
SAT和SAT2建议最多考几次,SAT写作例子:Kevin Plank  Born:August 13, -08-13) (age 39)  Kensington, Maryland, U.S.  Occupation:Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Under Armour  Kevin A. Plank (born August 13, 1972) is an American CEO and founder of Under Armour, Inc., a leading manufacturer of sports performance apparel, footwear and accessories based in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.  Early life  Plank is the youngest of five brothers, born into a competitive, tight-knit Roman Catholic family. His mother was the mayor of Kensington, Maryland. He was removed from Georgetown Preparatory School because of poor academic performance, but went on to play football at Fork Union Military Academy. Plank graduated from St. John's College High School, in Washington, D.C., where he remains an active alumnus. Plank then attended the University of Maryland.  Entrepreneurial story  At the University of Maryland, Plank avoided rules that restricted student athletes from taking jobs by launching businesses of his own. Plank developed Cupid’s Valentine, an annual business that sold roses for Valentine’s Day. He put away $17,000 from the rose business, which eventually became seed money for Under Armour..zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #BE8041; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  The original concept for Under Armour was born out of necessity, as Plank was the self-proclaimed “sweatiest guy on the football field.” Frustrated by his sweat-soaked cotton t-shirts' inability to keep him dry and comfortable, he started the hunt for a material that would wick the sweat from his body to make him lighter and faster.  From local tailor shops in College Park, Maryland to the garment district of New York City, Plank, upon graduating from Maryland in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, searched for synthetic materials to test his hypothesis. Plank ran through seven prototypes before deciding on the one he wanted to use. He then asked his former teammates to try on the shirts, explaining that his alternative to a basic cotton T-shirt would enhance their performance on the field. As Plank's friends moved on to play professionally, he would send them T-shirts, requesting that they pass them out to other players in their locker rooms.  A turning point for Plank and his start-up, Under Armour, which was now based out of a Georgetown rowhouse owned by his grandmother, came late in 1999. A $25,000 advertisement in ESPN Magazine spurred $1 million in direct sales for the following year and athletes and teams began buying the product.  In 2003, Under Armour’s first TV advertisement featured a football squad huddled around Plank’s former University of Maryland teammate Eric Ogbogu, shouting “we must protect this house.” The phrase became shorthand for the Under Armour brand and can be seen and heard throughout college football stadiums across the country.  Management style  Plank still draws upon his basic athletic values at the office. In lieu of meetings, Under Armour has “huddles,” and posted on the wall in most conference rooms are the “Under Armour Huddle” rules, which encourage workers to “be prepared to huddle,” “manage the clock,” “know your position,” “run the huddle,” “execute the play” and “respect your teammates.” These dictums are at the heart of what has made Under Armour so successful.  Philanthropy  Plank has been a long-time supporter of the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship. In addition to sitting on the University’s Board of Trustees, Plank played an integral role in the development of an endowment fund that the Dingman Center uses to invest in viable startup businesses. Plank is also responsible for the development of the annual Cupid’s Cup business competition. The competition got its name from Plank’s “Cupid’s Valentine” rose business he began while attending the University.  In addition to his involvement with his alma mater, Plank also stays active within the Baltimore and Washington DC communities sitting on the Board of Directors for the Baltimore City Fire Foundation, the Greater Baltimore Committee and Greater Washington Sports Alliance. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees for Living Classrooms, a Baltimore-Washington based non-profit organization dedicated to the hands-on education of young people using urban, natural and maritime environments as “living classrooms."  On a national level, Plank is also a member the Board of Trustees for the National Football Foundation and the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association. His involvement in philanthropy has also translated to his business. Under Armour supports the V Foundation for cancer research and has its own Power in Pink campaign, raising funds for breast cancer research and education. In addition, Under Armour supports The Boomer Esiason Foundation, The Rock Foundation, Ronald McDonald House and Conservation Fund. The Company also has a “Give Back” program, encouraging employees to become involved with local charities.  以上整理的就是SAT写作例子:Kevin Plank,希望对考生们有帮助,进群就免费送历年SAT真题、机经、备考资料大全,关于本文有任何疑问,请和在线专家联系...
Born:August 13, -08-13) (age 39)  Kensington, Maryland, U.S.  Occupation:Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Under Armour  Kevin A. Plank (born August 13, 1972) is an American CEO and founder of Under Armour, Inc., a leading manufacturer of sports performance apparel, footwear and accessories based in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.  Early life  Plank is the youngest of five brothers, born into a competitive, tight-knit Roman Catholic family. His mother was the mayor of Kensington, Maryland. He was removed from Georgetown Preparatory School because of poor academic performance, but went on to play football at Fork Union Military Academy. Plank graduated from St. John's College High School, in Washington, D.C., where he remains an active alumnus. Plank then attended the University of Maryland.  Entrepreneurial story  At the University of Maryland, Plank avoided rules that restricted student athletes from taking jobs by launching businesses of his own. Plank developed Cupid’s Valentine, an annual business that sold roses for Valentine’s Day. He put away $17,000 from the rose business, which eventually became seed money for Under Armour.  The original concept for Under Armour was born out of necessity, as Plank was the self-proclaimed “sweatiest guy on the football field.” Frustrated by his sweat-soaked cotton t-shirts' inability to keep him dry and comfortable, he started the hunt for a material that would wick the sweat from his body to make him lighter and faster.  From local tailor shops in College Park, Maryland to the garment district of New York City, Plank, upon graduating from Maryland in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, searched for synthetic materials to test his hypothesis. Plank ran through seven prototypes before deciding on the one he wanted to use. He then asked his former teammates to try on the shirts, explaining that his alternative to a basic cotton T-shirt would enhance their performance on the field. As Plank's friends moved on to play professionally, he would send them T-shirts, requesting that they pass them out to other players in their locker rooms.  A turning point for Plank and his start-up, Under Armour, which was now based out of a Georgetown rowhouse owned by his grandmother, came late in 1999. A $25,000 advertisement in ESPN Magazine spurred $1 million in direct sales for the following year and athletes and teams began buying the product.  In 2003, Under Armour’s first TV advertisement featured a football squad huddled around Plank’s former University of Maryland teammate Eric Ogbogu, shouting “we must protect this house.” The phrase became shorthand for the Under Armour brand and can be seen and heard throughout college football stadiums across the country.  Management style  Plank still draws upon his basic athletic values at the office. In lieu of meetings, Under Armour has “huddles,” and posted on the wall in most conference rooms are the “Under Armour Huddle” rules, which encourage workers to “be prepared to huddle,” “manage the clock,” “know your position,” “run the huddle,” “execute the play” and “respect your teammates.” These dictums are at the heart of what has made Under Armour so successful.  Philanthropy  Plank has been a long-time supporter of the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship. In addition to sitting on the University’s Board of Trustees, Plank played an integral role in the development of an endowment fund that the Dingman Center uses to invest in viable startup businesses. Plank is also responsible for the development of the annual Cupid’s Cup business competition. The competition got its name from Plank’s “Cupid’s Valentine” rose business he began while attending the University.  In addition to his involvement with his alma mater, Plank also stays active within the Baltimore and Washington DC communities sitting on the Board of Directors for the Baltimore City Fire Foundation, the Greater Baltimore Committee and Greater Washington Sports Alliance. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees for Living Classrooms, a Baltimore-Washington based non-profit organization dedicated to the hands-on education of young people using urban, natural and maritime environments as “living classrooms."  On a national level, Plank is also a member the Board of Trustees for the National Football Foundation and the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association. His involvement in philanthropy has also translated to his business. Under Armour supports the V Foundation for cancer research and has its own Power in Pink campaign, raising funds for breast cancer research and education. In addition, Under Armour supports The Boomer Esiason Foundation, The Rock Foundation, Ronald McDonald House and Conservation Fund. The Company also has a “Give Back” program, encouraging employees to become involved with local charities. 编辑推荐:SAT写作素材:铁路运输SAT写作素材:不吃早餐的坏处...
我还会把大陆的美食都介绍给你们,给哈尔滨的冬天增添了一道美丽的风景,给台湾小朋友的信  亲爱的台湾小朋友∶  你们好,哈尔滨的冰雪大世界,哈尔滨的冰雪大世界,台湾的小朋友们,希望宝岛台湾早日回到祖国母亲的怀抱,北京的烤鸭等,新疆的烤全羊,美丽的风景...
第一章 常见烹饪原料的基础知识
第一节 蔬菜类
第二节 水产品
第三节 畜禽类
第四节 粮食
第五节 果品类
第六节 调味品
第二章 食品营养基础知识
第一节 人体需要的能量
第二节 人体需要的营养素
第三章 食...
英文名 Iris
生日 12月21日
身高 165 公分
体重 43公斤
专长 主持、表演、创作、音乐
兴趣 旅行、烹饪、舞蹈
2000 Channel[V] 【烫手区】 节目主持人
2001 Channel[V] 【V式会社】 节目主持人
2001 Channel[V] 【南方哇哭妖】节目主持人
2001 Channel[V] 【大和滔】节目主持人
2001 亚洲 Channel [V] 排行榜主持
2002 ETFM【娱乐笑嘻嘻】代班主持
2002 中视【综艺少女组】节目主持人(与何嘉文&季芹搭档)
2002 Channel[V] 【亚洲华语20强】 节目主持人
2002 八大电视综合台 【百分百哈乐族】 节目主持人
2002 八大电视综合台 【娱乐晚点名】 娱乐主播
2003 MUCH TV 【MUCH孩子王】 节目主持人
2004 纬来综合台 【康康大网咖】 节目主持人
2004 华视 【天才向前冲】 节目主持人 (目前主持中)
2005 中天 【美丽艺能界】代班主持
2005 TVBS-G 【娱乐新闻】代班主持
2006 中天【台湾旺旺旺】春节除夕初一特别节目主持
2006 东森【张菲32现场】助理主持人
2001 GLAY 【日本福冈演唱会采访】
2003 中视 【世界非常奇妙】 (目前主持中)
2004 TVBS-G台 【 Fashion Walker】
2004 东森综合台 【台湾众议团】
2004 民视 【美凤水当当】
2001 民视 偶像剧 【蓝星】 客串演出
2003 华视 青春偶像剧【新麻辣鲜师】客串演出
2003 国防部 莒光日 【保防单元】女主角
2004 东森综合台 八点档 【老婆大人】 客串演出
2004 华视 【欲望101】 客串演出
2004 林俊杰 【距离】 MTV 女主角
2004 电影 【怎么浪漫都可以】 女主角
2005 华视【欲望101】客串演出
2005 TVBS-G台【八星报喜】客串演出
2004 奇异果嘉年华美食秀记者会主持
2004 中天娱乐台端午节乐透户外开奖活动主持(与瓜哥搭档)
2004 威娜国际流行发型秀发表会主持
2004 数位休闲娱乐产业展记者会主持
2004 AXN【动作新人王】偶像明星选拔赛活动主持
2004 eBuy网路活动记者会主持
2004 泰山GO棒拼世界青春代表选拔总决赛活动主持
2004 乐台中秋节乐透户外开奖活动主持(与聂云搭档)
2005 上山采药【纯米Q白系列】产品上市发表记者会
2005 L’OREAL【巴黎情迷之夜】春酒晚会主持
2005 Cos Model医学美容系列上市记者会主持
2005 香港旅游发展局‘幻彩香江之夜’主持
2005 “反烟拒毒”公益活动主持
2005 三星手机记者会主持
2005 IPSA百货公司活动主持
2005 云林县中秋节晚会活动主持
2005 三义木雕节活动主持
2005 友讯科技耶诞PARTY
2006 台北市政府【台北最HIGH新年城 2006跨年晚会】主持人(中天转播)
2006 香港烟商蓝星春酒主持
2006 日本保养品VECUA上市记者会/活动主持
2006 IPSA全省百货公司活动主持
更新时间: 10:47:08 文章来源: 【字体: 】
<font color='#8edu推广&
[导读]你有这样的悲惨经验吗?明明打扮得很妖娇,走在街上,结果被半路发传单的欧吉桑说: 妈妈这给你家里的小孩子做参考喔!天阿,到底做错了甚么陷入了这悲惨的情况呢?今天要教你从姐姐变同学的神奇化妆术喔!你有这样的悲惨经验吗?明明打扮得很妖娇,走在街上,结果被半路发传单的欧吉桑说: 妈妈这给你家里的小孩子做参考喔!天阿,到底做错了甚么陷入了这悲惨的情况呢?今天要教你从姐姐变同学的神奇化妆术喔!
(提亮眼尾C字处 拉提眼型)
PART1 邵婷
1.容易看起来baby face眉眼之间间距太近(右眼)
<font color='#8edu推广&
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
评 论 人:
严禁发表危害国家安全、损害国家利益、破坏民族团结、破坏国家宗教政策、破坏社会稳定、侮辱、诽谤、教唆、淫秽等内容的评论 。
  Let's begin...
  Step 1:先画好眉毛,好的眉形能为整个妆容加分不少。
  Step 2:在眼头和卧蚕处用香槟色珠光眼影提亮。
  Step 3:在眼窝处用浅棕色珠光眼影打底。
  Step 4:眼尾三角形区域也用浅棕色珠光眼影填满。
  Step 5:上眼皮除去正中间的区域外,其他区域用棕色珠光眼影晕染。
  Step 6:下眼睑沿着睫毛根部用棕色珠光眼影晕染,用眼影刷从眼尾往前晕染,在快接近眼头位置时即收笔。
  Step 7:用深棕色珠光眼影在上眼皮连段晕染,让三层深浅不同的棕色眼影呈现出层次感。
  Step 8:用眼线笔沿睫毛根部画一条下垂的黑色眼线。
  Step 9:在双眼皮褶皱处再用深棕色珠光眼影加深一下。
  Step 10:眼皮正中间用香槟色珠光眼影提亮。
  Step 11:贴上假睫毛并刷上睫毛膏。
  Step 12:从瞳孔正上方开始,用眼线液沿着睫毛根部画眼线,眼线逐渐加粗,眼尾微微上扬。
  Step 1:用浅棕色眉笔画好眉毛。
  Step 2:用眼影刷沾取深棕色眼影晕染在上眼睑。
  Step 3:用深紫色眼影在棕色眼影外围晕染。
  Step 4:用黑色眼影笔沿睫毛根部画一条眼线,眼尾微微拉长上翘。
  Step 5:用黑色眼线笔在下眼睑画一条内眼线。
  Step 6:用小号眼线刷沾取深棕色眼影在下眼睑后半段晕染。
  Step 7:下眼睑前半段用白色珠光眼影晕染。
  Step 8:刷上睫毛膏,睫毛要根根分明。
  Step 1:先用棕色眉粉画好眉毛,眉毛的颜色不能深过发色。
  Step 2:在眼周用裸色眼影大面积打底。
  Step 3:上眼皮眼尾用浅棕色眼影晕染,沿着眼窝轮廓晕染能让眼睛看起来更加立体。
  Step 4:眼尾三角形区域用深棕色眼影晕染。
  Step 5:紧贴眼睫毛根部画一条黑色的眼线。
  Step 6:在睫毛根部位置贴上假睫毛。
  Step 7:在贴假睫毛的位置用眼线笔再画一条眼线,眼尾拉长上扬。贴假睫毛的胶水一定要用眼线笔遮盖住。
  Step 8:下眼尾三角形区域用棕色珠光眼影晕染。
  Step 9:用红褐色眼线笔在下眼睑内侧画一条内眼线。
  Step 10:刷上睫毛膏。
  Step 1:眉毛是眼睛的框架,好的眉形能增加面部的轮廓感,所以化妆的第一步是把眉妆画好。
  Step 2:接着用紫粉色眼影在眼皮上大面积打底。
  Step 3:眼睑处用浅紫色眼影晕染。
  Step 4:在位置1用金色珠光眼线笔画一小段眼线;瞳孔正下方以及眼尾三角形区域即位置3用棕色眼影晕染。
  Step 5:用眼线笔沿着睫毛根部画一条眼线,眼尾颜色减淡并微微拉长。
  Step 6:贴上假睫毛,把真假睫毛梳在一起,眼尾用睫毛夹将睫毛夹的向上卷翘。


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