不过需要玩家拥有3.60的PSV哦!而且破解起来风险也是很大的,下面497电玩小编就为大家带来了PSV破解教程(附破解工具下载地址),希望大家喜欢! 16:21:21PSV破解的消息对于很多的游戏玩家而言是一个天大的喜讯啊!PSV破解工具也正是出炉了,那就是dump工具,这款工具可以将PSV游戏打包成VPK安装哦!实在是相当的强大啊! 15:09:24作为索尼的次世代掌机,PSV是很多的玩家都很喜欢的掌机,不过PSV迟迟未破解也让很多玩家推迟了入手的动作,不过最近国外已经有团队成功破解了PSV,一起来看看吧! 10:46:38
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