
一&&& 几组常见副词的用法
1) fairly, quite, rather表示“十分,非常”。fairly语气最弱,放在不定冠词之后;quite语气较强,放在不定冠词之前;rather语气最强,可放在不定冠词前后,也可放在比较级前和too之前。
  This is a fairly interesting story. I want to tell it to my friends.
  You have made quite a few mistakes in you writing. (quite a few =many)The weather is rather colder today than I have expected. The student was rather too dull.
  2) hardly, scarcely表示“几乎不”,含否定含义。用于句首时,句子用倒装语序。hardly和scarcely与when连用,表示“一……,就……”,相当于as soon as.
  Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train left.
  Scarcely had I entered the cinema when the film began.
  3) late意思是“晚”,lately意思为“近来”;high表示位置,highly表示程度;most作副词表示“最……”,mostly表示“主要的”。
  The plane flew high in the sky and soon disappeared. My teacher speaks highly of me. Remember not to be late next time. Have you ever heard from him lately? What do you like most? The village is mostly of brick houses.4) only too only too表示“很,非常”。
  I am only too pleased to help you.
二&&& 多个形容词修饰同一名词的顺序有几个形容词修饰同一名词时,词序无固定规律,一般的顺序为:1)限定词(冠词/代词/数词)→2)性质→3)大小/形状/新旧/年龄/颜色→4)名词性定语(包括动名词)→5)名词。   【例如】
  China is a great, modernized socialist country.
  Nancy is reading an old, exciting, romantic love story.
  Mary has just bought herself a pretty green cotton dress.
  My sister knew a tall intelligent young American professor whom she met in college.
三&&& 具有两种形式的副词
  The hawk was circling high in the sky. We spoke highly of him. Don"t come too close. I closely resemble my father. The train stopped dead. She turned deadly pale. She is the most beautiful girl in the college. The village is mostly of mud houses. She slipped right to the bottom of the icy mountain. I am rightly informed.
  Fix the post ____in the ground.
  A) firmed B) firmly C) firmingly D) firm
  Communism can never be taken as the equivalent of eating ____and riding____.
  A) free B) freely
  C) freely D) free
  A bosom friend afar brings a distance land____.
  A) nearby B) nearly C) near D) nearerly
  The desk was ___in the center of the room.
  A) direct B) directed C) directing D) directly
四&&& 形容词的主动性和被动性
  That"s a very interesting story.
  Children are interested to read the story. interesting是指故事能引起人的兴趣,有主动意义;interested则指孩子对故事感兴趣,有被动意义。判断形容词含主动或被动意义,除从语义上来区别外,在形式上有以下几点:
  1)动词分词完全形容词化时是成对的,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动。例如:amusing― exciting― pleasing― surprising― tiring― satisfying― confusing― puzzling―puzzled等等。
  This is a tiring journey.这是一次令人疲惫的旅行。
  We are tired after long walk.长途散步之后,我们累了。
  Yesterday a surprising event happened here.昨天这里发生了一件惊人的事。
  We are surprised when we heard the sad news.当我们听到这个悲惨的消息大吃一惊。
  但也有不是成对的,如a charming girl,不说a charmed girl;可说encouraging words,不说encouraged words。
  Your choice of friends is most regrettable.你的择友标准是令人遗憾的。
  We said good-bye to our friends, feeling regretful that we had to leave and would probably never see them again.
  He is out of work and dependent on his wife"s earnings.
  The parents are the most dependable persons for their children.
  Such a credulous fool as I was―I should have known better than to believe I"d get a contract.
  His story is hardly credible, how could all that happened to one person.
五&&& 形容词、副词比较级
&&&&& 1.比较的成分要对等。
  He is more concerned about others than about himself. My father is in better health now than last year. The population of China is larger than that of America.
  2.& the +比较级……,the +比较级……意为“越……,越……”。前面部分是从句,后面部分是主句。
  The harder you work, the more successful you will be. The earlier you come, the better place you can find.
&&& 3. 不用than的比较
并不是所有的形容词表示比较时都用than,英语中有几个以-or结尾源于拉丁语的形容词,由于其原级已具有比较的含义,在表示比较时不用than,而用to。这类形容词不多,计有:anterior / prior to(先于),posterior to (在……之后),superior to(优于),inferior to(劣于),junior to(年幼于),senior to(年长于)。
  This task is prior to all others.
  He thinks he is superior to his classmates because his father is a very important people.
  The Red Army was inferior in equipment but superior in morale to the enemy.
  My arrival in Beijing is posterior to that of our manager.
  It happened prior to my arrival.
  The official"s rank is senior to his father"s.
  Mary is two years senior to me, and her sister is junior to me by three years.
&&& 4. 解析含有than的结构
1) no more than
  只,仅仅,只不过是(=only),后面接名词或数词,在句中起形容词作用。例如:The street is no more than two miles long.这条大街只有两英里长。What he is saying is no more than a joke.他所讲的只不过是个玩笑而已。The estimate of 20012 tons was probably no more than another wild assumption of theirs.这个二万零一十二吨的估计数字,也许只不过是他们的又一个胡编乱造。
  2) no more... than (= not...any more than)
  和……一样不(not...any more than)。Than前后都是否定的含义。
  A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. (= A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.)鲸和马都不是鱼。(鲸之非鱼类,正如马之非鱼类。)
  My elder brother is no more a singer than I am.我哥哥和我都不是歌唱家。
  They will no more sell their freedom for roubles than for dollars.他们既不会以他们的自由换取美元,也将同样不会以自由换取卢布。
  The little man was ____one meter fifty high. (CET 4 1997,1)
  A) almost more than B) hardly more than
  C) nearly D) as much as
  hardly more than用来表示“仅仅”。根据句意:这个小个子男人仅有1.5米高,应选择B.
  3)no other than
  The murderer turned out to be no other person than the inspector himself.结果是,那个杀人犯不是别人,正是巡官自己。
  The beaten enemy had no other choice than to surrender.被打败的敌人只有投降。
  4)no better than
  和……一样,实际上等于(practically the same as)
  A man who cannot read and write is no better than the blind.不识字的人跟瞎子没有两样。
  The patient is no better than he was yesterday.病人的情况和昨天一样。
  5)no less... than
  This person is no less diligent than he used to be.这个人和从前一样勤奋。
  The technique of writing is no less difficult than that of the other arts.写作技巧和其他艺术技巧一样困难。
  Sunlight is no less necessary than fresh air to a healthy body.日光和新鲜空气对身体健康是同样必不可少的。
  6)no less than
  多达,竟有……之多,不下于(as many as, as much as)。
  In the battle, the Red Amy wounded were no less than twenty thousand.在这次战斗中,红军伤员不下两万人。
  He won no less than 1000 yuan in the lottery.他居然中了一千元的奖券。
  The bank pays him a yearly salary of no less than ,000.银行给他的年薪竟高达九万。
  7) other than
  意思是:不同于,除……之外;rather than意思是:而不是。
  This crop doesn"t do well in soils ____the one for which it has been specially developed. (CET 4 1999,1)
  A) beyond B) rather than C) outside D) other than
  other than意思是:不同于,除……之外;rather than意思是:而不是。根据句意:除了这块专门为它培育的土壤,这种作物在其它土壤上都生长不好。应选择D.
  In no country ___Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. (CET 4 1999,6)
  A) other than B) more than C) better than D) rather than
  句意为:除了在英国,一个人不可能在其它国家在一天内经历四季。other than表示“除……之外”,故选择A.
六&&& 形、义相近的副词
  Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ____. (CET-4 1998,6)
  A) relatively B) actually
  C) annually D) comparatively
  These goods are ____for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. (CET-4 1998,6)
  A) essentially B) completely C) necessarily D) remarkably
七&&& 副词在句中的位置
  I often go to the cinema on weekend with my husband. I can hardly understand him for what he said was really confusing.have never been abroad until now.
  The boy didn"t work hard enough. He is quite diligent. But his achievement is not good enough.
  4) only的位置比较灵活,修饰哪个词,就放在哪个词的前面,以示强调。
  I only saw John yesterday. I didn"t see his wife. I have bought two kilos of potatoes only. Only in the afternoon, can you borrow books from the university library.
八&&& 副词的作用与构成
副词用来修饰形容词、副词和动词。大部分副词由“形容词+ly”构成,如:happy→happily, slow→slowly, wonderful→wonderfully等。但有些以ly结尾的词却不是形容词,而是副词,如:friendly, brotherly, likely, lonely等。有些词可以作形容词也可以作副词,如:early, late, fast, hard, low, much, near等。
九&&& 一些音、形、义相近的形容词
  No one imagined that the apparently ____professor was actually a criminal.
  A) respectful B) respectable
  C) respective D) respecting
  respectful表示“尊敬他人的”;respectable表示“受人尊敬的”;respective则表示“各自的”;respecting常用作介词,表示“关于”。根据句意:没有人想到这个表面令人尊敬的教授实际上是个罪犯,应选B.No one would believe his story. It was quite ____ .
  A) credible B) credulous C) creditable D) incredible
  It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manner and ____ knowledge. (CET-4 1996,1)
  A) extensive B) expensive C) intensive D) expansive
十&&& 形容词+不定式/that从句
  I am eager to see him and tell him the truth. I am sure to pass the exam because I have made very good preparation.
  It was wise of you to accept his advice. It was stupid of her to make such a mistake. It was unwise of me to have believed him.
  2)在有些形容词后面可以跟一个that引导的从句。能这样使用的形容词如:certain(确定的),aware (知道的),sure (肯定的),confident (确信的),sorry (遗憾的),conscious (察觉的),afraid (担心的),delighted (愉快的),surprised (惊奇的),disappointed (失望的)等。
  I am aware that I must begin now if I want to pass the test.They were disappointed that you didn"t show up at yesterday"s party. I am sorry that the Chinese soccer team was defeated again.
十一&&& 作表语的形容词
1)很多以a开头的形容词,如asleep, afraid, awake, alone, aware, alive, ablaze, alike等,一般只作表语。
  He was so tired that he soon fell asleep. Whether he was alive or dead in the earthquake is still unknown.2)这类形容词有时可以放在名词后作后置定语。
  He is one of the persons alive after the flood. The old man was the only person awake at the moment. 3)这类形容词中有些像alike(相同),alone(单独),amiss(差别),afire(燃烧着),adrift(漂流),afloat(漂浮),afoot(徒步)等既是表语形容词,又是副词,它们的用法不同。
  【例如】The twins look so much alike that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. My brother and I alike are funs of pop music.
  4)一些表示身体健康情况的形容词,如ill, well, unwell, fit, poorly等,一般作表语。
  I don"t feel well. I need to go to see the doctor. How to keep fit is a popular topic these days.
十二&&& 形容词的位置
  I have something urgent to do, so I have to go now.
  There must be something wrong with him.
  2)以able或ible结尾的形容词与all, every, only或形容词最高级连用时,常常后置。
  These are the best books available in the university library. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities imaginable.
  I know a girl good at singing.
十三&&& the+more…,the+more…
the+比较级…,the +比较级…意为“越……,越……”,表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化,其中的两个the都是副词,而不是冠词,前面部分是从句,后面部分是主句。
  The more people you know, the less time you have to see them.
  The busier she is, the happier she feels.
  The greater (is) the resistance, the less (is) the current.& 电阻越大,电流就越小。
  The sooner, the better&&& 越早越好。
十四&&& 形容词、副词部分练习题
  1) Physics is ____to the science which was called natural philosophy in history. (CET-4 1997,1)
  A) alike B) equivalent C) likely D) uniform
  2) The president made a ____speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly. (CET-4 1997,1)
  A) vigorous B) tedious C) flat D) harsh
  3) It is reported that ____adopted children want to know who their natural parents are. (CET-4 1997,1)
  A) the most B) most of C) most D) the most of
  4) Convenient foods which are already prepared for cooking are ____ in grocery stores. (CET-4 1997,1)
  A) ready B) approaching C) probable D) available
  5) In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total ____ for living expenses. (CET-4 1997,6)
  A) acceptable B) available C) advisable D) applicable
  6) The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ____. (CET-4 1998,1)
  A) originally B) extremely C) violently D) intensively
  7) Since the matter was extremely ____, we dealt with it immediately. (CET-4 1998,1)
  A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) instant
  8) The shy girl felt ____ and uncomfortable when he couldn"t answer the teacher"s questions. (CET-4 1998,6)
  A) amazed B) awkward C) curious D) amused
  9) The patient"s health failed to such an extent that he was putsintos____care. (CET-4 1998,6)
  A) tense B) rigid C) intensive D) tight
  10) There are few electronic applications ____to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities than robots. (CET-4 1998,6)
  A) likely B) more likely C) most likely D) much likely
  11) Our new house is very ____for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. (CET-4 1999,1)
  A) adaptable B) convenient C) available D) comfortable
  12) Our journey was slow because the train stopped ____ at different village. (CET-4 1999,1)
  A) continually B) continuously C) gradually D) unceasing
  13) William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, ____defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion. (CET-4 1999,6)
  A) peculiarly B) indifferently C) vigorously D) inevitably
  14) The words of his old teacher left a ____ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by him. (CET-4 2000,1)
  A) long B) lively C) lasting D) liberal
  15) It is our ____policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. (CET-4 2000,1)
  A) consistent B) continuous C) considered D) continual
  16) He is ____about his chance of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. (CET-4 2000,1)
  A) optimistic B) optional C) outstanding D) obvious
  17) She cooked the meal for a long time so as to make it ____enough to eat. (CET-4 2000,1)
  A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender
  18) The computer revolution may well change society as ____ as did the Industrial Revolution. (CET-4 2000,1)
  A) certainly B) insignificantly C) fundamentally D) comparatively
  19) Young people are not ____to stand and l they want art they can participate in. (CET-4 2000,6)
  A) conservative B) content C) confident D) generous
  20) It is said that the math teacher seems ____towards bright students. (CET-4 2000,6)
  A) partial B) beneficial C) preferable D) liable
  21) Insgroupsto show his boss what a careful worker he was, he took ____trouble over the figures. (CET-4 2000,6)
  A) extensive B) spare C) extra D) supreme
  22) All the key words in the article are printed in ____ type so as to attract readers" attention. (CET-4 2000,12)
  A) dark B) bold C) dense D) black
  23) He was the ____ at the moment.
  A) only alive person B) alive only person C) only person alive D) person only alive
  24) Mike is watching ____.
  A) a detective, old, exciting film B) an old detective, exciting film
  C) an exciting, old, detective film D) an old, exciting, detective film
  25) The leader of the town is a ____ old man.
  A) respective B) respectable
  C) respecting D) respectful
  26) It is a beautiful car, but it is not ____ the price that I paid for it.
  A) cost B) worthy C) worth D) value
  27) He moved away from his parents, and missed them ____ enjoy the colorful life in another city.
  A) enough to B) too much to
  C) very much to D) much so to
  28) This is ____ to answer.
  A) rather a difficult question B) rather difficult a question
  C) rather difficult question D) a question rather difficult
  29) Of the two gifts, the child chose ____.
  A) the less expensive B) the one most expensive
  C) the least expensive D) the most expensive
  30) The police finally arrested the ____ criminal.
  A) famous B) reputed C) notorious D) renowned
  31) This young man is hardworking and ____. I strongly recommend him.
  A) conscientious B) conscience
  C) conscious D) consciousness
  32) This TV is ____ all the other TV in the department store.
  A) superior to B) advantageous than
  C) super to D) beneficial to
  33) My command of English is ____ as yours.
  A) half not so good B) not half so good
  C) not so good half D) not so half good
  34) Last year, John earned ____ his brother, who is less capable.
  A) three times as much as B) twice as many as C) twice worse D) three times as more as
  35) His salary as a bus driver is much higher ____.
  A) in comparison with the salary of a teacher B) than a teacher
  C) than that of a teacher D) to compare as a teacher
  36) Jane"s work proved ____ than that of their classmates.
  A) not much better B) much better
  C) no more better D) too better
  37) Mr. Smith is ____ to our party.
  A) more pleased than to come B) more pleased to come than
  B) more than pleased to come D) more pleasing than to come
  38)――Are you going to the concert in the 21st Century Hotel?――No, the tickets are ____ for me.
  A) much far expensive B) so much expensive
  C) too far expensive D) far too expensive
  39) He was ____ to the terrible situation then.
  A) widely awake B) wide awake
  C) widely awakened D) wide awaken
  40) There were no tickets ____ for Friday"s performance.
  A) available B) preferable
  C) considerable D) possible
  41)――Isn"t Mr. Brown coming to the meeting tonight?――I ____.
  A) he hardly ever leaves his house now B) hardly ever he leaves his house now
  C) he hardly leaves his house ever now D) he leaves hardly ever his house now
  42) Most plastics don"t ____ conduct heat and electricity.
  A) readily B) really C) seemingly D) greatly
  43) The old man lay in bed, ____.
  A) coldly and hungrily B) cold and hungry
  C) coldly and hungry D) cold and hungrily
  44) We need ____ information before we can decide.
  A) far B) farther C) further D) furthest
  45) Never before ____ people in the United States been interested in soccer.
  A) has so many B) were so many
  C) have so many D) will so many
  1)B 2)A 3)B 4)D 5)B 6)D 7)C 8)B 9)C 10)B 11)B 12)A 13)C 14)C 15)A 16)A 17)D 18)C 19)B 20)A 21)C 22)B 23)C 24)D 25)B 26)C 27)B 28)A 29)A 30)C 31)A 32)A 33)B 34)A 35)C 36)B 37)C 38)D 39)B 40)A 41)A 42)B 43)B 44)C 45)C
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