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沧州地处河北省东南,东临渤海,北靠京津,与山东半岛及辽东半岛隔海相望。距首都北京240公里,距天津120公里,距省会石家庄221公里。沧州地处环渤海中心地带,是河北省确定的“两环” (环京津、环渤海)开放一线地区,也是京津通往东部沿海地区的交通要道。京沪(北京-上海)铁路、朔黄(朔州-黄骅港)铁路和京沪(北京-上海)高速公路、石黄(石家庄-黄骅)高速公路在沧州交汇。京九(北京-九龙)铁路、朔黄(朔州-黄骅港)铁路在我市肃宁县交汇,并建有编组站。国家“九五”重点工程黄骅港和朔黄(朔州-黄骅港)铁路的建成, 沧州成为西煤东运新通道的出海口和冀中南、鲁西北以及晋陕和内蒙古等西部地区对外开放的桥头堡,区位优势将日趋明显。
资 源 优 势
沧州铁狮子,已有一千多年的历史,体现了沧州古老“铸造之乡”铸造艺术的神韵。沧州境内有沧州铁狮子、献县汉墓群、泊头清真寺、海丰镇遗址、纪晓岚墓地、献县单桥、黄骅古贡枣园等七处全国重点文物保护单位,26处省级重点文物保护单位,16处市级重点文物保护单位,国家4A级景区1个,2A级景区4个,景点88处。海兴小山火山遗迹、东光铁佛寺、沧州清真北大寺、泰山行宫、武帝台、莫阝州庙、盘古庙等古迹独具风姿,“华北明珠”白洋淀,是华北地区最大淡水湖泊。沧州市现有湿地19万公顷, 各种鸟类270余种,101种受国家保护的候鸟。沧州的吴桥县是世界著名的杂技之乡。“中国吴桥国际杂技节”已被国家文化部确定为国际赛场,“吴桥杂技大世界”为国家4A级风景区,被国家旅游局列入民俗旅游景点,每年吸引大批游客参观游览。
经 济 发 展
武 术 之 乡
I now in the United States next Monday because of a small home on their own activities, but not English so I would like to ask you expert help me, I would like to ask the Americans long to see, ask them to understand my hometown, but I do not want to Grammar and word order because the issue by others joke, or make you listen so you do not know how to help and not GOOGLE PowerWord translation. Once adopted, sent to 100. The article summary: geographical location.
Cangzhou in Hebei Province is located in the southeast, the east Bohai Sea, north of Beijing and Tianjin, and Shandong Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula across the sea. 240 km from the capital city of Beijing, Tianjin, 120 km away from, 221 kilometers from the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. Cangzhou is located in center of the Bohai Sea, Hebei Province, is the principle of &Ring Two& (part of Beijing and Tianjin, the Bohai Rim), opening up the front line, leading to the eastern coastal areas around Beijing and Tianjin is also the transport hub. Beijing-Shanghai (Beijing - Shanghai) railway, Huang Shuo (Shuozhou - Huanghua Port) and the Beijing-Shanghai Railway (Beijing - Shanghai) Highway, Huang Shi (Shijiazhuang - Huanghua) Expressway interchange in Cangzhou. Beijing-Kowloon (Beijing - Kowloon) Railway, Huang Shuo (Shuozhou - Huanghua Port) railway intersection in the city Suning Xian, and has a marshalling yard. State &9th Five-Year& key project of Huanghua Port and Huang Shuo (Shuozhou - Huanghua Port) the completion of the railway, coal East West Cangzhou to become the new transport channel to the sea and South Jizhong, Northwestern Shandong, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi, Shaanxi and the western region, such as Opening up a bridgehead, the advantage will become clear.
Cangzhou City, 240 kilometers from Beijing, Tianjin, 120 kilometers away from. Since ancient times, there are floods, droughts and the pier, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal longitudinal throughout. Beijing-Shanghai Railway (Beijing - Shanghai), Shuo Huang Railway (Shuozhou - Huanghua Port), the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed (Beijing - Shanghai), Shi Huang high-speed (Shijiazhuang - Huanghua), and Beijing - Fuzhou and Beijing - Guangzhou, Shanhaiguan - Shenzhen, Huanghua - Yinchuan, such as national highways or are under construction and will start the construction of the Tianjin - Shantou Expressway, A Rongqi - Shenzhen Expressway and Beijing - Shanghai high-speed railway through the territory in Cangzhou, constitute a connected Transport network.
China's major cross-century project - Huanghua ports, from the 900 sea miles in Kyushu, Japan, South Korea Incheon port from the 480 sea miles, is a multi-functional, modern, comprehensive, international port, is also China's current one-time investment in port construction in the largest-scale projects The biggest item. After the completion of all project operator, will form a 100 million tons of coal, groceries 50 million tons of annual handling capacity of coastal ports forefront in the nation, a collection of coal, crude oil, refined oil, groceries, chemicals, and passenger and container as one of China's integrated North Hub of Chittagong.
Advantages in resources
Cultural tourism resources
Cangzhou iron lion, 1,000 years of history, reflects the ancient Cangzhou &casting village,& the art of casting Charm. Cangzhou is in Cangzhou iron lion, Xianxian tomb group, Botou mosque, the site Fengzhen, Ji Xiaolan cemetery, Xianxian single bridge, Huang Hua Kun Zaoyuan, and other ancient seven key national heritage conservation units, 26 provinces Grade focus of heritage conservation units, 16 municipal units focus on heritage conservation, the state 4 A-level scenic spots one, 2 A-level scenic spots 4, 88 spots. Sea-hill volcanic ruins, the East-Tie Fosi, Cangzhou Muslim North Temple Mount Tai palace, Emperor Wu Taiwan, the state-阝temple, the temple was unique monuments such as Feng Zi, &Pearl of North China& in Baiyangdian Lake, is the largest freshwater lake in North China. Cangzhou City of existing wetlands 190,000 hectares, more than 270 different bird species, 101 kinds of migratory birds protected by the State. Wuqiao County, Cangzhou of the world famous acrobatic village. &China Wuqiao International Zaji Jie& national Ministry of Culture has been identified as international matches, &Wuqiao Acrobatics Big World& for the state 4 A-class scenic area, the National Tourism Administration to include folk tourist attractions, attracting a large number of visitors each year tour.
Agricultural resources
Cangzhou is 1241.4 million mu of arable land, grassland 60 million mu, is in Hebei province as grain, cotton, oil-producing areas of focus, the Beijing-Tianjin pollution-free vegetables and the main supply base in north China's well-known high-quality forage base, animal husbandry production base. Cangzhou is the famous &Pear Village& and &Watkins jujube& village. Watkins jujube, jujube, Pear, and other native products with good quality Chimingzhongwai, is a traditional export products, jujube near the city with an annual output of 435,000 tons, 465,000 tons Pear.
Marine oil resources
Cangzhou is in the north, two major oil fields in Dagang, and its proven geological oil reserves of 1.5 billion tons and natural gas reserves of 28.2 billion cubic meters, very considerable poten Cangzhou is the one of the four major salt production base, Yantian area of 45 million mu, The annual output of 2 million tons, the country is one of the four major
Cangzhou with 129.7 km coastline and marine fishing, mariculture has a larger scale, more than 1,000 species of marine life, abounds in fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish and other seafood , &The Bohai Sea Shrimp& and &blue crab&享誉海内外.
Economic development
Industry: city is approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry focus on the construction of &Chemical City&, at present, the crude oil processing capacity of 5 million tons, with an annual output of 480,000 tons of urea, of 265,000 tons of PVC resin, PVC resin of the province of similar products More than 60 percent. Chemical fertilizers similar products of the province accounted for 20 percent or more. And built the only DI production plant, with an annual output of 10,000 tons TDI2. Formed a wire and cable, pipe elbow, circuit boards, casting, electronic hardware, plastics, leather feed, and environmental protection equipment, packaging machinery, and other characteristics of the 10 industries.
Wushu's township
Cangzhou Wulin, G Cangzhou Wu Jie, f Cangzhou Martial Arts, across China, Yuan She Asia, Europe and the United States, non-some countries and regions. Cangzhou &martial arts village& reputation, promote Chinese and foreign.
Cangzhou people, since ancient times to honest, Gangzhi, hard-working, courageous known. Because of geographical, historical conditions, the tough-wind, over the years old, known as &Wu Jian Yang Yang between a sea Treasures,& said. According to historical records contained, civil Cangzhou Martial Arts, Hing tomorrow, in-Shing, to Qianlong, the martial arts village has been formed, to late Qing, Yang Zesheng overseas.
Cangzhou Martial Arts, has always been known as &open.& With the implementation of reform and opening up policy, Cangzhou Martial Arts, not only by the people more and more popular, more and more subject to international attention. At the national level, the invitation of Wu Shi Cang who went to lectures and sent to Shouyi Tsang visits and Xiyi, involving more than 20 countries and regions.
Cangzhou Wulin categories and independent of the Boxers, armed, with the exception of those lost, including more than 50 species, Liuhe, octupole, Mizong, skill, Dynasty, Tung arm, Pigua, Tang Quan, and mantis, Kunlun, the Flying Tigers, Taiping, eight fortune, to lie down, Qingping sword, Kun Wu Jian, Chuangwang knife, crazy magic wand, Erlang, Miao knives, Yanqing, form Italy, poke feet, up son, Shaolin, an ambush, Huaquan, Mian Zhang, with short straight, Yam pistol, Yang guns, tai chi, gossip across the country.
Cangzhou Martial Arts, circulation, deep, on-line fan, and in continuous improvement or innovation, so although one category, while the number of different branch of the movement, boxing armed action on some different number, do not exercise the same speed. But the same door, the style features remain unchanged.
Watkins home jujube
Cangzhou jujube also known as the Watkins jujube, its high sugar content than 18 percent in other regions, nutrient-rich, rich ABCP, and other vitamins, medicine called &vitamin pills.& One C in several times higher than the pears, P Habitat Baiguo in the first, calcium, iron and other minerals necessary for the human body, with high health value. Watkins jujube mature in late October each year. Fruit of the round, brown-red peel, the fruit of small, sweet Weixiang meat, sugar high, jujube mature Bai Kai, to pull seven, eight gold Sesi, so as &Watkins jujube& , The old, to freebee royal court, the preparation of the &eight-treasure porridge.& Watkins jujube is nourishing the elderly and patients to share it contains protein, fat, starch, calcium, phosphorus, iron and various multi-vitamin. Fresh dates in the vitamin C content 70 times higher than Apple, maternal cook food such as fresh red jujube and jujube Aocheng small watery gruel, glutinous rice porridge, or to speed up the physical rehabilitation
Geographical position.
Cangzhou is situated at southeast Hebei Province, east is near Bohai Sea, north depends on Beijing and Tianjin, faces each other across the sea with the Shandong Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula.Is apart from the capital Beijing 240 kilometers, is apart from the Tianjin 120 kilometers, is apart from the provincial capital Shijiazhuang 221 kilometers.The Cangzhou attendance link Bohai Sea heartland, is Hebei Province determines “two links” (link Beijing and Tianjin, link Bohai Sea) opens an area eastern part, also is Beijing and Tianjin leads to the coastal area key communication line.
Beijing and Shanghai (the Beijing - Shanghai) the railroad, the new moon yellow (new moon state - Huang Huagang) the railroad and Beijing and Shanghai (the Beijing - Shanghai) the highway, the orpiment (Shijiazhuang - yellow hua) the highway connects in Cangzhou.10,009,000 (the Beijing - Kowloon) the railroad, the new moon yellow (new moon state - Huang Huagang) the railroad connects in my city Suning County, and constructs the marshalling yard.West the country “95” priority project Huang Huagang and the new moon yellow (new moon state - Huang Huagang) railroad completion, Cangzhou will become south central the coal eastward shipment new channel estuary and Hebei, Lu northwest as well as the Jin Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia and so on the western area opening to the outside world bridgehead, the geographical superiority day by day obvious.
Cangzhou is apart from the Beijing 240 kilometers, is apart from the Tianjin 120 kilometers.Name of the some wharf equipped with rail lines, the Beijing Hangzhou big canal went through vertically the entire boundary since old times.Beijing to Shanghai railroad (Beijing - Shanghai), new moon yellow railroad (new moon state - Huang Huagang), Beijing and Shanghai high speed (Beijing - Shanghai), orpiment high speed (Shijiazhuang - yellow hua), but also will have the Beijing - Fuzhou, Beijing - state-level roads and so on Guangzhou, Shanhai Pass - Shenzhen, yellow hua - Yinchuan as well as is constructing or begins the construction Tianjin - Shantou highway, the arun banner - Shenzhen highway and the Beijing - Shanghai high-speed railroad passes within the boundaries of Cangzhou, constituted the transportation network which extended in all directions。
Chinese especially big cross-century project - Huang Huada the port, is apart from the Japanese Nine Provinces port 900 nautical miles, is apart from the South Korean Inchon port 480 nautical miles, is one multi-purpose, the modernization, the comprehensive international harbor, also is China in the harbor construction the disposable investment are at present most, the project scale biggest project.After the project completes the operation completely, will form the coal 100,000,000 tons, grocery 50,000,000 ton year handling capacity, will occupy the national coast harbor front row, will become the collection coal, the crude oil, the refined oil, the grocery, the chemical industry, the passenger transportation, the container will be north part of a body China the comprehensive key position big port.
The resources superiority
culture tourist resources
Cangzhou iron lion, had more than 1000 years history, manifested Cangzhou to be ancient “township of the casting” the casting art charm.Within the boundaries of Cangzhou has the Cangzhou iron lion, the Hsien-hsien Chinese grave group, anchors a mosque, the sea Fengzhen ruins, the Ji Xiaolan tomb, Hsien-hsien Shan Qiao, Huang Huagu tribute Zaoyuan and so on seven nation key cultural relic preservation organ, 26 provincial level key cultural relic preservation organ, 16 city level key cultural relic preservation organ, national 4A level scenic area 1, 2A level scenic area 4, scenic spot 88.The Haixing hill volcano vestige, Dongguang iron Buddhist temple, the Cangzhou Islamic Beijing University temple, the Taishan temporary palace, Wu Ditai, not 阝 historical site alone graceful bearings and so on state temple, plate ancient temple, “the North China pearl” Baiyang Marsh, is the North China area biggest fresh water lake.Cangzhou existing wetland 190,000 hectares, each kind of birds 270 kinds, 101 kinds national protection migratory bird。Cangzhou's Wuqiao county is township of the world famous acrobatics.“The Chinese Wuqiao international acrobatic festival” by national Ministry of Culture had been determined is the international athletic field, “the Wuqiao acrobatics macrocosm” for the national 4A level scenic spot, is included by National Travel agency the folk custom scenic site, attracts large quantities of tourists to visit the tour every year.
Agricultural resources
Cangzhou has plants crops 12,414,000 Chinese acres, the lawn 600,000 Chinese acres, is the Hebei Province grain, the cotton and kapok, the oil concentrates one of production areas, north part of Beijing and Tianjin non-environmental damage vegetables main support base and China well-known high quality forage grass base, raising livestock production base.
Cangzhou is famous “township of the pear” and “the gold thread small jujube” the township.Local products and so on gold thread small jujube, winter jujube, pear are renowned at home and abroad by its fine quality, is the traditional earn foreign exchange through export product, the whole city annual production red jujube near 435,000 tons, the pear 465,000 tons.
Within the boundaries of sea
oil resource Cangzhou has North China, the big port two big oil fields, has verified the petroleum geology reserves 1,500,000,000 tons, the gas reserves 28,200,000,000 cubic meters, the development potential is ex Cangzhou is national one of four easy childbirth salt base places, the salt field area amounts to 450,000 Chinese acres, the annual output amounts to 2,000,000 tons, is national one of four easy childbi Cangzhou has 129.7 kilometers coastlines, sea fishing for, a sea water cultivation already scale, the marine life 1000 kinds, is rich in marine products and so on fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish, among “the Bohai Sea shrimp”, “the blue crab” enjoys a good reputation everywhere.Economical development
industry: My city is authorizes construct with proper priority by Ministry of Chemical Industry “the chemical city”, at present, year processing crude oil ability amounts to 5,000,000 tons, the annual production urea 480,000 tons, synthesizes the PVC resin 265,000 tons, in which PVC resin occupies the entire province similar product above 60%.The chemical fertilizer occupies the entire province similar product above 20%.And constructs the national only DI plant, yearly produces the TDI 20,000 tons.Has formed the electric wire electric cable, the bend fitting, the line board, the casting, the electronic hardware, the plastic, the leather feed, the environmental protection equipment, the packing machinery and so on ten big characteristic professions.
Township of Cangzhou Martial arts world
martial arts, deep-ro Cangzhou military outstanding, the nam The Cangzhou martial arts, spread China, fords Asia, Europe far, beautiful, the non-some countries and the area.Cangzhou “township of the martial arts” the reputation, propagates the Chinese and foreign.
The Cangzhou people, by simple and honorable, rigid, industrious, bravely were famous since old times.As a result of the geography, the historical condition relations, the intrepid military wind, all previous years are remote, are known as “the wuhan construction vast to have the table sea strong wind” saying.According to the historical records carries, the Cangzhou folk martial arts, are popular in clearly, when Sheng Yuqing, to Qianlong, township of the martial arts has formed, to end of the Qing, then discloses the overseas.
The Cangzhou martial arts, always are called “open-type”.Along with reform and open policy implementation, Cangzhou martial arts, not only receives the people to like increasingly, also increasingly receives internationally takes.In domestic, invites the dark blue nationality master of martial arts to go to impart a skill lectures and dispatches an official the dark blue inspection and the apprenticeship, involves more than 20 countries and the area.
The Cangzhou Martial arts world class and the independence fist of, the weapon, besides being lost, count 50 kinds, some six gathers, the octupole octopole, the Peru ancestor, the skill, the great-grandfathergreat-grandmother, passes the arm, divides hangs, Tang Quan, the praying mantis, Kunlun Mountains, flies the tiger, peace, eight palms, lies down, the blue duckweed sword, the Kun Wu sword, the bully knife, the enchanted stick, the second son, Miao Dao, the swallow is blue, shape Italy, the stamp foot, turn the child, the few forests, the ambush, the flowered fist, make an effort open, the short punch, the cloudy pistol, Yang Jiaqiang, the primal chaos, the Eight Diagrams proliferate each place。
The Cangzhou martial arts, spread the year depth, the collateral series date numerous, also is improving or the innovation unceasingly, although therefore a class, but various collateral series repertoire how much one, doesn't fist weapon movement style quantity one, train the speed to be also different.But the identical gate, its style characteristic still retained invariably.
Township of Cangzhou red jujube the gold thread small
jujube called gold thread small jujube, it including sugar compared to other areas high 18%, the nutrition is rich, richly including ABCP and so on the multivitamins, in the medicine calls it “the Vitamin pill”.C content is higher than several dozens times the pear, the P content occupies head of the all kinds of fruit, but also contains the calcium, the iron and so on many kinds of human bodies must the mineral substance, has the very high keeping in good health value.
Gold thread small jujube every year the late October is mature.Its fruit oval, peel brown red, the fruit macronucleus is small, the taste fragrant meat is sweet, the sugar share is high, after the small jujube breaks off maturely, can pull out seven, eight golden yellow silk, therefore the reputation is & gold thread small jujube &,Old times, had to present the royal government the imperial family, compounded & eight precious ingredients gruel &.The gold thread small jujube is the old and the weak patient's nutritious high quality goods, it includes the protein, the fat, the starch, the calcium ferro-phosphorus as well as many each kind of Vitamins.In the fresh jujube Vitamin third content is higher than 70 times the apple, the parturient woman like food kaoliang boils the millet gruel, the glutinous rice gruel which the small jujube and the small jujube cook down, or speeds up the bodily recovery.


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